Information for Midterm-1: in class; Friday Feb 6.
The exam is in-class, closed-book, closed-notes.
A page of Useful facts will be provided for
this exam.
Plain paper for your solutions will be provided. Please bring pen/pencil,
eraser, ...
For this exam you will not need a Normal probability table. You
are advised to bring a caculator.
The exam is based on material covered in MATH/STAT 395A, up to and
including the notes for Friday Jan 30. This is also the material covered
in homeworks up to and including homework 4. Homework 4 solutions will be
posted by 10.30 a.m. Wed Feb 4, immediately after they are submitted.
The exam will NOT include the material in lecture 12 (Monday, Feb 2):
this material will however be included in Homework 5, due Feb 11.
I am away Feb 4-7; leaving soon after class on Feb 4.
Graduate student Yanming Di will proctor the Feb 6 Midterm Exam.
The exam will have 3 questions: in format it will be similar to
Midterm 1 and
Midterm 2 of
MATH/STAT 394. (You can find the solutions for those exams there too).
Hopefully, the exam will be maybe a little longer than Midterm-1, but
shorter than Midterm-2 of 394.
Please let me know if you have additional questions regarding this exam.