Fabio Ghironi


Publications, Working Papers, Keynote, Plenary, and Panel Presentations, Discussions, Other Research Pages


My main fields of research are international macroeconomics, macroeconomics, and monetary economics.


I am an applied theorist, mostly specializing in the development of models for analysis of economic fluctuations and policy questions.


My work with Marc Melitz on international trade and macroeconomic dynamics with producer entry and heterogeneous firms has been the foundation of extensions by many other scholars to study questions of positive and normative nature.  The same is true of the work that Marc and I did with Florin Bilbiie on entry and product variety in a closed-economy environment.


The work on structural reforms that I did with my former Ph.D. students Matteo Cacciatore and Giuseppe Fiori, and with Romain Duval (who was not my student), provided the theoretical framework for the analysis of structural reforms of product and labor markets in the April 2016 issue of the IMF World Economic Outlook (WEO).  If you are ever tempted to think of me in the way many use the term “neoliberal” economist, please refer to what Duncan Weldon had to say about that WEO chapter: “a chapter on structural reforms which is a million miles away from the simple caricature of what people tend to believe the IMF recommends” (Weldon’s article is available here).  I am a pro-market economist, but I also believe that market outcomes are often characterized by distortions, and that government policy plays an important role in addressing those distortions.


The methodology that I developed with Matthieu Bussičre, Giovanni Callegari, Giulia Sestieri, and Norihiko Yamano to study the international trade collapse of 2008-09 was used in the October 2016 issue of the IMF WEO to analyze the determinants of the slowdown in global trade.


Between late 2016 and early 2017, I had the opportunity to contribute to an important debate on the future of macroeconomics in “Macro Needs Micro,” eventually published in an Oxford Review of Economic Policy symposium on “Rebuilding Macroeconomic Theory” (volume 34, Spring-Summer 2018, pp. 195-218). A Vox Talks podcast on this paper is here.


You can find here the summary and draft of a paper on “International Trade in Open Economy Macroeconomics,” in preparation for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance.





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Journal Articles:


International Macroeconomics:


Trade, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy,” with Matteo Cacciatore, Journal of International Economics (September 2021): 103488. A Twitter thread on the main results of this paper and one on its story. JIE Twitter summary of the paper. Replication files.


Protectionism and the Business Cycle,” with Alessandro Barattieri and Matteo Cacciatore, Journal of International Economics 129 (March 2021): 103417. Oxford Analytica Brief, VOX column. In the press: Břrsen (in Danish, translation here), Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch. Replication files.


Financial Market Integration, Exchange Rate Policy, and the Dynamics of Business and Employment in Korea,” with Matteo Cacciatore and Yurim Lee, Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 42 (December 2016): 79-99.


Market Reforms in the Time of Imbalance,” with Matteo Cacciatore, Romain Duval, and Giuseppe Fiori, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 72 (November 2016): 69-93. Online Appendix.


Short-Term Pain for Long-Term Gain: Market Deregulation and Monetary Policy in Small Open Economies,” with Matteo Cacciatore, Romain Duval, and Giuseppe Fiori, Journal of International Money and Finance 68 (November 2016): 358-385.


Market Deregulation and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union,” with Matteo Cacciatore and Giuseppe Fiori, Journal of International Economics 99 (March 2016): 120-137. Online Appendix. A non-technical note on the macroeconomic and policy implications of market reforms obtained in this paper is available here.


The Domestic and International Effects of Euro Area Market Reforms,” with Matteo Cacciatore and Giuseppe Fiori, Research in Economics 69 (December 2015): 555-581.


The Valuation Channel of External Adjustment,” with Jaewoo Lee and Alessandro Rebucci, Journal of International Money and Finance 57 (October 2015): 86-114. Technical Appendix.


Inflation Targeting and Economic Reforms in New Zealand,” with Matteo Cacciatore and Stephen J. Turnovsky, International Journal of Central Banking 11, Supplement 1 (September 2015): 145-198.


The Domestic and International Effects of Interstate U.S. Banking,” with Matteo Cacciatore and Viktors Stebunovs, Journal of International Economics 95 (March 2015): 171-187. Online Appendix.


Estimating Trade Elasticities: Demand Composition and the Trade Collapse of 2008-09,” with Matthieu Bussičre, Giovanni Callegari, Giulia Sestieri, and Norihiko Yamano, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 5 (July 2013): 118-151. Online Appendix. Replication data. NBER WP version (relation to Houthakker-Magee puzzle). VOX column.


Net Foreign Asset Positions and Consumption Dynamics in the International Economy,” with Talan B. İşcan and Alessandro Rebucci, Journal of International Money and Finance 27 (December 2008): 1337-1359. Working paper version (Boston College Economics WP 565, June 2003): It includes more results and details, including on the determination and role of the world interest rate in a world with population growth and differences in impatience across countries.


The Role of Net Foreign Assets in a New Keynesian Small Open Economy Model,” Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32 (June 2008): 1780-1811.


Interest Rate Rules for Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes,” with Gianluca Benigno and Pierpaolo Benigno, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 31 (July 2007): 2196-2211.


Trade Flow Dynamics with Heterogeneous Firms,” with Marc J. Melitz, American Economic Review 97 (May 2007, AER Papers and Proceedings): 356-361. Longer working paper version.


Macroeconomic Interdependence under Incomplete Markets,” Journal of International Economics 70 (December 2006): 428-450.


International Trade and Macroeconomic Dynamics with Heterogeneous Firms,” with Marc J. Melitz, Quarterly Journal of Economics CXX (August 2005): 865-915. Technical Appendix. NSF Grant Project (Award # 0417757). Information on bugs that were left in our original code. Code by William Gatt, posted in Johannes Pfeifer’s repository.


Transatlantic Tradeoffs in the Age of Balanced Budgets and European Monetary Union,” with Barry Eichengreen, Open Economies Review 13 (October 2002): 381-411.


Net Foreign Assets and the Exchange Rate: Redux Revived,” with Michele Cavallo, Journal of Monetary Economics 49 (July 2002): 1057-1097.


Currency Areas, International Monetary Regimes, and the Employment-Inflation Tradeoff,” with Francesco Giavazzi, Journal of International Economics 45 (August 1998): 259-296.


Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics:


Market Reforms at the Zero Lower Bound,” with Matteo Cacciatore, Romain Duval, and Giuseppe Fiori, Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 53 (June 2021): 745-777. CEPR DP or NBER WP version (open economy).


Monopoly Power and Endogenous Product Variety: Distortions and Remedies,” with Florin O. Bilbiie and Marc J. Melitz, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 11 (October 2019): 140-174. VOX column.


Macro Needs Micro,” Oxford Review of Economic Policy 34 (Spring-Summer 2018): 195-218. Vox Talks podcast.


Optimal Monetary Policy with Endogenous Entry and Product Variety,” with Florin O. Bilbiie and Ippei Fujiwara, Journal of Monetary Economics 64 (May 2014): 1-20. Technical Appendix.


Endogenous Entry, Product Variety, and Business Cycles,” with Florin O. Bilbiie and Marc J. Melitz, Journal of Political Economy 120 (April 2012): 304-345. NBER WP version (more results).


“Monetary Policy and Business Cycles with Endogenous Entry and Product Variety,” with Florin O. Bilbiie and Marc J. Melitz, in Acemoglu, D., K. S. Rogoff, and M. Woodford, eds., NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2007, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 2008, 299-353. The Appendix is available here.


Does It Matter (for Equilibrium Determinacy) What Price Index the Central Bank Targets?” with Charles T. Carlstrom and Timothy S. Fuerst, Journal of Economic Theory 128 (May 2006): 214-231.


Some Chapters in Books:


Germany Did Not Pursue Fiscal Devaluation,” with Benjamin Weigert, in Marin, D., ed., Explaining Germany’s Exceptional Recovery,” VoxEU.org eBook, London: CEPR Press, 2018.


Policy Packages: Challenge and Opportunity for DSGE Research,” in Gürkaynak, R. S., and C. Tille, eds., DSGE Models in the Conduct of Policy: Use as Intended, VoxEU.org eBook, London: CEPR Press, 2017.


Net Foreign Assets and Exchange Rate Dynamics: The Monetary Model Revisited,” with Michele Cavallo, in Hairault, J. O., and T. Sopraseuth, eds., Exchange Rate Dynamics: A New Open Economy Macroeconomics Perspective, Routledge, London, 2003.


EMU and Enlargement,” with Barry Eichengreen, in Buti, M., and A. Sapir, eds., EMU and Economic Policy in Europe: The Challenge of the Early Years, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2003. (Before May 2001, this paper circulated under the title “The Future of EMU” and contained more material on fiscal policy and less on some issues that pertain to EMU enlargement. You can access that version by clicking here.)


European Monetary Unification and International Monetary Cooperation,” with Barry Eichengreen, in Eichengreen, B., ed., Transatlantic Economic Relations in the Post-Cold War Era, Brookings Institution Press, Washington, D.C., 1998.


How Will Transatlantic Policy Interactions Change with the Advent of EMU?” with Barry Eichengreen, in Eichengreen, B., European Monetary Unification: Theory, Practice, and Analysis, MIT Press, Cambridge, 1997.


Out in the Sunshine? Outsiders, Insiders, and the United States in 1998,” with Francesco Giavazzi, in Siebert, H., ed., Quo Vadis Europe? J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen, 1997.


European Monetary Unification: The Challenges Ahead,” with Barry Eichengreen, in Torres, F., ed., Monetary Reform in Europe, Universidade Católica Editora, Lisbon, 1996.


Notes and Comments:


Commentary on ‘Is There Macroprudential Policy without International Cooperation?’ by Stephen G. Cecchetti and Paul M. W. Tucker, with Lawrence Schembri, in Glick, R., and M. M. Spiegel, eds., Policy Challenges in a Diverging Global Economy, Asia Economic Policy 2015 Conference Proceedings, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 2016.


Comments on ‘Monetary Policy Rules and Exchange Rate Flexibility in a Simple Dynamic General Equilibrium Model’ by Michael B. Devereux,” with Kólver Hernández, Journal of Macroeconomics 26 (June 2004): 309-313.


Introductions to Special Journal Issues Edited:


Globalization in the Aftermath of the Crisis,” with Andrei Levchenko, IMF Economic Review 66 (September 2018): 415-417.


International Trade and Macroeconomics: Introduction,” with Paul R. Bergin, International Review of Economics & Finance 26 (April 2013): 1-3.


New Policy Thinking in Macroeconomics: Editor’s Foreword,” International Finance 8:3 (December 2005): 361.



Working Papers:


Reverse chronological order, by date of first draft.


International Macroeconomics:


Multinational Production, Risk Sharing, and Home Equity Bias,” with Marketa Halova Wolfe, first draft: September 2018. Technical Appendix.


Interest Rate Uncertainty as a Policy Tool?” with Galip Kemal Ozhan, first draft: January 2018; this draft: March 2022. A Twitter thread on this paper.


International Trade in Open Economy Macroeconomics,” October 2017; in preparation for the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance.


"Monetary Rules for Emerging Market Economies," with Alessandro Rebucci, BC Econ. Dept. WP 476, first draft: October 2000; this draft: June 2003.


"Endogenously Persistent Output Dynamics: A Puzzle for the Sticky-Price Model?" BC Econ. Dept. WP 527, first draft: March 2002.


"Towards New Open Economy Macroeconometrics," BC Econ. Dept. WP 469, first draft: August 1999; this draft: February 2000.


"Alternative Monetary Rules for a Small Open Economy: The Case of Canada," BC Econ. Dept. WP 466, first draft: November 1998; this draft: October 2000.


"U.S.-Europe Economic Interdependence and Policy Transmission," BC Econ. Dept. WP 470, first draft: March 1998; this draft: January 2000. (Previously circulated under the title "U.S.-Europe Economic Interdependence: Positive Analysis.")


Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics:


“Heterogeneous Firm Financing over the Business Cycle,” with Karen K. Lewis, in progress.


Equity Sales and Manager Efficiency across Firms and the Business Cycle,” with Karen K. Lewis, first draft: March 2008; this draft: March 2011 (IMES Discussion Paper 2011-E-7, Bank of Japan).


Optimal Fiscal Policy with Endogenous Product Variety,” with Sanjay K. Chugh and Alan Finkelstein Shapiro, first draft: April 2009; this draft: July 2020. NBER WP version (different approach to model description: explicit modeling of multi-product firm; same equilibrium conditions).


Relative Price Dynamics and the Aggregate Economy,” with Charles T. Carlstrom, Timothy S. Fuerst, and Kólver Hernández, first draft: May 2005; this draft: August 2006.



Keynote, Plenary, and Panel Presentations:


Structural Reforms and Monetary Policy in a Monetary Union,” Conference in Honor of Francesco Giavazzi’s 70th Birthday, Bocconi University, Milan, September 21, 2019. This was not a keynote, plenary, or panel presentation. I was originally scheduled to present a paper at the conference. However, ECB President Mario Draghi intervened to speak about reforms and recent ECB policy decisions, and I was asked to precede his intervention by giving a non-technical presentation of results of my research agenda with Matteo Cacciatore, Giuseppe Fiori, and Romain Duval instead of presenting the originally scheduled paper. Given the nature of the presentation, I am posting the slides here.


Some Introductory Remarks on Reform, Trade Policy, and the Renminbi,” Panel Presentation, Washington State China Relations Council Policy Briefings Series, Outlook on China’s Economy and Market Reforms: Risks and Rewards, U.S. Bank Center, Seattle, June 28, 2017.


Market Reforms, the Business Cycle, and Macro Policy” (video), Keynote Presentation, XIII INTECO Workshop on Economic Integration, University Jaume I, Castellón, November 25, 2016. If the video link above does not work, try this. Slides are available here.


Market Reforms at the Zero Lower Bound” (slides), Keynote Presentation, MACFINROBODS, Third Consortium Scientific Workshop, Villa del Grumello, Como, November 17, 2016.


Growth Potential and Macroeconomic Policy: What Reforms? When? And What Role for Macro Policy?” (slides), Panel Presentation, Bank of Korea-Korea University BK 21 Conference on Growth Potential and Macroeconomic Policy, Seoul, October 28, 2016.


Rethinking Trade and Interdependence in the Age of GVCs” (slides), Keynote Panel Presentation, CEPR-National Bank of Poland-CEBRA-Bank of Lithuania Conference on International Trade and Macroeconomic Interdependence in the Age of Global Value Chains, Vilnius, September 15-16, 2016. (I speak briefly on competitiveness and policy options for deficit and surplus countries at minute 4:28 of this video.)


Market Reforms at the Zero Lower Bound,” Keynote Presentation, CEPR Leuven Workshop on Understanding the Micro Channels Affecting Growth, KU Leuven, April 28-29, 2016.


What Do Global Value Chains Mean for Macro Policies?” Panel Presentation, CEPR-World Bank First Conference on Global Value Chains, Trade and Development, Washington, DC, March 30-31, 2016. (Link is to video of the panel; my presentation begins at approximately minute 17:00. My slides are available here.)


Trade, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy,” Keynote Speech, HKUST-Keio-HKIMR Conference on Exchange Rates and Macroeconomics, Hong Kong, March 17-18, 2016.


The Macroeconomic and Policy Implications of Structural Reforms,” Academic Panel Presentation, ECB-CompNet Conference: Enhancing Competitiveness and Fostering Sustainable Growth: Methodological Issues and Empirical Results, Frankfurt, June 25-26, 2015. Audio of my presentation and the following Q&A is available here. My presentation begins at minute 46:58.


The Monetary Policy Implications of Market Reforms and Trade Integration,” Keynote Speech, 10th CompNet Workshop, Banco de Portugal, Lisbon, September 18-19, 2014.


The Monetary Policy Implications of Market Reforms and Trade Integration,” Keynote Speech, Mainz Workshop in Trade and Macroeconomics, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, June 26-27, 2014.


Trade, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy,” Plenary Presentation, Korean Economic Association 60th Anniversary Conference, Korea University, Seoul, June 20-21, 2012.


Presentations to University of Washington Students in Other Programs:


The Macroeconomic Effects of Protectionism,” slides of a presentation to MBA students in the Global Business Forum at the Michael G. Foster School of Business, University of Washington, November 26, 2018.


Putting More Micro in Macro and Using It for Policy Analysis,” slides of a presentation to University of Washington Economics Honors undergraduate students, April 26, 2017.





Discussion of ‘Ricardian Exchange Rate Redux,’ by Matthieu Bussičre, Guillaume Gaulier, Maurice Obstfeld, and Katheryn Niles Russ, ASSA Meetings, San Francisco, January 3-5, 2016.


Discussion of ‘Is There Macroprudential Policy without International Cooperation?’ by Stephen G. Cecchetti and Paul M. W. Tucker, Asia Economic Policy Conference: Policy Challenges in a Diverging Global Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, November 19-20, 2015.


Discussion of ‘Exchange Rate Movements, Firm-Level Exports, and Heterogeneity,’ by Antoine Berthou, Vlad Demian, and Emmanuel Dhyne, ECB-CompNet Conference: Enhancing Competitiveness and Fostering Sustainable Growth: Methodological Issues and Empirical Results, Frankfurt, June 25-26, 2015.


Discussion of ‘International Competitiveness and Monetary Policy,’ by Paul R. Bergin and Giancarlo Corsetti, CPBS 2014 Pacific Basin Research Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, November 7, 2014.


Discussion of ‘Dynamics of Firms and Trade in General Equilibrium,’ by Robert Dekle, Hyeok Jeong, and Nobuhiro Kiyotaki, NBER ITM Summer Institute Meeting, Cambridge, MA, July 8, 2014.


Discussion of ‘Dealing with the Trilemma: Optimal Capital Controls with Fixed Exchange Rates,’ by Emmanuel Farhi and Iván Werning, Boston University/Boston Fed Conference on Macro-Finance Linkages, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, November 30-December 1, 2012.


Discussion of ‘Exchange Rates and Interest Parity,’ by Charles Engel, Handbook of International Economics Conference, NBER, Cambridge, MA, September 14-15, 2012.


Discussion of ‘Fiscal Devaluations,’ by Emmanuel Farhi, Gita Gopinath, and Oleg Itskhoki, NBER ME Program Meeting, New York, March 2, 2012.


Discussion of ‘Floats, Pegs and the Transmission of Fiscal Policy,’ by Giancarlo Corsetti, Keith Kuester, and Gernot J. Müller, 14th Annual Conference of the Central Bank of Chile, Santiago, October 21-22, 2010.


Discussion of ‘On the Global Spread of Risk Panics,’ by Philippe Bacchetta and Eric van Wincoop, ECB-JIE Conference: What Future for Financial Globalization? Frankfurt, September 9-10, 2010.


Discussion of ‘International Recessions,’ by Fabrizio Perri and Vincenzo Quadrini, NBER IFM Program Meeting, Cambridge, MA, March 12, 2010.


Discussion of ‘Risk, Returns, and Multinational Production,’ by José L. Fillat and Stefania Garetto, Green Line Macro Meeting, Boston University, October 16, 2009.


Discussion of ‘The Effects of Globalization on International Business Cycle Co-Movement: Is All Trade and Finance Created Equal?’ by Scott Davis, NBER Universities Research Conference, Cambridge, MA, December 15-16, 2008.


Discussion of ‘Sticky Prices, Endogenous Export Participation, and Real Exchange Rate Fluctuations,’ by Denny Lie, Green Line Macro Meeting, Boston University, May 2, 2008.


Discussion of ‘International Portfolios with Supply, Demand and Redistributive Shocks,’ by Nicolas Coeurdacier, Robert Kollmann, and Philippe Martin, NBER International Seminar on Macroeconomics, Istanbul, June 15-16, 2007.


Discussion of ‘The Role of Nonseparable Utility and Nontradables in International Business Cycle and Portfolio Choice,’ by Akito Matsumoto, NBER IFM Program Meeting, Cambridge, MA, March 23, 2007.


Discussion of ‘Capital Flows to Developing Countries: the Allocation Puzzle,’ by Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas and Olivier Jeanne, 2007 ASSA Meetings, Chicago, January 5-7, 2007.


Discussion of ‘A Solution to Two Paradoxes of International Capital Flows,’ by Jiandong Ju and Shang-Jin Wei, NBER IFM Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA, July 10-14, 2006.


Discussion of ‘The Endogeneity of the Exchange Rate as a Determinant of FDI: A Model of Money, Entry, and Multinational Firms,’ by Katheryn Niles Russ, NBER Universities Research Conference, Cambridge, MA, December 10-11, 2004.


Discussion of ‘The Transmission of Monetary Policy in a Multi-Sector Economy,’ by Hafedh Bouakez, Emanuela Cardia, and Francisco J. Ruge-Murcia, Dynamic Models and Monetary Policymaking, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, September 22-24, 2004.


Discussion of ‘Ramsey Monetary Policy with Financial Distortions,’ by Ester Faia, Second ECB/IMOP Workshop on Dynamic Macroeconomics, Hydra, June 4-5, 2004.


Discussion of 'Exchange Rate Policy and Endogenous Price Flexibility,' by Michael B. Devereux, with Kólver Hernández, 5th Bundesbank Spring Conference, Eltville, May 2-3, 2003.


Discussion of 'Optimal Monetary Policy with Durable and Non-Durable Goods,' by Christopher J. Erceg and Andrew T. Levin, International Research Forum on Monetary Policy, European Central Bank, Frankfurt, July 5-6, 2002.



Other Pages:


My citations and profiles: CitEc, Google Scholar, IDEAS, ResearchGate.


My web page in the University of Washington Economics Department’s web site.


My web pages in EconPapers, IDEAS, Microsoft Academic Search, ResearchGate, and SSRN.  In these pages, you can find links to papers or versions of papers that are not available above and additional information on citations, coauthors, etc.


My CEPR Discussion Papers.


My NBER Publications and Working Papers.






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