Chapter 4 Vectors

This chapter covers the foundational concepts for working with vectors in R. Vectors are the fundamental data type in R: in order to use R, you need to become comfortable with vectors. This chapter will discuss how R stores information in vectors, the way in which operations are executed in vectorized form, and how to extract subsets of vectors. These concepts are key to effectively programming in R.

While keeping all data in vectors is specific to R, many programming languages support similar vectors in one form or another. Vectors and vectorized operations are also fundamental tools for data programming.

4.1 What is a Vector?

Vectors are simply a number of similar values stored next to each other. For example, you can make a vector that contains the character strings “Sarah”, “Amit”, and “Zhang”. As another example, you can make a vector that stores the numbers from 1 to 100. In R, vectors are just ordinary variables, so you can call the vector of three persons people and the vector of 100 integers numbers.

Technically, vectors are one-dimensional ordered collections of values that are all stored in a single variable. Each value in a vector is refered to as an element of that vector; thus the people vector would have 3 elements, "Sarah", "Amit", and "Zhang", and numbers vector will have 100 elements. Ordered means that once in the vector, the elements will remain there in the original order. If “Amit” was put on the second place, it will remain on the second place unless explicitly moved.

Unfortunately, there are at least five different and sometimes contradicting definitions of what is “vector” in R. Here we focus on atomic vectors, vectors that contain the atomic data types (see Section 2.5). Another different class of vectors is generalized vectors or lists, the topic of Section 6.

Atomic vector can only contain elements of a single atomic data type—numeric, integer, character or logical. Importantly, all the elements in a vector need to have the same. You can’t have an atomic vector whose elements include both numbers and character strings.

4.2 Creating Vectors

4.2.1 Combining elements with c()

Perhaps the most straightforward and universal way to create vectors is to use the built in c() function, which c_ombines_ values into a vector. The c() function takes in any number of arguments of the same type (separated by commas as usual), and returns a vector that contains those elements:

# Use the combine (`c`) function to create a vector.
people <- c("Sarah", "Amit", "Zhang")
## [1] "Sarah" "Amit"  "Zhang"
numbers <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
## [1] 1 2 3 4 5

You can use the length() function to determine how many elements are in a vector:

## [1] 3
## [1] 5

As atomic vectors can only contain same type of elements, c() automatically casts (converts) one type to the other if necessary (and if possible). For instance, when attempting to create a vector containing number 1 and character “a”

mix <- c(1, "a")
## [1] "1" "a"

we get a character vector where the number 1 was converted to a character “1”. This is a frequent problem when reading data where some fields contain invalid number codes.

c() can also be used to add elements to an existing vector:

# Use the combine (`c()`) function to create a vector.
people <- c("Sarah", "Amit", "Zhang")

# Use the `c()` function to combine the `people` vector and the name 'Josh'.
more_people <- c(people, 'Josh')
print(more_people)  # [1] "Sarah" "Amit"  "Zhang" "Josh"

Note that c() retains the order of elements—“Josh” will be the last element in the extended vector.

c() can also combine several vectors:

c(1:3, 3:1, 1:3)
## [1] 1 2 3 3 2 1 1 2 3

produces a sequence of three sequences. In fact the previous example did the same–remember that "Josh" is just a character vector of length 1.

4.2.2 Creating sequences

We frequently need to create vectors that contain numbers in regular intervals. Section 3.1 used one of such tools, namely creating integer sequences with the colon operator : like

##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10

Now it is time to talk about the leading [1] in the printout. This means that the printout here starts with the first component of the vector. If the whole vector does not fit into a single line, it will be split into multiple lines, and each line starts with a similar bracketed number, telling which element (which index, see Section 4.4 below) is the first one in the corresponding row. For instance, if printout is narrow, you may see

##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8
##  [9]  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
## [17] 17 18 19 20

Here the first row starts with the 1st element, second row with 9th element, and the third row with the 17th element. This makes the output more readable, so you know where in the vector you are when looking at a line of output!

