Chapter 2 Python

Python is a general programming language which in recent years has gained a lot of popularity. It is in many ways similar to C++ and java, but avoids a number of complexities of those languages. However, it also includes a number of power-user tools, such as passing by reference, that allows it to handle data more efficiently than more functional languages like R. Unlike C++ or java (and like R), python is weakly typed and skips much of the other rigor of those language, so it is a much better choice for quick scripting and prototyping.

Python has a rich infrastructure of libraries, including data science-related libraries. Although powerful, not all of those are simple to learn. Part of the problem is not related to python or the libraries per se, but to the fact the data-processing concepts are complex. The other source of the complexity are the power-user tools that are designed for power-users, not for beginners. For instance, many python libraries have options to modify data “in place”, i.e. without doing a copy in memory. This is sometimes very handy, in particular when handling large data structures. But it is also a source of frequent confusion. The third source of problems is related to rapid development of certain popular frameworks. For example, tensorflow is developing rapidly with an unfortunate result of breaking the old code. If you haven’t been continuously updating your code for last few years, expect to run into problems now.

Finally, due to the rapid development, python itself is also rapidly changing. This may easily lead to installation hell, where the user has to keep different versions of python installed in order to support old versions of libraries as some of the code only works with older versions. There are tools, such as anaconda environments or python virtual environments that make this process simpler, but unfortunately all too often it happens that the different versions still manage to disturb each other somehow.

2.1 Installing python

As python is a popular tool for operating system (OS) related tasks, many OS-s may already have a version of python installed. Check your computer package manager.

However, for consistency in data science it is often preferred to install anaconda. Anaconda is a consistent set of packages that contain python, popular data science libraries, and many other related tools. You need to download anaconda installer and run in on your computer. Choose the default options unless you know what you are doing.

Anaconda navigator in Windows 10 environment.

On windows and mac OS-s, anaconda install anaconda navigator, a graphical interface that let you access the most important anaconda related programs. This includes jupyterlab and jupyter notebooks for interactive coding, spyder text editor that is somewhat similar to RStudio, just for python, and anaconda-aware command line interface. The latter is useful if you want to run python program from command line.

Anaconda also allows to keep different versions of python and other packages installed at the same time through environments, you can imagine environments being different folders that contain different versions of the software. However, if it is the first time you install anaconda on your computer then you don’t have to set up environments.

2.2 How to Use Python

2.2.1 Command line

~/d$ python
~/d$ cat
#!/usr/bin/env python3

for i in range(5):
    print(" "*i, "Hello!")

Running python code from command line. The program, printed below with cat command prints five times the word “Hello!”.

Python can be used in different ways. The traditional way is to use a text editor or IDE to write a python program (typically using .py as the file extension), and running the program from command line. Modern IDE-s also support code execution with a single click. Command line is the preferred way to run python code (or any other program code for that matter) for tasks that take long time or run as backend without user interaction. If you use anaconda, you should use the respective anaconda command prompt to run python programs.

2.2.2 IPython: interactive python

ipython running in emacs/elpy

The same program as above in an emacs window, next to the ipython console that shows its output. One can use ipython console for various quick calculations, and for running programs chunk-by-chunk (note that the last print statement has not been executed). Many programming editors support ipython.

Alternatively, python has powerful and rich support for console operations through ipython, the interactive python. It supports a number of macros, such as %timeit for timing command evaluations, and other goodies designed for interactive evaluation. Ipython is normally used in combination with a text editor, such as spyder that allows to write code and execute it easily through ipython. Spyder is included in anaconda installation and reminds in many ways RStudio.

2.2.3 Jupyter notebooks

Python running in jupyterlab notebook

The same program as above running in a Jupyter notebook (through Jupyterlab). The code is in the code cell, output of it is visible underneath.

In recent years, it has become increasingly popular to use python through an interactive web-based environment jupyter notebook. Notebooks consists of code cells and markdown cells. Code cells can contain code which can be executed with a simple click (or keyboard shortcuts, e.g. Shift-Enter). The code is executed through ipython, so ipython tools are available in notebooks too. The markdown cells contain markdown text and can be rendered by a similar click or shortcut. The big advantage of notebooks is the immediate feedback, one can write the code a few lines at time, execute these, and immediately correct for potential errors. But notebooks are not a solution for every problem. In particular, one may prefer to run complex tasks without user interaction. Notebooks also permit to run cells out-of-order and in this way they can cause errors you do not see in traditional coding.

