Bibliography of Literature Relevant to Our Future Sustainability

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I.     Climate Change Impact Observations and Projections (published after 2004)

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What’s Here

This section of the bibliography is broken up into 19 subsections, each focused on climate change impacts that have already been observed or are projected to have some likelihood of occurring.

The bulk of the citations below are journal articles that have gone through the peer review process, which is indicated when the publication is italicized.  Government-sponsored reports are also well represented.  Scattered throughout you will find reports from NGOs, useful web sites, interactive maps, review articles from news magazines, and a few videos. Some citations appear in more than one subsection.

If your goal is to get the big picture of what has already transpired along with our biggest concerns looking forward, then you should start by browsing subsection M – Overviews and Advances in the Science.  Seventeen of the other subsections provide links to resources concerned with climate change impacts on specific elements of our socio-economic, biological, and earth systems. One section collects articles on the impacts to a region - the Pacific Northwest - as that is of particular interest to my students and regional colleagues.

There is plenty of overlap to be found in the articles of any one subsection, but reviewing multiple sources gives you a sense of where there is consensus or disagreement among many different researchers, along with regional variability in climate change impacts, and the advancement of understanding over time.

It is a daunting task to get decently informed on the findings of climate science. There are well over 1000 citations in this section of the bibliography, and this is a small sampling of an enormous literature. You will note that I have limited this section to resources published after 2004, with most since 2018.  This makes the bibliography more manageable but it also acknowledges how our understanding of climate impacts and the sophistication of our climate models have advanced over time.  You can access the older literature by working through the bibliographies of the resources provided here as well the extensive bibliography of Spencer Weart’s online textbook.

If you want to get caught up on the most recent climate science news, you could check out the following website:, or the collection of articles on Climate Change Impacts published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Aside from the time required to review even a handful of the articles in this section, it takes a concerted effort to synthesize the findings across articles in different subsections and to make some evaluation of what they collectively imply for our future.  The scope is so big… and so too is the uncertainty!  Well, do not despair because others have done the work for you.  You can cut to the chase by bouncing to section V (Future Scenarios Analyses) and, especially, section VI (Synthesis of Existential Risks and the Potential for Societal Collapse).

I don’t think it will be a spoiler to state that the impacts detailed in any one of these climate change impact subsections are troubling.  Taken collectively, the overall assessment of how climate change will continue to alter our biosphere and our prospects is… grim.  Meanwhile, this “grim” assessment, which can result from taking seriously any handful of the articles in this section, is likely based on an underestimation of the threat and pace of change given how the conclusions and language of the vast majority of climate science publications have been influenced by a preference for “conservative projections and scholarly reticence.” 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7  No scientist, including your humble curator, wants to be perceived as alarmist.8  But the gloves are starting to come off 9, 10 as the onslaught of bad news and projections overwhelms a science culture geared to caution and detachment.

If learning about these inconvenient truths - in a way that gets past a compartmentalized, intellectual appreciation - is getting you down, you may want to scan the articles in section VII (Eco-anxiety and the Psychology of Confronting the “Traumacene”) to get a sense of how others are coping.  If you want to learn about why we have gotten into this self-made mess and why we are having such difficulty in extricating ourselves from it, then you should do a deep dive into section III -The Cultural How and Why? Ideologies, Ethics, Economics, and Politics of (Un)Sustainability. 

Many of the articles in section III also provide assessments of what is required to foster a better future.  In fact, many articles within all sections of this bibliography do this.  The good news is that we have a decent handle on our threats, challenges, barriers, and limitations.  We also have many actionable (though often contradictory) ideas on what we need to do to avoid the worst outcomes and co-create a more just, happy, and verdant world.  Sections VIII – XII of this bibliography focus on these actionable ideas.


What’s Not Here

This bibliography, and particularly this section, assumes some basic understanding and acceptance of climate science.  There isn’t a separate section devoted to references on the fundamentals of climate science as it is beyond the scope of this bibliography.  However, what follows is a list of articles and web sites you can access to get up to speed on greenhouse gas emissions, the greenhouse effect, measuring and modeling climate variables, etc.

Web Resources for Learning the Fundamentals on Climate Change

-    Earth Science Communications Team (2020). Evidence. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. [Also sections on Causes, Effects, Scientific Consensus, and Vital Signs]

-    NASA (2020). For Educators.

-    NOAA (2020). Teaching Climate.

-    UNESCO (2011). Climate Change Starter’s Guidebook: An Issues Guide for Education Planners and Practitioners.  

-    U.S. Global Change Research Program (2017). Fourth National Climate Assessment, Vol. 1.

-     Climate Change Data Center (2020). Global Warming/Climate Change - Facts and Images.

-    UN CC: Learn (2020). The Scientific Fundamentals of Climate Change - Interactive Version.

-    Natural Resources Defense Council (2016). Global Warming 101.

-    Center for Strategic and International Studies (2021). Climate Basics. [Leads to multiple primers.]

-    Center for Foreign Relations (2022). What Is Climate Change?

-    Bruine de Bruin, W (2021). A Quick Guide to Climate Change Jargon – What Experts Mean by Adaptation, Carbon Neutral and 6 Other Key Terms. The Conversation, Oct. 26.

-    Tisher, S (2021). Climate Chronology. [Interactive timeline.]

-    Weart, S (2021). The Discovery of Global Warming. Center for History of Physics. [Online textbook]

-    American Association for the Advancement of Science (2020). Consensus Sense. What We Know Initiative. [Short video framing what we know and should do with regard to Climate Change.]

-           NASA (2020). Scientific Consensus: Earth's Climate is Warming.

-    Our Climate Future (2020). Our Climate Our Future. [Visually engaging video oriented to young people that provides an introduction to climate change.]

-          Schmidt, G (2014). The Emergent Patterns of Climate Change. Ted. [Short video about the nature and application of climate models.]

-    Roberts, D (2020). What’s Causing Climate Change, In 10 Charts. Vox, Sept. 11.

-    Trenberth, K (2021). Climate Change is Relentless: Seemingly Small Shifts have Big Consequences. The Conversation, Aug. 17.

-    Gillis, J (2017). Short Answers to Hard Questions About Climate Change. The New York Times, July 6.

-    Chamberlin, S (2008). The Climate Science Translation Guide. Dark Optimism, Sept. 3.

-    Dee, S (2021). Scientists Understood Physics of Climate Change in the 1800s – Thanks to a Woman Named Eunice Foote. The Conversation, July 22.

-    SciShow (2013). A History of Earth’s Climate. [Fast talking video]

-    Skeptical Science (2020).

Another related set of readings you won’t find via this bibliography are resources that could be considered in denial of climate science.  I am not going to waste anyone’s time providing fuel to a false debate.  There is, however, plenty of room for legitimate debate in terms of what we can and should do about the various threats we face.  A wide range of thinking on this can be found in sections III, V, VIII and XI.  Section III also includes many articles that analyze the sources11, motivations, errors, and ramifications of climate change denialism.





Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food Supply

Map of climate risk interconnections. From Yokohata, T et al., (2019).


Biodiversity Loss, Habitat Degradation, and Species Shifts


Conflict, Security, Displacement, and Migrations


Deforestation and Wildfire


Drought and Desertification


Economics and Politics (much more in section III)


Glacial Lake Outburst Floods


Human Health and Disease


Ice Loss




Ocean Acidification


Other Impacts


Overviews and Advances in the Science (more in section V)


Pacific Northwest Specific


Permafrost, Hydrates, and Methane


Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding


Tropical Cyclones


Water Supplies and Systems


Weather Extremes and Geographic Shifts




        A. Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food Supply


Ahmed, N (2020). West’s ‘Dust Bowl’ Future now ‘Locked In’, as World Risks Imminent Food Crisis. Resilience, Jan. 6.


Alava, J (2019). Climate Change and Overfishing Boost Toxic Mercury Levels in Fish. The Conversation, Nov. 7.


American Geophysical Union (2022). Climate Change Has Likely Begun to Suffocate the World's Fisheries., Feb. 1.


Barange, M, Bahri, T, Beveridge, M, Cochrane, K, Funge-Smith, S and Poulain, F, eds. (2018). Impacts of Climate Change on Fisheries and Aquaculture: Synthesis of Current Knowledge, Adaptation and Mitigation Options. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. 627. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


Battisti, D and Naylor, R (2009). Historical Warnings of Future Food Insecurity with Unprecedented Seasonal Heat. Science, 323(5911): 240-244.


