Below are upcoming and past trips.
I frequently travel to share my research, ideas, and experiences.
Upcoming trips
Feb 25 - Mar 1, 2025
Networking and sharing my research.
Past trips
Nov 22, 2024
Harvey Mudd visit
Networking and sharing my research.
SnowbirdHanging with computing and information leaders.
ECEP CMP4Coordinating data policy work for Washington state K-12 CS education.
University of Michigan sabbatical visitI'll be visiting Computer Science & Engineering and the School of Information to discuss computing education and the Program in Computing for the Arts and Sciences.
AERA 2023I'll be attending my first AERA conference, serving on a panel and helping present a paper.
PittsburghI'll be working from Pittsburgh, hosted by CMU's Software and Societal Systems.
SIGCSE 2023I'll be attending, presenting, and networking
Nov 30 - Dec 8, 2022
I'm going to Hawaii for some rest and relaxation and will be offline.
Oct 25, 2022
I'm visiting the HCI community to talk about computing education research.
Oct 24, 2022
I'm visiting the HCI community to talk about computing education research.
Sep 19 - 20, 2022
Simon Fraser University
I'm visiting the faculty and students to talk about computing education research.
Exploring Computing Education Pathways 2022 Summit
National K-12 CS Education policy summit, including 23 U.S. states and territories.
University of MichiganI'm serving on a panel on Equity, Justice, and Engineering Education sponsored by the Science, Technology, and Public Policy (STPP) Program at the Ford School of Public Policy.
CSEdConI'm attending the opening and closing plenaries on K-12 CS education policy and education reform.
RE 2021I'm giving an invited keynote
Jul 29 - Aug 8, 2021
CRA-E Annual Board Meeting
Planning pathways into CS research.
Jun 1 - 2, 2021
NSF Panel
Peer reviewing research proposals
Apr 16, 2021
UC Irvine, Digital Learning Lab
Invited research talk
Mar 1, 2021
Caltech, Keller Colloquium in Computing and Mathematical Sciences
Invited research talk and 1 on 1 meetings with faculty and students
Feb 12, 2021
UC Davis, Computer Science Seminar
Invited research talk
Nov 5, 2020
IT University of Copenhagen
Gave one of three invited keynotes at the launch of the new Center for Computing Education Research
ICER 2020The 2020 ACM International Computing Education Research conference, held online. I was the junior program chair and led the planning of the event.
PL+HCI Swimmer SchoolA summer school that brought together perspectives on HCI and programming languages research. I gave the first invited talk on how to discover things about programming by making and evaluating tools.
Jul 16, 2020
ISAT/DARPA End-User Mashup Workshop
This brought together experts in end-user programming and 'low-code' programming to inform future research opportunities in the U.S. government. I contributed as one of the experts.
APL LGBTQ+ PanelThis brought together a diverse panel of LGBTQ people in science and engineering to discuss their experiences in academia, research, and engineering. I served as a panelist. The panel was recorded.
CSTA 2020The 2020 CSTA Conference brought together CS teachers from across North America for two days, online. I attended several sessions and met many teachers through the random chat feature.
CRA-E Annual MeetingI joined the Computing Research Association's Education board; this was my first full board meeting.
SIGCSE 2020I traveled to Portland, fully masked and distance, ready to speak in about seven sessions. The conference was canceled the morning of the first day.
Koli Calling 2019I traveled to Joensuu, Finland to attend the conference, where I gave the keynote and my student Greg Nelson presented a paper.
Defining CS for Washington State
I spent the day in Olympia, Washington, on the Evergreen State College campus, working with stakeholders from across the state to shape what counts as a CS class. This was intended to help implement a new state law requiring CS electives in high schools.
PLATEAU 2019I spent a few days in New Orleans, serving as a panelist at the workshop and mentoring doctoral students.
Networking in Eastern Washington
I spent four days visiting Spokane, Pullman, and surrounding cities to meet dozens of passionate CS education advocates in schools, colleges, and universities.
CSEdCon 2019
I spent three days in Las Vegas, meeting with state leaders in K-12 CS education.
ACM ICER 2019I spent four days in Toronto, Canada, giving papers, and kicking off my role as program co-chair.
NextGen STEM Teacher Preparation Retreat
I spent the day on the Western Washington University campus doing state planning on STEM teacher education with leaders across Washington state.
ETH Invited TalkI spent two days at ETH Zurich's CS department, giving an invited talk and speaking to its many faculty and Ph.D. students.
ACM CHI 2019I spent five days at the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing, learning about the latest discoveries in HCI, attending many receptions, and reconnecting with colleagues.
ACM SIGCSE 2019I spent four days, mostly sick, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, giving a few talks and mostly sleeping.
Obviously I traveled before 2019 :) I just didn't track it here.
Last updated 2/9/2025. To the extent
possible under law, Amy J. Ko has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the design
and implementation of Amy's faculty site. This work is
published from the United States. See this site's GitHub repository to view source and provide feedback.