
The following table is not complete, but will be updated as the term progresses.

Date Assigned Partial Solutions Date Due Chapter Problems Due
6/23 1.1-1.3 6/27 1.1 4,12
6/27 1.2 5,6
6/27 1.3 5,7,8,9,13
6/25 1.4 7/3 1.4 1,3,4,5abc,7,10,17(show counterexample if appropriate),18
2.1 7/3 2.1 1,4,5,8,10,17
2.2 7/3 2.2 2,4,5,7bc,8,10a,14,27
7/2 2.3 7/11 2.3 1ab,2acd,3,5,17
Wks 7/11 wks Complex Number Worksheet
2.4 7/11 2.4 1,3,5ab,6ab,10,14,21,23
2.5 7/11 2.5 2,3,5,8,13,15,16,21
7/11 2.6 7/18 2.6 1cd,3de,4ab,9bc,10bc,11bc,19,21
3.1 7/18 3.1 3,4,5
7/18 3.1 7/25 3.1 6,7,8,11cde,14-16,19,23
3.2 7/25 3.2 3-5,8,11-13,17ab, 18-20
7/25 3.3 8/1 3.3 3-5,7,9,11,13,22,25
7/31 3.4 8/8 3.4 1ab,3ab,5ab,7a,9-12,16
3.5 8/8 3.5 3,8-12,20,23
8/5 3.6 N/A 3.6 1,5,7,9,13