I mentor PhD students, undergraduates, postdocs, and teachers on research as
part of the broader Center for Learning, Computing, and Imagination.
My students are typically from The Information School, The Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, the College of Education, and occasionally other units on campus. I run the lab in a doctoral
student-centered manner: students define their own projects within the scope
of my interests, and often move me into new research areas. I work hard to
be a better mentor and advisor every year. In fact, in 2021, my students
nominated me for the Marsha L. Landolt Distinguished Graduate Mentor Award, and I won honorable mention.
I'm always recruiting new doctoral students. For this 2024 admissions
cycle, I'd like to work with new students on:
- How can programmable media support all learners' abilities and
language fluencies? For example, I work on 💬︎ Wordplay, an accessible, multilingual educational programming language for
creating interactive typography. I'd love to collaborate with you on
that, or create new media with you, in partnership with teachers.
- How can teachers be culturally responsive and sustaining at scale? Teachers consistently share how hard it is to be responsive with the incredible
diversity of student needs, identities, interests, and assets. How can we
make that easier, through new teaching methods, new learning technologies,
and new media?
Read our onboarding document for context on ever-evolving culture of the lab.
Current UW Ph.D. student? Lurk in #research on LCI Slack. DM or
email me about your interests. I'm always open to chatting, collaborating, serving
on committees, and when I have capacity, advising. You're also welcome to visit
a LCI research meeting, meeting the many computing education scholars on campus.
Prospective UW Ph.D. student? Read my CER FAQ and recent publications to ensure we share interests. Don't write me to ask if I'm admitting students
in the coming year; I'm always considering new students unless this page says
otherwise. Don't ask me to evaluate your CV (I don't have capacity to evaluate
your application twice). Don't ask me for a meeting (I can't meet with every
prospective outside of our review process, and meet with students during our review process.) Do write if you have
specific questions about my lab's recent research that aren't answered on my
website. Apply to the iSchool or CSE in Autumn.
Current UW undergrad or masters student? Read about engaging in undergrad research. If that sounds interesting, read about Wordplay, and follow the instructions there to join. I also recruit for full-time
summer research assistants in Winter through the DUB REU program.
Current Postdocs 🔗
Max Skorodinsky postdoc 2024 - present
Max is a postdoc, secondary CS educator, and researcher interested in equity in CS teacher education, identity, and community. Current Advisees 🔗
Jayne Everson phd 2020 - present
Jayne is a PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering. She studies the implicit assumptions in classrooms that prevent belonging in CS. - ACM SIGCSE Best Paper Award (2024)
- ACM SIGCSE Best Paper Award (2022)
Rotem Landesman phd 2021 - present
Rotem is a PhD student in the Information School. She studies ways to measure youth wellbeing in digital spaces, as well as how we can support youth to critically examine technology’s role in their lives using a philosophical lens. She is co-advised by Katie Davis. - 2024 ACM ICER Best Paper Award Honorable Mention
Eman Sherif phd 2022 - present
Eman is a PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering. She is interested in broadening participation in computing through social justice oriented curricula. - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2024)
Megumi Kivuva phd 2022 - present
Megumi is a PhD student at the iSchool studying justice-centered CS education. - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2023)
Eleftheria Beres phd 2024 - present
Elli is a PhD student in a Computer Science in Engineering. She is interested in the programming systems and software engineering tools that non-computer scientists use and how non-computer scientists learn computing. Adrienne Gifford teacher 2024 - present
Adrienne is a Middle School Innovation & Technology Teacher at Open Window School and has been engaged on research about culturally responsive pedagogy. Benjamin Zhou undergrad 2023 - present
Ben is an undergraduate student at the University of Washington, specializing in computer science. He has an interest in exploring the intersection of coding education and cognitive science, particularly focusing on how to make teaching computer science more inclusive and effective. Carlos Aldana Lira undergrad 2024 - present
Carlos is an undergraduate student at Middle Tennessee State University studying Computer Science and Interactive Media. He additionally studies computing education and the learning sciences for his undergraduate research work and aims to center learners' existing conceptual, strategic, and epistemological resources in the development of effective, inclusive pedagogy. Janet Jiang undergrad 2024 - present
Janet is an undergraduate student at Duke University majoring in Computer Science. She is interested in addressing barriers that marginalized students face entering and persisting in computing related fields. Additionally, she hopes to design new technologies and pedagogy that make computer science curricula more inclusive. Rayana Lyons undergrad 2024 - present
Rayana is an undergraduate studying Computer Science. She is interested in dismantling barriers in computing education and expanding minority participation in CS. Active Faculty Collaborators 🔗
This isn't a complete list of collaborators, just those I've gotten
around to adding.