The colon operator is actually a shortcut for seq() function. seq() takes at least two arguments, from and to, and creates and integer sequence between these values. For instance

seq(1, 10)  # integers from 1 to 10
##  [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10
seq(10, 1)  # will automatically create a decreasing sequence
##  [1] 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1

But seq() allows additional functionality, e.g. the step (by), or the total length (length.out =)

seq(1, 10, by = 2)  # every other, starting from 1
## [1] 1 3 5 7 9
seq(0, by = 0.5, length.out = 10)
##  [1] 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
                           # length-10 vector, step 0.5

Exercise 4.1 You have a dataset of monthly observations. It starts with February 1985, and it includes 350 rows in total, and each row corresponds to a month.

Write a sequence that shows which row corresponds to April observations. Ensure that you do not go past the total number of rows!

Hint: the first April is in row 3.

See the solution

4.2.3 Replicating elements with rep()

Another useful function that creates vectors is rep() that repeats it’s first argument:

rep("Xi'an", 5)  # [1] "Xi'an" "Xi'an" "Xi'an" "Xi'an" "Xi'an"

All functions for creating vectors we introduced here, c(), seq() and rep(), are noticeably more powerful and complex than the brief discussion above. Check out the documentation!

4.3 Vectorized Operations

Many R operators and functions are optimized for vectors, i.e. when fed a vector, they work on all elements of that vector. These operations are usually very fast and efficient.

4.3.1 Vectorized Operators

A lot of common operators, such as +, -, are vectorized–when applied to a vector, they work on all elements of the vector. More precisely, these operations are performed by the elements that are in the same position in the first and in the second vector. For instance, if you want to add (+) two vectors, then the value of the first element in the result will be the sum (+) of the first elements in both “addend” vector, the second element in the result will be the sum of the second elements in both “addend”, and so on.

How vector addition works element-wise
How vector addition works element-wise

Adding two vectors, element-wise

For instance, if we take two vectors (see the figure),

v1 <- c(1, 1, 1)
v2 <- c(1, 2, 3)

their sum is

v1 + v2
## [1] 2 3 4

This is because all elements at the corresponding positions are added, to get the final vector.

How a more complex vectorized operation works
How a more complex vectorized operation works

More complex vectorized operations are also performed element-wise.

More complex vectorized operations are computed element-wise in a similar fashion. For instance, let’s compute (v1 + v2)/(v1 + v1). First we need to compute v1 + v2 and thereafter v1 + v2, both of these element-wise. Finally, we perform the division, again element-wise:

(v1 + v2)/(v1 + v1)
## [1] 1.0 1.5 2.0

Such vectorized operations are usually fairly intuitive and do not cause many problems. Logical operations, however, are a bit less intuitive, although they work in exactly the same manner.

Logical operations are vectorized in a similar fashion
Logical operations are vectorized in a similar fashion

Logical operations are vectorized in exactly the same manner.

Imagine you decide whether to get a puppy. You’ll only get it if you have at least $200 money, and if puppy costs no more than $200. In the first day, you only have $100 while the puppy is cheap, just $50. The next day you have $200 and the puppy costs $150; and the third day you have $300 but now the puppy costs $250. You can put these values into vectors as

money <- c(100, 200, 300)
price <- c(50, 150, 250)

The logical operation, whether to buy the puppy, can be written as

money >= 200 & price <= 200

The individual operations are done element-wise, exactly as with arithmetic operators. Here, essentially, all these operations are done separately for each different day.

Finally, note that similar vectorized operations also exist in many other programming languages.

Exercise 4.2 Three customers are coming to a liquor store, aged 16, 20 and 24, and want to buy a drink. The first and the third customer are served by cashier called Yu Huang, the second one by one, called Guanyin. Yu Huang will not sell any liquor to those under 21, but Guanyin is willing to sell to anyone.

  • Put the customer ages and cashier names in appropriately named vectors
  • Explain the condition in words: who will be able to buy the drink? And which customers are those?
  • Write a logical expression about the above. This should result in True for those able to buy the drink and False for those who are not able to buy.

