Bibliography of Literature Relevant to Our Future Sustainability

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IV.     Limits and Metrics of Sustainability and Well-Being

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This bibliography is concerned with disturbing environmental and social trends, along with the potential to make things better and the risks if we don’t.  In this section, the focus is on attempts to characterize and measure our constraints, vulnerabilities, and degree of sustainability.  To what extent are our activities, our potential, our growth constrained by limits?  What kind of limits?  How well understood and defined are these limits or thresholds?  What are the consequences for exceeding them?  What metrics should we be using to assess how well (or not) our society is doing?  Getting a handle on these questions is critical for assessing what our future holds and what we should do to ensure the best possible outcomes.

This section is broken up into the 5 subsections you can see below.





Carrying Capacity and Limits to Growth



Carbon, Water, and Ecological Footprint Analyses


Beware the State Change - Planetary Boundaries, Thresholds, and Tipping Points


Assessing the Vulnerability and Risk of Populations


Other Metrics of Sustainability and Well-Being




A.   Carrying Capacity and Limits to Growth (more in Section III)


Ahmed, N (2014). Scientists Vindicate 'Limits to Growth' – Urge Investment in 'Circular Economy'. The Guardian, June 4.


Arcanjo, M (2018). Delaying Day Zero: Fighting Back Against Water Insecurity. Climate Institute, April 16.


Arrow, K., Bolin, B., Costanza, R., Dasgupta, P., Foilce, C., Holling, C. S., Jansson, B., Levin, S., Maler, K., Perrings, C. & Pimentel D. (1995). Economic Growth, Carrying Capacity, and the Environment. Science, 268.


Asara, V, Otero, I, Demaria, F and Corbera, E (2015). Socially Sustainable Degrowth as a Social–ecological Transformation: Repoliticizing Sustainability. Sustainability Science, 10.


Bauerlein, V (2020). This Southern Town Was Growing So Fast, It Passed a Ban on Growth. The Wall Street Journal, Feb. 3.


BBC Future (2021). Global Resources Stock Check.  [Very short, presents a compelling graphic of when different resources will run out.]


Bowles, N, Alexander, S and Hadjikakou, M (2019). The Livestock Sector and Planetary Boundaries: A ‘Limits to Growth’ Perspective with Dietary Implications. Ecological Economics, 160.


Branderhorst, G (2020). Update to Limits to Growth: Comparing the World3 Model with Empirical Data. Master's thesis, Harvard Extension School.


Brown, J et al., (2011). Energetic Limits to Economic Growth. Bioscience, 61(1).


Bryce, E (2018). We’re Getting Taller and Heavier. That’s Not Good News for Food Security or the Planet. Anthropocene, 4.


Butler, C (2017). Limits to Growth, Planetary Boundaries, and Planetary Health. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 25: 59-65.


Cabernard, L et al. (2019). Natural Resource Use in the Group of 20: Status, Trends, and Solutions. International Resource Panel, United Nations Environment Programme.


Cafaro, P (2012). No Ecological Sustainability Without Limits to Growth, in Butler, T, Lerch, D and Weuthner, G (eds.), The ENERGY Reader: Overdevelopment and the Delusion of Endless Growth. Post Carbon Institute.


Cairns, J (2004). Allocating Finite Resources on a Finite Planet. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 4: 25-27.


Campaign for Nature (2019). Why 30%. [About the initiative to protect 30 percent of the planet by 2030]


Capellan-Perez, I, Mediavilla, M, de Castro, C, Carpintero, O and Miguel, L (2015). More Growth? An Unfeasible Option to Overcome Critical Energy Constraints and Climate Change. Sustainability Science, 10.


Carneiro Freire, S, Corban, C, Ehrlich, D, Florczyk, A, Kemper, T, Maffenini, L, Melchiorri, M, Pesaresi, M, Schiavina, M and Tommasi, P (2019). Atlas of the Human Planet 2019. Publications Office of the European Union. [Presents key human settlements and urbanisation statistics for 239 countries.]


Carrington, D (2020). World’s Consumption of Materials Hits Record 100bn Tonnes a Year. The Guardian, Jan. 22.


Casella, C (2021). Earth Is Using 173% of The World's Total 'Biocapacity', Scientists Warn. Science Alert, April 27.


Casey, K (2019). Why Climate Change is an Irrelevance, Economic Growth is a Myth and Sustainability is Forty Years Too Late. Global Climate, Nov. 20. {Emphasizes overpopulation]


Center for Humans and Nature (2017). How Can We Create A Successful Economy Without Continuous Economic Growth?  Questions for a Resilient Future.  [A collection of essays responding to this question, along with reader responses]


Chapman, E and Byron, C (2018). The Flexible Application of Carrying Capacity in Ecology. Global Ecology and Conservation, 13.


Connor, R, Talafre, J, Hasan, E and Abolina, E (2015). Unsustainable Growth, in The United Nations World Water Development Report 2015: Water for a Sustainable World. World Water Assessment Programme, UNESCO.


Daily, G, Ehrlich, A and Ehrlich, P (1994). Optimum Human Population Size. Population and Environment: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 15(6).


Dawson, J, Jackson, R and Norberg-Hodge, H (eds.) (2010). Gaian Economics: Living Well Within Planetary Limits. Permanent Publications.


Demaria, F, Kallis, G and Bakker, K (2019). Geographies of Degrowth: Nowtopias, Resurgences and the Decolonization of Imaginaries and Places. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 2(3).


Derer, P (2018). Population Growth Will Make it Harder to Meet EU Climate Goals, While Stable or Declining Populations Will Help Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the EU. The Overpopulation Project, Nov. 8.


Dolak, P (2016). Could an Economic Collapse Be in our Near Future? Counter Punch, April 1.


Dolter, B and Victor, P (2017). From Growth to Sustainability, in Victor, P and Dolter, B (eds.) Handbook on Growth and Sustainability. Edward Elger Publishing.


Earthstat (2021). [A series of global maps, mostly showing geographic variability in growing food.]


The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB) (2021). Natural Capital Accounting.  [Leads to many reports.]


Ehrlich, P and Ehrlich, A (2016). Population, Resources, and the Faith-Based Economy: the Situation in 2016. BioPhysical Economics and Resource Quality, 1(3).


Elshkaki, A, Graedel, T, Ciacci, L and Reck, B (2016). Copper Demand, Supply, and Associated Energy Use to 2050. Global Environmental Change, 39.


Erb, K, Lauk, C, Kastner, T, Mayer, A, Theurl, M and Haberl, H (2016). Exploring the Biophysical Option Space for Feeding the World Without Deforestation. Nature Communications, 7(11382).


Faurčs, J, Hoogeveen, J and Winpenny, J, Steduto, P and Burke, J (2012). Coping with Water Scarcity: An Action Framework for Agriculture and Food Security. FAO Water Reports 38.


Fischer-Kowalski, M and Steinberger, J (2017). Growth and Sustainability in a Material World: The Self-Reinforcing Cycle of Population, GDP and Resource Use, in Victor, P and Dolter, B (eds.) Handbook on Growth and Sustainability. Edward Elger Publishing.


Geman, B (2021). The Supply Crunch that Could Slow the Climate Fight. Axios, May 5.


Gerten, D et al., (2020). Feeding Ten Billion People is Possible Within Four Terrestrial Planetary Boundaries. Nature Sustainability, 3.


Ghosh, I (2021). All the Biomass of Earth, in One Graphic. Visual Capitalist, Aug. 20.


Gilding, P (2012). The Earth is Full. TED talk. [Clear and concise]


Gomez-Baggethun, E and Naredo, J (2015). In Search of Lost Time: The Rise and Fall of Limits to Growth in International Sustainability Policy. Sustainability Science, 10. 


Green Growth Knowledge Platform (2021). Consumption. [Portal to many articles and reports.]


Hall, C and Day, J (2009). Revisiting the Limits to Growth After Peak Oil. American Scientist, 97(3).