Caroline Hardin faculty 2023 - present
Caroline and I collaborate on CS teacher education topics. R. Ben Shapiro faculty 2023 - present
Ben designs new learning technologies and experiences that enable people, especially youth, to make new computational systems that help them to understand the world around themselves, express themselves creatively, and care for human and non-human others. Brett Wortzman faculty 2018 - present
Brett is faculty in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering where he often teaches CSE 142. We often collaborate on studies we run in his class. Jason Yip faculty 2018 - present
Jason is my colleague in the iSchool where he studies collaborative learning in families. We collaborate on research related to CS and design learning. Min Li faculty 2017 - present
Min is faculty in the College of Education where she studies educational measurement and psychometrics. We collaborate on research related to assessment. Katie Davis faculty 2017 - present
Katie is my colleague in the iSchool where she studies new media in young people's personal, social, and academic lives. Anne Beitlers faculty 2016 - present
Anne is faculty in the College of Education. We often collaborate on teacher education research, teaching, and administration. Mara Kirdani-Ryan phd 2018 - 2024
Mara was a PhD candidate in Computer Science and Engineering. They utilized techniques from sociology to surface cultural norms within computing, as well as techniques from social work to deconstruct these norms so that computing might act as a force for collective liberation. - Dissertation
- Assistant Teaching Professor, The Information School, University of Washington (2024)
Leah Perlmutter phd 2022 - 2023
Leah worked with Amy as a PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering at UW. She is now an Assistant Professor at Grinnell College. She is interested in post-secondary CS education, including TA practices, emotion while programming, sociotechnical topics in CS curricula, CS identity construction, and CS culture. - Dissertation
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Grinnell College, 2023
Stefania Druga phd 2019 - 2023
Stefania Druga a Ph.D. candidate in the Information School. Studies computer-supported creative coding for youth and the design of AI literacy tools and resources for Families. She is co-advised by Benjamin Mako Hill. Alannah Oleson phd 2018 - 2023
Alannah was a human-computer interaction (HCI) education researcher exploring strategies for teaching inclusive computing interface design. They worked with communities of computing educators to support pedagogical content knowledge development. - Dissertation
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Denver (2024)
- Husky 100, recognizing top UW students (2022)
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2018)
Benjamin Xie phd 2016 - 2022
Benji was a PhD student in the Information School, and briefly a postdoc in the lab. He designs interactions with data that support their interpretations and uses for equity-oriented goals. - Dissertation
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Denver (2025)
- Husky 100, recognizing top UW students (2021)
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2017)
- Postdoc, Stanford University (2022-2024)
Greg Nelson phd 2016 - 2021
Greg was a PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering. He studied HCI and computing education broadly, specifically on programming language learning and assessment. - Dissertation
- Assistant Professor, Computer Science, University of Maine (2022)
- ACM ICER John Henry Best Paper Award (2018)
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2015)
Kyle Thayer phd 2015 - 2020
Kyle was a PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering, co-advised by Katharina Reinecke. His dissertation investigated barriers to learning to code knowledge through bootcamps, developed a novel theory of API knowledge, and contributed a new way to mine the web for API usage patterns. He is now a Lecturer at the University of Washington Information school, where he continues investigating the intersection of diversity and computing education as a teacher and researcher. - Dissertation
- Assistant Teaching Professor, The Information School, University of Washington (2019)
Dastyni Loksa phd 2013 - 2020
Dastyni was a Ph.D. student in the the Information School. His dissertation focused on problem solving in programming, with a particular focus on self-regulated learning, spanning the fields of HCI and computing education. After graduating, he joined as tenure-track faculty at Towson University, teaching CS and preparing CS teachers. - Dissertation
- Assistant Professor, Towson University, Computer Science (2020)
Yim Register phd 2018 - 2019
Yim is a PhD student in the Information School, broadly interested in machine learning literacy. Before joining UW, they studied cognitive science at the University of Rochester. - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2019)
Amanda Swearngin phd 2015 - 2019
Amanda was a Ph.D. student in Computer Science & Engineeering. Her dissertation contributed design tools that leverage program analysis, program synthesis, constraint solving, and machine learning. She is now a Research Engineer at Apple in Accessibility and Machine Learning. - Dissertation
