Biostat 578A: Evaluating Vaccine Efficacy
Instructor: Peter Gilbert,, 206 667-7299
Biostat 578A Course Syllabus
- January 3: Statistical Science Issues in HIV Vaccine Trials: Part I
- January 5: Statistical Science Issues in HIV Vaccine Trials: Part II
- January 12: Analysis of Vaccine Effects on Post-Infection Endpoints
- January 17: Statistical Methodology for Evaluating a Cell Mediated Immunity-Based HIV Vaccine (Talk version of Mehrotra et al., 2005)
- January 24: Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Inferences on the Vaccine Effect on Viral Load Part I
- January 26: Cluster Randomized Trials and the Stepped Wedge Design [Jim Hughes]
- January 31: Sensitivity Analysis for Causal Inferences on the Vaccine Effect on Viral Load Part II
- February 2: Sieve Analysis: Assessing how Vaccine Efficacy Depends on HIV Characteristics Part I
- February 9: Containing Pandemic Influenza at the Source [Ira Longini]
- February 9: Sieve Analysis: Assessing how Vaccine Efficacy Depends on HIV Characteristics Part II
- February 16: Sieve Analysis: Assessing how Vaccine Efficacy Depends on HIV Characteristics Part III
- February 23: Immunological Correlates of Protection Part I
- February 28: Immunological Correlates of Protection Part II (Case-Cohort Designs)
- February 28: Immunological Correlates of Protection Part III (Follmann Augmented Trial Designs)
- March 2: Clinical Vaccine Evaluation: The Long Haul [Steve Self]
- March 7: Threshold Gradient Descent Regularization [Julian Wolfson]
- March 7: Sieve Analysis [Xuesong Wu]
- March 7: Case-Cohort and Stepped Wedge Designs [Joanna Scott]
- March 9: Confounding by Indication in Observational Flu Vaccine Studies [Cara Carty]
- March 9: Clinical Trials with Two Endpoints [Joshua Sampson]
- March 9: Helicobacter Pylori Vaccine Development [Catherine Johnson]
Guest Lectures
- January 19. Professor Elizabeth Halloran on Designs for Evaluating Different Efficacy and Effectiveness Aspects of HIV Vaccines [following Halloran et al., 1997], plus discussion of her experiences in infectious disease research
- January 26. Professor Jim Hughes on Stepped Wedge Designs- Cluster Randomized Crossover Trials
- February 9. Professor Ira Longini on Containing Pandemic Influenza at the Source
- March 2. Professor Steve Self on Clinical Vaccine Evaluation- The Long Haul
Assigned Articles
- January 3: Rida and Lawrence (1994)
- January 3: Hudgens, Gilbert, Self (2004)
- January 3: Flynn et al. (2005)
- January 3: Mehrotra, Li, Gilbert (2006)
- January 5: Halloran, Struchiner, Longini (1997)
- January 12: Gilbert et al. (2005)
- January 12: Gilbert et al. (2003)
- January 19: Halloran and Longini (2001)
- February 24: Frangakis and Rubin (2002)
- January 24: Gilbert, Bosch, and Hudgens (2003)
- January 26: Hussey and Hughes (2006)
- February 2: Gilbert, Self, and Ashby (1998)
- February 2: WHO-UNAIDS report on Overcoming HIV Heterogeneity (2001)
- February 9: Longini et al. (2005)
- February 14: Gilbert, McKeague, and Sun (2007)
- February 16: Gilbert, Wu, Jobes (2007)
- February 16: Friedman and Popescu (2004)
- February 23: Salk, Menke, Francis (1943)
- February 23: Gilbert et al. (2005)
- February 28: Kulich and Lin (2004)
- February 28: Follmann (2005)
Additional Articles [Not Assigned]
- Schaper, Fleming, Rida, Self (1995) [Review, January 3]
- Datta, Halloran, Longini (1998) [Partners designs, January 3]
- Preisser, Lohman, Rathouz (2002) [weighted GEE for accommodating dependent censoring by ART initiation, January 17]
- Rubin D (2004) [Causal Inference]
- Rosenbaum (1984) [Causal Inference]
- Shepherd, Gilbert, Lumley (2006) Sensitivity analyses comparing time-to-event outcomes only existing in a subset selected post-randomization, with application to HIV vaccine trials. based on Bryan Shepherd's dissertation. [Causal Inference]
- Shepherd, Gilbert, Jemiai, Rotnitzky (2006)
Sensitivity analyses comparing outcomes only existing in a subset selected post-randomization, with application to HIV vaccine trials. based on Bryan Shepherd's dissertation. [Causal Inference]
- Elliott, Joffee, Chen (2006)
A potential outcomes approach to developmental toxicity analyses. [Causal Inference]
- Longini et al. (2005) [Containing Pandemic Influenza at the Sourece, Science Supplementary Materials]
- Yang, Longini, Halloran (2005) [Preventative Interventions for Close Contact Groups]
- Pitisittithum et al. (2006) [Primary Paper for Vax003 HIV Vaccine Efficacy Trial]
- Qin et al. (2007) [Three Tiers of Surrogate Endpoint Evaluation]
- Moodie et al. (2006) [Phase I-II HIV Vaccine Trial Design]
Data Sets
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