Hatcher, B (2019). Carrying Capacity: Our Wickedest Problem. [Online book]


Hawking, S (2016). This is the Most Dangerous Time for our Planet. The Guardian, Dec. 1.


Heinberg, R (2010). Beyond the Limits to Growth in Heinberg R and Lerch, D (eds.) The Post Carbon Reader: Managing the 21st Century’s Sustainability Crises. Watershed Media.


Heinberg, R (2017). Systemic Change Driven by Moral Awakening Is Our Only Hope. EcoWatch, Aug. 14.


Heinberg, R (2017). There’s No App for That: Technology and Morality in the Age of Climate Change, Overpopulation, and Biodiversity Loss. Post Carbon Institute, Aug. 8. [A book available online for free.]


Heinberg, R (2018). Ted Nordhaus Is Wrong: We Are Exceeding Earth’s Carrying Capacity. UnDark, July 26.


Heinberg, R (2022). The Limits to Growth at 50: From Scenarios to Unfolding Reality. Resilience, Feb. 24.


Herrington, G (2020). Update to Limits to Growth: Comparing the Wolrd3 Model with Empirical Data. Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2020.


Hickel, J (2019). The Contradiction of the Sustainable Development Goals: Growth Versus Ecology on a Finite Planet. Sustainable Development, 27(5).


Hickel, J, O’Neill, D, Fanning, A and Zoomkawala, H (2022). National Responsibility for Ecological Breakdown: A Fair-shares Assessment of Resource Use, 1970–2017. The Lancet Planetary Health, 6(4).


Hopfenberg, R (2003). Human Carrying Capacity Is Determined by Food Availability. Population and Environment, 25.


HowGood (2022). The World’s Largest Sustainability Database.


Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (2019). Summary for Policymakers of the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. IPBES Secretariat.


International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (2000). Summary. [“An inventory of land resources and evaluation of biophysical limitations and potentials.”]


International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (2015). Great Acceleration. [A series of graphs showing accelerating human driven changes on the planet. With downloadable data and PowerPoint slides.]


International Resource Panel (2018). Resource Efficiency for Sustainable Development. United Nations Environment Programme.


International Resource Panel (2019). Global Resources Outlook. United Nations Environment Programme.


Jackson, T (2009). Prosperity Without Growth: The Transition to a Sustainable Economy. Sustainable Development Commission.


Jackson, T (2017). Beyond Consumer Capitalism - Foundations for a Sustainable Prosperity, CUSP Working Paper No 2. Guildford: University of Surrey.


Jackson, T and Webster, R (2016). Limits Revisited: A Review of the Limits to Growth Debate. The All-Party Parliamentary Group on Limits to Growth.


James, I, Elfers, S and Reilly, S (2015). Pumped Dry: The Global Crisis of Groundwater. USA Today. [cool and interactive]


Jones, C (2019). The Delusion and Danger of Infinite Economic Growth. The New Republic, Oct. 1. [Historical overview of how economists discounted the natural world and came to champion economic growth.]


Jones, J (2022). M.I.T. Computer Program Predicts in 1973 That Civilization Will End by 2040. Open Culture, March 8.


Kallis, G (2019). Defending Degrowth not Malthusian. Resilience, Nov. 26. [Environmentalists like us are not warning of limits. We want limits…]


Kallis, G, Kostakis, V, Lange, S, Muraca, B, Paulson, S and Schmelzer, M (2018). Research on Degrowth. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 43.


Kayal, M, Lewis, H, Ballard, J, and Kayal, E (2019). Humanity and the 21st Century’s Resource Gauntlet: A Commentary on Ripple et al.’s Article “World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity: a Second Notice. Rethinking Ecology, 4.


Kopnina, H (2016). Half the Earth for People (or More)? Addressing Ethical Questions in Conservation. Biological Conservation, 203.


Krulwich, R (2013). What Happened On Easter Island — A New (Even Scarier) Scenario. NPR, Dec. 10.


Leonard, A, Fox, L and Sachs, J (2007). The Story of Stuff. Free Range Studios. [Classic video]


Lidicker, W (2020). A Scientist’s Warning to Humanity on Human Population Growth. Global Ecology and Conservation, 24.


Liu, J, Yang, H, Gosling, S, Kummu, M, Florke, M, Pfister, S, Hanasaki, N, Wada, Y, Zhang, X, Zeng, C, Alcomo, J and Oki, T (2017). Water Scarcity Assessments in the Past, Present, and Future. Earth’s Future, 5(6).


Mace, G (2012). The Limits to Sustainability Science: Ecological Constraints or Endless Innovation? PLoS Biology, 10(6):


McChrystal, K (2018). Limits to Growth. Summary of Current Literature. The Sustainable Living Institute. [Like an annotated bibliography that emphasizes the worst analyses.]


Mind Matters News (2020). Business Prof: Stop It! The World is Not Running Out of Stuff! [Mainstream economics perspective where everything is reduced to cost of commodities relative to incomes without taking into account any externalities or increasing inequities in the distribution of incomes.]


Monbiot, G (2015). Consume More, Conserve More: Sorry, But We Just Can’t Do Both. The Guardian, Nov. 24.


Moore, J and Rees, W (2013). Getting to One-Planet Living, in State of the World 2013. The Worldwatch Institute.


Motesharrei, S, Rivas, J and Kalnay, E (2014). Human and Nature Dynamics (HANDY): Modeling Inequality and Use of Resources in the Collapse or Sustainability of Societies. Ecological Economics, 101: 90-102.


Murphy, T (2021). Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet. Open Educational Resources, University of California San Diego.


Murphy, T, Murphy, D, Love, T, LeHew, M and McCall, B (2021). Modernity is Incompatible with Planetary Limits: Developing a PLAN for the Future. Energy Research & Social Science, 81.


Nagourney, A, Healy, J, Schwartz, N (2015). California Drought Tests History of Endless Growth. New York Times. 


National Public Radio (2013). Kansas Farmers Commit To Taking Less Water From The Ground.


National Resource Defense Council (2010). Water Facts - Climate Change, Water, and Risk: Current Water Demands Are Not Sustainable.


The Next System Project (2019). The Index of Systemic Trends.


Nordhaus, T (2018). The Earth’s Carrying Capacity for Human Life is Not Fixed. AEON.


Neuman, S (2021). Nations With 85% of Earth's Forests Pledge to Reverse Deforestation. NPR, Nov. 2.


Oki, T and Kanae, S (2015). Global Hydrological Cycles and World Water Resources. Science, 313: 1068-1072.


O’Neil, D (2018). Is it Possible for Everyone to Live a Good Life Within Our Planet’s Limits? The Conversation, Feb. 7.


The Overpopulation Project (2019).  [Links to many resources]


Parker, B (2017). Climate Change Observations. Climate Change Data Center, Aug. 23.  [A 15 point, well-cited breakdown of why “we are likely on a path for an eventual temperature increase of at least 4°C.”]


Paulson, S (2017). Degrowth: Culture, Power and Change. Journal of Political Ecology, 24.


Pengra, B (2012). One Planet, How Many People? A Review of Earth’s Carrying Capacity. UNEP Global Environmental Alert Service.


Peters, C Picardy, J, Darrouzet-Nardi, A, Wilkins, J, Griffin, T and Fick G (2016). Carrying Capacity of U.S. Agricultural Land: Ten Diet Scenarios. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 4.


Pimentel, D, Whitecraft, M, Scott, Z, Zhao, L, Satkiewicz, P, Scott, T, Phillips, J, Szimak, D, Singh, G, Gonzalez, D and Moe, T (2010). Will Limited Land, Water, and Energy Control Human Population Numbers in the Future? Human Ecology, 38(5).


Pingali, P (2012). Green Revolution: Impacts, Limits, and the Path Ahead. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109(31).


Pirgmaier, E and Hinterberger, F (2011). What Kind of Growth is Sustainable? A Presentation of Arguments. Sustainable Europe Research Institute.