Bélanger, J and Pilling, D, [eds.] (2019). The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture.  FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Assessments.


Bendell, J (2019a). Notes on Hunger and Collapse. Jem, March 28.


Berwyn, B (2019). Global Warming Is Hitting Ocean Species Hardest, Including Fish Relied on for Food. Inside Climate News, April 24.


Betts, R et al., (2018). Changes in Climate Extremes, Freshwater Availability and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity Projected at 1.5°C and 2°C Global Warming with a Higher-resolution Global Climate Model. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 376.


Binns, C, Lee, M, Maycock, B, Torheim, L, Nanishi, K and Duong, D (2021). Climate Change, Food Supply, and Dietary Guidelines. Annual Review of Public Health, 42.


Blanc, E, Caron, J, Fant, C and Monier, E (2017). Is Current Irrigation Sustainable in the United States? An Integrated Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Water Resources and Irrigated Crop Yields. Earth’s Future, 5(8).


Brown, M, and 21 co-authors, (2015). Climate Change, Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System. U.S. Global Change Research Program.


Challinor, A, Watson, J, Lobell, D, Howden, S, Smith, D and Chhetri, N (2014). A Meta-analysis of Crop Yield Under Climate Change and Adaptation. Nature Climate Change, 4.


Climate One (2019). The Fate of Food. [Transcript and videos of a panel discussion on the subject]


Crowther, T and 49 co-authors (2016). Quantifying Global Soil Carbon Losses in Response to Warming.  Nature, 540: 104-108.


Dawson, T, Perryman, A and Osborne, T (2016). Modelling Impacts of Climate Change on Global food Security. Climatic Change, 134.


Dean, J (2020). Climate Change is Altering the Taste of our Beer. The Takeout, Aug. 20.


Der Esch, S, ten Brink, B, Stehfest, E, Bakkenes, M, Sewell, A, Bouwman, A, Meijer, J, Westhoek, H and van den Berg, M (2017). Exploring Future Changes in Land Use and Land Condition and the Impacts on Food, Water, Climate Change and Biodiversity. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.


Deutsch, C, Tewksbury, K, Tigchelaar, M, Battisti, D, Merrill, S, Huey, R and Naylor, R (2018). Increase in Crop Losses to Insect Pests in a Warming Climate. Science, 361(6405): 916-919.


Döring, T, Rosslenbroich, D, Giese, C, Athmann, M, Watson,  C, Vágó, I, Kátai, J, Tállai, M and Bruns,C (2020). Disease Suppressive Soils Vary in Resilience to Stress. Applied Soil Ecology, 149. [Increased heat and drought make life easy for the pathogenic fungus Pythium ultimum in agricultural soils. The fungus causes almost total crop failure in peas.]


Ericksen P, Thornton P, Notenbaert A, Cramer L, Jones, P and Herrero, M (2011). Mapping Hotspots of Climate Change and Food Insecurity in the Global Tropics. CCAFS Report no. 5. CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS). Copenhagen, Denmark.


Etim, N, Offiong, E and Ukpanah, U (2013). Farm Animals: Culprits and Victims of Global Warming and Climate Change. American Journal of Advanced Agricultural Research, 1(1).


Flavelle, C (2019). Climate Change Threatens the World’s Food Supply, United Nations Warns. The New York Times, Aug. 8.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2011). Food Wastage Footprint & Climate Change.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2015). Climate Change and Food Systems: Global Assessments and Implications for Food Security and Trade. Food Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2019a). The State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Assessments.


Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (2019b). The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. Bélanger, J and Pilling, D (eds.). FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Assessments.


FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO (2018). The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World: Building Climate Resilience for Food Security and Nutrition. UN Food and Agriculture Organization.


Free, C, Thorson, J, Pinsky, M, Oken, K, Wiedenmann, J, and Jensen, O (2019). Impacts of Historical Warming on Marine Fisheries Production. Science, 363(6430): 979-983.


Funes, Y (2020). A Second Dust Bowl Could Threaten Global Food Security. Gizmodo, March 20.


Gaupp, F, Hall, J, Hochrainer-Stigler, S and Dadson, S (2019). Changing Risks of Simultaneous Global Breadbasket Failure. Nature Climate Change, 540.


Gaupp, F, Hall, J, Mitchell, D and Dadson, S (2019). Increasing Risks of Multiple Breadbasket Failure Under 1.5 and 2°C Global Warming. Agricultural Systems, 175.


Ghaedi, M (2021). Pandemic, Climate Change and Conflict Fuel Sharp Rise in Global Hunger. DW, Oct. 14.


Glotter, M and Elliot, J (2017). Simulating US Agriculture in a Modern Dust Bowl Drought. Nature Plants, 3.


Grafton, R, Williams, J and Jiang, Q (2017). Possible Pathways and Tensions in the Food and Water Nexus. Earth’s Future, 5(5).


Gustina, G (2021). Without ‘Transformative Adaptation’ Climate Change May Threaten the Survival of Millions of Small Scale Farmers. Inside Climate News June 23.


Hanjra, M and Qureshi, M (2010). Global Water Crisis and Future Food Security in an Era of Climate Change. Food Policy, 35(5). 


Harvey, F (2019). A Fifth of UK Fresh Food Imports from Areas at Risk of Climate Chaos, MPs Warn. The Guardian, Sept. 17.


Harvey, F (2021). Third of Global Food Production at Risk from Climate Crisis. The Guardian, May 14.


Harwatt, H, Ripple, W, Chaudhary, A, Betts, M and Hayek, M (2019). Scientists Call for Renewed Paris Pledges to Transform Agriculture. The Lancet Planetary Health, Dec. 11.


Hasegawa, T, Fujimori, S, Takahashi, K and Masui, T (2015). Scenarios for the Risk of Hunger in the Twenty-first Century Using Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Environmental Research Letters, 10(1).


High Level Panel of Experts on Food Security and Nutrition (2012). Food Security and Climate Change. Committee on World Food Security, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


Ho, S (2020). 5 Foods You Eat Everyday Could Disappear Because Of Climate Change, From Coffee To Potatoes. Green Queen, Feb. 14.


Huang, Z, Hejazi, M, Tang, Q, Vernon, C, Liu, Y, Chen, M, and Calvin, K (2019). Global Agricultural Green and Blue Water Consumption Under Future Climate and Land Use Changes. Journal of Hydrology, 574: 242-256.


International Center for Tropical Agriculture (2019). Dramatic Rainfall Changes for Key Crops Predicted Even with Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions. ScienceDaily, March 11.


Jagermeyr, J et al., (2021). Climate Impacts on Global Agriculture Emerge Earlier in New Generation of Climate and Crop Models. Nature Food, .


John Hopkins Center for a Livable Future (2020). Food Systems & Climate.  [A web site leading to research, reports and other resources on this topic.]


Journal of Plant Pathology (2011). Special Issue: Climate Change and Plant Diseases.


Kornhuber, K et al., (2019). Amplified Rossby Waves Enhance Risk of Concurrent Heatwaves in Major Breadbasket Regions. Nature Climate Change, 10.


Leahy, S (2019). Billions Face Food, Water Shortages Over Next 30 Years as Nature Fails. National Geographic, Oct. 10.


Lesk, C, Rowhani, P and Ramankutty, N (2016). Influence of Extreme Weather Disasters on Global Crop Production. Nature, 529.


Lobell, D and Gourdji, S (2012). The Influence of Climate Change on Global Crop Productivity. Plant Physiology, 160(4). 


Luck, J, Spackman, M, Freeman, A, Trebicki, P, Griffiths, W, Finlay, K and Chakraborty, S (2011). Climate Change and Diseases of Food Crops. Plant Pathology, 60(1).


Lunt, T, Jones, A, Mulhern, W, Lezaks, D and Jahn, M (2016). Vulnerabilities to Agricultural Production Shocks: An Extreme, Plausible Scenario for Assessment of Risk for the Insurance Sector. Climate Risk Management, 13.


Mbow, C, Rosenzweig, C, Barioni, L, Benton, T, Herrero, M, Krishnapillai, M, Liwenga, E, Pradhan, P, Rivera-Ferre, M, Sapkota, T, Tubiello, F and Xu, Y (2019). Chapter 5: Food Security, in Climate Change and Land. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


McQuate, S (2019). Warmer Temperatures Will Increase Arsenic Levels in Rice, Study Shows. UW News, Dec. 4.