See the solution

4.3.2 Vectorized Functions

Vectors In, Vector Out

Because all atomic objects are vectors, it means that pretty much every function you’ve used so far has actually applied to vectors, not just to single values. These are referred to as vectorized functions, and will run significantly faster than non-vector approaches. You’ll find that functions work the same way for vectors as they do for single values, because single values are just instances of vectors! For instance, we can use paste() to concatenate the elements of two character vectors:

colors <- c("Green", "Blue")
spaces <- c("sky", "grass")

# Note: look up the `paste()` function if it's not familiar!
paste(colors, spaces)  # "Green sky", "Blue grass"

Notice the same member-wise combination is occurring: the paste() function is applied to the first elements, then to the second elements, and so on.

  • Fun fact: The mathematical operators (e.g., +) are actually functions in R that take 2 arguments (the operands). The mathematical notation we’re used to using is just a shortcut.

    # these two lines of code are the same:
    x <- 2 + 3  # add 2 and 3
    x <- '+'(2, 3)  # add 2 and 3

For another example consider the round() function described in the previous chapter. This function rounds the given argument to the nearest whole number (or number of decimal places if specified).

# round number to 1 decimal place
round(1.67, 1)  # returns 1.6

But recall that the 1.6 in the above example is actually a vector of length 1. If we instead pass a longer vector as an argument, the function will perform the same rounding on each element in the vector.

# Create a vector of numbers
nums <- c(3.98, 8, 10.8, 3.27, 5.21)

# Perform the vectorized operation
round(nums, 1)  # [1]  4.0  8.0 10.8  3.3  5.2

This vectorization process is extremely powerful, and is a significant factor in what makes R an efficient language for working with large data sets (particularly in comparison to languages that require explicit iteration through elements in a collection). Thus to write really effective R code, you’ll need to be comfortable applying functions to vectors of data, and getting vectors of data back as results.

Remember: when you use a vectorized function on a vector, you’re using that function on each item in the vector! Vectorized operations work element-wise.

4.3.3 Summary functions

Previously we looked at a number of vectorized functions that operated elementwise–“vector-in, vector out”. But there is also a large class functions that are vectorized in a different way–“vector in, a single number out”. This includes functions such as sum() (add all elements of a vector), min() (find the minimum element), or str_flatten() in the stringr library (combine all elements of a string vector together).

Here a few examples:

x <- 1:10
sum(x)  # a single number!
## [1] 55
## [1] 1
mean(x)  # average
## [1] 5.5

All these functions transformed a vector into a single number.

String concatenation belongs to the same category:

words <- c("once", "upon", "a", "time")
str_flatten(words, collapse=" ")  # put " " between words
## [1] "once upon a time"

Another similar function is range() that returns the minimum and maximum:

## [1]  1 10

Although it returns a vector–both minimum and maximum, it still belongs to the summary function category. This is because it always returns just two elements, no matter how long is the input vector. Just it summarizes the vector in two numbers, not in a single one.

These functions are often used to compute a single summary statistic of data.

Exercise 4.3 Summary statistics. Consider vectors

x <- 1:10
y <- -11:22
z <- c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1, 55)

For each of these vectors, compute a) mean; b) median (function median()); c) range; and d) variance (function var()).

How similar/different are these figures?

See the solution

4.3.4 Recycling

Above we saw a number of vectorized operations, where similar operations were applied to elements of two vectors member-wise. However, what happens if the two vectors are of unequal length?
recycling the shorter vector
recycling the shorter vector

Recycling: the shorter vector v2 of length 2 is “recycled” one more time to match the longer vector of length 4.

In that case R uses recycling rules: the shorter vector is repeated, potentially many times, to match the longer one. For example:

v1 <- c(10, 20, 30, 40)
v2 <- c(1, 2)
v1 + v2
## [1] 11 22 31 42

In this example, R first combines the elements in the first position of each vector (10 + 1 = 11). Then, it combines the second position (20 + 2 = 22). When it gets to the third element of v1 it run out of elements of v2, so it went back to the beginning of v2 to select a value, yielding 30 + 1 = 31. Finally, it add the 4th element of v1 (40) to the second element of v2 (2) to get 42.

