


Online calendar of meetings, seminars, and instrument schedules. Lab safety manual, and UW laser safety manual.

We are extremely fortunate to be a part of the Seattle Mitosis Club, which includes the laboratories listed below. The open and collaborative environment between these groups is great fun, and it improves our science. Contact us if you are interested in attending our monthly seminars (usually held the first Thursday of the month):

Matt Akamatsu (UW Biology)
Yasuhiro Arimura (FHCRC Basic Sciences Division)
Chip Asbury (UW Physiology & Biophysics)
Sue Biggins (FHCRC Basic Sciences Division)
Clemens Cabernard (UW Biology)
Trisha Davis (UW Biochemistry)
Alex Paredez (UW Biology)
Nephi Stella (UW Pharmacology)
Linda Wordeman (UW Physiology & Biophysics)

We have enjoyed wonderful collaborations with many groups outside Seattle, some of which are listed below. Contact us if you are interested in collaborating!

Bungo Akiyoshi (University of Edinburgh)
Kevin Corbett (UC San Diego)
Stefan Diez (TU Dresden)
Adele Marston (University of Edinburgh)
Luke Rice (UT Southwestern)

The University of Washington is a fantastic place to do biophysics research. We are lucky to interact with members of the following labs:

Anton Andreev (UW Physics)
Bill Atkins (UW Medicinal Chemistry)
Matt Bush (UW Chemistry)
Champak Chatterjee (UW Chemistry)
Dan Chiu (UW Chemistry)
Adrienne Fairhall (UW Physiolgy & Biophysics)
Sharona Gordon (UW Physiology & Biophysics)
Jens Gundlach (UW Physics)
Bertil Hille (UW Physiology & Biophysics)
Sarah Keller (UW Chemistry)
Rachel Klevit (UW Biochemistry)
Justin Kollman (UW Biochemistry)
Hao Yuan Kueh (UW Bioengineering)
Chris Lapointe (FHCRC)
Kelly Lee (UW Medicinal Chemistry)
Lutz Maibaum (UW Chemistry)
Dusty Maly (UW Chemistry)
Alex Merz (UW Biochemistry)
Abhi Nath (UW Medicinal Chemistry)
Mike Regnier (UW Bioengineering)
Fred Rieke (UW Physiology & Biophysics)
Nate Sniadecki (UW Mechanical Engineering)
Stefan Stoll (UW Chemistry)
Rasi Subramaniam (FHCRC)
Wendy Thomas (UW Bioengineering)
John Tuthill (UW Physiology & Biophysics)
Josh Vaughan (UW Chemistry)
Paul Wiggins (UW Physics)
Bill Zagotta (UW Physiology & Biophysics)
Jesse Zalatan (UW Chemistry)
Ning Zheng (UW Pharmacology)

Graduate students usually join us through one of several interdepartmental programs here at UW, such as the Molecular and Cell Biology program, the Biological Physics, Structure, and Design program, the Molecular Engineering and Sciences program, and the Medical Scientist Training program.

How to find us: We are located in the Health Sciences Building G-wing, rooms G-212 (lab) and G-225 (offices). It is easy to get lost in our building, which resembles a maze. The following maps may be helpful:

Asbury lab on google maps (link)
Asbury lab on UW campus map (pdf)
Asbury lab on a map of the Health Sciences Building (pdf)

We are very grateful for financial support from the following sources:

National Institutes of Health (National Institute for General Medical Sciences)
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Packard Foundation (Fellowship for Science and Engineering)
Kinship Foundation & Chicago Community Trust (Searle Scholars Program)
UW Marian Smith Junior Faculty Research Fund
UW Royalty Research Fund
UW Physiology & Biophysics Department
UW School of Medicine


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