Mehrabi, Z (2020). Food System Collapse. Nature Climate Change, 10.


Meza, I, Siebert, S, Döll, P, Kusche, J, Herbert, C, Rezaei, E, Nouri, H, Gerdener, H, Popat, E, Frischen, J, Naumann, G, Vogt, J, Walz, Y, Sebesvari, Z and Hagenlocher, M (2020). Global-scale Drought Risk Assessment for Agricultural Systems. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20(2).


Monier, E, Xu, L and Snyder, R (2016). Uncertainty in Future Agro-climate Projections in the United States and Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation. Environmental Research Letters, 11(5). 


Mooney, C and Muyskens, J (2019). Dangerous New Hot Zones are Spreading Around the World. The Washington Post, Sept. 11.  [Great maps, photos, with a focus on the impact of an ocean hot spot on clams in Uruguay.]


Muller, C, Elliott, J, Chryssanthacopoulos, J, Deryng, D, Folberth, C, Pugh, T and Schmid, E (2015). Implications of Climate Mitigation for Future Agricultural Production. Environmental Research Letters, 10(12).


NBC Nightly News (2021). Climate Change Shrinking Seafood Availability. [video]

Ortiz-Bobea, A, Wang, H, Carrillo, C and Ault, T (2019). Unpacking the Climatic Drivers of US Agricultural Yields. Environmental Research Letters, 14(6).


Parletta, N (2020). Soil Pathogens Rise as Temperatures Do. Cosmos, May 13.


Plagányi, É (2019). Climate Change Impacts on Fisheries. Science, 363(6430): 930-931.


Planetary Health Alliance (2019). Bibliography: Changing Food Systems. 


Reilly, J (2021). The Health and Climate Consequences of the American Food System Cost Three Times as Much as the Food Itself. The Washington Post, July 16.


Sage, C (2009). The Sustainability and Security of the Global Food System: The Challenges of Peak Oil, Climate Change & Freshwater Depletion. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Food Science & Technology, 9.


Schauberger, B, et al., (2017). Consistent Negative Response of US Crops to High Temperatures in Observations and Crop Models. Nature Communications, 8(13931). 

Shindell, D (2016). Crop Yield Changes Induced by Emissions of Individual Climatealtering Pollutants. Earth’s Future, 4(8).


Smale, D and 17 co-authors (2019). Marine Heatwaves Threaten Global Biodiversity and the Provision of Ecosystem Services. Nature Climate Change, 9(4).


Springermann, M et al., (2016). Global and Regional Health Effects of Future Food Production Under Climate Change: A Modelling Study. The Lancet, 387(10031): 1937-1946.


Srivastav, A, Dhyani, R, Ranjan, M, Madav, S and Sillanpaa, M (2021). Climate-resilient Strategies for Sustainable Management of Water Resources and Agriculture. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28.


Stockle, C, Nelson, R, Higgins, S,. Brunner, J, Grove, G, Boydston, R, Whiting, M and Kruger, C (2010). Assessment of Climate Change Impact on Eastern Washington Agriculture. Climatic Change, 102.


Tirado, M, et al., (2010). Climate Change and Food Safety: A Review. Food Research International, 43: 1745-1765.


Trnka, M et al., (2019). Mitigation Efforts Will Not Fully Alleviate the Increase in Water Scarcity Occurrence Probability in Wheat-producing Areas. Science Advances, 5(9).


Turral, H, Burke, J and Faures, JM (2011). Climate Change, Water and Food Security. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


Tzachor, A (2020). Famine Dynamics: The Self-undermining Structures of the Global Food System. Global Relations Forum Young Academics Program, Analysis Paper Series No. 8.


Uddling, J, Broberg, C, Feng, Z and Pleijel, H (2018). Crop Quality Under Rising Atmospheric CO2. Current Opinion in Plant Biology, 45.


United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (2013). Wake Up Before It Is Too Late: Make Agriculture Truly Sustainable Now for Food Security in a Changing Climate. Trade and Environment Review 2013.


United Nations Environment Programme (2016d). Poisoned Chalice: Toxin Accumulation in Crops in the Era of Climate Change, in UNEP Frontiers 2016 Report: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern.


Van Meijl, H et al., (2018). Comparing Impacts of Climate Change and Mitigation on Global Agriculture by 2050. Environmental Research Letters, 13(6).


Vineyards Integrated Smart Climate Application (2021). Scientific Publications and Deliverables.


Vogel, E, et al. (2019). The Effects of Climate Extremes on Global Agricultural Yields. Environmental Research Letters, 14(5).


Walsh, M, Backlund, P, Buja, L, DeGaetano, A, Melnick, R, Prokopy, L, Takle, E, Todey, D, and Ziska, L (2020). Climate Indicators for Agriculture. US Department of Agriculture Technical Bulletin 1953.


Wiebe, K et al., (2015). Climate Change Impacts on Agriculture in 2050 Under a Range of Plausible Socioeconomic and Emissions Scenarios. Environmental Research Letters, 10(8).


Willet, W and 36 co-authors (2019). Food in the Anthropocene: the EAT–Lancet Commission on Healthy Diets from Sustainable Food Systems. The Lancet, 393(10170): 447-92.


Wilson, S (2022). As it Enters a Third Year, California’s Drought is Strangling the Farming Industry. The Washington Post, March 22.


Win, T and O’Brien, C (2020). Hungry for Change: Faulty Food Systems Laid Bare by COVID-19 and Climate Crises. Thomson Reuters Foundation, Dec. 27.


World Food Programme (2018). What a 2°C and a 4°C Warmer World Could Mean for Global Food Insecurity. [Basically a big infographic comparing the impacts of temperature elevation on food security]


World Health Organization (2018b). Food Safety, Climate Change and the Role of WHO.


Xie, W, Xong, W, Pan, J, Ali, T, Cui, Q, Guan, D, Meng, J, Mueller, N, Lin, E and Davis, S (2018). Decreases in Global Beer Supply Due to Extreme Drought and Heat. Nature Plants, 4: 964-973.


Zhao, C and 28 co-authors (2017). Temperature Increase Reduces Global Yields of Major Crops in Four Independent Estimates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(35): 9326-9331.


Zhu, C, Kobayashi, K, Loladze, I, Zhu, J, Jiang, Q, Xu, Xi, Liu, G, Senewee, S, Ebi, K, Drewnowski, A, Fukagawa,N and Ziska, L (2018). Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Levels this Century will Alter the Protein, Micronutrients, and Vitamin Content of Rice Grains with Potential Health Consequences for the Poorest Rice-dependent Countries. Science Advances, 4(5).



        B.  Biodiversity Loss, Habitat Degradation, and Species Shifts [back to subsections]


Agostini, S, Harvey, B, Wada, S, Kon, K, Milazzo, M Inaba, K and Hall-Spencer, J (2018). Ocean Acidification Drives Community Shifts Towards Simplified Non-calcified Habitats in a Subtropical−temperate Transition Zone. Scientific Reports, 8(11354).


Alizad, K, Hagen, S, Morris, J, Medeiros, S, Bilskie, M and Weishampel, J (2016). Coastal Wetland Response to Sealevel Rise in a Fluvial Estuarine System. Earth’s Future, 4(11).


Amesbury, M, Roland, T, Royles, J, Hodgson, D, Convey, P, Griffiths, H, and Charman, D (2017). Widespread Biological Response to Rapid Warming on the Antarctic Peninsula. Current Biology, 27(11): 1616-1622.


Asad, H and Carpenter, D (2018). Effects of Climate Change on the Spread of Zika Virus: A Public Health Threat. Reviews on Environmental Health, 33(1): 31-42.


Bangor University (2021). Catastrophic Consequences for Oceans When Climate Change and Plastic Pollution Crises Combine. Phys.Org, Sept. 28.


Bednarsek, N et al., (2020). Exoskeleton Dissolution with Mechanoreceptor Damage in Larval Dungeness Crab Related to Severity of Present-day Ocean Acidification Vertical Gradients. Science of the Total Environment, 716.


Beheregaray, L, Sandoval Castillo, J and Gates, K (2020). Which Species Will Win and Lose in a Warmer Climate? It Depends Where They Evolved. The Conversation, July 9.


Berwyn, B (2019). Global Warming Is Hitting Ocean Species Hardest, Including Fish Relied on for Food. Inside Climate News, April 24.