If the longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length, R will issue a warning, notifying you that the lengths do not match. This is a warning, not an error, but in practice it almost always means you have done something wrong.

Exercise 4.4 What is the exact warning message? What is the result? Try adding c(10, 20, 30, 40) and c(1, 2, 3).

See the answer

Actually, we have already met many examples of recycling and vectorized functions above. For instance, in Section 4.3.1 we computed

money <- c(100, 200, 300)
money >= 200

In fact, here we actually recycle “200” for three times, so the actual operation looks like c(100, 200, 300) >= c(200, 200, 200). The result is a logical vector of length 3.

This is also what happens if you add a vector and a “regular” single value (a scalar):

v1 <- 1:3
v1 + 1  # add scalar to vector
## [1] 2 3 4

As you can see (and probably expected), the operation adds 1 to every element in the vector. The reason this sensible behavior occurs is because all atomic objects are vectors. Even when you thought you were creating a single value (a scalar), you were actually just creating a vector with a single element (length 1). When you create a variable storing the number 7 (with x <- 7), R creates a vector of length 1 with the number 7 as that single element:

# Create a vector of length 1 in a variable x
x <- 7  # equivalent to `x <- c(7)`
  • This is why R prints the [1] in front of all results: it’s telling you that it’s showing a vector (which happens to have 1 element) starting at element number 1.

  • This is also why you can’t use the length() function to get the length of a character string; it just returns the length of the array containing that string (1). Instead, use the nchar() function to get the number of characters in each element in a character vector.

Thus when you add a “scalar” such as 4 to a vector, what you’re really doing is adding a vector with a single element 4. As such the same recycling principle applies, and that single element is “recycled” and applied to each element of the first operand.

Note: here we are implicitly using the word vector in two different meanings. The one is a way R stores objects (atomic vector), the other is vector in the mathematical sense, as the opposite to scalar. Similar confusion also occurs with matrices. Matrices as mathematical objects are distinct from vectors (and scalars). In R they are stored as vectors, and treated as matrices in dedicated matrix operations only.

Finally, you should also know that there are many kinds of objects in R that are not vectors. These include functions, formulas, environments, and other “exotic” objects.

4.4 Vector Indices

Vectors are the most important data structure for storing data in R. Yet often you want to work only with some of the data in the vector, not with the complete vector. This section will discuss the main ways how you can extract and modify a subset of elements in a vector.

4.4.1 Numeric Index

Perhaps the most intuitive way to access individual elements is to refer to them by just their position. For example, look at the vector:

vowels <- c('a','e','i','o','u')
## [1] "a" "e" "i" "o" "u"

Here element 'a' is at the position 1, 'e' is at position 2, and so on. You can retrieve the elements by using bracket notation: you refer to the element at a particular position by writing the name of the vector, followed by square brackets ([]) that contains the position(s) of interest:

vowels[1]  # first element 'a'
## [1] "a"
vowels[3]  # third element 'i'
## [1] "i"

Don’t get confused by the [1] in the printed output—it doesn’t refer to the position where you got the vowel from, but the position in the extracted result.

R vector elements are indexed starting with “1” (called one-based indexing). This is distinct from many other programming languages which use zero-based indexing where the first position is “0”. Both approaches have their advantages.

If you specify a position that is out-of-bounds (e.g., greater than the number of elements in the vector) in the square brackets, you will get back the value NA, which stands for Not Available.

vowels[10]  # no 10th element - return NA
## [1] NA

Note that this is not the character string "NA", but a specific value, specially designed to denote missing data. See more in Section 11.6.

If you specify a negative position in the square-brackets, R will return all elements except the (negative) one specified:

vowels[-2]  # all, except the 2nd (all but 'e')
## [1] "a" "i" "o" "u"

It is important to be aware that what we do here does not modify the vector itself: the vector vowels is unchanged after all these operations:

vowels  # still contains all the letters
## [1] "a" "e" "i" "o" "u"

The operations created a new vector that was printed, but not stored. If we want to eliminate an element from vowels, we need to a) eliminate it with negative index; and b) store it back to vowels using <-:

vowels <- vowels[-3]  # remove 'i'
vowels  # now 'i' is gone
## [1] "a" "e" "o" "u"

See more in Section 4.5.

