Note that doing only the Homework examples is likely insufficient to gain practice and understanding. One learns by doing examples: this is true of all Math, but especially true of Probability. Examples other than the homework are suggested on the schedule. There are also many self-test examples in Ross (the text book).
Note also the information regarding homeworks on the
Class home page.
Homeworks listed here are not final until one week before the due date.
Updates made more than one week before the due date may not be notified to
Homework 1; Due 8.30 a.m. Wed Jan 14
Do or redo the Stat394 final exam.
Here are some book sections for those who need to review,
Questions 1,2: Ross Section 3.3.
Question 3: Ross Section 4.6 and 4.8.2.
Question 4(a): Ross, first part of 4.7 (P. 161); 4(c) Ross section 5.4.1.
Question 5: Ross, first part of 5.5 (P. 230-231).
Homework 2; Due 8.30 a.m. Wed Jan 21
Ross Problems: Ch 5: 1, 8, 11, 32. Ch 5: TE 8.
Homework 3; Due 8.30 a.m. Wed Jan 28
Ross Problems: Ch 5: 16, 19, 26 Ch 5: TE 9, TE 12
Homework 4; Due 8.30 a.m. Wed Feb 4
Ross Problems: Ch 6: 1(a),(b); 6, 10, 20, 21
Note: NO late homeworks this week, as solutions will be posted
immediately after Wed class:
Homework 4 material will be included
in the Feb 6 Midterm.
Homework 5; Due 8.30 a.m. Wed Feb 11
Ross Problems: Ch 6: 23, 27(b); 42(a); 8(a),(b); 43
Note 1: They are in this order because 8 and 43 have same setup.
(BUT be careful: Ross reverses X and Y between the two questions.)
Also, book solution is cdf not pdf; but this hwk is heavy enough that
pdf is good enough for me
-- so long as you remember to say which is is!
Note 2: For 27(b), find the cdf of W = X/Y, by finding prob X/Y is less than w.
Homework 6; Due 8.30 a.m. Wed Feb 18
Ross Problems: Ch 7; 1, 3, 30&33; Ch 7; TE 18, TE 19&22.
Problems 30 and 33 count as a single question, because they are little.
Questions TE 19 and TE 22 count as a single question, because they are little.
Hint for TE 18: (posted and emailed 2/17):
N_i is the number of objects of type i. N_j is the number of objects of type
We have objects that are independently of types 1,2,...,i,...,j,...k
with probability p_i.
What is the probability the object is of type either i or j?
So what is the pmf of the number of objects type either i or j?