These are books I've authored or edited.
Unlike print books, they are digital, searchable, interactive, and web
accessible. I write them on, a platform I created to write simple, beautiful, accessible web-based
books. The books are also living documents: I update them regularly with new
ideas, citations, and chapters, especially in response to feedback.
Teaching Accessible Computing. A book for computing educators who want to integrate accessible computing concepts and skils into computer science courses.
Foundations of Information. This book covers information, and all of the things that intersect with it: power, politics, oppression, data, knowledge, encoding, metadata; information technology, management, and policy; and the many domains in which information is crucial, including science, social media, automation, health, democracy, and sustainabiity. It serves as the foundation of our survey course on information, INFO 200 Intellectual Foundations of Informatics.
Informatics Teaching Guide. Supports new higher education teachers, including new faculty, guest faculty, doctoral student teachers, and teaching assistants. It uses our undergraduate Informatics program for examples, but is in essence a practical, but also research-informed introduction to teaching in a university.
Cooperative Software Development. An online, self-published book that covers software engineering fundamentals, but from a human, social, collaborative, and organizational perspective, rather than from a purely technical perspective.
Design Methods. An online, self-published book that surveys HCI and Design methods in a simple, accessible, and direct manner.
Last updated 3/27/2025. To the extent
possible under law, Amy J. Ko has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the design
and implementation of Amy's faculty site. This work is
published from the United States. See this site's GitHub repository to view source and provide feedback.