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Friday July 30, 2010   

University degree and titles :

  • Licence in Mathematical Sciences.(1968).
  • Licence in Educational Science(1968)
  • Thesis for Docteur d’État (State Doctorate) (mathematics) "The theorization of teaching phenomena in mathematics" Defended December 2, 1986. Habilitation to direct research January 22, 1987, under the direction of Professeur MALGRANGE.
  • Honorary Doctorate
  •                        from Montréal (June 97), 
  •                        from Geneva (June 2004), 
  •                        from Cyprus (2006), 
  •                       from Cordova (2007),
  •                       frm Palermo (2007) 

Positions prior to 1969 :

  • Elementary teacher in Lot et Garonne from Octoere 1953 to June 1962
  • Students I.P.E.S. from October 1963 to October 1966.
  • Director of Studies at the Centre Régional de Documentation Pédagogique de Bordeaux from march 1967 to Octobre 1969 (function: Director of the Center for research for the teaching of mathematics)

University career :

  • Assistant in mathematics at the Faculté des Sciences de Bordeaux since October 1, 1969.
  • Master assistant in mathematics at the Faculté des Sciences de Bordeaux since October 1, 1977.
  • Master of Conferences in Mathematics, 1st class at the Faculté des Sciences de Bordeaux since January 1, 1985.
  • Professor,’Université BORDEAUX 1 (mathematics, 26e section) associated with the IUFM d’Aquitaine since October 1, 1991 (2ème Classe, 5ème échelon).
  • Professor, Université de 1ère Classe,  IUFM d’Aquitaine since January 1, 1992. Pr 2e Échelon depuis 01/02/96
  • Professor Emeritus (September 1,1998) of the IUFM d’Aquitaine and Université Bordeaux 1


In the past, numerous administrative or associative responsibilities :
  • Locales :
  • at the’Université Bordeaux 1 : Creation and Direction of the COREM at the IREM of Bordeaux (1973-1998). 
  • Director of the LADIST (Laboratoire de Didactique des Sciences et des Techniques de l’Université Bordeaux 1 ( 1991 – 1998), 
  • at the IUFM d’Aquitaine Président de la Commission des Mathématiques, 1992-1998
  • Nationals : 
  •  member of the National Committee of the APMEP (Association des Professeurs de Mathématiques de l’Enseignement Public) from 1967 to 1971
  • Honorary President of the ARDM (Association pour la Recherche en Didactique des Mathématiques)
  • Member of the ministerial commission of reflection on the teaching of mathematics (Commission KAHANE) from 1998 to 2001.
  • Member of the Scientific Committee of the Assembly of Directors of IREM (1998- 2003)
  • International :
  • Secretary of the International Commission for the Study and Improvement of the Teaching of Mathematics   (CIEAEM)  from 1981 to 1984.
  • co-president of the Study Group on the theme Classroom Practices TSG 24, ICME 11 (Monterrey)

Read or download Work directed by Guy Brousseau: DIRECTION DE TRAVAUX 2010 

Read or download : RESEARCH ACTIVITES

Félix Klein & Hans Freudenthal Awards http://www.mathunion.org/icmi/other-activities/     
Citation for the 2003 Felix Klein Medal awarded to Guy Brousseau at ICMI 2003
ARDM Guy Brousseau (André Rouchier) : http://www.ardm.eu/contenu/guy-brousseau 
APMEP: Guy Brousseau (Christiane Zehren, Paul Louis Hennnequin, Henri Bareil) BV452p309   L’oeuvre de Guy Brousseau (Robert Noifalise)  BV452p310