- Research Scientist, AIML, Apple (2020)
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2016)
Zakariya Dehlawi phd 2014 - 2018
Zak was a Ph.D. student in the the Information School, co-advised by Amy Ko and Barbara Endicott-Popovsky. He received his Master of Science in Security Informatics from Johns Hopkins in 2011 and bachelor degrees in Computer Engineering and Political Science from the University of Washington in 2009. His research focused on security practices in software teams and organizations. After leaving the Ph.D. program, he worked as Senior Security Engineer at Security Innovation, Inc. Paul Luo Li phd 2009 - 2016
Paul Luo Li was a Ph.D. student in the Information School at the University of Washington, advised by Amy. His dissertation work focused on software engineering expertise. After graduating, Paul continued his full-time role as a Senior Data Scientist at Microsoft. Michael J. Lee phd 2009 - 2015
Michael Lee was a PhD student in the Information School at the University of Washington, advised by Amy Ko. His dissertation work focused on educational programming games, and game design factors that affect learning and engagement. After graduating, Mike began as an Assistant Professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology in Information Systems. - Dissertation
- Assistant Professor, Information Systems, New Jersey Institute of Technology (2015)
- ACM ICER Best Paper Award (2013)
BJ Burg phd 2011 - 2015
BJ was a Ph.D. student in the CSE Department at the University of Washington, co-advised with Mike Ernst. Her dissertation focused on web development productivity tools to support debugging, program comprehension, and reverse engineering tool. After graduating, BJ joined Apple's WebKit team. - Dissertation
- Senior Software Engineer, Apple (2015-present)
- ACM UIST Best Paper Nominee (2015)
Parmit K. Chilana phd 2008 - 2013
Parmit K. Chilana was a PhD student at the Information School co-advised by Jake Wobbrock. Her dissertation focused on crowdsourced help systems and organizational factors in gathering and understanding user feedback about software. After graduating, Parmit began as an Assistant Professor at the University of Waterloo. - Dissertation
- Assistant Professor, Simon Fraser University, Computer Science (2016)
- Assistant Professor, University of Waterloo, Management Sciences, (2013-2016)
- Facebook PhD Fellowship (2010)
- Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Doctoral Award (2009)
Casey Hickerson phd 2009 - 2010
Casey was at the iSchool briefly and studied design practices. Avery Mack phd 2022 - present
Avery is a PhD student in Computer Science and Engineering exploring how to make accessible technology to support people with disabilities, especially in the context of higher education. Mina Tari phd 2018 - 2022
Mina was a PhD student in the Information School exploring women of color's experiences in introductory computing courses. She's a homegrown UW student, coming from the Informatics and Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies programs. Mina works with Amy and the lab to apply a critical feminist lens to questions regarding equity in computing education. - Husky 100, recognizing top UW students (2017)
Laura Vonessen phd 2018 - 2019
For her qualifying exam, Laura led a project on faculty professional development for teaching accessibility, sponsored by AccessComputing, with help from Saba Kawas. Matt Davidson phd 2017 - 2022
Matt was a doctoral student in the College of Education. He studied how to use process data to make assessments more equitable and informative. Annie Yan phd 2016 - 2021
Annie is a Ph.D. student in the Information School working with Carol Palmer. Annie worked with Amy on predicting dropout in a coding tutorial. Ada Kim phd 2016 - 2018
Ada was a Ph.D. student in the Information School working with Katie Davis. Ada worked with Amy on a pedagogical analysis of coding tutorials as part of a research practicum. Saba Kawas phd 2016 - 2022
Saba was a PhD student in the Information School working with Katie Davis. Saba worked with Amy on a nationwide survey of the teaching of accessibility in higher education in the United States. Chenglong Wang phd 2015 - 2021
Chenglong is a Ph.D. student in Computer Science & Engineering, interested in interactive program synthesis. Rahul Banerjee phd 2015 - 2020
Rahul worked in the Center for Game Science and has worked with the lab on programming by demonstration systems for creating interactive games. Kristen Shinohara phd 2008 - 2017
Kristen was a PhD student advised by Jake Wobbrock and Wanda Pratt. She worked with Amy multiple times as a teaching assistant, and later on nationwide survey of higher education instruction on accessibility. She graduated in 2017 and joined the faculty at Rochester Institute of Technology. Kayur Patel phd 2007 - 2012
Kayur Patel was a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at the University of Washington, co-advised by James Fogarty and James Landay. His dissertation focused on tools for supporting the development of machine learned classifiers. - Dissertation
- Research Scientist, Apple (2018)
- Research Scientist, Google (2013)
Former Postdocs 🔗