Prins, A and Kok, M (2011). Global Environmental Perspectives on Scarcity within the Water – Energy – Land Nexus. Background paper to the European Report on Development 2011/2012: Confronting Scarcity: Managing Water, Energy and Land for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth.


Read, D and LeBlanc, S (2003). Population Growth, Carrying Capacity, and Conflict. Current Anthropology, 44(1).


Richard, G (2002). Human Carrying Capacity of Earth. Institute for Life Cycle Assessment. pdf


Rios, I (2018). What Factors Determine the Carrying Capacity of an Ecosystem? Population Education, Nov. 20.


Ritchie, H (2017). How Long Before We Run Out of Fossil Fuels? Our World in Data.


Rodell, M, Famiglietti, J, Wiese, D, Reager, J, Beaudoing, H, Landerer, F and Lo, M (2018). Emerging Trends in Global Freshwater Availability. Nature, 557.


Rosen, J (2021). Humanity is Flushing Away One of Life’s Essential Elements: We Broke Phosphorus. The Atlantic, Feb. 8.


Salimath, M and Chandna, V (2018). Sustainable Consumption and Growth: Examining Complementary Perspectives. Management Decision, 59(6).


Schlosser, C, Strzepek, K, Gao, X, Fant, C, Blanc, E, Paltsev, S, Jacoby, H, Reilly, J and Gueneau, A (2014). The Future of Global Water Stress: An Integrated Assessment. Earth’s Future, 2(8).


Sekulova, F, Kallis, G and Scneider, F (2017). Climate Change, Happiness and Income from a Degrowth Perspective, in Victor, P and Dolter, B (eds.) Handbook on Growth and Sustainability. Edward Elger Publishing. or


Sengupta, S and Cai, W (2019). A Quarter of Humanity Faces Looming Water Crises. New York Times, Aug. 6. [good graphics]


Steward, DR, Bruss, PJ, Yang, X, Staggenborg, SA, Welch, SM, and Apley, MD (2013). Tapping Unsustainable Groundwater Stores for Agricultural Production in the High Plains Aquifer of Kansas, Projections to 2110. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(37): E3477-E3486.


Suter, K (1999). Fair Warning? The Club of Rome Revisited. Australian Broadcasting Company.


Suweis, S, Rinaldo, A, Maritan, A and D’Odorico, P (2013a). Water-controlled Wealth of Nations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110(11).


Suweis, S, Rinaldo, A, Maritan, A and D’Odorico, P (2013b). Using Water Footprints to Estimate Nations’ Carrying Capacities and Demographic Sustainability. Global Water Forum, April 9. [Short summary of their PNAS paper.]


Tangermann, V (2020). Researchers Say Earth Is Headed for “Jaw-Dropping” Population Decline. Futurism, July, 15.


Thaler, E, Larsen, I and Yu, Q (2021). The Extent of Soil Loss Across the US Corn Belt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(8).


Timmerman, P (2017). Growth, Development and Learning to Live in a Finite World, in Victor, P and Dolter, B (eds.) Handbook on Growth and Sustainability. Edward Elger Publishing.


Tuninetti, M, Tamea, S, and Dalin C (2019). Water Debt Indicator Reveals Where Agricultural Water Use Exceeds Sustainable Levels. Water Resources Research, 55(3).


Turner, G (2014). Is Global Collapse Imminent? An Updated Comparison of the Limits to Growth with Historical Data. Melbourne Sustainable Society Institute. Research Paper No. 4.


US Geological Survey (2014). Groundwater Depletion.


Venditti, B (2021). Visualizing the Accumulation of Human-Made Mass on Earth. Visual Capitalist, Nov. 29.


Vorosmarty, C, McIntyre, P, Gessner, M, Dudgeon, D, Prusevich, A, Green, P, Glidden, S, Bunn, S, Sullivan, C, Reidy, C, Liermann, C, and Davies, P (2010). Global Threats to Human Water Security and River Biodiversity.  Nature, 467: 555-561.


Wackernagel, M, Hanscom, L, Jayasinghe, P, Lin, D, Murthy, A, Neill, E and Raven, P (2021). The Importance of Resource Security for Poverty Eradication. Nature Sustainability, 2021.


Washington, H, Lowe, I and Kopnina, H (2020). Why Do Society and Academia Ignore the ‘Scientists Warning to Humanity’ on Population? Journal of Futures Studies, 25(1).  [Wrestles with carrying capacity of humans.]


Washington, H and Kopnina, H (2018). The Insanity of Endless Growth. The Ecological Citizen, 2(1).


Weidmann, T, Lenzen, M, KeyBer, L and Steinberg, J (2020). Scientists’ Warning on Affluence. Nature Communications, 11(3107).


The World Counts (2022a). Planet Earth. [Shows continuous changes in values of several metrics.]


The World Counts (2022b). Climate Change. [Shows continuous changes in values of several metrics.]


The World Counts (2022c). Toxic Exposures. [Shows continuous changes in values of several metrics.]


The World Counts (2022d). Number of Consumers.


The World Counts (2022e). Extinction of Species. [Shows continuous changes in values of several metrics.]



B.   Carbon, Water, and Ecological Footprint Analyses


Aldaya, MM and Hoekstra, AY (2010). The Water Needed for Italians to Eat Pasta and Pizza. Agricultural Systems, 103: 351–360. [Students really respond to this article.]


Alexander, S and Rutherford, J (2019). A Critique of Techno-optimism: Efficiency Without Sufficiency is Lost, in Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Governance. Routledge.


Aronoff, K (2018). Your Carbon Footprint Doesn’t Matter (Unless You’re Michael Bloomberg). In These Times, Jan. 30.


Asici, A and Acar, S (2016). Does Income Growth Relocate Ecological Footprint? Ecological Indicators, 61(2).


Beitsch, R (2020). USDA Hopes to Cut Farms' Environmental Footprint in Half by 2050. The Hill, Feb. 20.


Belcher, O, Bigger, P, Niemark, B and Kennelly, C (2020). Hidden Carbon Costs of the “Everywhere War”: Logistics, Geopolitical Ecology, and the Carbon Boot-print of the US Military. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 45(1).


Bellamy, D (2020). Humans Have Now Consumed the Earth's Natural Resources for the Year. Euronews, Aug. 22.


Birney, C, Franklin, K, Davidson, T and Webber, M (2017). An Assessment of Individual Foodprints Attributed to Diets and Food Waste in the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 12.


Bottollier-Depois, A (2021). Carbon Pawprint: Is Man's Best Friend the Planet's Enemy?, March 20.


Bradshaw, C, Giam, X and Sodhi, N (2010). Evaluating the Relative Environmental Impact of Countries. PLoS ONE, 5(5). https://10.1371/journal.pone.0010440


Brauman, K, Richter, B, Postel, S, Malsy, M and Florke, M (2016). Water Depletion: An Improved Metric for Incorporating Seasonal and Dry-year Water Scarcity into Water Risk Assessments. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 4.


Breu, T, Lannen, A and Tejada, L (2016). Shifting Water Demands Onto the Vulnerable? Water Impacts of Agricultural Trade and Investment. CDE Policy Brief 10. [Examines virtual water trade and water footprints.]


Bringezu, S (2015). Possible Target Corridor for Sustainable Use of Global Material Resources. Resources, 4.


Brown, A and Matlock, M (2011). A Review of Water Scarcity Indices and Methodologies. The Sustainability Consortium, White Paper 106.


C2ES – Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (2021). Climate Solutions: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint. [Collection of relevant articles.]


Carneiro Freire, S, Corban, C, Ehrlich, D, Florczyk, A, Kemper, T, Maffenini, L, Melchiorri, M, Pesaresi, M, Schiavina, M and Tommasi, P (2019). Atlas of the Human Planet 2019. Publications Office of the European Union. [Presents key human settlements and urbanisation statistics for 239 countries.]


