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Amy J. Ko studies equitable, joyous, liberatory learning about computing and information, in schools and beyond, drawing from human-computer interaction, computing education, software engineering, programming languages, learning sciences, behavioral sciences, and sociology. She is a Professor and Associate Dean for Academics at the University of Washington Information School, with a courtesy appointment in Computer Science & Engineering.
Amy J. Ko is a Professor at the University of Washington Information School and the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering (courtesy). She co-directs the UW Center for Learning, Computing, and Imagination, where she studies computing education, human-computer interaction, and humanity's individual and collective struggle to understand computing and harness it for creativity, equity, and justice. With her collaborators, she's invented many programming languages and tools to support debugging, program understanding, reuse, and learning; founded and sold a venture-backed startup focused on software troubleshooting; developed numerous ways to weave equity and justice into computing education pedagogy, culture, and technology; and impacted local, state, and federal K-12 CS education policy through community organizing and advocacy. Her work spans more than 140 peer-reviewed publications, with 22 receiving distinguished paper awards and 6 receiving most influential paper awards. She is an ACM Distinguished Member and a member of the SIGCHI Academy, for her substantial contributions to the field of human-computer interaction, computing education, and software engineering. She received her Ph.D. at the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in 2008, and degrees in Computer Science and Psychology with Honors from Oregon State University in 2002.
Amy J. Ko is a queer, trans anti-disciplinary weirdo at the University of Washington who has the privilege of being paid to follow her curiosity about computation, learning, and politics, and tell people what she finds in various rooms, physical and virtual. She likes working with students to wander about asking questions about the ways that computation has and hasn't woven itself through people's lives and learning. She started off inventing ways of making programming easier for developers, but then got disillusioned with capitalism. She then got excited about the ways that programmers interact with communities of people using their code. After she returned from her profit-laced time as CTO, she decided to focus on making people smarter instead of tools smarter, and began studying what kinds of computing literacies might lead to a more just world, and what kinds of teachers, teaching, and tools we need to make that happen. She's grateful to Carnegie Mellon University and Oregon State University for being reasonably safe spaces to bumble through the world's endless expanse of mysteries as a student, and to the many students and taxpayers that pay her to keep doing it as a professor in Seattle.
Wikipedia has a page about me. If you're so inclined, see if there's other notable information its missing and add it.
Why would I put a section on this page about my age? There are so many reasons. First, people are constantly assuming I'm much younger than I am (which I guess is to be expected, since I have a young face, but must we really assume?) Second, when I tell people my age, they're often skeptical (which is ridiculous, because I'm pretty sure I know my age better than they do). Third, in ageist academia, much of how I'm treated and how my ideas are treated are dependent on how people perceive my expertise, experience, and wisdom. Looking young is almost guaranteed to lead less thoughtful academics to assume I'm a student, that I know nothing, and that I have no expertise to share. Hence this section on this page.
So how old am I? I was born in the summer of 1980. I am an Gen Xer. The music of my childhood came with big hair and melodrama. I spent a whole summer earning and saving $99 to buy a first generation Nintendo. Childhood meant going wherever I wanted with whomever I wanted after school with no parental consequences. I was one of the first people on the consumer internet. My adolescence was defined by pervasive grunge, sadness, suicide, comic book stores, arcades, and Magic the Gathering tournaments. I look back to the 80's and 90's and wonder how the world got so complicated, so quickly. And then I remember that it was always complicated, whiteness just demanded we deny that.
So let my face be a reminder: you cannot judge someone's age, life experience, expertise, or wisdom from their face.
I have a relatively short academic lineage. I was advised by...
As an undergraduate, I was also advised by...
These are the documents I submitted for tenure-track faculty positions in 2008, for my tenure and promotion to Associate Professor, and for my later promotion to Professor. I hope they're helpful to anyone pursuing a career in academia. While you read them, remember: careers come together one day at a time, one paper at a time, not all at once! I've felt imposter syndrome most of my life because people didn't tell me this.
Labels are are often used to stereotype, categorize, and oppress. However, when we use them to describe ourselves, they can be powerful ways to develop cultural humility, preventing stereotyping and assumptions, as well as signal safety. Here are a few labels that I use to describe myself and what they mean to me:
I was born in Ontario, Oregon, but grew up primarily in West Linn, Oregon, a suburb of Portland, and went to West Linn High School. The school was fantastic and I had wonderful teachers, especially in math, science, and English. I spent much of my free time playing video games with friends, drawing, and writing code in BASIC, Pascal, C, and my TI-85 to make visualizations, games, and user interface toolkits. I retreated into programming largely as a refuge from myself.