Notebooks are the most popular way for literate programming in python. One can easily mix code, output, and textual explanations in notebooks, and convert the result into html pages or a pdf document.

Jupyterlab icon

In order to use notebooks, one has to start the notebook server, typically by clicking on the Jupyterlab icon on the Anaconda navigator window. This opens a new browser window where one can start a fresh notebook (or open an existing one). Notebooks can also be set up to run on a server instead of local computer, in that case one has just to point the browser to the dedicated start page.

Adding markdown to notebooks. One can choose cell type from the drop-down menu at top-right, and afterward render the markdown with the arrow icon (both underlined), or more likely with Shift-Enter.

The notebook cells can contain either code or markdown text. The figure at right show three cells in Jupyterlab. The middle cell, marked with a blue bar at left, is the active cell where one can write and edit text. This is currently a markdown cell, as visible on the top-right dropdown menu (underlined in red). When you execute the markdown using the “run” triangle (top center, underlined in red), or more likely by Shift-Enter, the markdown will be rendered. A similar, rendered cell is visible as the topmost cell in the notebook.

Underneath, we can see a code cell that has already been run. Code cells can be recognized by the brackets at left, the number “1” within brackets means that this cell was run as the first cell in this notebook. If the code produces any output, this is also visible underneath. The visual layout and menus are somewhat different when using notebooks outside of Jupyterlab.

Jupyter notebooks share a number of similarities with rmarkdown but there are also a number of differences. Both are frameworks for literal programming and both support different programming languages, including python and R. However, notebook file format contains output while rmarkdown does not contain it. This makes notebooks an easy way to share both code and output. But output in the file makes it less suitable for version control systems, and the file format is also much more complex. The table below summarizes the main differences between these two formats.

Jupyter notebooks rmarkdown
Separate code cells and markdown cells code chunks in markdown text
Includes output does not include output
Json file containing text, code, output markdown file containing text, code (no output)
Not git friendly (because of output) git friendly
Works in browser works in RStudio
Limited support elsewhere can be used with different text editor (just text)
Requires background process running (kernel) requires compilation (or RStudio)

As a practical implication, with notebooks you can inject html into your output and in this way create virtually unlimited webpages. However, a few simple tasks, such as writing text, is just a bit more complicated (new cells are code cells by default), so notebooks discourage writing. Notebooks also do not include easy inline code chunks that are possible with rmarkdown.

2.3 Base language

The base python is well designed and easy to learn. It is in many ways similar to C++ and java, but much simpler. It also lacks some of the rigor of the those languages which makes it a very good choice for scripting and quick prototyping but a somewhat less suited for complex large-scale projects.

2.3.1 A few words about variable names and coding style

Before getting into the specifics of python, a few general remarks about coding style. There is always a myriad of ways to choose variable names, naming schemes, and algorithms. This is often of little importance but may sometimes lead to errors that are frustratingly hard to debug. Below we discuss a few general strategies. As always, feel free to break any of these rules, but be able to explain why do you do that! Choose appropriate variable names

What is “appropriate” depends on the task. If you are writing a tiny loop that prints a message three times, the loop counter can well be called i:

for i in range(3):
    print(i, "hi there!")

The plain i makes the code easier to grasp than a more complex name, e.g. greeting_counter. Just compare:

for greeting_counter in range(3):
    print(greeting_counter, "hi there!")

However, this does not mean that you should always choose the simplest variable names. greeting_counter may be a good choice in case you are developing a more complex project with nested loops and many counters, and you need to know what exactly the loop is counting. Do not overwrite data with derived results

Data science tasks typically start with loading, cleaning and filtering data along the lines

## load
data = pd.read_csv("data.csv")
# check if loading was successful
## clean
data = data.dropna(["var1", "var2"], axis=1)
# do more cleaning...
## subset
data = data[data.var3.isin(interesting_cases)]
# do more subsetting...
## start real work here

This is a good way to work if you are running the code from command line in batch mode. However, in notebooks where typical workflow jumps back and forth, it may lead to confusing issues where a piece of code that just a second ago worked perfectly does not work any more, or produces wrong results. In the example above, if you run the cleaning code again, you’ll get an error telling you that variables var1 and var2 were not found.

