TMATH 126, Summer 2012


Calculus III

SLN 13794
9:30am-Noon Monday & Wednesday
textbook information

The Class Syllabus answers most policy questions.
WeBAssign will be used for the online homework and to record grades.
MyUW allows you to register for classes and change grading options.

Tegrity allows you to view lectures and notes generated during class.

Some extra study or prep materials, depending on who you are:

Cobweb Example Old Course Websites
Newton Example UW Seattle Website
2nd Newton Example note to students
Fractal Example Taylor Notes
infinity elephants 3D grapher
Worksheets .tex files
Quizzes .tex files cobweb wks source
quiz 1 (solutions) source geometric series wks source
quiz 2 (solutions) source 3d & vectors wks source
quiz 3 (solutions) source dot & cross wks source
lines & quad wks source
tangent wks source
lagrange wks source
integration wks source
integration2 wks source

Practice Exams .tex files Exams .tex files
practice exam 1 (solutions) source exam 1 (solutions) source
practice exam 2 (solutions) source exam 2 (solutions) source
practice final (solutions) source
summer '11 final (solutions) source