Birkhead, T (2020). Latest Research Shows How Climate Change Is Killing off Bird Species by the Millions. The National Interest, March 7.


Braverman, I (2017). Bleached! Managing Coral Catastrophe. Futures, 92: 12-28.


Bryndum-Bucholz, A, Tittensor, D, Blanchard, J, Cheung, W, Coll, M, Galbraith, E, Jennings, S, Maury, O and Lotze, H (2018). Twentyfirstcentury Climate Change Impacts on Marine Animal Biomass and Ecosystem Structure Across Ocean Basins. Global Change Biology, 25(2).


Carvalho, B and Nobre, C (2020). We’re Turning the Amazon Into a Savannah. New York Times, Oct. 2.


Cavicchioli, R et al., (2019). Scientists' Warning to Humanity: Microorganisms and Climate Change. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 17: 569-586.


Chu, J (2019). Breaching a “Carbon Threshold” Could Lead to Mass Extinction. MIT News Office, July 8.


Climate Central (2019). In Hot Water: Warming Waters are Stressing Fish and the Fishing Industry.


Coates, D (2010). Freshwater and Climate Change: Dealing with Too Much and Too Little. Biodiversity and Climate Change Issue Paper No. 3. United Nations Environment Programme.


The Conscious Challenge (2019). Climate & Extinction, in Ecological Footprint Bible.


Convention on Biological Diversity (2020). Climate Change and Biodiversity. [With links to resources]


Dahlke, F, Wohlrab, S, Butzin, M and Portner, H (2020). Thermal Bottlenecks in the Life Cycle Define Climate Vulnerability of Fish. Science, 369(6499).


Der Esch, S, ten Brink, B, Stehfest, E, Bakkenes, M, Sewell, A, Bouwman, A, Meijer, J, Westhoek, H and van den Berg, M (2017). Exploring Future Changes in Land Use and Land Condition and the Impacts on Food, Water, Climate Change and Biodiversity. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.


Dietzel, A, Bode, M, Connolly, S and Hughes, R (2020). Long-term Shifts in the Colony Size Structure of Coral Populations Along the Great Barrier Reef. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 287.


Dropulich, S (2021). Declining Male Fertility Increases Climate Change Vulnerability., April 20.


Dunne, D (2020). Tropical Forests Losing Ability to Absorb CO2, Study Says. Carbon Brief, Jan. 27.


Duong, T (2020). Fatal Skin Disease in Dolphins Linked to the Climate Crisis. EcoWatch, Dec. 24.


Dutkiewicz, S, Morris, J, Follows, M, Scott, J, Levitan, O, Dyhrman, S and Frank, I (2015). Impact of Ocean Acidification on the Structure of Future Phytoplankton Communities. Nature Climate Change, 5.


Dzieza, J (2015). Climate Change Could Mean Massive Ocean Dead Zones. Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia, NOAA.


EarthTime (2018a). Coral Bleaching. (interactive maps)


Eyre, B, Cryonak, T, Drupp, P, De Carlo, E, Sachs, J and Andersson, A (2018).  Coral Reefs Will Transition to Net Dissolving Before End of Century. Science, 359(6378): 908-911.


FAO (2019a). The State of the World’s Aquatic Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Assessments.


FAO (2019b). The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture. Bélanger, J and Pilling, D (eds.). FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture Assessments.


Franca, F et al., (2020). Climatic and Local Stressor Interactions Threaten Tropical Forests and Coral Reefs. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 37(1794).


Frieler, K, Meinshausen, M, Golly, A, Mengel, M, Lebek, K, Donner, SD and Hoegh-Guldberg, O (2012). Limiting Global Warming to 2°C is Unlikely to Save Most Coral Reefs. Nature Climate Change, 3.


Friggens, M, Bagne, K, Finch, D, Falk, D, Triepke, J and Lynch, A (2013). Review and Recommendations for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment Approaches with Examples from the Southwest. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-309. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service.


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        C. Conflict, Security, Displacement, and Migrations [back to subsections]


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Cabrera, Y (2019). ‘Climate Chaos’ is Displacing the World’s Poor Communities. Grist, Dec. 3.


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Gander, K (2020). Climate Change Leading to Warming of Just 1.5C Could Kill 1,600 More Americans Every Year. Newsweek, Jan. 13. [Includes alarming short video with David Wallace-Wells]


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Huntjens, P and Nachbar, K (2015). Climate Change as a Threat Multiplier for Human Disaster and Conflict. The Hague Institute for Global Justice, Working Paper 9.


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Institute for Economics & Peace (2020). Over One Billion People at Threat of Being Displaced by 2050 Due to Environmental Change, Conflict and Civil Unrest.


Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (2020). Previous Global Reports on Internal Displacement.


International Military Council on Climate and Security (2020). The World Climate and Security Report 2020.


International Organization for Migration (2013). MECLEP Infographics on Migration as Adaptation to Environmental and Climate Change, in Environmental Migration Platform.


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Jones, A, Natalini, D and Phadtare, I (2019). Environmental Stress is Already Causing Death – This Chaos Map Shows Where. The Conversation, Oct. 24.


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Kelly, C, Mohtadi, S, Cane, M, Seager, R and Kushnir, Y (2015). Climate Change in the Fertile Crescent and Implications of the Recent Syrian Drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(11).


Kempe, Y (2021). House Hunters are Fleeing Climate Change, Causing a New Kind of Gentrification. Grist, April 9.


King, D, Schrag, D, Dadi, Z, Ye, Q and Ghosh, A (2015). Climate Change: A Risk Assessment. Centre for Science and Policy, University of Cambridge.


King, M and Burnell, J (2017). The Weaponization of Water in a Changing Climate, in Werrell, C and Femia, F, (eds) Epicenters of Climate and Security: The New Geostrategic Landscape of the Anthropocene. The Center for Climate and Security.


Kuperman, A (2011). Can Political Institutions Avert Violence from Climate Change? Robert Strauss Center for International Security and Law, Climate Change and African Political Stability.


Lavelle, M (2021). By 2050, 200 Million Climate Refugees May Have Fled Their Homes. But International Laws Offer Them Little Protection. Inside Climate News, Nov. 2.


Lee, B (2016). Causes and Cures VIII: Environmental Violence. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 30.


Lefbvre, B (2021). How ‘Climate Migrants’ Are Roiling American Politics. Politico, Nov. 27.


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Levy, B, Sidel, V and Patz, J (2017). Climate Change and Collective Violence. Annual Review of Public Health, 38.


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Lustgarten, A (2020a). The Great Climate Migration Has Begun. NY Times, July 23. or Where Will Everyone Go? ProPublica, July 23.


Lustgarten, A (2020b). Climate Change Will Force a New American Migration. ProPublica, Sept. 15. [A key article.]


Martin, S, Bergmann, J, Rigaud, K and Yameogo, N (2021). Climate Change, Human Mobility, and Development. Migration Studies, 9(1).


McCartney, C (2020). Migration and the Shared Planet. Radical Ecological Ecology, Oct. 18.


McDonnell, T (2019). Climate Change Creates a New Migration Crisis for Bangladesh. National Geographic, Jan. 24.


McLeman, R (2017a). Migration and Displacement in a Changing Climate, in Werrell, C and Femia, F, (eds) Epicenters of Climate and Security: The New Geostrategic Landscape of the Anthropocene. The Center for Climate and Security.


McLeman, R (2017b). Migration and Land Degradation: Recent Experiences and Future Trends. Global Land Outlook Working Paper. United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.


McMichael, C (2020). Human Mobility, Climate Change, and Health: Unpacking the Connections. The Lancet Planetary Health, 4(6).


Mhatre, A (2021). Climate Refugees: The Quest for a Haven from Extreme Weather Events. CBS News, Ja. 24. [With a focus on climate migration in the U.S.A.]


Migration Data Portal (2020). Environmental Migration. [Leads to data and other resources.]


Miles-Novelo, A and Anderson, C (2019). Climate Change and Psychology: Effects of Rapid Global Warming on Violence and Aggression. Current Climate Change Reports, 5(1): 36-46.


Monaghan, K, Rubin, D and Little, G (2021). To Win the Climate Battle, We Need the Intelligence Community. The Hill, March 8.


Morell, M (2020). Environmentalist Bill McKibben on National Security Implications of Climate Change. CBS news, Aug. 12.