Consider creating temporary variables (and deleting those with del afterwards if needed). Create a naming scheme for collections and elements

Another common task is to run a loop over all elements of a collection. The collections usually have a particular meaning and hence you tend to call it accordingly. But the individual elements you extracts in the loop have a rather similar meaning, and you are tempted to call it something very similar.

Consider a confusing example:

friend = ["Li Seming", "Gao Guoqin", "Wang Chengbi"]
for person in friend:
    ## what is person, what is friend?
    ## which one is collection, which one is element?
    ## are they related in the first place?

There are two problems with the chosen names: a) they are both in singular, so it is unclear which one is an element and which one is the collection; and b) they are quite different, so it is not clear if person and friend are somehow related. An alternative would be to consistently use the -s plural ending, or maybe _list suffix:

friends = ["Li Seming", "Gao Guoqin", "Wang Chengbi"]
for friend in friends:
    ## friends: plural, hence collection
    ## friend: singular, hence element of 'friends'

Select a coherent naming schema that distinguishes collections from their elements! If you change the variable meaning, change its name too

Consider a task: we have test score data between 0 and 100. We want to replace this with a simple variable, just a binary indicator that tells if someone received score over 80. Sometimes we see it coded as

testscore = testscore > 80

Why is it confusing? Because the original “testscore” means numeric score between 0 and 100. But now further down in the code it suddenly means a logical value for high test score.

In such case create a new variable, such as “highscore”. If you are worried about memory footprint then you may remove the original variable. Select appropriate names for complex concepts

Normally you pick variable names that closely resemble the corresponding concept names. Now consider you are doing Bayesian statistics, and you need to compute probabilities \(\Pr(S = 1)\), \(\Pr(S = 0)\), \(\Pr(W = 1|S = 1)\), \(\Pr(W = 0|S = 1)\), \(\Pr(W = 1|S=0)\) and \(\Pr(W = 0|S = 0)\). These are probabilities and conditional probabilities, written down in standard mathematical notation. How would you name these six related but still very distinct variables? As you can see, the notation is confusingly similar but the small differences are still very important. You must be able to tell from your variable names which concept does it describe. I’d suggest to use names that reflect the mathematical notation as much as possible, that are close enough that both you and whoever else may read your code understands which concepts they are referring to. For instance, you can choose

Pr_S1, Pr_S0, Pr_W1S1, Pr_W0S1, Pr_W1S0, Pr_W0S0

Complex formulas may be confusing to begin with, and introducing incoherent variable names only adds to this confusion. It is also extremely hard to debug code where one has to guess and remember that pw_second means \(\Pr(W=0|S=1)\) and probability_new2 is \(\Pr(W=0|S=0)\). Use grammatically correct words

Computer does not care about your English grammar. But there is only one way to write the words correctly while you can write them wrong in a myriad of different ways. It is just hard to remember if middle point should be written as middlePoint, mdlePoint, midPoint or midlPoint… If someone else is reading your code, they may not understand if this is a typo or correct variable name.

Typos in variable names is a frustrating source of errors that may take hours or even days to debug. In particular, long variable names in languages that do not require explicit declaration can contain typos that are surprisingly easy to overlook. Do not make this work harder by intentional misspelling!

2.3.2 Code blocks

One of the most distinct element of python language is the use of code blocks–instead of using braces or keywords, code blocks in python are defined by indentation. Consider the example:

for i in range(4):
    if i > 2:
        print("too much")

The for-loop embraces three lines of code, marked by an extra indent (typically 4 spaces): the first print-statement, and the if-statement that in turn is made of two lines. The if-statement inside the loop contains the if-condition itself, and besides that just one additional line, marked by additional indent (4 more spaces). The last print-statement is indented by the same amount as the for-statement (i.e. not indented at all), and hence belongs to the same code level, here to the main program itself. It gives the following result:

## 0
## 1
## 2
## 3
## too much
## done

Similar indentation rules apply to all code blocks, including function definitions, and exception handling with try and except: the block starts with a colon at the end of the declaration line (for and if-lines in the example), and is defined by extra indentation.

