College Resources Committee Meeting - April 1, 2005 Attending: Bob Edmonds (Chair), Steve West, Jim Agee, Rick Gustafson, Sally Morgan
The following space requests were addressed:
a. Dr. Dean Glawe - office and lab space
Recommendation: Suitable space is available in Bloedel Hall, Room 334 which has a lab bench and sink and will enable Dr. Glawe to operate this room as an office/lab. He can operate his microscope equipment from this space and it has adequate wall space for book shelves, etc. For his molecular work, he will utilize space in Bloedel 260 (Edmonds lab) and at least 2 graduate students can be accommodated there. In addition, space for molecular work is available in Hitchcock (Ammirati lab).
PENDING completion of a suitable faculty appointment in CFR for Dr. Glawe AND a signed memorandum of understanding between the UW and WSU this space request will be approved and effective. 4/17/05.
b. Dr. David Ford
Proposal: Shared space be allocated to Dr. Ford to accommodate his need for bench and office space for 2 new students in Winkenwerder 215 (Hinckley/Sprugel lab). Drs. Hinckley and Sprugel agree to discuss the use of a lab bench and office space to accommodate Dr. Ford's new graduate students. Additional discussion among plant science faculty regarding space issues in WINK on-going.
ON HOLD pending additional discussion. 4/17/05
c. CFR IT Group
Proposal: CFR IT be allocated Bloedel 156 (510 square feet), 156A (76 square feet) and 156 B (77 square feet) - total 653 square feet and that the student teaching space presently assigned to this space be moved to 311 Bloedel (691 square feet). All computers presently located in Bloedel 311 will be moved to Bloedel 156. In essence, the computer lab would be moved from Bloedel 311 to Bloedel 156 with Bloedel 156A and 156B being used by CFR IT for work space.
ON HOLD pending additional information concerning costs of relocation. 4/17/05
B. Bruce Bare, Dean