4.4.2 Multiple Indices

Above, we extracted (or removed) single elements only. But we can use numeric vectors to extract or eliminate multiple elements in one go. Let’s do the examples with character vectors this time:

## create a character vector
colors <- c("purple", "gold", "white", "black", "gray")

First, we may specify the positions of the colors as a separate index vector:

## index vector
i <- c(2, 1, 4)
## Retrieve the colors at those positions
colors[i]  # note: 'gold' first, 'purple' second
## [1] "gold"   "purple" "black"

This is a good approach if the index vector is complicated, possibly calculated somehow.

Other times we may just specify the positions directly without any dedicated index vector:

colors[c(2, 5)]
## [1] "gold" "gray"

This is a good way to work with simple index vectors like the one above.

The colon operator to specify a sequences is a popular helper tool for element extraction (see Section 4.2):

colors[2:5]  # get colors 2-5
## [1] "gold"  "white" "black" "gray"

This easily reads as “a vector of the elements in positions 2 through 5”.

The object returned by indexing is a copy of the original, unlike in some other programming languages. These are good news in terms of avoiding unexpected effects: modifying the returned copy does not affect the original. However, copying large objects may be slow and sluggish.

There are other ways to extract elements, e.g. functions head() and tail() extract a given number of elements from the beginning or from the end of the vector. Look up the corresponding documentation.

4.4.3 Logical Indexing

Numeric indexing we did above is good if you know the exact position of the elements of interest. But very often, it depends on the actual values. This is where logical indexing comes in super handy.

Imagine that you are the administrator of an affordable housing project. The rules stipulate that the apartments are only available to applicants whose income is less than 60 ($1000 per year). You have five applicants with incomes

incomes <- c(30, 45, 70, 110, 55)  # $1000 per year
## [1]  30  45  70 110  55

Now we will write code to decide which applicants will be able to rent a place. The numeric index we use above work, e.g. incomes[c(1,2,5)] will give the list of eligible applicants. But as soon as your staff shuffles around the applications, or a new application is coming in, the index vector c(1,2,5) is not valid any more.

The solution to the consistency problem is to use logical values as index, and let the computer to calculate these values. This is logical indexing. First, we do it manually (this feels clunky), and thereafter we let computer to calculate the correct index (this is extremely useful).

Logical index is just a logical vector of the same length as the income vector where TRUE in the to extract and FALSE means not to extract the element at the corresponding position. Out of the applicants, the 1st, 2nd and 5th have income below the threshold, so we can write

                           # extract 1st, 2nd, 5th, leave out 3rd, 4th
## [1] 30 45 55

R will go through the logical index vector and extract every item at the position that is TRUE. In the example above, since index is TRUE at positions 1, 2, and 5, incomes[index] returns a vector with the elements from positions 1, 2, and 5. This is the basics how logical indexing works, but when used manually like what we did here, it is not a very useful tool.

But this tool becomes incredibly powerful when we let R to compute the logical index vector. This allows us to specify certain criteria that the vector elements (data) must satisfy, and select only those elements. This process is called filtering, and we will do a lot of filtering later with data frames. In order filter, you first need to create the logical index vector by logical conditions your data must satisfy, and thereafter you it for logical indexing. So instead of manually specifying whether each applicant fall within the required income bracket, we let R to compute it. We can write:

index <- incomes < 60
## [1] 30 45 55
How logical indexing works
How logical indexing works

How logical indexing works. The condition Income < 60 will be evaluated to TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, corresponding to the income values. Thereafter, only those values that correspond to TRUE are retained (green) while those corresponding to FALSE are dropped (red dots). At the end we have a vector of three elements: 30, 45 and 55.

There is often little reason to explicitly create the index vector index. We can just write the filtering criterion directly inside square brackets:

incomes[incomes < 60]
## [1] 30 45 55

Figure at right explains how the computation works. First, R computes the logical vector incomes < 60 and gets a series of TRUE-s and FALSE-s. Thereafter, this logical vector is used to extract certain elements from incomes, the elements corresponding to FALSE are dropped.