2.3.3 Variables and assignment

The most important data types are floats (floating-point numbers), integers, logicals, and strings. The following example demonstrates all these data types:

a = 1.0  # double
b = 2  # integer
λ = False  # logicals are 'False' and 'True'
s = 'text'  # string, can also use double quotes

A float is created by explicitly writing 1.0 instead of 1 (the latter will be integer). Note that python supports UTF-8 characters in variable names, as visible with the variable λ. We can query the data type (class) of the variable by function type:

## <class 'float'>
## <class 'int'>

If needed, one can explicitly cast one type into another:

int(λ)  # convert to integer
## 0
str(a)  # convert to string
## '1.0'

One can see that False is converted to zero as integer. Analogously, True would be converted to one. When doing the reverse conversion, every number but 0 will be converted to True.

2.3.4 Mathematical, logical and other operators

The mathematical operators are (mostly) traditional: +, -, *, / for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The only operator that causes confusion is ** for exponentiation. (^ is bitwise xor instead). Other useful mathematical operations are // for integer division, and % for modulo:

7 // 2  # 3
## 3
7 % 2  # 1
## 1

Mathematical operators also have an “update” version like in C and java (R does not have such operators): e.g. a += 1 is the same as a = a + 1, a *= 2 is equivalent to a = a*2. For instance:

i = 1
i *= 2
i *= 3
i  # 6
## 6

Logical operations work mostly as-expected too. In particular >, <, >=, and <=. As in several other languages, equality is tested with double equal signs ==. Inequality can be tested with !=, and logical negation is not:

a = 1
a > 1  # False
## False
a >= 1  # True
## True
a == 1  # True
## True
a != 1  # False
## False
not a == 1  # False
## False

Python also supports somewhat less common but extremely handy multi-way comparison operations, for instance

0 < a < 2  # true
## True

Exercise 2.1 Going out with friends

  • How many friends do you have? Put it into a variable
  • What is your budget? Put it into a variable
  • Print a message I am going out with X friends where X is your number of friends. Hint: use print function like print("I om going out with", X, "friends")
  • What does the meal cost? Put it in a variable
  • Compute total meal price for your whole company. Do not forget to buy a meal for yourself too!
  • Add 15% tip to the total price
  • Print either can afford or cannot afford, depending on if the total cost dost exceeds/does not exceed the budget

See the solution

2.3.5 Strings

Strings in python can be constructed in traditional ways, using either single or double quotes:

a = "what"
b = 'is'

Both of these are equivalent ways to define a string. The former is useful for creating a string that contains a single quote like a = "what's", and the latter is better if you want to include a double quote.

Strings can be concatenated with + operator. This does not leave any space between the strings, the space must be explicitly added if required:

a + b
## 'whatis'
a + " " + b
## 'what is'

One can concatenate numbers and strings in a similar fashion, just numbers must be explicitly cast into strings using str function:

a = 1
"x" + str(a)
## 'x1'

Python standard library contains many useful string-related functions. Many of these are in fact methods and should be called as s.method() where s is the string and method is the name of the method. For instance upper converts a string into upper case, and split splits it into parts:

country = "usa"
## 'USA'
sentence = "Crecí en la ciudad"
## ['Crecí', 'en', 'la', 'ciudad']

Exercise 2.2 Print a sentence: height is 5'3"

Hint: use single/double quotes and concatenation

See the solution

Sometimes you want to define a long string. Such multi-line strings can be defined using triple quotes:

message = """
People should be valued
for their good deeds, 
not their good looks
## People should be valued
## for their good deeds, 
## not their good looks

2.3.6 Functions

Functions in python behave very much like in other traditional programming languages. Functions can be defined with the def keyword, followed by the function name, and the list of arguments in parenthesis. This is followed by a colon and an indented function body. Functions must return the value explicitly, otherwise they implicitly return the special empty value None:

def add(x, y):
    z = x + y
    return z
## 9

For those coming from languages that return values implicitly, it is a common error to forget about to return the result. The manifests unexpected None-s, potentially leading to errors in the following code.

Python functions also support default values, for instance:

def multiply(x, y=2):
    return x*y
    ## do not forget 'return'!
## 8
multiply(4, 3)
## 12

Functions may have both side effects (such as printing and plotting), and return values. It is often considered a bad style to do both by the same function.

2.4 Collections

Base python contains three very handy collection data structures: lists, dicts, and sets. These are in many ways similar to Java collections or C++ containers, just much simpler to use. They are also very widely used and hence an essential part of base python knowledge.