Jean Salac postdoc 2022 - 2024
Jean is interested in justice-focused computing education for youth, namely how youth can learn to examine technology's role in their lives and society and how educators can support this learning process. - Assistant Professor, Computer Science, Carlton College (2024)
Roshanak Zilouichian postdoc 2015 - 2016
Roshanak was a postdoc in the lab working on collaboration, consensus, information visualization, and creativity support tools. After completing her postdoc, she began as a Data Scientist at Microsoft. Brian Chan masters 2020 - 2022
Brian is a BS/MS student in Computer Science and Engineering interested in making algorithm visualization easier to incorporate into lectures. Isabel Amaya undergrad 2024
Isabel is an undergraduate in Informatics and interdisciplinary honors program, they are interested in creating equitable spaces for marginalized students learning CS and tech. She is interested in design and product management. Camilo Montes de Haro undergrad 2023 - present
Camilo is an undergraduate student at Bellevue College. He is interested in broadening participation in CS by leveraging and innovating new technologies. Audrey Le Meur undergrad 2022
Audrey is a Computer Science major at the University of Minnesota Morris. She is interested K-12 and undergraduate CS education as a tool for broadening participation in computing. Specifically, she studies pedagogy and curriculum to improve self-efficacy and belonging, and pathways to teaching K-12 CS. Jared Lim undergrad 2022 - 2023
Jared is an Informatics undergraduate in his 3rd year at the Information School. He is interested in improving access to CS education and in establishing a critically conscious pedagogy. Paul Pham undergrad 2022 - 2023
Paul is an Informatics and Education, Communities, and Organizations double major. He is interested in the intersection between critical, justice-oriented pedagogy and CS education to better understand how to make it more accessible and equitable to learn. Lena Armstrong undergrad 2022 - 2023
Lena was a computer science and cognitive science double major at the University of Pennsylvania. She is interested in improving CS education and mitigating algorithmic bias to create more inclusive and meaningful experiences with technology. She went to Harvard CS to study HCI and AI. - PhD student, Computer Science, Harvard
- NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2024)
Fee Christoph undergrad 2021 - present
Fee is an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, finishing up her degrees in Computer Science and Interarts Performance. She is interested in interdisciplinary education, and the ways in which diverse fields of study can enhance and complement one another. Some of her main focuses include broadening participation in computing, empowering students to critique the current state of computing, and collaboratively imagining alternatives to computing. Ashley Wang undergrad 2021 - present
Ashley was an undergraduate in Design, interested in designing tools that emphasize equity and accessibility. They helped create illustrations and design language for the Critically Conscious Computing book. Jessie Huynh undergrad 2021 - present
Jessie is an undergraduate in the Design division in the School of Art + Art History + Design, and contributes to the STEP CS book. Chris Perdriau undergrad 2020 - 2021
Chris is a CS student at Oregon State University studying HCI and psychology. He is interested in making technology more inclusive for underserved communities. - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2021)
Anael Kuperwajs Cohen undergrad 2020 - 2021
Anael is a CS and applied mathematics and statistics double major with a cognitive science concentration at Macalester College. She is interested in breaking down barriers for women and other minorities within the field of CS by pursuing a career in CS education. Jenny Liang undergrad 2020 - 2021
Jenny was an undergrad studying computer science and informatics. She worked with Amy to study how to use explicit programming strategies to improve collaboration and learning of developers. - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2021)
- Husky 100, recognizing top UW students (2020)
Emilia Borisova undergrad 2020 - present
Emilia was an undergraduate student pursuing Informatics and helped with Mara's research on understanding the personal and interpersonal factors influencing computing career choices. Chandrashree Karnani undergrad 2019
Chandrashree was studying data science in the Informatics program. She was interested in how data can be used to make informed decisions. She's helping with Yim's work on machine learning literacy. Zoshua Colah undergrad 2019
Zoshua is an Informatics major specializing in UX Design and Data Science who spends his time helping freshman and sophomore students learn more about tech. Christina Zhang undergrad 2019
Christina is an undergraduate majoring in Computer Science and Informatics. She's working on supporting research on intelligent programming tutors. Meron Solomon undergrad 2019 - present
Meron is an undergraduate who helped design and teach an innovative new computing course to Upward Bound students in 2019. Patrick Old undergrad 2018 - 2019
