So proud of you, Quynh! Check out her work on lipid peroxidation mechanisms and ferroptosis:

So proud of you, Quynh! Check out her work on lipid peroxidation mechanisms and ferroptosis:
Ryan’s project will focus on characterizing the exposome of ToxCast chemicals using ion mobility-mass spectrometry! Congrats, Ryan! Way to go! Check out the NIEHS-funded EPT training program here.
In the division for Drug Metabolism and Disposition. Check out the award list here. Good job, Ryan!
We are excited to venture into this exciting research direction with our co-investigator, Dr. Julia Cui at DEOHS and are grateful for the support from the UW EDGE Center Pilot Project Program funded by the NIEHS (P30ES007033). Congratulations to Vanessa, Ryan, and the rest of Team QACs!
In this project, we aim to define the pathways of metabolism and transport of the widely used disinfectant, benzalkonium chlorides (BACs), and elucidate interactions between the metabolism and transport capacity and kidney toxicity of BACs in vitro and in humans. This project involves collaboration with Prof. Allan Rettie at Med Chem and Profs. Joanne Wang, Ed Kelly, and Yvonne Lin at UW Pharmaceutics. Congrats to the team @Ryan @Vanessa @Marie!
With the support from the Pharmaceutical Sciences Training Program, Marie will examine the kidney toxicity of benzalkonium chlorides using organ-on-a-chip microphysiological system and mass spectrometry imaging! Welcome and Congrats, Marie! What a start!
This award recognizes outstanding scientific and/or professional leadership and service as a graduate student! Congrats, Amy! Well deserved! We really appreciate your leadership on various fronts during the pandemic!
This award is given out to only one thesis per year in the entire School of Pharmacy! Congrats, Dr. Ross! What an achievement!
Effective 07/01/2020! Thanks to all the the past and current members who made this possible and the support from my colleagues in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry and the School of Pharmacy throughout the past five years!
The Institute of Translational Health Sciences TL1 is an NIH-funded training grant that will allow Amy to undergo additional trainings in translational science!
The Magnuson Scholarship recognizes graduate students in the UW Health Sciences for their excellent academic performance and outstanding potential for research in the health sciences! Check out the news coverage here and here.
Congratulations, Amy, for these well-deserving achievements!