Carr, J, D’Odorico, P, Laio, F, and Ridolfi, L (2013). Recent History and Geography of Virtual Water Trade. PLoS ONE, 8(2): e55825.


Cascio, J (2007). The Cheeseburger Footprint. Open the Future.  + Six Degrees (2009). Cheeseburger Footprint video


Center for Sustainable Systems (2021a). Food Footprints. University of Michigan. [Web page including several footprint analyses for specific foods.]


Center for Sustainable Systems (2021b). Carbon Footprint Factsheet. University of Michigan. [For the U.S.]


Chapagain, AG and Hoekstra, AY (2008). The Global Component of Freshwater Demand and Supply: An Assessment of Virtual Water Flows Between Nations as a Result of Trade in Agricultural and Industrial Products. Water International, 33(1): 19–32.


Chapagain, AK, Hoekstra, AY and Mekonnen, M (2007). Your Water Footprint - Extended Calculator. University of Twente.


Chapagain, AG, Hoekstra, AY and Savenije, HHG (2006). Water Saving Through International Trade in Agricultural Products. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 10: 455–468.


Chapman, M, LaValle, A, Furey, G and Chan, K (2017). Sustainability Beyond City Limits: Can “Greener” Beef Lighten a City’s Ecological Footprint? Sustainability Science, 12.


Clothier, B (2010). Green, Blue and Grey Waters: Minimising the Footprint Using Soil Physics. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World.


The Conscious Club (2019). The Ecological Footprint Bible.


Covey, K et al., (2021). Carbon and Beyond: The Biogeochemistry of Climate in a Rapidly Changing Amazon. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4.


Cranston, G and Hammond, G (2012). Carbon Footprints in a Bipolar, Climate-constrained World. Ecological Indicators, 16.


Damkjaer, S and Taylor, R (2016). The Measurement of Water Scarcity: Defining a Meaningful Indicator. Ambio, 46.


Deshmukh, A (2021). Visualizing Global Per Capita CO2 Emissions. Visual Capitalist, Dec. 1.


Destek, M and Sarkodie, S (2019). Investigation of Environmental Kuznets Curve for Ecological Footprint: The Role of Energy and Financial Development. Science of The Total Environment, 650(2).


Devineni, N, Lall, U, Etienne, E, Shi, D and Xi, C (2015). America’s Water Risk: Current Demand and Climate Variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 42.


Dickin, S (2013). Refining the Water Footprint Concept to Account for Non-renewable Water Resources. Global Water Forum, Jan. 20. [Taking into account groundwater drawdown. Short.]


Dimitropoulos, S (2020). Rethinking the Concept of Virtual Water in the Global Trade Market. Eos, Dec. 17.


Ewing, B, Reed, A, Galli, A, Kitzes, J and M. Wackernagel. 2010. Calculation Methodology for the National Footprint Accounts, 2010 Edition. Oakland: Global Footprint Network.


Fanning, A, O’Neill, D, Hickel, J and Roux, N (2021). The Social Shortfall and Ecological Overshoot of Nations. Nature Sustainability, .


Flachsbarth, I, Willaarts, B, Xie, H, Pitois, G, Mueller, N, Ringler, C, Garrido, A (2015). The Role of Latin America’s Land and Water Resources for Global Food Security: Environmental Trade-Offs of Future Food Production Pathways. PLoS One, 10(1).


Forouzani, M and Karami, E (2011). Agricultural Water Poverty Index and Sustainability. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 31(2).


Freshwater Health Index (2020).


Gain, A, Giupponi, C and Wada, Y (2016). Measuring Global Water Security Towards Sustainable Development Goals. Environmental Research Letters, 11.


Galli, A, Weidmann, T, Ercin, E, Knoblauch, D, Ewing, B and Giljum, S (2012). Integrating Ecological, Carbon and Water Footprint Into a “Footprint Family” of Indicators: Definition and Role in Tracking Human Pressure on the Planet. Ecological Indicators, 16.


Gleeson, T, Wada, Y, Bierkens, M, and van Beek, L (2012). Water Balance of Global Aquifers Revealed by Groundwater Footprint. Nature, 488.


Global Footprint Network (2019). Footprint Calculator.


Goldstein, A, Noon, M, Ledezma, J, Roehrdanz, P, Raghav, S, McGreevey, M, Stone, C, Shrestha, S, Golden Kroner, R, Hole, D and Turner, W (2021). Irrecoverable Carbon: The Places We Can’t Afford to Lose. Conservation International.


Goodall, C (2017). How to Reduce your Carbon Footprint.  The Guardian, Jan. 19.


Harris, L (2021). A Guide to Your Digital Carbon Footprint – and How to Lower It. EcoWatch, Nov. 26.


Harris, N et al., (2021). Global Maps of Twenty-first Century Forest Carbon Fluxes. Nature Climate Change, 11.


Hoekstra, AY (2012). The Hidden Water Resource Use Behind Meat and Dairy. Animal Frontiers, 2(2): 3-8.


Hoekstra, AY and Chapagain, AK (2007). Water Footprint of Nations: Water Use by People as a Function of their Consumption Pattern. Water Resource Management, 21: 35-48.


Hoekstra, A, Mekonnen, M, Chapagain, A, Mathews, R, and Richter, B (2012). Global Monthly Water Scarcity: Blue Water Footprints Versus Blue Water Availability. PLoS One, 7(2).


HowGood (2022). The World’s Largest Sustainability Database.


International Resource Panel (2018). Resource Efficiency for Sustainable Development. United Nations Environment Programme.


International Resource Panel (2019). Global Resources Outlook. United Nations Environment Programme.


Ivanova, I (2020). Global Rich Must Cut their Carbon Footprint 97% to Stave Off Climate Change, UN Says. CBS News, Dec. 16.


Jung, M et al., (2021). Areas of Global Importance for Conserving Terrestrial Biodiversity, Carbon and Water. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5.


Kelly, R, Burns, S and Wackernagel, M (2015). State of the States: A New Perspective on the Wealth of Our Nation. Global Footprint Network.  [An impressive slide show]


Khan, S and Hanjra, M (2009). Footprints of Water and Energy Inputs in Food Production – Global Perspectives. Food Policy, 34(2).


Khanna, P (2016). We Should Be Measuring the Footprint of Supply Chains, Not Nations. Anthropocene, 1. [Very short, but an important insight/consideration.]


Liu, J, Mooney, J, Hull, B, Davis, S, Gaskell, J, Hertel, T, Lubchenco, J, Seto, K, Gleick, P, Kremen, C and Li, S (2015). Systems Integration for Global Sustainability. Science, 347(6225).


Liu, Z et al., (2019). Can Virtual Water Trade Save Water Resources? Water Research, 163.


Mace, G (2012). The Limits to Sustainability Science: Ecological Constraints or Endless Innovation? PLoS Biology, 10(6):


MacMillan, A and Drew, J (2020). Climate Explained: How the Climate Impact of Beef Compares with Plant-based Alternatives. The Conversation, May 5.


Manning, A (2021). Insatiable Demand for Cannabis has Created a Giant Carbon Footprint. Colorado State University.


Masud, M, Wada, Y, Gross, G, and Faramarzi, M (2019). Global Implications of Regional Grain Production Through Virtual Water Trade. Science of the Total Environment, 659.


McGowan, P (2016). Mapping the Terrestrial Human Footprint. Nature, 537.


Mekonnen, M (2012). The Water Footprint of Humanity. Global Water Forum, April 16. [A short overview.]


Meyer, K and Newman, P (2018). The Planetary Accounting Framework: A Novel, Quota-based Approach to Understanding the Impacts of Any Scale of Human Activity in the Context of the Planetary Boundaries. Sustainable Earth, 1(4).


Milman, O (2021). Here’s Some Depressing Math: 3 Americans Create Enough Carbon Emissions to Kill 1 Person. Mother Jones, July 31.


