Published and Previously Unpublished Academic Writing

The links here are to digital files of my academic writing, which is being posted in the first instance to make accessible work that either had never appeared in print, or appeared in publications that may otherwise be difficult to obtain. With few exceptions where I may link to an outside URL, the files are ones I have created for posting to my personal website. As time permits I shall add files. A complete bibliography of my academic publications may be found here.

The topical groupings below are:

Publications about the Muscovite kuranty (translated news and pamphlets) and more generally communications and "news" in Muscovy

Muscovite Turcica

History of the book, libraries and manuscript collections

Russian chronicles


Miscellaneous pre-modern Russian history and culture

Reviews, review notices (pertaining to early Russia and Slavica)

Here I list individual ones by author/title of the work reviewed, in ascending chronological order, with the reference to where the review was published. Interspersed are review notices that include several titles. Some reviews specific to topics for which I have a separate heading (e.g., books about chronicles) are listed under those headings. Reviews published in The Silk Road are listed along with other materials there in the last section below. They include material on, e.g., The Golden Horde and more generally the Mongol Empire. Reviews posted to H-EarlySlavic are linked here to files copied from the postings into pdf files on this website, not to those on the H-EarlySlavic site, even if most (all?) of them may be found there too.

The "Great Game"; the British consulate at Kashgar; C. P. Skrine

Central Asia past and present

. See also listings below under publications in The Silk Road.

Publications on museums, their collections and special exhibitions (from The Silk Road).

Some additional reviews of exhibition catalogues may be found in the next section, mixed in with other reviews or book notices.

The Silk Road

Articles and reviews from the Silkroad Foundation's journal.The complete issues of the journal may be accessed on-line. Although it began as a thin newsletter, now, as an annual, its volumes are substantial books.

Last updated 16 February 2015.