The following notes were presented and discussed by Acting Dean Bare at the CFR All-College Meeting. Additional details may be found at this link. Complete minutes from the meeting are also available.
CFR's Vision
The College of Forest Resources will be preeminent in teaching and advancing the frontiers of knowledge in integrated resource stewardship and utilization in natural and managed environments.
Sustainability is a common goal that we wish to see implemented
throughout the College's programs including:
It provides a focus for our programs and helps direct our curriculum discussions.
It also allows us to show cross-linkages between the social, ecological and economic dimensions that we use to assess sustainability, and the science, engineering and management components of our undergraduate offerings.
For Autumn quarter, we are focusing attention on the creation of an environmental science curriculum in forest resources.
We are also undertaking the design and planning for rebuilding Merrill Hall at CUH. The basic theme is to promote the sustainability of urban environments - widely defined.
We are beginning two efforts, involving all members of the College
community, to help us fully realize this vision:
Review our strategic directions and find ways to improve our work place
environment and culture.
Our staff has just begun a review and assessment of the Organizational Review Team's Report.
Each College work unit is also preparing a unit work plan that is supportive of, and consistent with, this vision.
CFR's contribution to the UW capital campaign is also being defined within the same context.
Other on-going events are the President's Charting Directions Committee and the College's Advisory Board. Both are helping us envision our future within the University and Region.
Now, we wish to invite all of you to share any thoughts you have about any of these topics.
B. Bruce Bare
Acting Dean, Forest Resources