Moore, D, Cranston, G, Reed, A and Galli, A (2012). Projecting Future Human Demand on the Earth's Regenerative Capacity. Ecological Indicators, 16.


Morrison, R (2020). Meat of the Matter: New Online Tool that Calculates How our Eating Habits Impact the Environment Reveals that if Everyone had the Same Diet as the US We'd Need Another PLANET. Daily Mail, Jan. 20.


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The Next System Project (2019). The Index of Systemic Trends.


O’Dorico, P et al., (2019). Global Virtual Water Trade and the Hydrological Cycle: Patterns, Drivers, and Socio-environmental Impacts. Environmental Research Letters, 14(5).


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Paterson, W, Rushforth, R, Ruddell, B, Konar, M, Ahams, I, Grionas, J, Mijic, A and Mejia, A (2015). Water Footprint of Cities: A Review and Suggestions for Future Research. Sustainability, 7. 


Rees, W (2000). Our Ecological Footprint: When Consumption Does Violence. Environment Canada Policy Research Seminar Series. pdf


Schendler, A (2021). Worrying About Your Carbon Footprint Is Exactly What Big Oil Wants You to Do. The New York Times, Aug. 31.


Soto-Navarro, C et al., (2020). Mapping Co-benefits for Carbon Storage and Biodiversity to Inform Conservation Policy and Action. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 37(1794).


Sustainable Earth (2020). A New Planetary Accounting Framework.  [Short video explaining how planetary accounting scales down the planetary boundary concepts to quotas that can be used by governments and individuals to get within planetary boundaries.]


Sutton, P, Anderson, S, Tuttle, B and Morse, L (2012). The Real Wealth of Nations: Mapping and Monetizing the Human Ecological Footprint. Ecological Indicators, 16.


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Suweis, S, Rinaldo, A, Maritan, A and D’Odorico, P (2013b). Using Water Footprints to Estimate Nations’ Carrying Capacities and Demographic Sustainability. Global Water Forum, April 9. [Short summary of their PNAS paper.]


Tamea, S, Allamano, P, Carr, J, Claps, P, Laio, F and Ridolfi, L (2013). Local and Global Perspectives on the Virtual Water Trade. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 17.


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United Nations Environment Programme (2015). Options for Decoupling Economic Growth from Water Use and Water Pollution. Report of the International Resource Panel Working Group on Sustainable Water Management.


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2022). Power Profiler. [Map of US. Electricity grids and their emission rates. Can enter a zip code to see the fuel mix of sources used to generate electricity in your region.]


Vander Velde, B (2016). What on Earth is ‘Natural Capital’? Conservation International.


Venter, O et al., (2016). Sixteen Years of Change in the Global Terrestrial Human Footprint and Implications for Biodiversity Conservation. Nature Communications, 7.


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Weidmann, T and Lenzen, M (2018). Environmental and Social Footprints of International Trade. Nature Geoscience, 11.


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White, C (2012). Understanding Water Scarcity: Definitions and Measurements. Global Water Forum, May 7. [A critique of different measures.]


Wilk, R and Barros, B (2021). Private Planes, Mansions and Superyachts: What Gives Billionaires Like Musk and Abramovich Such a Massive Carbon Footprint. The Conversation, Feb. 16.


World Water Council (2004). E-Conference Synthesis: Virtual Water Trade - Conscious Choices.


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York, R, Rosa, E and Dietz, T (2003). Footprints On the Earth: The Environmental Consequences of ModernityAmerican Sociological Review, 68(2), 279–300.


Zhao, D, Hubacek, K, Feng, K, Sun L and Liu, J (2019). Explaining Virtual Water Trade: A Spatial-Temporal Analysis of the Comparative Advantage of Land, Labor and Water in China. Water Research, 153.



C.   Beware the State Change - Planetary Boundaries, Thresholds, and Tipping Points (more in Sections I, II and VI)


Aengenheyster, M, Feng, Q, van der Ploeg, F and Dijkstra, H (2018). The Point of No Return for Climate Action: Effects of Climate Uncertainty and Risk Tolerance.  Earth System Dynamics, 9: 1085–1095.


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Angus, I (2019). Disrupting the Nitrogen Cycle: Articles on a Major Metabolic Rift. Climate & Capitalism, Oct. 25.


Bardi, U (2017). Collapse Is Not a Bug, It Is a Feature. Institute Momentum, Dec. 5. [Considering collapse from a systems perspective]


Barnosky, et al., (2012). Approaching a State Shift in Earth’s Biosphere. Nature, 486: 52-58.


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Bodirsky, B et al., (2014). Reactive Nitrogen Requirements to Feed the World in 2050 and Potential to Mitigate Nitrogen Pollution. Nature Communications, 5(3858). 


Bogardi, J, Fekete, B and Vorosmarty, C (2013). Planetary Boundaries Revisited: A View Through the ‘Water Lens’. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(6).


Bonneuil, C and Fressoz, J (2016). The Shock of the Anthropocene: The Earth, History and Us. Verso, London.


Bowles, N, Alexander, S and Hadjikakou, M (2019). The Livestock Sector and Planetary Boundaries: A ‘Limits to Growth’ Perspective with Dietary Implications. Ecological Economics, 160.


Breeze, N (2019). It’s Nonlinearity - Stupid! Ecologist, Jan. 3.


Brown, D (2018). New Evidence That Climate Change Poses a Much Greater Threat to Humanity Than Recently Understood Because the IPCC has been Systematically Underestimating Climate Change Risks: An Ethical Analysis. Ethics and Climate, Sept. 21.


Butler, C (2017). Limits to Growth, Planetary Boundaries, and Planetary Health. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 25: 59-65.


Carbon Brief (2014). Two Degrees: The History of Climate Changes ‘Speed Limit. Dec. 8.


Christensen, J. and Olhoff, A. (2019). Lessons from a Decade of Emissions Gap Assessments. United Nations Environment Programme.


Dakos, V, Matthews, B, Hendry, A, Levine, J, Loeuille, N, Norberg, J, Nosil, P, Scheffer, M and De Meester, L (2019). Ecosystem Tipping Points in an Evolving World. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 3.


Davis, K, Dobrowski, S, Higuera, P, Holden, Z, Veblen, T, Rother, M, Parks, S, Sala, A and Maneta, M (2019). Wildfires and Climate Change Push Low-elevation Forests Across a Critical Climate Threshold for Tree Regeneration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(110).


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Dietz, S, Rising, J, Stoerk, T and Wagner, G (2021). Economic Impacts of Tipping Points in the Climate System. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(34).


Drijfhout, S (2015). What Climate ‘Tipping Points’ Are – And How they Could Suddenly Change our Planet. The Conversation, Dec. 9. 


Drijfhout, S, Bathiany, S, Beaulieu, C, Brovkin, V, Claussen, M, Huntingford, C, Scheffer, M, Sgubin, G and Swingedouw, D (2015). Catalogue of Abrupt Shifts in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Climate Models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(43).


Dudney, J and Suding, K (2020). The Elusive Search for Tipping Points. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4.


Eyre, B, Cryonak, T, Drupp, P, De Carlo, E, Sachs, J and Andersson, A (2018).  Coral Reefs Will Transition to Net Dissolving Before End of Century. Science, 359(6378): 908-911.


Fisher, S (2019). Can We Identify the Tipping Points for Transformative Climate Action? Climate-KIC, June 20.


Fountain, H (2019). Climate Change Is Accelerating, Bringing World ‘Dangerously Close’ to Irreversible Change. New York Times, Dec. 5.


Gaffney, O (2009). A Planet on the Edge. IGBP's Global Change, 74.  [Decent overview of the Planetary Boundary analysis.]


Gaffney, O and Steffen, W (2017). The Anthropocene Equation. The Anthropocene Review, 2(1).


Galaz, V et al., (2012). ‘Planetary Boundaries’ — Exploring the Challenges for Global Environmental Governance. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 4(1-8).