Mosello, B, Foong, A, Konig, C, Wolfmaier, S and Wright, E (2020). Spreading Disease, Spreading Conflict? COVID-19, Climate Change and Security Risks. The Climate Security Expert Network.


Munoz, S (2019).  What Happens When a Country Drowns? The Conversation, July 1.


Naser, M (2012). Climate Change, Environmental Degradation, and Migration: A Complex Nexus. William & Mary Environmental Law and Policy Review, 36(3).


National Intelligence Council (2021). National Intelligence Estimate: Climate Change and International Responses Increasing Challenges to US National Security Through 2040. Office of the Director of National Intelligence, NIC-NIE-2021-10030-A.


The National Security, Military, and Intelligence Panel on Climate Change (2020). A Security Threat Assessment of Global Climate Change.


Nawrotzki, R, Diaconu, M and Pittman, S (2009). Climate Change Induced Human Migration: The Necessity of Collective Global Action. Global Studies Journal, 2(1).


Newland, K (2011). Climate Change and Migration Dynamics. Migration Policy Institute.


Norwegian Refugee Council, (2019). Disaster and Climate Change.


O’Brien, K, Sygna, L, Leichenko, R, Adger, W, Barnett, J, Mitchell, T, Schipper, L, Tanner, T, Vogel, C and Mortreux, C (2008). Disaster Risk Reduction, Climate Change Adaptation and Human Security. A Commissioned Report for the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


O’Sullivan, T (2015). Environmental Security is Homeland Security: Climate Disruption as the Ultimate Disaster Risk Multiplier. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy, 6(2).


Oxfam (2019). Forced from Home: Climate-fueled Displacement.


Peters, A (2019). Want to Find a Place to Live That Will be Safe from Climate Change? Good Luck. Fast Company, Oct. 4.


PF Pictures (2017). The Age of Consequences. [“Investigates the impacts of climate change on increased resource scarcity, migration, and conflict through the lens of US national security and global stability.”]


Pinter, N (2021). The Lost History of Managed Retreat and Community Relocation in the United States. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 9(1).


Podesta, J (2019). The Climate Crisis, Migration, and Refugees. The Brookings Institute. Commissioned for the 16th annual Brookings Blum Roundtable.


ProPublica (2021). The Great Climate Migration. [Collection of articles on the subject.]


Quintos, P (2019). Climate Change and Human Mobility. Rosa Luxembourg Stiftung Policy Paper.


Raineri, L (2020). Sahel Climate Conflicts? When (Fighting) Climate Change Fuels Terrorism. The European Union Institute for Security Studies.


Ramirez, I (2019). Climate Change Will Create 1.5 Billion Migrants by 2050 and We Have No Idea Where They'll Go. Vice, Sept. 12.


Ramirez, R (2021). It's 'Inescapable': Pacific Islanders Have Tried to Flee the Climate Crisis, Only to Face New Threats. CNN, July 8.


Renner, M (2013). Climate Change and Displacements, in Assadourian, E and Prugh, T (eds.), State of the World 2013: Is Sustainability Still Possible? Worldwatch Institute.


Richards, J and Bradshaw, S (2017). Uprooted by Climate Change: Responding to the Growing Risk of Displacement. Oxfam International.


Rigaud, K, Kanta, de Sherbinin, A, Jones, B, Bergmann, J, Clement, V, Ober, K, Schewe, J, Adamo, S, McCusker, B, Heuser, S, and Midgley, A (2018). Groundswell: Preparing for Internal Climate Migration. The World Bank.


Robinson, C, Dilkina, B and Moreno-Cruz, J (2020). Modeling Migration Patterns in the USA Under Sea Level Rise. PLoS ONE, 15(1).


Robustelli, T and Panfil, Y (2022). What Are We Going to Do with More Than 200 Million Climate Refugees? Slate, March 26.


Rodriguez, S (2021). It’s Not a Border Crisis. It’s a Climate Crisis. Politico, Jul 19.


Rosa, Eugene A., Thomas Dietz, Richard H. Moss, Scott Atran and S. C. Moser (2012). Managing the Risks of Climate Change and Terrorism. Solutions, 3(2): 59-65.


Salehyan, I and Hendrix, C (2014). Climate Shocks and Political Violence. Global Environmental Change, 28.


Santur, H (2019).  Weather and War: How Climate Shocks are Compounding Somalia’s Problems. The New Humanitarian, Nov. 19.


Saperstein, A (2015). Climate Change, Migration, and the Puget Sound Region: What We Know and How We Could Learn More. Report prepared for the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group. The Daniel J. Evans School of Public Policy and Governance, University of Washington


Schleussner, C, Donges, J, Donner, R and Schellnhuber, H (2016). Armed-Conflict Risks Enhanced by Climate-related Disasters in Ethnically Fractionalized Countries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(33): 9216-9221.


Shapiro, A, Ozug, M and Davis, W (2022). The First Step to Preparing for Surging Climate Migration? Defining it. NPR, Feb. 23.


Shepherd, A, Mitchell, T, Lewis, K, Lenhardt, A, Jones, L, Scott, L, and Muir-Wood, R (2013). The Geography of Poverty, Disasters and Climate Extremes in 2030. Overseas Development Institute.


Sherwood, S and Huber, M (2010). An Adaptability Limit to Climate Change Due to Heat Stress. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(21).


Singh, H (20). Climate Induced Displacement/migration: An Overview. ActionAid International. [Pdf of presentation full of statistics and graphics.]


Spratt, D and Dunlop, I (2019a). The Third Degree: Evidence and Implications for Australia of Existential Climate-related Security Risk. Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration. Discussion Paper.


Sutter, J (2021). As People Flee Climate Change On the Coasts, this Midwest City is Trying to Become a Safe Haven. CNN, April 12.


Tempus, A (2020). Are We Thinking About Climate Migration All Wrong? Rolling Stone, Mar. 14.


Turrentine, J (2019). Climate Change Is Already Driving Mass Migration Around the Globe. Natural Resources Defense Council. [Brief]


Ufberg, M (2022). ‘It’s Happening Now’: How Rising Sea Levels Are Causing a US Migration Crisis. The Guardian, April 7.


United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (2019). Land and Human Security.


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2017). Overview Climate Change and Disaster Displacement: An Overview of UNHCR’S Role.


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2021a). Climate Change and Disaster Displacement. [Leads to many reports and other resources.]


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (2021b). Displaced on the Frontlines of the Climate Emergency. [“Story Maps”]


UN Water (2019). Refugees and Forced Displacement Crises, in The United Nations World Water Development Report 2019: Leaving No One Behind. UNESCO.


U.S. Government Accountability Office (2020). A Climate Migration Pilot Program Could Enhance the Nation’s Resilience and Reduce Federal Fiscal Exposure.


Van Lange, P, Rinderu, M and Bushman, B (2018). CLASH: Climate (Change) and Cultural Evolution of Intergroup Conflict. Group Process Intergroup Relations, 21(3).


Von Lucke, F, Wellman, Z and Diez, T (2014). What’s at Stake in Securitising Climate Change? Towards a Differentiated Approach. Geopolitics, 19(4).


Wallace-Wells, D (2018). UN Says Climate Genocide is Coming. It’s Actually Worse than That. NY Mag., Oct. 10.


Walsh, B (2021). The Future Will Depend on Letting People Move. Axios, Oct. 13.


Werrell, C and Femia, F (2013). The Arab Spring and Climate Change. The Center for Climate and Security.


Werrell, C and Femia, F (2018). Climate Change Raises Conflict Concerns. The UNESCO Courier.


Werz, M and Conley, L (2012). Climate Change, Migration, and Conflict: Addressing Complex Crisis Scenarios in the 21st Century. Center for American Progress.


The White House of the United States of America (2021). Report on the Impact of Climate Change on Migration.


Whitely Binder, L and Jurjevich, J (2016). The Winds of Change? Exploring Climate Change-driven Migration and Related Impacts in the Pacific Northwest: Symposium Summary. Portland State University Population Research Center and the University of Washington Climate Impacts Group.


World Food Programme (2019). Climate Change and Conflict. [2 page fact sheet format]


The World Staff (2020). Could Migration be a Solution to the Climate Crisis? The World, PRX. [Podcast and written summary.]


Yawn, A (2020). As Gulf Swallows Louisiana Island, Displaced Tribe Fears the Future. The American South, USA Today Network, Feb. 27. [Personalizing sea level rise and climate migration. Very engaging, lots of graphics.]


