14.5 Spatial Dynamics

14.5.1 Human Migration, Mobility & Travel

The notion of a spatially distributed risk for humans and the modalities of human travel.

  • Humans move around, so we develop a model of time spent. Time spent is sub-divided into three parts:

    • time spent at home;

    • time spent traveling, when a night is spent away from home;

    • human mobility, which describes time spent around home when not traveling.

  • For travel, we estimate a travel FoI.

  • For time at home and mobility, after weighing time spent and mosquito diurnal activity patterns by time of day, we modify time spent to get a notion of time at risk

  • After modifying time at risk by search weights, mosquito blood meals are distributed among all hosts according to their availability.

14.5.2 Mosquito Search & Dispersal

14.5.3 The Mixing Matrix

14.5.4 Pathogen Dispersal by Humans

14.5.5 Pathogen Dispersal by Mosquitoes

To describe mosquito spatial dynamics, we