Schedule of lectures

MATH/STAT 395: Winter 2009

(If a link is not working by the time it is needed, please ask!)

Ross denotes the class text, 7 th. edition. Homeworks Exx refer to the Problems section of each Chapter, unless otherwise specified. Note there are other exercises: Theoretical Exx, and Self-test Exx etc. etc. Be careful to do the right Exx for homeworks.

Topic and Book sections
References and remarks
Homeworks/ Possible Exx.
1. Mon Jan 5 Review of random variables, and their
pmf/pdf, expectations and variances.
Ross: 4.2-4.5, 5.1-5.2.
Web page for MATH/STAT 394 A: Fall 2008
Introduction to Genetics
Notes for week 1: Jan 5,7,9,12.
Office hour; Tues Jan 6, 1.30-2-30 p.m. only this week.
2. Wed Jan 7 Review of continuous random variables:
Uniform, Exponential, and Normal. Ross 5.3 to 5.5
The cumulative distribution function (cdf): Ross 4.9
Homework 1: Do, or redo, the 394 final exam: due Jan 14.
3. Fri, Jan 9 More on cdfs's and Normal dsns
Bernoulli process review.
Office hour: Friday 10.00-11.30 a.m.
4. Mon, Jan 12 Poisson process: basic properties and examples. Notes for week 2: Jan 14,16.
Office hour: Tues 2.00-3:30
5. Wed Jan 14 The gamma function and gamma densities: Ross 5.6 Notes for week 2: Jan 14,16.
Homework 1 (see 1/07) is due.
Homework 2: due 1/21
Ross: Ch 5: 1, 8, 11, 32. Ch 5: TE 8.
6. Fri Jan 16 Examples and Exx of Poisson process Homework 1 solns
Sorry, no Friday Office hour Jan 16.
Monday, Jan 19 MLK Holiday NO CLASSES.
Tues Office hour 2.00-3.30 as usual;
Notes for week 3: Jan 21,23,26. ( posted
1/16: typos fixed 1/20.
7. Wed Jan 21 Location and scale: linear transformations.
Normal, Gamma, Uniform. (Ross 5.4,5.6).
Homework 2 (see 1/14) is due.
Homework 3: due 1/28
Ch 5: 16, 19, 26 Ch 5: TE 9, TE 12
8. Fri Jan 23 Examples with Linear transformations:
Normal, Gamma, Uniform.
Homework 2 solns
Useful Exx: Ch 5, ST; 4,8,10;
9. Mon Jan 26 Joint and marginal distributions.
the multinomial distribution. Ross 6.1
Notes for week 4: Jan 28,30. Feb 2.
Fact sheet for Feb 6 Midterm.
10. Wed Jan 28 Independent random variables: Ross 6.2
Buffon's needle example.
Homework 3 (see 1/21) is due.
Homework 4: due 2/4
Ross Ch 6: 1(a),(b); 6, 10, 20, 21
Info for Feb 6 Midterm:posted Jan 27.
11. Fri Jan 30 Examples of computing probabilities. Homework 3 solns
Useful Exx: Ch 6, ST 2, 4, 6 (not (f))
12 Mon Feb 2 Conditional distributions and densities
Two examples only; Ross 6.4, 6.5
13 Wed Feb 4 Midterm review
Fact sheet for Feb 6 Midterm.
Info for Feb 6 Midterm:posted Jan 27.
Homework 4 (see 1/28) is due: no late hwks.
Homework 4 solns
Solutions posted 9:40 a.m. 2/4
Homework 5: due 2/11
Ross Ch 6: 23, 27(b), 42(a), 8(a)(b), 43.
14 Fri Feb 6 MIDTERM-1 EAT AWAY: no Friday office hour.
Notes for week 6: Feb 9,11,13.
Posted Feb 2. (There are no week-5 notes)
15 Mon Feb 9 Expectations, Variance and Covariance Ross 7.1, 7.4 Notes for week 6: Feb 9,11,13.
Posted Feb 2. (There are no week-5 notes)
16 Wed Feb 11 Variance and covariance of sums of random variables. Ross 7.4 Homework 5 (see 2/4) is due.
Homework 6: due 2/18
Ross: Ch 7; 1, 3, 30&33; Ch 7; TE 18, TE 19&22
17 Fri Feb 13 Moment generating functions: Ross 7.7. Midterm return. Midterm-1 solutions (posted 2/11). Summary of student scores (posted 2/13)
Homework 5 solns
Monday Feb 16 Presidents' Day NO CLASSES
Notes for week 7: Feb 18,20,23. Posted Feb 17.
18 Wed Feb 18 MFGs and Sums of independent random variables.Ross 7.4, 6.3
Indicator random variables; sampling without replacement.
Notes for week 7: Feb 18,20,23. Posted Feb 17.
Homework 6 (see 2/11) is due.
Homework 7: due 2/25
Ross Problems: Ch 7; 75, 21, 23, 9, 32 (n=4 only!)
(See the web page for hints etc!!)
19 Fri Feb 20 Indicator r.v. examples: multinomial covariances, and a Polya Urn model. Homework 6 solns
Info for midterm-2 posted 2/20 under Feb 25 date.
20 Mon Feb 23 Normal random variables; the mgf, linear combinations. The bivariate Normal distribution.
21 Wed Feb 25 Review for Midterm-2
Info for Feb 27 Midterm posted 2/20.
Fact sheet for Feb 27 Midterm(slightly updated 2/24).
Homework 7 (see 2/18) is due; solutions posted.
Homework 8: due 3/4
Ross: Ch 6; 2(a)&35, 3(a)&37, 28; Ch 7; 48, 51.
22 Fri Feb 27 Second Midterm Office hour: 10:00-11:00 only (except by appt).
Notes for week 9: Mar 2,4,6
(There are no week 8 notes).
23 Mon Mar 2 Back to conditional pmf and pdf; Ross 6.4,6.5. Notes for week 9: Mar 2,4,6
Midterm-2 solutions (posted 3/01).
24 Wed Mar 4 Conditional expectation Ross 7.5 Midterm-2 return: scores summary
(Solutions are posted under Mar 2)
Homework 8 (see 2/25) is due.
Homework 9: due 3/11
Ross: Ch 7; 40, 50, 58, TE 30, TE 32
25 Fri Mar 6 Examples of conditional distributions and expectations. Homework 8 solns
Notes for week 10: Mar 9,11 (posted 3/01)
See additional Homework 9 hints
26 Mon Mar 9 Mean and variance of a sum of a random number of independent random varianble. Student course evaluations.
Notes for week 10: Mar 9,11 (posted 3/01)
See additional Homework 9 hints (posted Mar 6)
27 Wed Mar 11 Using conditional expectations and mgfs.
Fact sheet for Final Exam(posted 3/9).
Homework 9 (see 3/4) is due.
Homework 9 solns
28 Fri Mar 13 Final review for final:
Best examples are previous homeworks and midterms!! but see also ST Exx Under Mon Mar 16.
Fact sheet for Final Exam(posted 3/9).
Usual office hour; 10-11.30 a.m.
Mon Mar 16 These examples may (???) be useful:
Ch 5, ST, 10,13,18; Ch 6, ST, 3; Ch 7 ST 4, 17,22.
EXTRA office hour; 3-5 p.m.; Homework 9's are available for return: 1.50 p.m. 3/16.
March 17
Final Exam: 8:30-10:20: THO 325
Official UW time and place for this exam