  • Lists are ordered positional collections of objects.
    • ordered means that the objects are stored in a given order, and one can ask (and answer) questions like “is a before b in the list?”
    • positional means that elements have well-defined positions, and tasks like “put ‘x’ into position 2” are well defined.
  • dicts, aka maps, are collections of key-value pairs. One can query the value for a key, e.g. query the capital if you know the country. In earlier python versions this was an unordered collection, from python 3.6 on it preserves its creation order.
  • Sets are unordered collections of unique elements. Set can only contain a single copy of each element, this is useful when you need to find unique values. Set elements are stored in no particular order, most likely in whatever order the computer finds convenient. Tasks like “give 2nd element of the set” are not defined and result in an error.
  • There is also a non-mutable version of list, called tuple. More about it below.

None of these collections are truly vectorized (unlike R vectors), and hence they are relatively slow (but see numpy for low-level vectorization). But the collections are very flexible, and hence they are excellent tools for many other types of tasks.

2.4.1 Lists

Lists are ordered collections that can contain everything (they can contain the abstract type object). Lists are perhaps the most popular collection type as these are intuitive, easy to handle, fast, mutable (they can be modified) and have a wide range of uses.

Lists can be created using square brackets:

e = []  # empty list
l = [1.0, 2, "a"]  # contains 3 elements of different type
## [1.0, 2, 'a']
m = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  # contains 5 elements of the same type

Lists can also be created from other collections and iterable objects using the list-function:

n = list(range(5))
## [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] Indexing and slicing

List elements can be accessed using brackets. Python’s list (and other collections) use 0-based indexing: the first element is with the index 0 (like C++ and java, but unlike R and julia).

l[0]  # 1st element
## 1.0
m[1]  # 2nd element
## 2
m[2] = -7  # assign a new value for third element
## [1, 2, -7, 4, 5]

Negative indices start counting from the end:

m[-1]  # last element
## 5

This is a little bit un-intuitive: as the first element of the list m is m[0], one might expect the last one is m[-0]. However, there is no such thing as -0 and hence when counting from the end, we start from 1, not from 0.

One can delete elements with the del command:

alphabet = ["α", "β", "γ", "δ", "ε", "ζ", "η"]
del alphabet[2]  # remove the 3rd element
## ['α', 'β', 'δ', 'ε', 'ζ', 'η']

One can access more than one list element, this is called slicing. Slicing is done with the construct [first:last] where first means the first included index, and last means the first non-included index. So, for instance, x[1:3] extracts elements x[1] and x[2], x[3] is not included (and remember: x[1] is the 2nd element!):

alphabet[1:4]  # 2nd, 3rd, 4th element
## ['β', 'δ', 'ε']

One can leave out first and last in the slice. If first is left out, python takes the first possible element, and if last is left out, it takes the last possible element. So x[3:] means from 4th to the last element, and x[:3] means from the first till the 3rd element (the 4th, with index 3, will not be included):

## ['β', 'δ', 'ε', 'ζ', 'η']
## ['α', 'β', 'δ', 'ε']

Hence x[:] means the same as x, i.e. all elements from the first till the last.

Slicing also works with negative indices, counting from the end in that case:

alphabet[-3:]  # last 3
## ['ε', 'ζ', 'η']
alphabet[:-2]  # leave out last two
## ['α', 'β', 'δ', 'ε']

Slicing accepts an optional third argument, step, after the second colon:

alphabet[0:5:2]  # from first, till 5th, every 2nd element
## ['α', 'δ', 'ζ']

If you specify negative step, it will walk through the collection backwards. So we can reverse the list with

## ['η', 'ζ', 'ε', 'δ', 'β', 'α']

Note that we left out the first and last arguments, and hence python picked the first and last possible values taking into account that we walk backward. So it started from the last and ended with the first element.

Exercise 2.3 Consider a list [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]. Write a loop that extracts sublists [1, 4, 7, 10], [2, 5, 8, 11] and [3, 6, 9, 12]. Use slicing and the step argument inside the loop!

See the solution

Lists are not truly vectorized, unlike R vectors (and unlike numpy/pandas objects), so one may occasionally encounter surprising results:

alphabet[2:] = "g"  # empty means 'till the last'
alphabet  # no vectorized assignment!
## ['α', 'β', 'g']

Apparently it did not replace all elements from the third one till the last, 5th one, with “g”, but inserted a single “g” and deleted everything everything afterwards.

