These are communities I work with to do research, advocate, and have impact.

The ComputingEd@UW logo.
ComputingEd@UW is the grassroots community of computing education researchers and educators at the University of Washington, spanning the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering, The Information School, the College of Education, Human-Centered Design and Engineering, and the Department of Communication.
The DUB logo.
DUB is the grassroots community of HCI and design researchers and educators + teachers at the University of Washington. Amy helped grow it from a small group of HCI faculty to one of the largest and most prolific HCI research communities in the world.
The PLSE logo.
PLSE is the programming languages + software engineering researcher group in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington. Amy often advises or co-advises Ph.D. students in PLSE.
The Digital Youth logo.
The Digital Youth Lab studies the transformative potential of technology in young people's lives. I collaborate with faculty in the lab.
The Sound CS Ed logo.
Sound CS Ed is a community of CS teachers, researchers, makers, and advocates in Puget Sound that I facilitate. It hosts a quarterly meetup and chats on Slack.
The CS for All Washington logo.
CS for All Washington. I founded this coalition to advocate for universal K-12 CS education in Washington state, bringing together CSTA chapters, the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, and several Educational Service Districts.
The AccessComputing logo.
AccessComputing. First funded by NSF and led by Richard Ladner and Sheryl Burgstahler, AccessComputing creates pathways for students with disabilities into computing. I joined as a co-PI in 2016, and brought leadership in teaching accessibility. I help make strategic decision for the project and give talks regularly about the alliance's activities.
The CREATE center logo.
CREATE. The Center for Research and Education on Accessible Technology and Experiences explores how to make technology and the world accessible. My work in the center explores how to educate students and teachers about accessible computing, to ensure future generations of technologists create a more accessible digital world.
The EUSES Washington logo.
EUSES Consortium is a former coalition of end-user programming and end-user software engineering researchers. I was its last director.

CC0 Last updated 3/2/2025. To the extent possible under law, Amy J. Ko has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the design and implementation of Amy's faculty site. This work is published from the United States. See this site's GitHub repository to view source and provide feedback.