Dear CFR Faculty and Staff,
As last communicated to you on May 21, 2003, it is our intention to implement all 2003-2004 budget cuts as outlined in an earlier memo of April 8, 2003. Now, the budget picture for the next fiscal year is much clearer, allowing us to provide final details for this fiscal year.
In mid-July, the Regents adopted a final budget for the University for the 2003-04 fiscal year. Our College was assigned an overall permanent budget cut of 2.27% for FY 2003-04. Our earlier planning for a cut of 5% took into consideration the likelihood that there would be additional permanent cuts in each of the next two to four years. To avoid diminishing services by small, but painful increments year after year, we asked each CFR director with permanent state budgets to plan aggressively for future changes. To that end, and as stated above, we have implemented the permanent cuts planned at the 5% level even though our permanent budget reduction is about 50% lower.
The total required budget reduction for the College (with staff benefits) is $140,019. Of this amount, $137,974 is from GOF accounts and $2,045 from DOF accounts. And, of the required $137,974 reduction, $110,767 comes from central College budgets and $27,207 from research centers with permanent state budgets. All of the $2,045 DOF reduction comes from central College budgets. Lastly, of the $110,767 GOF reduction from central College funds, $76,961 is from faculty lines; $24,585 from staff positions; and $9,221 from operations.
Following our April 8 plan calling for a 5% reduction in the College's permanent state budgets for FY 2003-04, state budgets for the Washington Park Arboretum, Center for Urban Horticulture, Olympic Natural Resources Center, Pack Forest, and Center for Water and Watershed Studies are permanently reduced by 10%. The rational for this reduction is discussed in the April 8, 2003 message. Only the 2.27% required cut from these units will be returned to the University at this time and the remaining 7.73% will be pooled in a new College budget created for this purpose. It is expected that the bulk of any budget cut for FY 2004-2005 will be taken from this budget. If this pool is not sufficient to cover such a budget cut, we will re-visit this issue.
Excess funds retained in the College from reductions to the above named Center budgets form an opportunity pool to fund innovative proposals that support the future directions of the College. These temporary funds are available upon application by Center directors. Applications must stress how the funds will be used to promote the mission/vision of the College as it strives to transform its programs to ensure high quality and relevance to the UW, our constituents, and our goals. Thus, proposals that seek to improve the quality or delivery of Center services with declining state funds and/or provide a match to new funding sources to promote attainment of the College's and Center's vision and goals will receive high priority. Proposals that seek to restore or sustain current operations and only delay the effect of the cut will receive low priority. Initially the amount for which each Center is eligible is limited by the amount of its contribution to the pool. Funds which are undistributed by December 1, 2003 will be available for award without Center restrictions.
Funds which remain in the pool after budget cuts in subsequent years will be available for temporary rebudgeting upon application. Should funds remain in the pool during a period of sustained prosperity and budget increases, they will be permanently rebudgeted and the pool budget closed.
Proposals from Center directors (of the centers named earlier) for recovery of funds for 2003-2004 should be submitted to Steve West by October 15, 2003. Proposals must include a line item budget and a statement of less than one page on the justification, desired outcomes of the expenditure, and its importance to the College' vision, mission, and goals. Decisions will be made by the Dean with the advice of the College Executive Committee and the EFC.
B. Bruce Bare, Dean