Also one cannot extract multiple elements from a list:

alphabet[[1,2]]  # cannot pull multiple
## Error: TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not list Combining lists

One can add single elements to the list with the append method, and concatenate two lists with + operator. Here is an example:

a = [1, 2, 3]
## [1, 2, 3, 4]
a + [5, 6]
## [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

But be aware of the caveat: append adds a single element. If you do something like a.append([5,6]), it still adds a single element, in this case a list containing 5 and 6. So the last element of the list will be another list:

## [1, 2, 3, 4, [5, 6]]

Exercise 2.4 Bring friends together!

  • create a list that contains the names of two of your best friends.
  • create another, empty list, for people you know but who are not your good friends.
  • add two names to the second list
  • combine both lists together (it should contain four names).
  • print the result with an explanatory message.

See the solution Creating lists in a loop

Quite often we need to compute a value for every element in a collection, and store all the results in a single list. For instance, one may want to see how many observations there are in a number of data files, or how many ingredients there are in different recipies. A popular solution in such cases is the following: first create an empty list, and thereafter loop over the collection and append the computed value to the list. For instance, here is code that creates a list of squares of numbers:

squares = []
for i in range(10):
## [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

This is a handy and frequently used algorithm. However, it is not particularly efficient, and becomes very slow if the collection is large. The problem is that the lists are created with fixed finite length, and when you add new elements to the list, you run out of the pre-allocated space. The computer has to allocate new space and copy the former data into the new location. But for small collections this approach works well.

Exercise 2.5 Assign people to seats:

Consider two lists:

names = ["Adam", "Ashin", "Inukai", "Tanaka", "Ikki"]
seats = [33, 12, 45, 2, 17]

Loop over names and seats, and create a list of seat assignments, strings like "Adam: 33". Create the list in a loop, not through other methods!

Hint: loop over the integer range of the length names and use indexing to access the corresponding name and seat number.

See the solution List comprehension

List comprehension is a quick way to create lists on the fly. It is in many ways similar to the looped version above, but more efficient and more compact.

List comprehension syntax is the following

[_expresson_ for _variable_ in _iterable_]

The expression is a python expression that calculates a value, typically using the variable in the process. The variable in turn is extracted by looping over iterable. For instance, we can create a list of squares as above by

[i*i for i in range(10)]
## [0, 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, 49, 64, 81]

Here i loops from 0 to 9, and for each i, i**2 is added to the list.

Obviously, we can use other data types, not just numbers for list comprehension. For instance, here we create a list of numbered questions:

["Question " + str(i) for i in range(1,5)]
## ['Question 1', 'Question 2', 'Question 3', 'Question 4']

We also do not have to use the looping variable in the expression. For instance

[0 for i in range(5)]
## [0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

creates a list of 0-s.

Exercise 2.6 Use list comprehension.

  • create a list of squares of numbers of 1..10 using the range(10) function (not range(1,11)).
  • create a list of pizza toppings, e.g. mushrooms, mozarella, pineapple, … Using list comprehension, add a ‘pizza with’ in front of each element, so the result will be ‘pizza with mushrooms, ’pizza with mozarella’, …

See the solution List methods

List objects have many useful methods. For instance, sort orders the list in a natural order:

l = [1, 5, 3, 2]
## [1, 2, 3, 5]

Note that sort, like most other methods, operates in place, i.e. they modify the current list and do not return a new list. This is a frequent source of confusion and errors, for instance if one forgets about sort working in-place, and writes

l = [1, 5, 3, 2]
l1 = l.sort()

One gets an empty result. This is because the sort method modifies the list in place and returns the special empty value None. However, there is a function sorted that returns a sorted list while leaving the original list untouched:

l = [1, 5, 3, 2]
## [1, 2, 3, 5]
## [1, 5, 3, 2]

Presence of similar functions, some which work in place and some of which return a modified object is a frequent source of confusion for beginners.

2.4.2 Tuples

Python also contains a list-like collection called tuple which is not mutable, i.e. one cannot change the already created tuple. The syntax is similar to that of lists, just instead of square brackets it uses parenthesis. For instance:

b = (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
b[1]  # indexing works as in case of lists
## 1
b[:4]  # one can slice tuples
## (0, 1, 2, 3)
b[3] = -1  # Error: one cannot change a tuple
## Error: TypeError: 'tuple' object does not support item assignment

The special syntax for empty and one-element typle is

empty = ()
one = (1,)

Note the comma after 1 in the one-element tuple. This tells python that this is a tuple and not just number one in parenthesis.