Gaucherel, C and Moron, V (2017). Potential Stabilizing Points to Mitigate Tipping Point Interactions in Earth's Climate. International Journal of Climatology, 37(1).


Ge, M, Lebling, K, Levin, K and Friedrich, J (2019). Tracking Progress of the 2020 Climate Turning Point. Working Paper, World Resources Institute.


Gerten, D, Hoff, H, Rockstrom, J, Jagermeyr, J, Kummu, M and Pastor, A (2013). Towards a Revised Planetary Boundary for Consumptive Freshwater Use: Role of Environmental Flow Requirements. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 5(6).


Gerten, D et al., (2020). Feeding Ten Billion People is Possible Within Four Terrestrial Planetary Boundaries. Nature Sustainability, 3.


Giger, P (2021). Climate Change Will be Sudden and Cataclysmic. We Need to Act Fast. World Economic Forum, Jan. 19. [About triggering of tipping points.]


Good, P et al., (2014). An Updated View of Tipping Points and the Relevance for Long-term Climate Goals. AVOID 2 WPA.5 Report 1.


Gross, M (2015). Assessing Humanity’s Global Impact. Current Biology, 25(4). [Relatively short and approachable overview of the planetary boundaries overview.]


Hanson, J and 17 co-authors (2013). Assessing ‘‘Dangerous Climate Change’’: Required Reduction of Carbon Emissions to Protect Young People, Future Generations and Nature. PLOS One, 8(12): e81648.


Hawking, S (2016). This is the Most Dangerous Time for our Planet. The Guardian, Dec. 1.


Heinrich, S and Jamsin, E (2017). What is Complexity? Ellen MacArthur Foundation. [Provides a concise overview of complexity, systems thinking, feedback loops, and tipping points.]


Heinze, C et al., (2021). The Quiet Crossing of Ocean Tipping Points. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(9).


Herrfahrdt-Pähle, E, Schlüter, M, Olsson, P, Folke, C, Gelcich, S and Pahl-Wostl, C (2020). Sustainability Transformations: Socio-political Shocks as Opportunities for Governance Transitions. Global Environmental Change, 63.


Hickel, J (2018). Is It Possible to Achieve a Good Life for All Within Planetary Boundaries? Third World Quarterly, 40.


High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes (HELIX) (2015). Characterisation of the Social Impacts and Economic Costs of Passing Tipping Points in the Climate System in 2C, 4C and 6C Scenarios Over Different Time Horizons with Different Levels of Adaptation. Seventh Framework Programme, Theme 6, Project 603864.


Hillebrand, H, Donohue, I, Harpole, S, Hodapp, D, Kucera, M, Lewandowska, A, Merder, J, Montoya, J and Freund, J (2020). Thresholds for Ecological Responses to Global Change Do Not Emerge from Empirical Data. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 4.


Hoornweg, D, Hosseini, M, Kennedy, C and Behdadi, A (2016). An Urban Approach to Planetary Boundaries. Ambio, 45.


Horstmeyer, L, Pham, T, Korbel, J and Thurner, S (2020). Predicting Collapse of Adaptive Networked Systems Without Knowing the Network. Scientific Reports, 10(1223).


Howard, P (2011). Tipping Points and Biodiversity Change: Consequences for Human Wellbeing and Challenges for Science and Policy. Kavli Seminar “Addressing Global Tipping Points”.


HowGood (2022). The World’s Largest Sustainability Database.


Hulbe, C (2020). How Close is the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to a ‘Tipping Point’? Carbon Brief, Feb. 14.


John Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (2020). Diet, Health & Planetary Boundaries. [Web site leading to research on this topic.]


Jonas, M et al., (2014). Sustaining Ecosystem Services: Overcoming the Dilemma Posed by Local Actions and Planetary Boundaries. Earth’s Future, 2(8).


Kahiluoto, H, Kuisma, M, Kuokkanen, A, Mikkila, M ad Linnanen, L (2014). Taking Planetary Nutrient Boundaries Seriously: Can We Feed the People? Global Food Security, 3(1).


Keys, P, Galaz, V, Dyer, M, Matthews, N, Folke, C, Nystrom, M and Cornell, S (2019). Anthropocene Risk. Nature Sustainability, 2.


The King's Centre for Visualization in Science (2015). Planetary Boundaries. [A somewhat animated, and easier to read, version of the Planetary Boundaries, changing over time, along with concise text about them.]


Kopp, R, Scwom, R, Wagner, G and Yuan, J (2016). Tipping Elements and Climate–economic Shocks: Pathways Toward Integrated Assessment. Earth’s Future, 4(8).


Korowicz, D (2010). Tipping Point: Near-Term Systemic Implications of a Peak in Global Oil Production. The Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability.


Lade, S, Steffen, W, de Vries, W, Carpenter, S, Donges, J, Gerten, D, Hoff, H, Newbold, T, Richardson, K and Rockström, J (2019). Human Impacts on Planetary Boundaries Amplified by Earth System Interactions. Nature Sustainability, 3. or


Leach, M, Raworth, K and Rockström, J (2013). Between Social and Planetary Boundaries: Navigating Pathways in the Safe and Just Space for Humanity, in United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments.


Leadley, P, Pereira, H, Alkemade, R, Fernandez-Manjarrés, J, Proença, V, Scharlemann, J, Walpole, M (2010) Biodiversity Scenarios: Projections of 21st Century Change in Biodiversity and Associated Ecosystem Services. Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity. Technical Series no. 50. [With examples of tipping point mechanisms and feedback loops.]


Lenton, T (2020). Tipping Positive Change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 37(1794).


Lenton, T, et al., (2008). Tipping Elements in the Earth’s Climate System. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 105(6): 1786-1793.


Lenton, T, Caldeira, K and Szathmary, E (2003). What Does History Teach Us About the Major Transitions and Role of Disturbances in The Evolution of Life and of the Earth System? in Schellnhuber, H, Crutzen, P, Clark, W, Claussen, M and Held, H (eds.), Earth System Analysis for Sustainability. The MIT Press.


Lenton, T and Ciscar, JC (2013). Integrating Tipping Points into Climate Impact Assessments. Climatic Change, 117.


Lenton, T, Rockstrom, J, Gaffney, O, Rahmstorf, S, Richardson, K, Steffen, W and Schellnhuber, H (2019). Climate Tipping Point — Too Risky to Bet Against. Nature, 575.


Liu, J, Mooney, J, Hull, B, Davis, S, Gaskell, J, Hertel, T, Lubchenco, J, Seto, K, Gleick, P, Kremen, C and Li, S (2015). Systems Integration for Global Sustainability. Science, 347(6225).


Lohmann, J and Ditlevsen, P (2021). Risk of Tipping the Overturning Circulation Due to Increasing Rates of Ice Melt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(9).


Lovejoy T and Nobre, C (2019). Amazon Tipping Point: Last Chance for Action. Science Advances, 5(12).


Mace, G (2012). The Limits to Sustainability Science: Ecological Constraints or Endless Innovation? PLoS Biology, 10(6):


Mace, G et al., (2014). Approaches to Defining a Planetary Boundary for Biodiversity. Global Environmental Change, 28.


Mann, M (2014). Earth Will Cross the Climate Danger Threshold by 2036. Scientific American, April 1.


McCullough, R (2019). Mapping the Planetary Boundaries: Visualizing Human-Environment Connections in the Anthropocene. Submitted to OCAD University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Design in Strategic Foresight and Innovation.


McSweeney, R (2020). Explainer: Nine ‘Tipping Points’ that Could be Triggered by Climate Change. Carbon Brief, Feb. 10.  [Infographic in map form]


Meyer, K and Newman, P (2018). The Planetary Accounting Framework: A Novel, Quota-based Approach to Understanding the Impacts of Any Scale of Human Activity in the Context of the Planetary Boundaries. Sustainable Earth, 1(4).


Monbiot, G (2021). Earth’s Tipping Points Could be Closer than we Think. Our Current Plans Won’t Work. The Guardian, Sept. 9.