Yayboke, E, Staguhn, J, Houser, T and Salma, T (2020). A New Framework for U.S. Leadership on Climate Migration. Center for Strategic and International Studies.



        D. Deforestation and Wildfire [back to subsections]


Abatzoglou, J and Williams, A (2016). Impact of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Wildfire across Western US Forests. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(42): 11770–75.


Agence France-Presse (2019). Vast Wildfires in Siberia a Potential "Disaster" for Arctic, and the World's Climate. CBS News, July 30.


Bowlin, N (2019). The West’s Worst Fires aren’t Burning in Forests. High Country News, Jun 13.


Brinkema, C, O’Shea, T and Paz y Mino, P (2019). Scorched Earth: Culture and Climate Under Siege. Climate One.  [video of panel discussion]


Bryson, D (2021). U.S. West Faces Little-known Effect of Raging Wildfires: Contaminated Water. Reuters, July 1.


Burley, H and Thomson, E (2021). A Climate Wake-up; But Business Failing to Hear the Alarm on Deforestation. Global Canopy.


Canon, G (2022). ‘Urban Fire Storm’: Suburban Sprawl Raising Risk of Destructive Wildfires. The Guardian, Jan. 6.


Chow, D (2020). Australia Wildfires Unleash Millions of Tons of Carbon Dioxide. NBC News, Jan. 22.


Climate Reality Project (2019). This is the New Normal: California and Constant Fire.


Coogan, S, Robinne, F, Jain, P and Flannigan, M (2019). Scientists’ Warning on Wildfire — A Canadian Perspective. Canadian Journal of Forest Resources, 49.


Coughlin, M, Ellison, A and Cavanaugh, A (2019). Social Vulnerability and Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Literature Synthesis. Ecosystem Workforce Program Working Paper Series, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon.


Cushman, C (2020). Fanning the Flame: Amazon and Australia Fires. YSI Water Blogged, Aug. 4.


Davies, I, Huago, R, Roberstons, J, and Levin, P (2018). The Unequal Vulnerability of Communities of Color to Wildfire. PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0205825.


Davis, K, Dobrowski, S, Higuera, P, Holden, Z, Veblen, T, Rother, M, Parks, S, Sala, A and Maneta, M (2019). Wildfires and Climate Change Push Low-elevation Forests Across a Critical Climate Threshold for Tree Regeneration. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(110).


De Place, E and DeStephano, P (2019). How Does Climate Change Affect Northwestern Wildfires? Sightline, Aug. 14.


Di Liberto, T (2020). Fire Fuels in High Northern Latitudes are Becoming More Flammable. NOAA Climate.Gov, Dec. 8.


Dowdy, A, Purcell, L, Boulter, S and Moura, L (2022). Wildfires Under Climate Change: A Burning Issue, in Frontiers 2022: Noise, Blazes and Mismatches. United Nations Environment Programme. [Engaging graphics]


Elbein, S (2022). 'Double Hazards' Map Points To a Hidden Geography of Wildfire Risk. The Hill, Feb. 9.


Flannigan, M, Amiro, B, Logan, K, Stocks, B and Wotton, B (2006). Forest Fires and Climate Change in the 21st Century. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 11(4): 847-859.


Gatti, L et al., (2021). Amazonia as a Carbon Source Linked to Deforestation and Climate Change. Nature, 595.


Gleason, K, McConnell, J, Arienzo, M, Chellman, N and Calvin, W (2019). Four-fold Increase in Solar Forcing on Snow in Western U.S. Burned Forests Since 1999. Nature Communications, 10(2026).


Goering, L (2020). New Research Warns Wildfires May Create Unmanageable Risks as Temperatures Continue to Rise. Thomson Reuters Foundation News, March 4.


Gomes, V, Vieira, I, Salomao, R and Steege, H (2019). Amazonian Tree Species Threatened by Deforestation and Climate Change. Nature Climate Change, 9: 547–553.


Goss, M, Swain, D, Abatzoflou, J, Sarhadi, A, Kolden, C, Williams, A, and Diffenbaugh, N (2020). Climate Change is Increasing the Likelihood of Extreme Autumn Wildfire Conditions Across California. Environmental Research Letters, 15(9).


Gregory, M (2019). The Arctic Is on Fire, and It Might Be Creating a Vicious Climate 'Feedback Loop'. Vice, July 29.


Guzman, J (2020). Australia Wildfires Threaten to Upset the Earth's Carbon Balance. The Hill, Jan. 23.


Halofsky, J, Peterson, D and Harvey, B (2020). Changing Wildfire, Changing Forests: The Effects of Climate Change on Fire Regimes and Vegetation in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Fire Ecology, 16(4).


Harvey, C (2019). In “Vicious Cycle,” Snowmelt Fuels Wildfires and Wildfires Melt Snow. Scientific American, May 9.


Helbig, M et al., (2020). Increasing Contribution of Peatlands to Boreal Evapotranspiration in a Warming Climate. Nature Climate Change, 10. [Drying out of peat lands increases risk of fire and greenhouse gas emissions.]


Hickey, H (2021). Drier, Warmer Night Air is Making Some Western Wildfires More Active at Night. UW News, Aug. 5.


Joshi, S (2020). Scientists Are Worried About ‘Zombie Fires’ Ravaging the Arctic. Vice, May 28.


Littell, J, Peterson, D, Riley, K, Liu, Y and Luce, C (2016). A Review of the Relationships Between Drought and Forest Fire in the United States. Global Change Biology 22:2353-2369.


Liu, Y, Goodrick, S and Stanturf, J (2012). Future U.S. Wildfire Potential Trends Projected Using a Dynamically Downscaled Climate Change Scenario. Forest Ecology and Management, 294: 120-135. ,


Ma, M (2021). New Report: State of the Science on Western Wildfires, Forests and Climate Change. University of Washington News, Aug. 2.


McKenzie, D. and Littell, J (2017). Climate Change and the Eco-hydrology of Fire: Will Area Burned Increase in a Warming Western USA? Ecological Applications, 27:26-36.


Morgan, H, Bagley, A, McGill, L, and Raymond, C (2019). Managing Washington Wildfire Risk in a Changing Climate. Workshop summary report prepared by the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center and the Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle.


Noble, C, Sampaio, G, Boma, L, Castilla-Rubio, J, Silva, J and Cardoso, M (2016).  Land-use and Climate Change Risks in the Amazon and the Need of a Novel Sustainable Development Paradigm. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 113(39): 10759-10768.


Port, N et al., (2021). United States of Wildfire. NPR, Aug. 10.  [Interactive visualization.]


Prevedello, J, Winck, G, Weber, M, Nichols, E and Sinervo, B (2019). Impacts of Forestation and Deforestation on Local Temperature Across the Globe. PloS ONE, 14(3).


Prichard, S, Hagman, K and Hessburg, P (2021). How Years of Fighting Every Wildfire Helped Fuel the Western Megafires of Today. The Conversation, Aug. 2.


Princing, M (2019). Wildfires Are the New PNW Summer Norm — and They’re Impacting Our Health. Right as Rain, UW Medicine, Aug.15.


Pyne, S (2021). Welcome to the Pyrocene. Grist, Aug. 18.


Ross, L, Gannon, C and Steinberg, N (2020). Climate Change and Wildfires: Projecting Future Wildfire Potential. Four Twenty Seven Report, Moody’s Corporation.


Rott, N 92020). Fires Where They Are 'Not Supposed To Happen' In Australia's Ancient Rainforest. NPR, March 28.


Sadegh, M, Abatzogoluo, J and Alizadeh, M (2021). Western Fires are Burning Higher in the Mountains at Unprecedented Rates In a Clear Sign of Climate Change. Science X, May 25.


Schneider, L, Cooke, C, Stansell, N and Haberle, S (2020). Plants Safely Store Toxic Mercury. Bushfires and Climate Change Bring it Back into our Environment. The Conversation, Jan. 29.


Sidik, S (2020). Feedback Loops of Fire Activity and Climate Change in Canada. EOS, Dec. 8.


Simon, M (2021). Oh Good, Now There's an Outbreak of Wildfire Thunderclouds. Wired, July 27.


Stephens, S et al., (2014). Temperate and Boreal Forest Mega-fires: Characteristics and Challenges. Frontiers in Ecology and Environment, 12(2).