Tuples are widely used in cases where non-mutable elements are required. This includes dict keys, set elements, and other cases where the object must be hashable.1 Tuples are also popular when a function has to return multiple values. Tuples are also popular for multi-variable assignment, and for multi-element interactive printing. For multi-variable assignment we just write a tuple of variable names on the left-hand side of the assignment sign, and a tuple of values on the right side. For instane:

name, age, address = "Gao", 44, "Mountain Alley 22"
## 'Gao'
## 'Mountain Alley 22'

When printing on an interactive console or in a notebook cell, we may prefer not to write the print-function. But we can still print multiple values as tuple:

data = [1,2,3,4]
# print both min and max on a single line:
min(data), max(data)
## (1, 4)

2.4.3 Dicts (maps)

Maps are data structures that contain key-value pairs. The python versions are called dicts. Such structures are often used to assign names to values in data, or to create complex data structures. The syntax is the following: {key1:value1, key2:value2, ...}. For instance, we can create a dict of squares of numbers:

squares = {0:1, 1:1, 2:4, 3:9, 4:16}

Extracting values based on keys looks very similar to list indexing:

## 4
## 16

We can also add new key-value pairs, and overwrite the existing ones using a similar syntax:

squares[5] = 25
squares[3] = 8  # lol :-)
## {0: 1, 1: 1, 2: 4, 3: 8, 4: 16, 5: 25}

But neither keys nor values have to be numbers. These may be other data types, including complex ones. Here is an example of linking cities to geographic coordinates:

cities = {"Shanghai": [31.228611, 121.474722],
          "Dhaka": [23.763889, 90.388889],
          "Bangkok": [13.7525, 100.494167]
## {'Shanghai': [31.228611, 121.474722], 'Dhaka': [23.763889, 90.388889], 'Bangkok': [13.7525, 100.494167]}

Exercise 2.7 Create a similar dict but the other way around: given geographic coordinates as key, it returns the city name as value.

Note: key cannot be a list as it must be hashable, and lists as mutable objects are not hashable. But it can be a tuple, so you may use a tuple instead of a list.

See the solution

Finally, here is an example of a more complex data structure, built using a list:

address = {"house":200,
           "street": "Xiaolingwei",
           "city": "Nanjing",

Exercise 2.8 Exercise: dict of dicts

  • Create a two similar dicts that contain addresses of two places.
  • Next, create a new dict places where they keys are names of those places, and values are the corresponding addresses (addresses as dicts).
  • Add a third address to the dict using the dict[key] = ... notation.

See the solution Dict keys and values

One can find all the keys of a dict with the keys method. This is an iterable collection, one can transform to a list or another collection, or just iterate over. The following example just prints all the keys and values in a nice manner:

for key in address.keys():
    print(key, ": ", address[key])
## house :  200
## street :  Xiaolingwei
## city :  Nanjing
## district :  Xuanwu
## province :  Jiangsu
## zip :  210094
## country :  CN Exercise: Find the total bill

  • Create a dict of rent bills for a three (or more) month period where keys are the months and the values are the corresponding rent amounts (like "jan":1200, "feb":1400, ...).
  • Find the total rent during the period in this dict. Do not just use the months you know, instead find the months using the keys method.

See the solution

2.4.4 Sets

The final structure we discuss here is set. It models the set in the mathematical sense, i.e. it is an unordered collection that contains only one copy of each element. Unordered means that looping over the elements extracts those in an unpredictable order, and it does not support positional access either.

Sets are often used where we have to ensure we only have one copy of each element. Here is an example of counting unique elements in a list:

x = [1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 5, 3]
s = set(x)
print("we have", len(s), "unique elements:", s)
## we have 4 unique elements: {1, 2, 3, 5}

Sets also support the mathematical set operations like union and intersection, one can also loop over set elements (it is iterable).

If we need positional access to the set elements, we can transform it back to a list. As the set is not ordered, we may want to sort the resulting list in order to have a consistent order.

l = list(s)
## [1, 2, 3, 5]

Exercise 2.9 Find unique names using sets

Consider names of kings: “Jun”, “Gang”, “An”, “jun”, “HYE”, “JUN”, “hyo”, “yang”, “WON”, “WON”, “Yang”. How many different kings are in the list? Proceed as follows:

  • create a list of king names

  • convert all names to the capitalized form. These are kings, you should not convert their names to lower case!

