My research develops tools for analyzing large-scale social data, aiming to provide a better understanding of social structure and behaviors online while also impacting the design of digital social systems. My recent work has focused on social media algorithms [ArXiv'24, JOTS'23], reducing political polarization online [ICWSM'22a, ICWSM'22b, WSDM'21, WWW'18], improving the health of online conversations [WWW'21, CSCW'21], and causal inference in social systems [ICML'24, NeurIPS'23, KDD'17, Biometrika'19]. My research often falls at the intersections of Social Networks, Machine Learning, and Causal Inference.
I'm an Assistant Professor in the Information School at the University of Washington. Before joining UW, I was a Postdoc at Stanford University, mentored by Johan Ugander. I received my Ph.D. from MIT in 2020 under the supervision of Deb Roy. Prior to coming to MIT, I spent one year in Paris and one year in Barcelona doing a M.Sc. in Data mining and Knowledge Management. I got my B.Sc. from Staffordshire University with First Class honors in Computer Science. Throughout my graduate studies, I spent several summers doing internships in industry, including Yahoo! Labs, Amazon, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
Most recent publications on Google Scholar.
‡ indicates equal contribution.
Community Notes Moderate Engagement With and Diffusion of False Information Online
Isaac Slaughter, Axel Peytavin, Johan Ugander, Martin Saveski
Arxiv'25: arXiv preprint. 2025.
Supernotes: Driving Consensus in Crowd-Sourced Fact-Checking
Soham De, Michiel A. Bakker, Jay Baxter, Martin Saveski
WWW'25: The Web Conference. 2025.
Social Media Algorithms Can Shape Affective Polarization via Exposure to Antidemocratic Attitudes and Partisan Animosity
Tiziano Piccardi‡, Martin Saveski‡, Chenyan Jia‡, Jeffrey Hancock, Jeanne Tsai, Michael Bernstein
Arxiv'24: arXiv preprint. 2024.
Reranking Social Media Feeds: A Practical Guide for Field Experiments
Tiziano Piccardi‡, Martin Saveski‡, Chenyan Jia‡, Jeffrey Hancock, Jeanne L Tsai, Michael S Bernstein
Arxiv'24: arXiv preprint. 2024.
Off-policy Evaluation Beyond Overlap: Sharp Partial Identification Under Smoothness
Samir Khan, Martin Saveski, Johan Ugander
ICML'24: International Conference on Machine Learning. 2024.
Counterfactual Evaluation of Peer-Review Assignment Policies
Martin Saveski, Steven Jecmen, Nihar B. Shah, Johan Ugander
NeurIPS'23: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Spotlight). 2023.
Embedding Societal Values into Social Media Algorithms
Michael Bernstein, Angèle Christin, Jeffrey Hancock, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Chenyan Jia, Michelle S. Lam, Nicole Meister, Nathaniel Persily, Tiziano Piccardi, Martin Saveski, Jeanne Tsai, Johan Ugander, Chunchen Xu
JOTS'23: Journal of Online Trust and Safety. 2023.
Engaging Politically Diverse Audiences on Social Media
Martin Saveski, Doug Beeferman, David McClure, Deb Roy
ICWSM'22: International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. 2022.
Perspective-taking to Reduce Affective Polarization on Social Media
Martin Saveski‡, Nabeel Gillani‡, Ann Yuan, Prashanth Vijayaraghavan, Deb Roy
ICWSM'22: International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. 2022.
The Structure of Toxic Conversations on Twitter
Martin Saveski, Brandon Roy, Deb Roy
WWW'21: The Web Conference. 2021
Social Catalysts: Characterizing People Who Spark Conversations Among Others
Martin Saveski, Farshad Kooti, Sylvia Morelli Vitousek, Carlos Diuk, Bryce Bartlett, Lada Adamic
CSCW'21: Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
Me, My Echo Chamber, and I: Introspection on Social Media Polarization
Nabeel Gillani, Ann Yuan, Martin Saveski, Soroush Vosoughi, Deb Roy
WWW'18: International Conference on the World Wide Web. 2018. (Honarable mention)
Detecting Network Effects: Randomizing Over Randomized Experiments
Martin Saveski‡, Jean Pouget-Abadie‡, Guillaume Saint-Jacques, Weitao Duan, Souvik Ghosh, Ya Xu, Edo Airoldi
KDD'17: International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2017. (Research Track)
One-Pass Ranking Models for Low-Latency Product Recommendations
Antonino Freno, Martin Saveski, Rodolphe Jenatton, Cédric Archambeau
KDD'15: International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2015. (Industry Track)
Item Cold-Start Recommendations: Learning Local Collective Embeddings
Martin Saveski, Amin Mantrach.
RecSys'14, ACM Conference Series on Recommender Systems. 2014.
Community Notes Moderate Engagement With and Diffusion of False Information Online
Isaac Slaughter, Axel Peytavin, Johan Ugander, Martin Saveski
Arxiv'25: arXiv preprint. 2025.
Supernotes: Driving Consensus in Crowd-Sourced Fact-Checking
Soham De, Michiel A. Bakker, Jay Baxter, Martin Saveski
WWW'25: The Web Conference. 2025.
Social Media Algorithms Can Shape Affective Polarization via Exposure to Antidemocratic Attitudes and Partisan Animosity
Tiziano Piccardi‡, Martin Saveski‡, Chenyan Jia‡, Jeffrey Hancock, Jeanne Tsai, Michael Bernstein
Arxiv'24: arXiv preprint. 2024.
