Syllabus for LING 572
Advanced Statistical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Winter 2006
Instructor: Fei Xia
Time & Location: TR 1:30-2:50pm, MEB 242
Office Hours: Wed: 3-5pm
Office Phone: (206) 543-9764
Email: fxia at u
(include "Ling572" in the subject line).
Course Description:
In this course, we will study statistical algorithms that produce state-of-the-art results on NLP tasks. We will compare supervised learning algorithms that require a lot of training data with the unsupervised ones. We will also study a few important discriminative models. Students will gain hands-on experience by applying these algorithms to real NLP tasks.
Course Texts:
Background reading (for people who have not taken LING570 or LING571) can be found in
“Foundations of statistical natural language processing” (M&S) by Manning and Schütze, 1999.
LING 570 and LING 571
Stat 391 (Prob. and Stats for CS) or equivalent
- C/C++ or Java
- basic unix/linux commands (e.g., ls, cd, ln, sort, head): tutorials on unix
- Perl (optional): tutorials on Perl
Grading: All homework and projects are due on Thursday, except for Parts 3, 4 and 6 of the project.
Project (60%): there are six parts. Each part is 10%.
Homework (30%): there are three assignments.
Class participation (10%).
Week |
Date |
Topic |
Homework |
due |
1 |
1/3 1/5 |
M&S 2 M&S 9.1, 9.2 |
(due 1/12) |
2 |
1/10 1/12 |
Supervised Learning I:
P1: Trigram (Baseline, due 1/19)
Hw1 |
3 |
1/17 1/19 |
Supervised Learning II - TBL
(due 1/26 and 2/2)
P1 |
4 |
1/24 1/26 |
Supervised Learning III - Bagging |
P2: TBL (due 2/16) |
Hw2 (Part I) |
5 |
1/31 2/2 |
Supervised Learning IV - Boosting
(due 2/9)
Hw2 (Part II) |
6 |
2/7 2/9 |
Supervised Learning IV - MaxEnt
Hw3 |
7 |
2/14 2/16 |
Supervised Learning V: - Review
#2 and Project Part 4 Semi-supervised Learning I (Bootstrapping)
P3: MaxEnt (due 3/7) P4: Part 4 (due 3/7) P5-6: (P5 due 3/9, P6 due 3/14) |
P2 |
8 |
2/21 2/23 |
Semi-supervised learning II: Unsupervised Learning I |
M&S 9.3 |
9 |
2/28 3/2 |
Unsupervised Learning II
M&S 11.3
10 |
3/7 3/9 |
Presentation by students - Bagging and System Combination (Joshua Minor, Ping, and Dan) - System Combination (Brian, Shauna and Joshua Johanson) - Self-training (Albert, Achim and Zhengbo) - Bagging (Anna, Gabriel, and Yowren) |
P3 and P4 (due 3/7) P5 (due 3/9) P6 (due 3/14) |
Additional papers: (not required)