Stevens-Rumann, C, Kemp, K, Higuera, P, Harvey, B, Rother, M, Donato, D, Morgan, P and Veblen, T (2018). Evidence for Declining Forest Resilience to Wildfires Under Climate Change. Ecology Letters, 21.


Struzik, E. (2020). The Age of Megafires: The World Hits a Climate Tipping Point. Yale Environment 360, Sept. 17.


Swain, D (2021). A Shorter, Sharper Rainy Season Amplifies California Wildfire Risk. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(5).


Technical University of Munich (2021). How Climate Change and Fires are Shaping the Forests of the Future. ScienceDaily, July 14.


Thomson Reuters Foundation News (2020). In Focus: Amazon Forest and Climate Change. [Web site repository of articles on the topic.]


Tollefson, J (2020). Why Deforestation and Extinctions Make Pandemics More Likely. Nature: News, Aug. 7.


Union of Concerned Scientists (2020). The Connection Between Climate Change and Wildfires.


United Nations Environment Programme and GRID-Arendal (2022). Spreading like Wildfire: The Rising Threat of Extraordinary Landscape Fires.


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (2019). Chapter 3: Risk, in The UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2019. [Includes a robust section on wildfire]


Van Mantgem, P, Nesmith, J, Keifer, M, Knapp, E, Flint A and Flint, L (2013). Climatic Stress Increases Forest Fire Severity Across the Western United States. Ecology Letters, 16(9): 1151–56.


Webber, T (2020). As Forests Burn Around the World, Drinking Water is at Risk. ABC News, Jan. 31.


Well, E (2022). This Isn’t the California I Married. The New York Times, Jan. 3.


Williams, A, Abatzoglou, J, Gershunov, A, Guzman-Morales, J, Biship, D, Balch, J and Lettenmaier, D (2019). Observed Impacts of Anthropogenic Climate Change on Wildfire in California. Earth’s Future, 7(7).


Wood, S and Ventimiglia, C (2020). Global Fires. Future Earth, Issue Brief.


Xu, X (2020). Climate Shift, Forest Loss and Fires — Scientists Explain How Amazon Forest Is Trapped In A Vicious Circle. Scienmag, July 22.


Xu, X, Jia, G, Shang, X, Riley, W and Xue, Y (2020). Climate Regime Shift and Forest Loss Amplify Fire in Amazonian Forests. Global Change Biology, 26(10).


Young, A, Higuera, P, Duffy, P and Hu, F (2016). Climatic Thresholds Shape Northern Highlatitude Fire Regimes and Imply Vulnerability to Future Climate Change. Ecography, 40(5).


Zaman, I and Khuda, M (2011). Climate Change and Corruption Leave the World’s Largest Mangrove Forest in Peril, in Transparency International (ed.), Global Corruption Report: Climate Change. Earthscan, London.


Zou, Y, Rasch, P, Wang, H, Xie, Z and Zhang, R (2021). Increasing Large Wildfires Over the Western United States Linked to Diminishing Sea Ice in the Arctic. Nature Communications, 12(6048).



        E. Drought and Desertification [back to subsections]


Abdulla, F, Gafrej, R, Nagy, Z, Palfi, G and Szabo, E (2017). Water Scarcity and Drought: A Good Practice Handbook. Regional Environmental Center, Szentendre, Hungary.


Alexander, K (2020). California, Rest of the West Sinking Into a Rare Mega-drought, Scientists Say. San Francisco Chronicle, April 16.


Berardelli, J (2021). Western U.S. May Be Entering its Most Severe Drought in Modern History. CNN, April 12.


Carrington, D (2010). Desertification is Greatest Threat to Planet, Expert Warns. The Guardian, Dec. 16. 


Cheng, L, Hoerling, M, Liu, Z and Eischeid, J (2019). Physical Understanding of Human-Induced Changes in U.S. Hot Droughts Using Equilibrium Climate Simulations. Journal of Climate, 32(14).


Cook,B, Ault, T and Smerdon, J (2015). Unprecedented 21st Century Drought Risk in the American Southwest and Central Plains. Science Advances, 1(1).


Dai, A (2012). Increasing Drought Under Global Warming in Observations and Models. Nature Climate Change, 3: 52-58.


Dai, A, Zhao, T and Chen, J (2018). Climate Change and Drought: A Precipitation and Evaporation Perspective. Current Climate Change Reports, 4.


Da Silva, I (2019). Displaced by the Desert: An Expanding Sahara Leaves Broken Families and Violence in its Wake. Relief Web, Oct. 18.


Debeij, J (2019). When a Town Runs Dry. Global Oneness Project.  [8 minute film plus lesson plan]


Diffenbaugh, N, Swain, D and Touma, D (2015). Anthropogenic Warming has Increased Drought Risk in California. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(13).


Gaind, N and Stoye, E (2019). How Climate Change is Melting, Drying and Flooding Earth — In Pictures. Nature, Covering Climate Now, Sept. 26.


Global Oneness Project (2019). Living with Less Water. [Lesson Plan accompanying a short film on drought in the Central Valley in CA]


Gregg, R and Kershner, J (2019). Extremes to Ex-Streams: Ecological Drought Adaptation in a Changing Climate. EcoAdapt, Bainbridge Island.


Hohenthal, J and Minoia, P (2017). Social Aspects of Water Scarcity and Drought, in Eslamian, S and Eslamian, F (eds) Handbook of Drought and Water Scarcity. Principle of Drought and Water Scarcity. CRC Press, Tailor & Francis LTD.


Kelley, C, Mohtadi, S, Cane, M, Seager, R and Kushnir, Y (2015). Climate Change in the Fertile Crescent and Implications of the Recent Syrian Drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(11).


Kelly, R, Chipman, M, Higuera, P, Stefanova, I, Brubaker, L and Hu, F (2013). Recent Burning of Boreal Forests Exceeds Fire Regime Limits of the Past 10,000 Years. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, July.


Kesselen, B (2021). Drought is Here to Stay in the Western U.S. How Will States Adapt? NBC News, June 11.


Lane, T (2014). Desertification: Land Degradation Under a Changing Climate. Climatica.


Littell, J, Peterson, D, Riley, K, Liu, Y and Luce, C (2016). A Review of the Relationships Between Drought and Forest Fire in the United States. Global Change Biology, 22:2353-2369.


Lustgarten, A (2021). 40 Million People Rely on the Colorado River. It’s Drying Up Fast. ProPublica, Aug. 27.


MacDonald, G (2010). Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability in the Southwest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(50).


Martin, J et al., (2020). Increased Drought Severity Tracks Warming in the United States’ Largest River Basin. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(21).


Mazdiyasni, O and AghaKouchak, A (2015). Substantial Increase in Concurrent Droughts and Heatwaves in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(37).


McKenzie, D (2019). 'If the Climate Stays Like This, We Won't Make It' Say Those on the Frontline of Africa's Drought. CNN, Dec. 14.


McSweeney, R (2019). Explainer: ‘Desertification’ and the Role of Climate Change. Carbon Brief, June 8.


Meza, I, Siebert, S, Döll, P, Kusche, J, Herbert, C, Rezaei, E, Nouri, H, Gerdener, H, Popat, E, Frischen, J, Naumann, G, Vogt, J, Walz, Y, Sebesvari, Z and Hagenlocher, M (2020). Global-scale Drought Risk Assessment for Agricultural Systems. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 20(2).


Milman, O (2021). ‘We Live in a Desert. We Have to Act Like it’: Las Vegas Faces Reality of Drought. The Guardian, July 9.


Mirzabaev, A, Wu, J, Evans, J, García-Oliva, F, Hussein, I, Iqbal, M, Kimutai, J, Knowles, T, Meza, F, Nedjraoui, D, Tena, F, Türkeş, M, Vázquez, R and Weltz, M (2019). Chapter 3: Desertification, in Climate Change and Land. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


NASA Earth Observatory (2007). Temporary Drought or Permanent Desert?


Narang, S (2018a). Navajo Women Struggle to Preserve Traditions as Climate Change Intensifies. Public Radio International. [coping with a water crisis]


Narang, S (2018b). 360 Video: Climate Change on the Navajo Nation. Public Radio International.


National Integrated Drought Information System (2019). U.S. Drought Portal.


Nunez, C (2019). Desertification, Explained. National Geographic, May 31.


Overpeck, J and Udall, B (2020). Climate Change and the Aridification of North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(22).