Reranking Social Media Feeds: A Practical Guide for Field Experiments
Tiziano Piccardi‡, Martin Saveski‡, Chenyan Jia‡, Jeffrey Hancock, Jeanne L Tsai, Michael S Bernstein
Arxiv'24: arXiv preprint. 2024.
Off-policy Evaluation Beyond Overlap: Sharp Partial Identification Under Smoothness
Samir Khan, Martin Saveski, Johan Ugander
ICML'24: International Conference on Machine Learning. 2024.
Counterfactual Evaluation of Peer-Review Assignment Policies
Martin Saveski, Steven Jecmen, Nihar B. Shah, Johan Ugander
NeurIPS'23: Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Spotlight). 2023.
Embedding Societal Values into Social Media Algorithms
Michael Bernstein, Angèle Christin, Jeffrey Hancock, Tatsunori Hashimoto, Chenyan Jia, Michelle S. Lam, Nicole Meister, Nathaniel Persily, Tiziano Piccardi, Martin Saveski, Jeanne Tsai, Johan Ugander, Chunchen Xu
JOTS'23: Journal of Online Trust and Safety. 2023.
Engaging Politically Diverse Audiences on Social Media
Martin Saveski, Doug Beeferman, David McClure, Deb Roy
ICWSM'22: International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. 2022.
Perspective-taking to Reduce Affective Polarization on Social Media
Martin Saveski‡, Nabeel Gillani‡, Ann Yuan, Prashanth Vijayaraghavan, Deb Roy
ICWSM'22: International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. 2022.
The Structure of Toxic Conversations on Twitter
Martin Saveski, Brandon Roy, Deb Roy
WWW'21: The Web Conference. 2021
Social Catalysts: Characterizing People Who Spark Conversations Among Others
Martin Saveski, Farshad Kooti, Sylvia Morelli Vitousek, Carlos Diuk, Bryce Bartlett, Lada Adamic
CSCW'21: Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing
Balanced Influence Maximization in the Presence of Homophily
Md Sanzeed Anwar, Martin Saveski, Deb Roy
WSDM'21: International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining
Algorithmic and Human Prediction of Success in Human Collaboration From Visual Features
Martin Saveski‡, Edmond Awad‡, Iyad Rahwan, Manuel Cebrian
Nature Scientific Reports. 2021
Testing for Arbitrary Interference on Experimentation Platforms
Jean Pouget-Abadie, Guillaume Saint-Jacques‡, Martin Saveski‡, Weitao Duan, Souvik Ghosh, Ya Xu, Edo Airoldi
Biometrika. 2019.
Observational Causal Inference Using Network Information
Yan Leng, Martin Saveski, Alex ‘Sandy’ Pentland, Dean Eckles
NeurIPS'19, Workshop on Graph Representation Learning. 2019.
Me, My Echo Chamber, and I: Introspection on Social Media Polarization
Nabeel Gillani, Ann Yuan, Martin Saveski, Soroush Vosoughi, Deb Roy
WWW'18: International Conference on the World Wide Web. 2018. (Honarable mention)
Detecting Network Effects: Randomizing Over Randomized Experiments
Martin Saveski‡, Jean Pouget-Abadie‡, Guillaume Saint-Jacques, Weitao Duan, Souvik Ghosh, Ya Xu, Edo Airoldi
KDD'17: International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2017. (Research Track)
Human Atlas: A Tool for Mapping Social Networks
Martin Saveski, Eric Chu, Soroush Vosoughi, Deb Roy
WWW'16: International Conference on the World Wide Web. 2016. (Demo)
Topic Modeling in Twitter: Aggregating Tweets by Conversations
David Alvarez-Melis‡, Martin Saveski‡
ICWSM'16: International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. 2016. (Short Paper)
Tracking the Yak: An Empirical Study of Yik Yak
Martin Saveski, Sophie Chou, Deb Roy.
ICWSM'16: International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media. 2016. (Short Paper)
One-Pass Ranking Models for Low-Latency Product Recommendations
Antonino Freno, Martin Saveski, Rodolphe Jenatton, Cédric Archambeau
KDD'15: International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. 2015. (Industry Track)
Item Cold-Start Recommendations: Learning Local Collective Embeddings
Martin Saveski, Amin Mantrach.
RecSys'14, ACM Conference Series on Recommender Systems. 2014.
The Geography of Online News Engagement
Martin Saveski, Daniele Quercia, Amin Mantrach
Socinfo'14: International Conference on Social Informatics. 2014.
Joint semi-supervised Learning of Hidden Conditional Random Fields and Hidden Markov Models
Yann Soullard, Martin Saveski, Thierry Artières
Pattern Recognition Letters. 2013.
Web Services for Stream Mining: A Stream-Based Active Learning Use Case
Martin Saveski, Miha Grčar
ECML'11, Workshop on Planning to Learn and Service-Oriented Knowledge Discovery. 2011.
Automatic Construction of Wordnets by Using Machine Translation and Language Modeling
Martin Saveski, Igor Trajkovski
In Proceedings of Seventh Language Technologies Conference. 2010.
Development of an English-Macedonian Machine Readable Dictionary by Using Parallel Corpora
Martin Saveski, Igor Trajkovski
Proceedings of ICT Innovations Conference. 2010.
Full Resume in PDF.