You can think of this statement as “tell me income where income is less than 60”.

Why is this approach better than numeric indexing? Because now the code does not change when the number of applications and their order changes. Your staff may shuffle around the applications as they wish, and many more may come in at the last moment, but the code, incomes[incomes < 60], will still do its job as expected.

This kind of filtering is immensely popular in real-life applications.

Exercise 4.5 Create a vector -5, -4, -3, … 3, 4, 5. Extract only positive numbers from it.

See the solution

Note that the index can be computed based on a different vector than the one where we are extracting the elements from. For instance, instead of incomes, we may want to extract the eligible applicants’ names. Now we need two vectors of data:

incomes <- c(30, 45, 70, 110, 55)  # $1000 per year
names <- c("Xuanzhang", "Sha Wujing", "Yu Huang", "Guanyi", "Buddha")

The names of the eligible applicants can be extracted as

names[incomes < 60]
## [1] "Xuanzhang"  "Sha Wujing" "Buddha"

This can be understood as follows: first, incomes < 60 creates a logical vector for eligible applicants. This is exactly the same procedure we did above. Next, we use the logical vector as logical index, but now we extract elements from names, not from incomes. The idea is very similar though.

Exercise 4.6 You are working in a hospital with patents’ data:

height <- c(160, 170, 180, 190, 175)  # cm
weight <- c(50, 60, 70, 80, 90)  # kg
name <- c("Kannika", "Nan", "Nin", "Kasem", "Panya")

Extract: * height of all patients who are at least 180cm tall * names of all patients who are at least 180cm tall * weight of all patients who are at least 180cm tall * names of everyone who weighs less than 70kg * names of everyone who is either taller than 170, or weighs more than 70.

See the solution

4.4.4 Named Vectors and Character Indexing

All the vectors we created above where made without names. But sometimes it is handy to give each element a name. For instance, we may have a vector of student grades and we can use the names to tell whose grade is it. We can create such a vector as

grades <- c(Dai = 4.0, Bao = 3.9,
            `Tan-chun` = 3.8, "Bao-chai" = 3.7)
##      Dai      Bao Tan-chun Bao-chai 
##      4.0      3.9      3.8      3.7

This creates a numeric vector of length 4 where the elements have values 4.0, 3.9, 3.8 and 3.7. However, this is not all that the vector has, now the elements also have names. Note that the printout differs from that of unnamed vectors, in particular the index position ([1]) is not printed. Such way of creating a named vector is good when we have a few values only.

If the vector component has a name that is a valid R variable name (see Section 2.4.2), then you can just assign it as c(Dai = 4), just as if using a named argument. However, if the name is not a valid variable name, then you need to quote it either with backtics like c(`Tan-chun` = 3.8) or with quotes, as for Bao-chai. This is because Tan-chun and Bao-chai contain a dash and cannot normally be used as a variable name. As the same approach–quoting invalidvariable names with backtics–also applies to data frames, we’ll use that approach here.

Using such a named vector makes it very easy to access elements based on the name. For instance, Dai’s and Tan-chuns grades can be read as

i <- c("Dai", "Tan-chun")  # index vector
##      Dai Tan-chun 
##      4.0      3.8

We use a character vector for indexing. We can create it explicitly as above, or create it on-the-go without naming it as

grades[c("Dai", "Tan-chun")]
##      Dai Tan-chun 
##      4.0      3.8

Alternatively, we can set names to an already existing vector using the names() function:11

numbers <- 1:5
names(numbers) <- c("A", "B", "C", "D", "E")

## A B C D E 
## 1 2 3 4 5 

This is a good approach when we have a large number of values, too tedious to be named manually.

Now when we have a named vector, we can access it’s elements by names. For instance

## C
## 3
numbers[c("D", "B")]
## D B 
## 4 2 

Note that in the latter case the names "B" and "D" are in “wrong order”, i.e. not in the same order as they are in the vector numbers. However, this works just fine, the elements are extracted in the order they are specified in the index (This is only possible with character and numeric indices, logical index can only extract elements in the “right” order.)