Moore, J and Rees, W (2013). Getting to One-Planet Living, in State of the World 2013. The Worldwatch Institute.


Morengo, J, Souza Jr., C, Thonicke, K, Burton, C, Halladay, K, Betts, R, Alves, L and Soares, W (2018). Changes in Climate and Land Use Over the Amazon Region: Current and Future Variability and Trends. Frontiers in Earth Science, 6.


Murphy, T (2021a). Energy and Human Ambitions on a Finite Planet. Open Educational Resources, University of California San Diego.


Murphy, T (2021b). Quantitative Framing of Our Predicament: Physics Say Systemic Transformation is Needed. UC San Diego. [Succinct video]


Murphy, T, Murphy, D, Love, T, LeHew, M and McCall, B (2021). Modernity is Incompatible with Planetary Limits: Developing a PLAN for the Future. Energy Research & Social Science, 81.


Nakicenovic, N, Rockström, J, Gaffney, O and Zimm, C (2016). Global Commons in the Anthropocene: World Development on a Stable and Resilient Planet. International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis Working Paper.


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O’Neill, D et al., (2020a). About. University of Leeds.  Web site associated with: O’Neill, D.W., Fanning, A.L., Lamb, W.F., and Steinberger, J.K. (2018). A Good Life for All Within Planetary Boundaries. Nature Sustainability, 1.


O’Neill, D et al., (2020b). Country Comparisons. University of Leeds.  Web site associated with: O’Neill, D.W., Fanning, A.L., Lamb, W.F., and Steinberger, J.K. (2018). A Good Life for All Within Planetary Boundaries. Nature Sustainability, 1. [Select a country to view its environmental sustainability and social performance relative to the “safe and just space” framework and see how it compares with other countries.]


O’Neill, D et al., (2020c). Explore Scenarios. University of Leeds. Web site associated with: O’Neill, D.W., Fanning, A.L., Lamb, W.F., and Steinberger, J.K. (2018). A Good Life for All Within Planetary Boundaries. Nature Sustainability, 1. [Use the sliders below each of the social indicators to raise or lower the thresholds we chose for a “good life”, and explore what your choices would mean for sustainability if they were extended to all people.]


O’Neill, D et al., (2020d). The Wellbeing–Consumption Paradox. University of Leeds.  Web site associated with: O’Neill, D.W., Fanning, A.L., Lamb, W.F., and Steinberger, J.K. (2018). A Good Life for All Within Planetary Boundaries. Nature Sustainability, 1. [Interactive graphing of metrics of social indicators vs carbon footprint for all countries.]


O’Neill, D et al., (2020e). World Map. University of Leeds.  Web site associated with: O’Neill, D.W., Fanning, A.L., Lamb, W.F., and Steinberger, J.K. (2018). A Good Life for All Within Planetary Boundaries. Nature Sustainability, 1. [Use this interactive world map to see the number of biophysical boundaries that different countries transgress (the BIOPHYSICAL tab) in comparison to the number of social thresholds that they achieve (the SOCIAL tab).]


Osaka, S (2019). The Problem with Putting a Deadline on the Climate Apocalypse. Grist, Sept. 15.


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Stoknes, P and Rockstrom, J (2018). Redefining Green Growth Within Planetary Boundaries. Energy Research & Social Science, 44.


Sustainable Development Solutions Network (2014). Pathways to Deep Decarbonization.


Sustainable Earth (2020). A New Planetary Accounting Framework.  [Short video explaining how planetary accounting scales down the planetary boundary concepts to quotas that can be used by governments and individuals to get within planetary boundaries.]


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Westley, F et al., (2011). Tipping Toward Sustainability: Emerging Pathways of Transformation. AMBIO, 40. [Systems thinking oriented and techno optimistic.]


Whitty, J (2006). The Thirteenth Tipping Point. Mother Jones, Nov./Dec.


Wunderling, N, Donges, J, Kurths, J and Winkelmann, R (2021). Interacting Tipping Elements Increase Risk of Climate Domino Effects Under Global Warming. Earth System Dynamics, 12.


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D.  Assessing the Vulnerability and Risk of Populations (more in Section IJ and Section VIII)


Barnett, J (2020). Global Environmental Change II: Political Economies of Vulnerability to Climate Change. Progress in Human Geography, 44(6).


Bene, C, Godfrey-Wood, R, Newsham, A and Davies, M (2012). Resilience: New Utopia or New Tyranny? Reflection about the Potentials and Limits of the Concept of Resilience in Relation to Vulnerability Reduction Programmes. Institute of Development Studies, Working Paper 405.


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Coughlin, M, Ellison, A and Cavanaugh, A (2019). Social Vulnerability and Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Literature Synthesis. Ecosystem Workforce Program Working Paper Series, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon.


Creighton, J,.Strobel, M, Hardegree, S, Steele, R, Van Horne, B, Gravenmier, B, Owen, W, Peterson, D, Hoang, L, Little, N, Bochicchio, J, Hall, W, Cole, M, Hestvik, S and Olson, J (2015). Northwest Regional Climate Hub Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies. United States Department of Agriculture.


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Cutter, S and Derakhshan, S (2020). Temporal and Spatial Change in Disaster Resilience in US Counties, 2010–2015. Environmental Hazards, 19(1).


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Davies, I, Huago, R, Roberstons, J, and Levin, P (2018). The Unequal Vulnerability of Communities of Color to Wildfire. PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0205825.


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Eckstein, D, Hutfils, M and Winges, M (2019). Global Climate Risk Index 2019. Germanwatch.


Emrich, C and Cutter, S (2011). Social Vulnerability to Climate-Sensitive Hazards in the Southern United States. Weather, Climate and Society, 3.


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Franco, E (2020). Global Risk Report 2020. World Economic Forum.


Frank, T (2020). Flooding Disproportionately Harms Black Neighborhoods. Scientific American, June 2.


Friggens, M, Bagne, K, Finch, D, Falk, D, Triepke, J and Lynch, A (2013). Review and Recommendations for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Approaches with Examples from the Southwest. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-309. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.


Fussel, H and Klein, R (2006). Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments: An Evolution of Conceptual Thinking. Climatic Change, 75(3).  

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Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (2018). Defining Vulnerable Communities in the Context of Climate Adaptation. State of California.


Green Growth Knowledge Platform (2021). Poverty and Equity. [Portal to many articles and reports.]


Grove, K (2014). Biopolitics and Adaptation: Governing SocioEcological Contingency Through Climate Change and Disaster Studies. Geography Compass, 8(3). 


Hazards & Vulnerability Research Institute (2014). Social Vulnerability Index – 2010-2014. University of South Carolina.


Howell, J and Elliott, J (2019). Damages Done: The Longitudinal Impacts of Natural Hazards on Wealth Inequality in the United States. Social Problems, 66(3).


Howell, P (2003). Indigenous Early Warning Indicators of Cyclones: Potential Application in Coastal Bangladesh. Benfield Hazard Research Center


Iglesias, V et al., (2021). Risky Development: Increasing Exposure to Natural Hazards in the United States. Earth’s Future, 9(7).


Jager, J et al., (2007). Vulnerability of People and the Environment: Challenges and Opportunities, in Global Environment Outlook 4. United Nations Environment Programme.


Joakim, E, Mortsch, L and Oulahen, G (2015). Using Vulnerability and Resilience Concepts to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. Environmental Hazards, 14(2).


Johansen, C, Horney, J and Tien, I (2017). Metrics for Evaluating and Improving Community Resilience. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, 23(2).


Katic, K (2017). Social Vulnerability Assessment Tools for Climate Change and DRR Programming. United Nations Development Programme.


King, D, Schrag, D, Dadi, Z, Ye, Q and Ghosh, A (2015). Climate Change: A Risk Assessment. Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge.


Krosby, M, Morgan, H, Case, M and Binder, L (2016). Stillaguamish Tribe Natural Resources Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. University of Washington Climate Impacts Group.


