To: All CFR Staff:
We wish to express our appreciation to all participants in the review of College administrative functions and processes. We were favorably impressed by the two reports submitted by the Organizational Review Team (ORT) on January 3 and March 21, 2001. On behalf of the Dean's Office, I also wish to acknowledge the time and effort many of you expended in drafting and assembling these reports.
The College Management Council discussed the ORT Reports, along with written suggestions provided by Renee Hanson and Jonathan Halperin. They are hereby available for further distribution and discussion throughout the College. Copies are available from Sally Morgan. It is the Council's intention to move the Reports' suggestions and recommendations forward by initiating the actions described below.
The Dean's Office endorses the general concepts of continuous improvement, client focus and local autonomy regarding agreed-upon functional responsibilities. We encourage staff to assume greater responsibility for the efficient and effective organization, management and operation of their respective work units. Requests relative to increased staffing, greater unit autonomy or desired changes in work unit responsibilities will necessarily require the review of, and acceptance by, the Dean prior to implementation. Units assuming greater responsibility must also assure the Dean's Office that any decentralized processes pass standards of an audit. Generally, the Council believes those closest to the work place are in the best position to take the necessary actions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of their respective unit. As each work unit evolves, its staff is responsible for updating and communicating changes in policies, procedures, deadlines, etc. to the entire College in a timely and cogent manner.
The Dean's Office endorses the recommendations that follow and requests each functional work unit supervisor, in collaboration with work unit employees, to:
1. Establish or update functional position titles and responsibilities.
2. Prepare current job descriptions for each employee.
3. Design workable back-up processes and systems for each set of duties.
4. Identify needed training, including cross-training, for each employee to improve employee productivity.
5. Develop plans to provide for adequate coverage of key positions during absences.
6. Provide each employee with a comprehensive annual review to include: an update of the job description, training needs and other requirements to improve productivity.
7. Develop a thorough guide to the unit's administrative processes for inclusion in the CFR User's Guide.
All functional work units, areas of responsibility or unit supervisors of the College are responsible for responding to the above items. Written responses to the above seven points should be submitted to the CFR Administrator. In order to maintain uniformity and continuity among work units it is highly likely that the Administrator will wish to provide some central direction. Thus you should feel free to consult with her prior to finalization of your responses. All written reports are due by November 30, 2001.
In addition, each of the work units identified below is asked to respond to the specific ORT Report recommendations as described below. Please note that all reports identified below will be passed through the Management Council for final action.
Financial Services
We request that the Financial Services unit assume responsibility for evaluating and implementing the recommendations contained in the January 3, 2001 ORT Report as described in attachment 1. A written response should be submitted to the CFR Administrator by November 30, 2001.
The recommendation to establish an ad hoc committee to study staffing needs is accepted. We request that the Work Place Quality Committee (WOQC) establish an ad hoc subcommittee (supplemented as necessary) for this purpose. This subcommittee is to consider the recommendations described in attachment 2 of the January 3, 2001 ORT Report. A written response should be submitted to the WPQC by November 30, 2001.
Internal Communication
Per attachment 3 of the January 3, 2001 ORT Report, the Dean's Office accepts the recommendation to continue to use email (with web back-up) as the primary mode for internal communication. We also accept the recommendation to continue to assemble and distribute a weekly newsletter via email (with web back-up). The Dean's Office will assume responsibility for maintaining and supporting a reception desk (and phones) for the College and will oversee the maintenance, design and functioning of the College home page -- including the internal web pages that contain the CFR User's Guide.
External Communication
The CFR Administrator and the Director of Outreach are asked to prepare a report to the Management Council concerning the recommendations contained in attachment 4 of the January 3, 2001 ORT Report. The co-chairs should widely consult with all College units in preparing their report. Recommendations related to the College's web pages must be coordinated with the Dean's Office per the Internal Communication recommendations. A written report should be submitted to the Management Council by November 30, 2001
Many of the activities described in attachment 5 of the January 3, 2001 ORT Report deal with the hiring of temporary field crews at remote locations. Others deal with general hiring processes. To move forward on these recommendations, the CFR Administrator will form an ad hoc committee to help conduct this review process and to make recommendations. A written report will be submitted to the Management Council by November 30, 2001.
Training/Development and Performance
We accept the recommendation contained in attachment 6 of the January 3, 2001 ORT Report to have a committee further study the suggestions described. The Work Place Quality Committee is requested to recommend the appropriate steps to be taken (with timelines). The full suite of training opportunities available to all UW staff should be made well known to everyone. A written report should be submitted to the CFR Administrator by November 30, 2001.
Grants and Contracts
We request that the Financial Services unit assume responsibility for evaluating and implementing the recommendations contained in the January 3, 2001 ORT Report as described in attachment 7. A written response should be submitted to the CFR Administrator by November 30, 2001.
Staff Process Improvement Committee
We accept the recommendation contained in attachment 8 of the January 3, 2001 ORT Report to establish a committee to facilitate a continuing dialogue related to operational issues. We ask that the Work Place Quality Committee assume this responsibility and submit a report to the CFR Administrator by November 30, 2001 addressing the recommendations in attachment 8.
The Dean's Office will take the issues identified in attachment 9 under advisement.
B. Bruce Bare
Acting Dean, Forest Resources
Rachel A. Woods Professor
cc: All CFR Faculty