INT summer school: student talks
Jens Langelage:
Strong coupling expansions in pure lattice Yang-Mills theory at
finite temperature
Joaquin Drut:
Critical temperature for deconfinement in 2+1-d SU(N) Georgi-Glashow
Andreas Athenodorou:
The closed string spectrum of SU(N) gauge theoriese in 2+1 dimensions
Marcus Tassler
Real Time Lattice Simulations and Heavy Quarkonia beyond Deconfinement
Daping Du
Fisher Zeros in SU (2) Lattice Gauge Theory
Ahmad Hosseinizadeh
Excited States in Lattice Gauge Theories
Paula Perez Rubio
The Schrodinger Functional running coupling with 4 flavours of staggered quarks
Heeching Na
Bottom and Charmed Baryon Mass Spectrum
Elizabeth Freeland
Heavy quark masses from 3-flavor lattice QCD
Bernhard Musch
Transverse Momentum Distributions of Quarks from the Lattice
using Extended Gauge Link Operators
Daniel Grunewald
Lattice QCD near the Light Cone
Mike Buchoff
Chiral Perturbation Theory for Anisotropic Wilson Lattices
Jyotirmoy Maiti
Partially Quenched Lattice QCD with Two Degenerate Dynamical Light Wilson Quarks
Jon Bailey
Making Sense of Staggered Light-Quark Baryons: Insights from the Quark Model
( PPT ).
Joe Wasem
Applications of the Epsilon Regime to Lattice QCD
Eike Hermann Mueller
Heavy-Light Form Factors on the Lattice
Philipp Gerhold
The Phase Structure of a Chirally Invariant Lattice Higgs-Yukawa Model
Stephen Sharpe
Last modified: Thu Sep 6 12:54:48 PDT 2007