My students and I receive funding from many sources.
The Information Schoolโ My lab's primary source of funding is the University of Washington Information
School. It pays 9 months of my salary, it subsidizes my doctoral students' time
through teaching assistantships, it provides space and staff support, and it
provides my core intellectual community. The iSchool's resources come from tuition,
fees, taxes from the Washington state government, and philanthropic giving.
National Science Foundationโ The majority of my sponsored research is funded by the U.S. National
Science Foundation, which is tax-funded. I write proposals, which are confidentially
evaluated by my peers, and when my peers and NSF find my proposals to have compelling
intellectual merit and potential for broader impact, I receive grants. I use
these grants to support my summer salary, my doctoral students stipends, benefits,
and tuition, my lab's research expenses, hourly undergraduate research assistants,
and our travel. My doctoral students also write their own proposals, often winning
NSF graduate research fellowships to support the first 3 years of their doctoral
work. My NSF awards include:
Six of my 13 past and present doctoral students have also won NSF Graduate Research
Fellowships, which support three years of their research.
For those preparing CAREER proposals looking for a exemplars, here is my
awarded proposal.
Microsoftโ Occasionally, collaborators across Microsoft, such as those in Microsoft
Research and Microsoft's developer division, will give me unrestricted gifts
to support my lab. These are no strings attached contributions, which I rely
on for expenses that the iSchool and NSF will not support, such as buying out
of teaching to free up research time and unplanned research expenses.
Googleโ In the past, I have received unrestricted Google research grants that
generally support 1-year projects that support me and a doctoral student.
Adobeโ When my doctoral students or I have collaborated with Adobe researchers,
they have given unrestricted gifts in support of my lab. This funding comes with
no strings attached.
Last updated 3/20/2025. To the extent
possible under law, Amy J. Ko has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the design
and implementation of Amy's faculty site. This work is
published from the United States. See this site's GitHub repository to view source and provide feedback.