Patrick was an undergraduate studying Informatics and Oceanography. He worked on a project to observe his growth as a teacher via participant observation. Anne Drew Hu undergrad 2018 - 2020
Anne Drew was a CS & Education double major interested in pedagogical techniques and student motivation in CS Ed. He's now a Ph.D. student at Michigan State University's College of Education. - Husky 100, recognizing top UW students (2020)
Jane Quichocho undergrad 2018 - 2019
Jane helped the lab on various learning to code projects. William Kwok undergrad 2018 - 2019
William is an undergraduate in the Information School. He supported the lab's research on programming tutors by advancing design, development, instruction, and ideation relation to expressing agency when learning computing online. Harshitha Akkaraju undergrad 2018 - 2019
Harshitha is an undergraduate in the Information School. She supported the lab's research on programming tutors by advancing design, development, instruction, and ideation relation to expressing agency when learning computing online. Alex Tan undergrad 2017 - 2018
Alex is an Informatics undergraduate in computing education. He supported the lab's research on programming tutors. Harrison Kwik undergrad 2016 - 2018
Harrison was an undergraduate in computer science interested in equitable learning of computing. He's supported the lab's research on programming tutors while independently investigating the experiences of CS transfer students. After graduating, he began a Ph.D. at Northwestern University. - NSF Graduate Research Fellowship (2021)
Leanne Hwa undergrad 2016 - 2018
Leanne was an Informatics undergraduate interested in computing education, mentorship, and identity. She supported the lab's research on programming tutors while independently investigating the role of informal computing mentors amongst south Seattle teens. - Husky 100, recognizing top UW students (2019)
William Menten-Weil undergrad 2016 - 2017
Liam was an Informatics student who helped design and engineer our work on programming problem solving tutors, focusing specifically on an advanced tutorial authoring interface. Dakota Miller undergrad 2016 - 2017
Dakota was an Informatics student who helped design and engineer our work on programming problem solving tutors, focusing specifically on an advanced tutorial authoring interface. Alexandra Rowell undergrad 2016 - 2017
Alex was an Informatics student who helped design and engineer our work on programming problem solving tutors, focusing specifically on how to present expert identity. Staffan Hellman undergrad 2014 - 2015
Staffan was an Informatics student who helped engineer Gidget. He went on to work at Weebly. Steven Raden undergrad 2014 - 2015
Steven was an Informatics student who helped design and engineer Gidget. He went on to work at IBM as a UX designer. Polina Charters undergrad 2013 - 2014
Polina was a Psychology student who helped develop many of the instruments for our studies of Gidget, and also ran a study evaluating attitude shifts among adults who played Gidget. She went on to our Masters in HCI+Design. Fanny Luor undergrad 2013 - 2014
Fanny was a Design student who illustrated all of the art for Gidget. She went on to design and illustrate at Airbnb and Dropbox. Nadav Ashkenazi undergrad 2013 - 2014
Nadav was a Computer Science and Informatics student who helped engineer Gidget. He went on to Google to help build Earth VR. Michael Beswetherick undergrad 2012 - 2013
Michael helped engineer Gidget while an Informatics undergrad. He now helps engineer NY Times. Andre Stackhouse undergrad 2012 - 2013
Andre helped engineer Gidget while an Informatics undergrad, then at Code.org. He now helps engineer Bing at Microsoft. Padma Vaithyam undergrad 2012 - 2013
Padma was an Informatics student who helped design and engineer Gidget. She went on to Microsoft as a software engineer. Diana Jiang undergrad 2012 - 2013
Diana was an Informatics student who helped design and engineer Gidget. Xing Zhang undergrad 2011 - 2012
Xing was an Electrical Engineering student that helped evaluate Feedlack, our verification tool for finding missing feedback in interfaces. Stephen Ip undergrad 2011 - 2012
Stephen was an Informatics student who helped with our studies of bug triage. Charlie Tran undergrad 2011 - 2012
Charlie was an Informatics student who helped with our studies of bug triage. He went on to become a program manager at Microsoft. Valentina Ferrari undergrad 2011 - 2012
Valentina was an Informatics student who helped with our studies of bug triage. She went on to become a UX designer at Adobe. Neeraja Duriseti undergrad 2010 - 2011
Neeraja was an Informatics and Applied Math student who helped analyze a corpus of tens of thousands of news articles about software failures. Bryan Dosono undergrad 2010 - 2011
Bryan was an Informatics student who helped analyze a corpus of tens of thousands of news articles about software failures. He went on to do a Ph.D. in Information Science at Syracuse University.
Last updated 3/2/2025. To the extent
possible under law, Amy J. Ko has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the design
and implementation of Amy's faculty site. This work is
published from the United States. See this site's GitHub repository to view source and provide feedback.