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Other sites

Friday, August 27 2010   

Three other  " Guy Brousseau" sites have been available for several years:.

That of the IMAG (Grenoble) http://www-didactique.imag.fr/Brousseau/

    That of GRIM de l’Université de Palerme http://math.unipa.it/~grim/homebrousseau.htm,
  1. That of DAEST of the Université de Bordeaux  http://daest.pagesperso-orange.fr/Pages%20perso/Brousseau.htm

 I wish to thank my friends Nicolas Balacheff , Filippo Spagnolo and Bernard Sarrazy for havingsupplied them for me at a moment when I was not able to create them myself.

Other Sites interested in didactique of mathematics (according to the home page)

IREM Publi math http://publimath.irem.univ-mrs.fr/

Sites of friends (the list will be long, but for the moment...)

Bernard Sarrazy http://daest.pagesperso-orange.fr/Pages%20perso/Sarrazy.htm        
ClaireMargolinas http://www.auvergne.iufm.fr/wiki.php?tag=PublicatMargolinas
Nicolas Balacheff  http://www-leibniz.imag.fr/Balacheff/index-FR.html
             all helped me in the creation of this site, as did also Florence Esmenjaud Genestoux et Stéphanie Hugues 

Annie Bessot  http://www-leibniz.imag.fr/DDM/PagesPerso/AnnieBessot.htm 
and many others

As regards  Yves Chevallard http://yves.chevallard.free.fr/ - a friend for 35 years- his works always interest and impress me, and their intersection with mine is less empty than anyone believes ... their reunion seems to me a good path to follow henceforth...