While most vectors we encounter in this book gain little from names, exactly the same approach also applies to lists and data frames where character indexing is one of the important workhorses.

Another important use case of named vectors in R are a substitute of maps (aka dictionaries). Maps are just lookup tables where we can find a value that corresponds to a value of another element in the table. For instance, the example above found values that correspond to the names "D" and "B".

Exercise 4.7 Use data about the US states (see Section I.13): the built-in variable contains the state name abbreviation (such as “WA” for “Washington”) and contains the full name.

  1. create a named vector of the state name abbreviations that has full state names as its names.
  2. Use character indexing to extract abbreviations for Utah, Connecticut, and Nevada. Do this in a single line of code!

See the solution

4.5 Modifying Vectors

Indexing is the prime tool when we want to modify elements within the vector.12 Modification is easier if all desired elements will be replaced by the same value, and slightly more elaborate if every element needs to have a different value.

4.5.1 Basics of modifying vectors

In order to replace a subset of elements in a vector, place the extracted subset on the left-hand side of the assignment operator, and then assign them a new value. Here we replace “pen” with “pencil” in a supplies vector:

supplies <- c("backpack", "laptop", "pen")
supplies[3] <- "pencil"  # replace the third element (pen)
                           # with 'pencil'
## [1] "backpack" "laptop"   "pencil"

And of course, there’s no reason that you can’t select multiple elements on the left-hand side, and assign them multiple values. The assignment operator is vectorized! But if you want to replace, for instance, two elements, you need to also supply two elements

## Replace  'laptop' with 'tablet', and 'pencil' with 'book'
supplies[c(2, 3)] <- c("tablet", "book")
## [1] "backpack" "tablet"   "book"

Exercise 4.8 What happens if you give the vector a different number of items to replace? Try using a single item

supplies[c(2, 3)] <- "ipad"

and 3 items

supplies[c(2, 3)] <- c("tablet", "book", "paper")

See the solution

If the vector has names, you can use character indexing in exactly the same way as the numeric index.

4.5.2 The same value for all replaced elements

Logical indexing offer some very powerful possibilities. Imagine you had a vector of values in which you wanted to replace all numbers greater that 10 with the number 10 (to “cap” the values). We can achieve with an one-liner:

v1 <- c(1, 5, 55, 1, 3, 11, 4, 27)
tooLarge <- v1 > 10  # logical index: which element is > 10?
v1[tooLarge] <- 10  # everything > 10 will be 10
## [1]  1  5 10  1  3 10  4 10

In this example, we first compute the logical index of “too large” values by v1 > 10, and thereafter assign the value 10 to all these elements in vector v1. Obviously, we do not need to create a separate index vector, we can just do instead

v1[v1 > 10] <- 10

This will result in exactly the same outcome, and it is a very widely used construct in R.

4.5.3 Different value for different elements

The above example replaced all too large values with the same number, “10”. But what if we want to replace different values with different numbers? Let’s look at four managers, Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han. We create a named vector (see Section 4.4.4) of their income. Names are not needed here, but they help to make the calculations more explicit:

income <- c(Shang = 1000, Zhou = 2000, Qin = 3000, Han = 4000)
## Shang  Zhou   Qin   Han 
##  1000  2000  3000  4000

Up to now, they had to pay a proportional tax rate of 10% of their income:

tax <- 0.1*income
## Shang  Zhou   Qin   Han 
##   100   200   300   400

However, now the government introduces a progressive tax: wealthy people, those with income over 2500, have to pay 20%, the “top tax rate”. How can we modify the tax vector accordingly? We can do it explicitly in multiple steps: first find who is wealthy, then compute the top tax amount, and then replace the tax for the wealthy by the high tax amount for the same persons:

iWealthy <- income > 2500  # who is wealthy?
topTax <- 0.2*income  # the top tax (only applies for wealthy)
tax[iWealthy] <- topTax[iWealthy]  # replace the tax for the wealthy only
## Shang  Zhou   Qin   Han 
##   100   200   600   800

Now the poor Shang and Shou still pay what they paid before, but the wealthy Qin and Han pay the double than what they paid earlier.

