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Math 213 Summer '09
CRN 41770

Location: Deady Hall 303 (MWHF) Time: 12-1:50am Monday-Friday
Knight Librarty Proctor 42 (T)

The Class Syllabus answers most policy questions.
Blackboard recores all the scores collected in the course.
Duckweb allows you to register for classes and change grading options.

Office Hours:
MondayTuesday Thursday

TA's Office Hours:
location: TuesdayWednesday
Fenton, 3rd floor 10:00-12:002:00-3:00

Some extra study or prep materials, depending on who you are:

Worksheets: Labs Quizzes & Exams:
Day 1 Wks (solutions) (tex file) Lab 1 (tex file) Quiz 1 (solutions) (tex file)
Day 3 Wks (solutions) (tex file) Lab 2 (tex file) Quiz 2 (solutions) (tex file)
Day 4 Wks (solutions) (tex file) Reflections Lab.gsp Exam 1 (solutions) (tex file)
Day 5 Handout Quad Tess.gsp Quiz 3 (solutions) (tex file)
Day 7 Handout (tex file) Lab 3 (tex file) Quiz 4 (solutions*) (tex file)
Day 8 Wks (solutions) (tex file) Lab 4 (tex file) Exam 2 (tex file)
Day 13 Wks (solutions) (tex file) Quiz 5 (solutions) (tex file)
Day 15 Wks (solutions) (tex file) Quiz 6 (solutions) (tex file)

*This key would receive 9.5 out of 10. AAA should not be circled.

Tentative Schedule: The following schedule will be modified as the term progresses in responce to the speed of the particular class.

8/17 - 8/21
9.1, 9.2, & 9.3 GSP & 9.4 9.5 & 12.1
quiz 1
12.2, & 12.3
QFC Ch 9 Due
12.4, & Handout
GSP Lab 1 Due
quiz 2
8/24 - 8/28
Review & Test GSP & 10.1
QFC Ch 12 Due
10.2 & 10.3
quiz 3
10.3, 10.4
Paper 1 Due
GSP Lab 2 Due
quiz 4
8/31 - 9/4
Review & Test GSP & 11.1
QFC Ch 10 Due
Allison's OH canceled
11.1 & 11.2
quiz 5
Test 2 Corrections Due
GSP Lab 3 Due
quiz 6
9/7 - 9/11
Labor Day
no class
GSP & 11.5 11.5 Review
QFC Ch 11 Due
Paper 2 Due
GSP Lab 4 Due

inspiration for calendar from Jonny Comes

The following table is not complete, but will be updated as the term progresses.

Date Assigned Date Due Chapter Problems Due
8/17 8/18 9.1 1,2,5,7,9,10,14,19,20,22
8/17 8/18 9.2 1,3,5,6,8,11,20
8/17 8/19 9.3 2-4,7-9,14,15,21,23,34,37
8/18 8/19 9.4 1,2,4,5,7,9,17,20,24,25
8/19 8/20 9.5 1,4,5,7,11
*** 8/20 QFC ch 9 Choose any 5: 2,4,6,9,10,11,12
8/19 8/20 12.1 4-11,18,25
8/20 8/21 12.2 1,5,9,11,13,18,19,25,27
8/20 8/21 12.3 1-7,16,17
8/21 --- 12.4 6,10abd,13ac
*** 8/25 QFC ch 12 Choose any 5:1-3,6,10,11
8/25 8/26 10.1 Prop (ASA), 9,10,11,17,19,27,28,39
8/26 8/27 10.1 2,6,7,18
8/26 8/27 10.2 2,3,5,6
8/27 8/28 10.3 1,5,8,9,10,11
8/27 8/28 10.4 2,8,10,12,37
8/28 --- 10.6 1,2be,4,5ace,8ac,11ace,15ac,19,22ad,26,43,44
8/28 --- 12.1 26ac
8/28 --- 12.2 15a
*** 9/1 QFC ch 10 Choose any 5:2,5,6,7,8,9,10,13
9/1 9/2 11.1 3,11a-b,13,17a-d,23a-b,26-28,31
9/2 9/3 11.2 2a-c,4,6,9,11-14
9/3 9/4 11.2 15,17ab,18,19,21ab,36,38,41,45
9/3 9/4 11.3 2,8,11,12
9/4 9/8 11.3 15-18,23,24,31,37-39
9/4 9/8 11.4 1,3,14-17,21,24ab,26
9/8 9/10 11.5 1,2,5,20,25,32,35,40-42,45,50
*** 9/10 QFC ch 11 Choose any 5:1,4,5,7,8,10,15