    Hint: use list comprehension

  • create a set of this list

  • as a way to check your results, print the set.

  • print the number of elements in the set.

See the solution

2.5 Language Constructs

2.5.1 if-elif-else

if-construct works in a very predictable manner, in a similar fashion as in many other common languages:

if x > 0:
elif x < 0:

if requires a logical expression. If this is true, the following indented block is executed. If it is not true, the eventual elif condition is checked (there may be many elif-blocks), and finally else block is executed given there is an else-block.

Sometimes it is useful to have a block that does nothing. In that case on may use pass-statement:

if x < 0:

Note that it is usually better to invert the logical condition and leave out the else block instead.

2.5.2 for-Loops

For loops are one of the favorite ways of iterating over collections. The only requirement is the collection to be iterable, it does not have to be ordered (and even more, it does not to be a collection, like range is not a collection. The syntax is easy to remember: for _variable_ in _collection_:. The colon is followed by an indented block, the body of the for loop.

A trivial example:

for i in range(3): 
## 0
## 1
## 2

Remember that the collection does not to contain elements of the same type. We can also do

for i in [1, 'a', True]: 
## 1
## a
## True

And finally an example of functional programming: we loop over a list of functions, and print the function value at 1:

import math
for func in [math.sin, math.cos, math.sqrt]: 
## 0.8414709848078965
## 0.5403023058681398
## 1.0

import is the python way to load libraries (modules), see Modules.

Exercise 2.10 For numbers 1 to 10, print out their parity (odd or even). Proceed as follows:

  • Loop over numbers 1 to 10
  • Use the modulo operator % to check if the number is odd (the number modulo 2 is 1) or even.
  • use if/else to print the number, and the corresponding parity. The output should look like:
1 odd
2 even

See the solution

For-loops is a handy tool for various tasks. Quite often we need to calculate something based on a number of items. In that case we want to initialize the result (also called accumulator), and update it in a for loop where we iterate over all these items. For instance, we can use for-loops to compute factorials (product of all integers up to a given number):

p = 1  # initialize p (accumulator)
## compute 10!
for i in range(1, 11):
    p = p*i
## 3628800

And here is another example: combine all names in a list so we have a single, comma-separated string:

## flowers
names = ["viola glabella", "monothropa hypopithys", "lomatium utriculatum"]
s = ""  # initialize accumulator
for name in names:
    if s != "":
        s += ", "
    s += name
## 'viola glabella, monothropa hypopithys, lomatium utriculatum'

Here the code needs to work slightly differently, depending on if we are working with the first or with a subsequent name, as only the subsequent ones are preceded by ", ".

These examples above are trivial, and there are easier ways to achieve the results using standard python libraries. But this approach is more general and can be applied in many cases where no such library functions exist.

Exercise 2.11 Do the second task, combining names into a long comma-separated list, using the string .join() method.

See the solution

2.6 Libraries (modules)

Base python automatically loads a minimalistic set of functions. For instance, it does not load common mathematical operators like square root or sinus, and it does not load operating system functionality like directory listings. Such functionality must be loaded explicitly by importing the corresponding modules (libraries).

There are different ways to import modules. First, one can load the whole module, and use the syntax module-name.function to access the function. For instance:

import math
## 1.4142135623730951

This imports the math module that contains a plethora of mathematical operations, and afterwards we can use these functions with math. prefix. The advantage of this approach is that in code one can immediately see where are certain functions coming from. However, it involves more typing and longer names.

Alternatively, we can only import the necessary functions, and use those without the prefix:

from math import sqrt, sin, pi
## 1.4142135623730951
## 1.0

This results in shorter and cleaner code, but sometimes it may be hard to guess where are the corresponding functions defined. Function sin may be defined either in the math module, numpy module, or maybe just elsewhere in the same code file.

It is also possible to rename the module when importing, a very popular approach when working with libraries with longer names:

import math as m
## 1.4142135623730951
## 1.0

Exercise 2.12 Access your file system. File system functions are not loaded by default, but they reside in the os module.

Find your working directory, and list files therein. Use functions getcwd (get current working directory) and listdir in that module.

See the solution

  1. In principle on can also compute hash code of mutable variables. However, that would require computer to be aware of any data changes, and if that happens the recompute the hash code. It is doable, but inefficient. Python solves this dilemma in a way that it only computes hash codes for immutable variables.↩︎