These are classes I teach.
HCID 520 User Interface Software and Technology (last taught Winter 2024). This core course in our Masters of HCI+Design teaches students the history, theory, and foundations of user interfaces. Students acquire a literacy for communicating and reasoning about interfaces. EDTEP 577 Computer Science Equity & Justice (last taught Spring 2023, next planned offering Spring 2024). This graduate course educates teacher candidates about equity and justice issues in computer science and computer science education, while also teaching content knowledge foundations of CS. I teach it in partnership with the UW College of Education's Secondary Teacher Education Program, which I'm helping design and launch. INFO 200 Intellectual Foundations of Informatics (last taught Spring 2022, next planned offering Autumn 2023). This survey course covers big ideas in information, information technology, and information systems. Students learn the history of information, foundational concepts in information, the relationship between information and computing, skills in analyzing and designing information systems, and the role of information systems in society. INFO 442 Cooperative Software Development (last taught Autumn 2020). This undergraduate software engineering class teaches foundations of team-based software development, leveraging the latest research on coordination, cooperation, and human cognition in software development. Students leave ready to become meaningful contributors to teams big and small, but also to understand the processes that teams use and how they can improve them. INFO 360 Design Methods (last taught Winter 2018). This undergraduate class teaches students design thinking skills in the domain of information and computing. It leverages multiple forms of active learning, involves a significant amount of studio-based learning, and helps students develop creative confidence. INFO 490/491 Capstone (last taught Spring 2013). This undergraduate capstone sequence engages students in a 6-month project, usually culminating in a functional, deployable prototype, and often in collaboration with a client from local industry.
Last updated 3/2/2025. To the extent
possible under law, Amy J. Ko has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the design
and implementation of Amy's faculty site. This work is
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