After looking at our 10th day undergraduate enrollment numbers it is clear that we need to move aggressively to implement the recommendations contained in the Ad Hoc ESRM Recruitment Committee Report. As the ad hoc committee stated, we are collectively doing a number of good things to bring more ESRM majors into the College and these need to continue. We have experienced good growth (16%) over where we were last year in ESRM majors. However, the ad hoc committee provided a set of recommendations in section two of their report which require action:
Recommendations in this section are currently being addressed by the CFR Curriculum Committee which is co-chaired by Steve and Clare. A time table for achieving the tasks that were identified is needed so we can resolve several outstanding issues associated with the ESRM curriculum.
Recommendations in this section address a mix of communication, advising, and curriculum issues. I would like the College Planning Committee (CPC) to establish an ad hoc work group to move forward on these recommendations.
We are presently advertising for a new web database analyst who will be asked to assist with recommendations in this area. Apart from the communication with the CFRAA, I would like the CPC to establish an ad hoc work group to move forward on these recommendations.
It is important that we address our student recruitment issues in a coordinated an holistic manner. I believe that the Ad Hoc ESRM Recruitment Committee Report provides a great platform for us to build on during the academic year.
Thanks very much and best wishes.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean