Chapter 14 Predictive modeling
14.1 Prediction versus inferences
So far we have mainly discussed inferential modeling. We computed linear regression slopes or logit marginal effects, and in each case we asked what does the number mean? Such insights are valuable and a major way of learning about natural and social phenomena. But this is not always what we need.
For instance, imagine we are considering whether to have a picnic in a park tomorrow. We all agree that we’ll have the picnic, but only if it is not raining. How will inferential modeling help us with our decision? Sure, it will–we can learn that in case of north-westerly winds, and if the Ocean temperature is above a certain level, and in case of high-pressure area over British Columbia… and so on and so forth. Understanding the processes behind weather are definitely valuable, but … should we have picnic tomorrow? What I want to know is a simple yes/no answer: will it be raining tomorrow?
This is an example of predictive modeling. Instead of interpreting the wind patterns and air humidity, we want just have an answer, not an interpretation. This is not to say that interpretation is not valuable, but we happily leave this decision to the weather forecasters to do.
There are many other similar problems where we are mostly just interested in the outcome, not interpretation of the process. For instance, doctors’ immediate task is to find diagnosis given the symptoms. How are symptoms related to illness is a valid and important question–but I’d happily leave this to medical researchers for another time, and expect a quick answer to another question–what is the diagnosis–instead.
14.2 Predicting linear regression
14.2.1 How to predict with linear regression
Let’s repeat the global temperature trend analysis from Section 11.3.1, using HadCRUT temperature data. For a refresher, the dataset looks like
## # A tibble: 5 × 4
## Time `Anomaly (deg C)` `Lower confidence limit (2.5%)`
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2010 0.680 0.649
## 2 1986 0.0957 0.0644
## 3 1859 -0.281 -0.424
## 4 1899 -0.355 -0.486
## 5 1857 -0.467 -0.616
## # ℹ 1 more variable: `Upper confidence limit (97.5%)` <dbl>

From 1960 onward, the temperature shows a fairly steady linear trend:
hadcrut %>%
filter(Time >= 1960) %>%
ggplot(aes(Time, `Anomaly (deg C)`)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method="lm", se=FALSE)
We estimate this trend with linear regression, and make corresponding predictions.
We can do the linear regression as (see Section 11.3.1):
## Call:
## lm(formula = `Anomaly (deg C)` ~ Time, data = .)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) Time
## -35.45587 0.01795
As a refresher–as the variable names in HadCRUT dataset contain
spaces and parenthesis, we need to quote those with backticks like
`Anomaly (deg C)`
Previously, we just interpreted the results, in particular we noted that the global temperature is increasing 0.18 degrees per decade. But now our focus is on prediction–how much will be global temperature at year 2050, 2100 and so on.
In case of linear regression, it is easy to use the formula, and write, e.g.
Temperature in 2100 = -35.456 + 0.018 \(\times\) 2100 = 2.245
Below we use the predict()
method instead, it is somewhat more
robust (less room for typos), and it is much easier for logistic
regression problems.
As a first step, we want to store the fitted model into a variable,
here we store it in m
Now the variable m
contains the fitted model, we can see it by just
typing m
## Call:
## lm(formula = `Anomaly (deg C)` ~ Time, data = .)
## Coefficients:
## (Intercept) Time
## -35.92526 0.01819
These are exactly the same results as above.
We can just predict the values by using predict(m)
## 1 2 3 4
## -0.259831343 -0.241643977 -0.223456611 -0.205269245
## 5 6 7 8
## -0.187081879 -0.168894513 -0.150707147 -0.132519781
## 9 10 11 12
## -0.114332415 -0.096145049 -0.077957683 -0.059770317
## 13 14 15 16
## -0.041582951 -0.023395585 -0.005208219 0.012979147
## 17 18 19 20
## 0.031166513 0.049353879 0.067541246 0.085728612
## 21 22 23 24
## 0.103915978 0.122103344 0.140290710 0.158478076
## 25 26 27 28
## 0.176665442 0.194852808 0.213040174 0.231227540
## 29 30 31 32
## 0.249414906 0.267602272 0.285789638 0.303977004
## 33 34 35 36
## 0.322164370 0.340351736 0.358539102 0.376726468
## 37 38 39 40
## 0.394913834 0.413101201 0.431288567 0.449475933
## 41 42 43 44
## 0.467663299 0.485850665 0.504038031 0.522225397
## 45 46 47 48
## 0.540412763 0.558600129 0.576787495 0.594974861
## 49 50 51 52
## 0.613162227 0.631349593 0.649536959 0.667724325
## 53 54 55 56
## 0.685911691 0.704099057 0.722286423 0.740473789
## 57 58 59 60
## 0.758661155 0.776848522 0.795035888 0.813223254
## 61 62 63
## 0.831410620 0.849597986 0.867785352
This prints a large array of numbers. These are predicted temperature values for all these years we included into the model, -, in the same order as years are stored in the dataset. So we can see that the predicted value for is -0.27 and for it is 0.86.
But these are just the values for the actual years we have in data.
If we want to compute predicted temperature for, e.g., 2050, we need
to supply a new dataset to predict()
. For instance,
## 1
## 1.358844
So the predicted temperature anomaly for 2050 is 1.36.
The newdata = data.frame()
tells predict()
that this time we do
not want to hear what we know better–namely, what was the temperature
1960-2023, but instead, want it to tell us what does it think the
temperature in 2050 will be. data.frame(Time = 2050)
, in turn,
creates a new dataset with a column Time
## Time
## 1 2050
This new dataset is used for prediction. The column name, Time
must be exactly the same as used in the lm()
above, where we asked
for lm(`Anomaly (deg C)` ~ Time)
But we cannot ignore interpretation in predictive modeling either. What does the number 1.36 mean? It must be understood in the same way as the numbers in HadCRUT data: these are global surface temperature anomalies, in °C, above 1961-1990 average. Hence the model predicts that by 2050, the average global surface temperature is 1.36°C above 1961-1990 average.
The other extremely important point to understand is what kind of assumptions are our predictions based on. Here it is very simple–we describe the temperature 1960-2023 by a linear trend and we assume the same trend continues into 2050. But we do not know if it is correct. We cannot know. It has hold steady for the last 60 years, so it is a plausible assumption, but it is still an assumption. See more in Section 14.4 below.
14.2.2 RMSE/R2: model goodness
RMSE is ``typical’’ prediction error \[\begin{equation*} \mathit{RMSE} = \sqrt{ \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i} (y_{i} - \hat y_{i})^{2} } \end{equation*}\]
\(R^2\) (called “r-squared”). \[\begin{equation*} R^{2} = 1 - \frac{ \sum_{i} (y_{i} - \hat y_{i})^{2} }{ \sum_{i} (y_{i} - \bar y)^{2} } \end{equation*}\]
- \(R^{2} = 1\): perfect prediction
- \(R^{2} = 0\): useless model
- As good as predicting mean value for everyone
14.3 Categorization: predicting categorical outcomes
So far we were predicting linear regression results. As linear regression expects a continuous outcome, such as basketball score or temperature, measures such as \(R^2\) and RMSE are appropriate.
But not all prediction tasks are like that. There is an important class of problems, called classification or categorization, where the outcome is categorical. Here are a few examples of classification problems:
- image categorization: does it depict a cat or a dog?
- email categorization: is it spam or not?
- loan processing: approve the application or not?
- analyzing bank transaction: fraudulent or not?
None of these case are concerned of a numeric outcome. Instead, it is a category, cat versus dog, spam or non-spam, and so on. Obviously, linear regression is not suitable for such tasks–what would you decide about email being spam if the model responds “7.4”? Fortunately, there are other tools that are designed for just such tasks. Above we introduced logistic regression, am model that is designed to describe how probability of one category depends on the other characteristics. This is one of the models we will use below as well.
In a similar fashion, we cannot easily compute values like RMSE or \(R^2\), as the concepts like “approve - not approve” do not make much sense. We discuss these tools below.