Kubacki, K, Siemieniako, D and Brennan, L (2020). Building Positive Resilience Through Vulnerability Analysis. Journal of Social Marketing, 10(4).


Kulp, S and Strauss, B (2019). New Elevation Data Triple Estimates of Global Vulnerability to Sea-level Rise and Coastal Flooding. Nature Communications, 10(4844).


Lane, K, Charles-Guzman, K, Wheeler, K, Abid, Z, Graber, N and Matte, T (2013). Health Effects of Coastal Storms and Flooding in Urban Areas: A Review and Vulnerability Assessment. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, Article ID 913064.


Leichenko, R and Thomas, A (2012). Coastal Cities and Regions in a Changing Climate: Economic Impacts, Risks and Vulnerabilities. Geography Compass, 6(6).


Liden, K (2021). National Risk Assessments: A Political Vaccine Against the Next Disaster? Open Democracy, Feb. 15.


Liu, H, Lauta, K and Maas, M (2018). Governing Boring Apocalypses: A New Typology of Existential Vulnerabilities and Exposures for Existential Risk Research. Futures, 102.


McCarthy, K and Valdez, Z (2019). Mapping Heat Vulnerability to Protect Community Health. EOS, April 5.


McCormick, S (2016). Assessing Climate Change Vulnerability in Urban America: Stakeholder-driven Approaches. Climatic Change, 138.


Nelitz, M, Boardley, S and Smith, R (2013). Tools for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment for Watersheds. ESSA Technologies Ltd for the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment.


Nugent, C (2019). The 10 Countries Most Vulnerable to Climate Change Will Experience Population Booms in the Coming Decades. Time.


O’Brien, K, Sygna, L, Leichenko, R, Adger, W, Barnett, J, Mitchell, T, Schipper, L, Tanner, T, Vogel, C and Mortreux, C (2008). Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Human Security. A Commissioned Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


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Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (2018). National Risk Assessments: A Cross Country Perspective.


Partnership for Resilience and Preparedness (2019). [Visualizing data to build climate resilience]


Pielke, R [ed.] (2013). Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources.  Elsevier Publ.


Pollock, W and Wartman, J (2020). Human Vulnerability to Landslides. GeoHealth, 4(10).


Porfiriev, B (2009). Community Resilience and Vulnerability to Disasters: Qualitative Models and Megacities – A Comparison with Small Towns. Environmental Hazards, 8. pdf


Preston, B, Yuen, E and Westaway, R (2011). Putting Vulnerability to Climate Change on the Map: A Review of Approaches, Benefits, and Risks. Sustainability Science, 6.


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Preston, B, Dow, K and Berkhout, F (2013). The Climate Adaptation Frontier. Sustainability, 5(4).


Pricope, N, Pardo-Rodriguez, L and Lopez-Carr, D (2018). Vulnerability to Climate Change. Oxford Bibliographies.  [Provides an overview of the topic with many annotated citations.]


Rangwala, L, Burke, L, Wihanesta, R, Elias-Trostmann, K and Chandra, M (2018). Prepared Communities: Implementing the Urban Community Resilience Assessment in Vulnerable Neighborhoods of Three Cities. World Resources Institute.


Raymond, C, Peterson, D, Rochefort, R (2014). Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in the North Cascades Region, Washington. General Technical Report, PNW-GTR-892. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.


Reale, A (2010). Acts of God(s): The Role of Religion in Disaster Risk Reduction. Humanitarian Practice Network. Issue 48.


Rohat, G (2018). Projecting Drivers of Human Vulnerability Under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(3).


Shamsuddoha, M (2005). Climate Change, Disaster and Coastal Vulnerabilities in Bangladesh.


Shepherd, A, Mitchell, T, Lewis, K, Lenhardt, A, Jones, L, Scott, L, and Muir-Wood, R (2013). The Geography of Poverty, Disasters and Climate Extremes in 2030. Overseas Development Institute.


Smit, B and Wandel, J (2006). Adaptation, Adaptive Capacity and Vulnerability. Global Environmental Change, 16.


Soares, M, Gagnon, A and Doherty, R (2012). Conceptual Elements of Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments: A Review. International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 4(1).


Social Science Research Council (2007). Understanding Katrina. Items. [Collection of articles “addressing the implications of the tragedy that extend beyond “natural disaster,” “engineering failures,” “cronyism” or other categories of interpretation that do not directly examine the underlying issues—political, social and economic—laid bare by the events surrounding Katrina.”]


Sultana, F (2010). Living in Hazardous Waterscapes: Gendered Vulnerabilities and Experiences of Floods and Disasters. Environmental Hazards, 9.


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Thomas, K, Hardy, D, Lazrus, H, Mendez, M, Orlove, B, Rivera-Collazo, I, Roberts, T, Rockman, M, Warner, B and Winthrop, R (2018). Explaining Differential Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Social Science Review. WIREs Climate Change, 10(2).


Thomas, K and Warner, B (2019). Weaponizing Vulnerability to Climate Change. Global Environmental Change, 57. or


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E.   Other Metrics of Sustainability and Well-Being


Abson, D et al., (2017). Leverage Points for Sustainability Transformation. Ambio, 46.


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Brooks, A (2020). The Three Equations for a Happy Life, Even During a Pandemic. The Atlantic, April 9.


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Community Indicators Consortium (2020). About CIC.


Costanza, R, Hart, M, Posner, S and Talberth, J (2009). Beyond GDP: The Need for New Measures of Progress. The Pardee Papers, 4. The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University.


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Kennedy, E, Gladek, E and Roemers, G (2018). Using Systems Thinking to Transform Society. World Wildlife Fund Netherlands.


Kharin, V, Flato, G, Zhang, X, Gillett, N, Zwiers, F and Anderson, K (2018). Risks from Climate Extremes Change Differently from 1.5°C to 2.0°C Depending on Rarity. Earth’s Future, 6(5).


Krieckhaus, J, Son, B, Bellinger, N and Wells, J (2013). Economic Inequality and Democratic Support. The Journal of Politics, 76(1).


Kristof, N (2020). ‘We’re No. 28! And Dropping!’ New York Times, Sept. 9. [About our falling ranking on the Social Progress Index.]


Kubiszewski, I, Costanza, R, Franco, C, Lawn, P, Talberth, J, Jackson, T and Aylmer, C (2013). Beyond GDP: Measuring and Achieving Global Genuine Progress. Ecological Economics, 93.


Kuo, G (2019). When Fossil Fuels Run Out, What Then? Millennium Alliance for Humanity and Biosphere.


Lamb, W and Steinberger, J (2017). Human Wellbeing and Climate Change Mitigation. WIREs Climate Change, 8(6).


Leonhardt, D and Thompson, S (2020). How Working-Class Life Is Killing Americans, in Charts. The New York Times, March 6.


Levin, K (2018). Half a Degree and a World Apart: The Difference in Climate Impacts Between 1.5˚C and 2˚C of Warming. World Resources Institute. [Good graphics, quick read for students]


Liden, K (2021). National Risk Assessments: A Political Vaccine Against the Next Disaster? Open Democracy, Feb. 15.


Lupu, N, Bustamante, M and Sellers, L (2021). Are We Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals?: Using AmericasBarometer Data to Measure Progress in the Americas. Vanderbilt University, Insights Series #145.


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McKelvey, K et al., (2021). Adapting Research, Management, and Governance to Confront Socioecological Uncertainties in Novel Ecosystems. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change, 4.  [Employs systems thinking.]


McVittie, A and Hussain, S (2013). The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity – Valuation Database Manual. The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity (TEEB).


Mischen, P et al., (2019). A Foundation for Measuring Community Sustainability. Sustainability, 11(1903).


MIT Technology Review (2021). The Green Future Index. [Interactive web platform showing rankings of 76 leading countries and territories on their progress and commitment toward building a low carbon future.]


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