Engineering Analysis

I developed notes and taught the class in 2014.

This is a first-year graduate course covering topics in mathematics that are central for solving practical engineering problems. Topics include but are not limited to: differential equations, matrix and linear algebra, vector calculus, and selective topics such as introduction to optimization and probability.


Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th edition.

Lecture notes:


  • One Midterm Exam (open one-page summary sheet): 20 %
  • Final Examination (open book, open notes): 60 %
  • Bi-weekly Homework: 20 %

Homework policy:

Homeworks are due in class, before the lecture starts. Late homeworks will not be considered in your final grade. If your homework contains group work, each group member must specify his/her contributions.

Please notify the instructor in writing by the second week of the semester, if you have any potential conflict(s) about the class schedule, or if you need special accommodations such as: disability-related accommodations, emergency medical information you wish to discuss with the instructor, or special arrangements in case the building must be evacuated.