I was a strong student and was admitted to several great universities out of state, but I couldn't afford any of them. I attended Oregon State University, where I majored in Computer Science and Psychology. Early on, I got involved in the budding student chapter of the ACM, and after my first year, helped run the club and its activities around campus, including the ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest, a statewide software engineering contest, and a student taught course on 2D graphics rendering algorithms. At the same time, I joined Margaret Burnett's research group, and stayed for two years. In my senior year, I focused on my honors thesis project, advised largely by Bob Uttl. I'd enjoyed doing research in computer science and psychology so much, I decided to apply to several graduate schools with a slant towards Human-Computer Interaction.
Of all of the schools, the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University was the best fit, and I started work right away with Brad Myers. I started by investigating what made debugging so difficult, and inventing technologies to make it easier. Just after proposing in 2006, I did a fantastic internship at Microsoft Research in the Human Interactions in Programming group, and became fascinated with the larger challenge of software design and all of the human and cooperative issues that make it such a challenging form of engineering practice. I graduated with my Ph.D. in Human-Computer Interaction in May of 2008.
Just prior to graduating, I toured the country, giving invited talks and job interviews at labs and universities for about eight weeks. I interviewed at a range of places, including from conservative CS departments like Berkeley EECS to much broader places like the University of Washington Information School, as well as Microsoft Research, Redmond. In the end, I wanted to be in the Pacific Northwest, I wanted a strong mix of teaching and research, and I was fascinated by the challenge of helping to grow and envision a new academic unit, so I chose the Information School as my new home.
The pre-tenure period of my faculty career was distinguished by wonderful Ph.D. students, supportive colleagues across HCI and software engineering in both academia and industry, and exciting growth in the Information School faculty in data science, HCI, and several other fields. My own work continued to focus on developer tools, but began to incorporate more data science, investigating bug reporting from in a range of contexts, including open source, Agile teams, and private industry. While I did this work, I also developed a growing passion for research on the learning and teaching of computing, investigating new learning technologies and aspects of software engineering expertise. In 2013, I co-founded AnswerDash with Jake Wobbrock and Parmit Chilana. AnswerDash offered instant answers on websites using a selection-based search technology that was the centerpiece of Parmit's dissertation work.
I earned tenure in 2015. I finished my last day AnswerDash in December of 2015, resuming full-time faculty life on a short 6-month sabbatical. I used that time to begin a new focus on computing education research, inventing more effective, equitable, and scalable technologies and pedagogies for learning computer science. I also set out to help grow the field of computing education, help shape state and federal policy on computing education, and have impact by aggressively disseminating my lab's research.
In Spring of 2017, our former Dean, Harry Bruce, asked me to chair our undergraduate major, Informatics. I accepted. While this was a big role, it only constituted 20% of my time and came with a healthy amount of teaching release to compensate. My job therefore expanded from research, teaching, service, and impact, to also include administrative duties. This brought a new dimension of impact to my work, allowing me to impact not only the iSchool's vision of undergraduate educations in information, but other iSchools as well.
In Autumn 2019, I came out as a trans woman, finally accepting my gender identity and having the confidence to share it with the world. My academic communities were incredibly supportive, which gave me to confidence to be out and proud. That same year, I was promoted to Professor, and pivoted my research to have a more critical stance, exploring literacies in both the powers and perils of computing and investigating CS teacher education. Shortly after I came out, the COVID-19 pandemic arrived, and my lab and I went into survival mode, slowing down our work and doing our best to care for each other while in lockdown.
In the summer of 2022, I started my first full-length sabbatical. It was very much needed after sabbatical and administrative stress, an empty nest, and far too much personal and professional isolation. What I wanted most from it was unconstrained time to find myself and create art. I spent most of it traveling solo and creating Wordplay. After a summer, an academic year, and another summer, I returned, mostly refreshed, and with a renewed sense of purpose and self, ready for another 6 years of fragmented attention and public service. My Dean welcomed me back by asking me to serve as the iSchool's Associate Dean for Academics, starting Autumn of 2024. I agreed, and spent the year preparing to set aside most of my teaching for a few years to help the school manage its growth in students, faculty, staff, and academics programs, while (trying to) maintain my research activity.
Last updated 2/14/2025. To the extent
possible under law, Amy J. Ko has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the design
and implementation of Amy's faculty site. This work is
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