Note how we use the logical index, iWealthy on both sides of the assignment: at left, it tells that we only want to overwrite the tax of the wealthy, and at right, it tells that only use the new tax amounts for the wealthy for overwriting.

Obviously, this can be done in a more concise manner, e.g.

tax[income > 2500] <- 0.2*income[income > 2500]

This is a very frequently used construct in R.

Exercise 4.9 Implement absolute value: consider a vector of both positive and negative numbers, and 0:

x <- c(0, 1, -1.5, 2, -2.5)

Replace negative elements in this vector with the corresponding positive ones, so it will be

c(0, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5)

Use the element replacement tools you learned in this section.

See the solution

Exercise 4.10 Consider the four managers above again. Their income is as before:

income <- c(Shang = 1000, Zhou = 2000, Qin = 3000, Han = 4000)

Now they also have to pay rent. They pay

rent <- c(Shang = 200, Zhou = 1000, Qin = 1700, Han = 2800)

The government introduces housing benefits for the rent-burdened: everyone who is paying more than 50% of their income for rent, will get a benefit \[\begin{equation} b = \frac{1}{4} \mathit{rent}. \end{equation}\] Those who pay less rent, will receive nothing. How much of a benefit will each of them get?

Compute the vector of benefits in the following manner:
  1. Assign benefit “0” to everyone;
  2. Replace the benefit of those who are rent-burdened with the benefit computed by the formula above.

See the solution

4.6 Computing with vectors

There are a number of compute tasks we often want to do with vectors. This includes summing and multiplying its elements, finding number of elements that match certain criterion, or the percentage of such elements. Here we discuss counting elements that match criteria as summing was explained above in Section 4.3.3.

Let’s be simple and analyze odd numbers among numbers 1..11:

x <- 1:11

Remember, “oddness” can be tested as the modulo when dividing by 2 is 1:

x %% 2 == 1
## [10] FALSE  TRUE

This results in a logical vector where True corresponds to odd numbers. Both of these computations involve this logical vector.

How many elements match a criterion. This is just the count of True’s in the logical vector. A straightforward but not-so-smart way is to select just the odd elements, and find the length of the final vector:

length(x[x %% 2 == 1])
## [1] 6

This gives the correct number, 6. But why is it not so smart?

This is because there is a simpler way of doing this:

sum(x %% 2 == 1)
## [1] 6

How does sum() achieve the same result? This is because logical values are automatically converted to numbers as soon as you do some math with these. And they are converted in a way that TRUE will be “1” and FALSE will be “0” (see also Section 2.5.3). So, summing a logical vector will mean summing Trues as zeros won’t count. But summing ones is as good as counting. This is how sum of a logical vector equals the count of Trues.

What percentage of elements match the criterion is somewhat analogous. As percentage is just sum divided by number of cases, one may want to use

length(x[x %% 2 == 1])/length(x)
## [1] 0.5454545

or something similar. Again, the answer is correct but the method is not smart. It is better to use

mean(x %% 2 == 1)
## [1] 0.5454545

How does this work? In very much the same way. The function mean() is a dedicated function to compute averages, i.e. compute sum and divide by the number of elements. Hence it computes the sum exactly the same way as we did above, but now it also does the division for you.

These small tricks are both easier to code, easier to read, and also less error-prone. The same tricks also works in other programming languages besides R, the only requirement is that it has functions like sum() and mean() that operate on vectors, and logical values are translated to numbers in a similar fashion. Use these when writing code!

4.6.1 TBD: for loop over vectors

  1. Strictly speaking, this is names()<- function, the assignment function that sets the names, in contrast to the names() function that extracts names from an object.↩︎

  2. Behind the scenes, R does not actually modify vectors. The modification operations we demonstrate here create a new vector instead. This has both advantages (consistent, foolproof) and disadvantages (slow, memory-hungry). Typically, the advantages outweigh disadvantages when working with small datasets and the way around.↩︎