Industry-Nominated Technology Breakthroughs of NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Cover Image



Technology Breakthroughs
of NSF Industry/University
Cooperative Research Centers

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With this 6th edition, for the first time, the content has been limited to work that was conducted during the timeframe that began with the start of the 2013-14 academic year (September of 2013) and concluded at the end of the 2015 calendar year.

The document has been optimized as a 7.5" x 9" book with double-sided printing. Therefore, some chapters contain blank pages. Each chapter of the book is also available as an individual pdf below.

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Please e-mail any comments to Craig Scott.

Individual Center Files as PDFs

Center for Sensors and Actuators Center (BSAC)

Center for Advanced Design and Manufacturing of Integrated Microfluidics (CADMIM)

Center for Advanced Forestry Systems (CAFS)

Center for Advanced Knowledge Enablement (CAKE)

Center for Advanced Vehicle Electronics (CAVE3)

Center for Child Injury Prevention Studies (CChIPS)

Ceramics Composites and Optical Materials Center (CCOMC)

Center for the Design of Analog/Digital Integrated Circuits (CDADIC)

Center for Dielectrics and Piezoelectrics (CDP)

Center for Electromagnetic Compatibility (CEMC)

Center for Tire Research (CenTiRe)

Center for Electrochemical Processes and Technology (CEProTECH)

Center for Embedded Systems (CES)

Center for Health Organization & Transformation (CHOT)

Hybrid Multicore Productivity Research (CHMPR)

Center for High-Performance & Reconfigurable Computing (CHREC)

Center for Innovative Instrumentation Technology (CiiT)


Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR)

Center for Particulate and Surfactant Systems (CPaSS)

Center for Pharmaceutical Development (CPD)

Cooling Technologies Research Center (CTRC)

Visual and Decision Informatics (CVDI)

Cyber-Physical Systems for the Hospital Operating Room (CyBHOR)

Center for e-Design

Center for Energy-Smart Electronic Systems (ES2)

Grid-Connected Advanced Power Electronic Systems (GRAPES)

Laser and Plasmas for Advanced Manufacturing (CLPAM)

Net-Centric & Cloud Software & Systems (NCSS)

Security & Software Engineering Research Center (S2ERC)

Science Center for Marine Fisheries Science (SCeMFiS)

Smart Vehicle Concepts Center (SVC)

Wind-Energy Science, Technology and Research (WindSTAR)