14.3.1 Predicting logistic regression results
Logistic regression results can be predicted in a fairly similar way as linear regression results. Using info180 package23
m <- titanic %>%
# save the fitted model to 'm'
logit(survived ~ age, data = .)
predict(m) %>%
# predict based on model 'm'
head(5) # none survived...
## 1 2 3 4 5
## 0 0 0 0 0
Or predict for a certain passenger:
## 1
## 0
The output should be understand as follows: for the first 5 passengers
in data (this is the first line 1 2 3 4 5
) we predict value “0”
(died) for
each of them (this is the second row 0 0 0 0 0
We can also try a different model with different variables, e.g. sex:
titanic %>%
# do not save
logit(survived ~ sex, data = .) %>%
predict() %>%
# predict based on the model here
## 1 2 3 4 5
## 1 0 1 0 1
The “1” and “0” in the output means that for the first person in the new data, we predict “0” (died).
We can also see what is predicted survival for males and females:
titanic %>%
logit(survived ~ sex, data = .) %>%
predict(newdata = data.frame(sex = c("male", "female"))) %>%
# predicted survival for a man and a woman
## 1 2
## 0 1
Here we see that the first passenger (a man) is predicted to die, and the second one (a woman) is predicted to survive.
14.3.2 How good is categorization? Confusion matrix
But how to tell how good is a model for categorization? Remember–for a continuous outcome, we can use RMSE (the typical error) and \(R^2\), that tells how closely are \(x\) and \(y\) related. But as we discussed above, such measures for categorical outcomes do not work well as results like “cat - dog” carry little meaning. So what can we do instead?
Assume we design a cat/dog distinguishing model, that looks at the pictures, and predicts either “cat” or “dog” for each one. How can we analyze its performance?
Let’s begin with a single image, say, of a cat. Now our model can either (correctly) tell it is a cat, or (incorrectly) that it is a dog. Hence there are only two possible outcomes–correct, and incorrect. When we show an image of a dog instead, then the model can again only be correct or incorrect. This suggests an obvious way to measure the model goodness: in case of multiple images, just count the number of correct or incorrect predictions.
If our data contains images of both cats and dogs, then the picture is slightly more complex: we can be correct in two ways (cat is recognized as a cat and dog as a dog), and we can be wrong in two ways (cat is mistaken for a dog and the way around). This is the idea of confusion matrix.
Actual animals | Model predictions | correct |
cat | cat | ✅ |
cat | cat | ✅ |
dog | dog | ✅ |
dog | dog | ✅ |
cat | dog | ❌ |
cat | cat | ✅ |
dog | cat | ❌ |
dog | dog | ✅ |
cat | cat | ✅ |
cat | cat | ✅ |
dog | cat | ❌ |
dog | dog | ✅ |
cat | cat | ✅ |
cat | cat | ✅ |
Imagine 15 pet pictures: cat, cat, dog, dog, cat, cat, dog, dog, cat, cat, dog, dog, cat, cat. And we have 15 predictions: cat, cat, dog, dog, dog, cat, cat, dog, cat, cat, cat, dog, cat, cat. Such a list is quite hard to understand, so we should make it into a table instead, as displayed here. We can use the table to count that, e.g., we got 7 cats right.
cat | dog | |
cat | 7 | 1 |
dog | 2 | 5 |
The table above is much better than the list, but it is still laborious to count cats and dogs there. It would be even better to have some kind of overview: how many dogs and cats did we get right? How many cats did we mistake for dogs, and the way around? Such a table is displayed here.
We can immediately see that we got 7 cats and 4 dogs right, while the model mistook 1 dogs for cats and 2 cat for a dog.
This table is called confusion matrix. Confusion matrix is a table that shows the counts of different kind of correct and incorrect predictions.24
As a refresher: the most recent version can be installed by
.↩Here we only work with counts, but confusion matrix can as well be written in terms of percentages (e.g. we got 90% of dogs right) or probabilities (e.g., the probability to mistake cat for a dog is 20%).↩