Park C, Jeong, S, Joshi, M, Osborn, T, Ho, C, Piao, S, Chen, D, Liu, J, Yang, H, Park, H, Kim, B, and Feng, S (2018). Keeping Global Warming Within 1.5 °C Constrains Emergence of Aridification. Nature Climate Change, 6:70-74.


Pierce, C (2018). The Term ‘Drought’ is Out of Date for the American Southwest. They Call It ‘Aridification’ Now. Esquire, Dec. 12.


Pike, L (2021). The Megadrought Parching 77 Percent of the Western US, Explained. Vox, March 13.


Pokhrel, Y et al., (2021). Global Terrestrial Water Storage and Drought Severity Under Climate Change. Nature Climate Change, 11.


Real News Network (2018b). Global Warming will Increase Risks of Desertification. [video of interview]


Sarhadi, A, Concepcion Ausin, M, Wiper, M, Touma, D and Diffenbaugh, N (2018). Multidimensional Risk in a Nonstationary Climate: Joint Probability of Increasingly Severe Warm and Dry Conditions. Science Advances, 4(11): 3487.


Schreiner-McGraw, A and Ajami, H (2021). Delayed Response of Groundwater to Multi-year Meteorological Droughts in the Absence of Anthropogenic Management. Journal of Hydrology, 603(B).


Science Direct (2019). Desertification. [Links to many journal articles on desertification and drought.]


Singh, M (2021). ‘Potentially the Worst Drought in 1,200 years’: Scientists on the Scorching US Heatwave. The Guardian, June 18.


United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (2016). The Ripple Effect: A Fresh Approach to Reducing Drought Impacts and Building Resilience.


United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (2017). Drylands, in Global Land Outlook.


United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (2019). Chapter 6: Special Section on Drought, in The UN Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction 2019.


University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (2010). Climate Change: Drought May Threaten Much of Globe Within Decades. NCAR & UCAR News, Oct. 19.


U.S. Department of Agriculture (2019). Dealing with Drought. Climate Hubs. [Leads to several resources]


Van der Voo, L (2021). Young Farmers Lose Hope as Drought Closes In: ‘It’s Like a Sad Country Song’. The Guardian, Aug. 5. [About the Klamath water crisis.]


Williams, A et al., (2020). Large Contribution from Anthropogenic Warming to an Emerging North American Megadrought. Science, 368(6488).


Wilson, S (2022). As it Enters a Third Year, California’s Drought is Strangling the Farming Industry. The Washington Post, March 22.


Xie, W, Xong, W, Pan, J, Ali, T, Cui, Q, Guan, D, Meng, J, Mueller, N, Lin, E and Davis, S (2018). Decreases in Global Beer Supply Due to Extreme Drought and Heat. Nature Plants, 4: 964-973.



        F. Economics and Politics (much, much more on this broad topic in section III) [back to subsections]


Alston, P (2019).  Climate Change and Poverty: Report of the Special Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights. Human Rights Council, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization.


Archer, D, Kite, E and Lusk, G (2020). The Ultimate Cost of Carbon. Climatic Change, 162.


Bank of Canada and Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (2021). Using Scenario Analysis to Assess Climate Transition Risk.


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Berardelli, J (2019). U.S. to Shatter Record for Billion-dollar Climate Disasters in 2020. CBS News, Dec. 10.


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Burke, M, Hsiang, S and Miguel, E (2015). Global Non-linear Effect of Temperature on Economic Production. Nature, 527.


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Burley, H and Thomson, E (2021). A Climate Wake-up; But Business Failing to Hear the Alarm on Deforestation. Global Canopy.


Business Forward Foundation (2019). Michigan Companies Explain Climate Change and Severe Weather Risk. Issue Brief Q4 2019. [Thorough, alarming and well-presented]


Caldecott, B, Harnett, E, Cojoianu, T, Kok, I and Pfeiffer, A (2016). Stranded Assets: A Climate Risk Challenge (Summary). Inter-American Development Bank.


Caldecott, B, Harnett, E, Cojoianu, T, Kok, I and Pfeiffer, A (2021). Stranded Assets: A Climate Risk Challenge. Inter-American Development Bank.


Carelton, T and Hsiang, S (2016). Social and Economic Impacts of Climate. Science, 353(6304). 


Carleton, T et al., (2020). Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits. National Bureau of Economics Working Paper No. 27599.


C2ES – Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (2021). Climate-Related Financial Risk.


Chicago Booth (2019). Central Banking and Climate Change. The Initiative on Global Markets, Dec. 12. [Survey results from CEOs regarding their estimation of the impact of climate change on financial stability]


Cho, R (2019). How Climate Change Impacts the Economy. State of the Planet blog, Earth Institute of Columbia University.


Climate Mirror (2019). [An initiative to save and share public climate datasets – before they get deleted by governments in climate denial]


Colacito, R, Hoffman, B, Phan, T and Sablik, T (2018). The Impact of Higher Temperatures on Economic Growth. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, Economic Brief No. 18-08.


Colman, Z and O’Donnell, K (2020). Borrowed Time: Climate Change Threatens U.S. Mortgage Market. Politico, June 8.


Cornwall, W (2019). Global Warming May Boost Economic Inequality. Science Magazine, April 22.


Curtis, F (2009). Peak Globalization: Climate Change, Oil Depletion and Global Trade. Ecological Economics, 69(2). [Supply chains will become shorter for most products]


Davidson, J (2020). Climate Crisis May Cause the Next Financial Crisis. EcoWatch, Jan. 24.


Davis, K, Rulli, M and D’Odorico, P (2015). The Global Land Rush and Climate Change. Earth’s Future, 3(8).


DeFries, R et al., (2019). The Missing Economic Risks in Assessments of Climate Change Impacts. Grantham Institute.


Delink, R, Lanzi, E, Chateau, J, Bosello, F, Parrado, R and de Bruin, K (2014). Consequences of Climate Change Damages for Economic Growth. OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 1135.


Dembicki, G (2019a). Can We Prepare for Climate Impacts Without Creating Financial Chaos? Ensia, May 9.


Dembicki, G (2019b). The Next Financial Crisis Could Be Caused by Climate Change. Vice, Jan. 27.


Dembicki, G (2019c). The $1 Trillion Storm: How a Single Hurricane Could Rupture the World Economy. Vice, March 2.


Dembicki, G  and Fionda, F (2021). World’s ‘Greenest City’ Will Be Totally Unaffordable Because of Climate Change. Vice, Oct. 28. [inequity, economics, PNW]


DePillis, L (2019). Climate Change Makes Poor Countries Poorer, Widening Global Inequality, Researchers Say. CNN Business, July 4.


Dietz, S, Rising, J, Stoerk, T and Wagner, G (2021). Economic Impacts of Tipping Points in the Climate System. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(34).


Diffenbaugh, N and Burke, M (2019). Global Warming has Increased Global Economic Inequality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(20).


Duke University, (2021). As Earth Warms, Safe Times for Outdoor Work Will Shrink., Dec. 15. [Focuses on lost labor productivity.]


Dukes, J (2020). Climate Change Threatens Not Just the Environment, But the U.S Financial System. The National Interest, Nov. 1.


Elkins, P and Zenghelis, D (2021). The Costs and Benefits of Environmental Sustainability. Sustainability Science, 16.


Femia, F and Werrel, C (2017). Climate Change, the Erosion of State Sovereignty, and World Order, in Werrell, C and Femia, F, (eds) Epicenters of Climate and Security: The New Geostrategic Landscape of the Anthropocene. The Center for Climate and Security.


Flavelle, C (2021). The Cost of Insuring Expensive Waterfront Homes Is About to Skyrocket. The New York Times, Sept. 24.


Frame, D, Rosier, S, Noy, I, Harrington, L, Carey-Smith, T, Sparrow, S, Stone, D and Dean, S (2020). Climate Change Attribution and the Economic Costs of Extreme Weather Events: A Study on Damages from Extreme Rainfall and Drought. Climatic Change, 162 .


Funes, Y (2020). Sea Level Rise Alone Threatens to Crush the Global Economy. Gizmodo, July 30.


Geiling, N (2015). The Economic Cost of Climate Change. Think Progress, Oct. 22.


German, B (2021). White House Vows to Treat Climate Change as "Systemic" Financial Risk. Axios, Oct. 15.


Gordon, K (2014). Risky Business: The Economic Risks of Climate Change in the United States. The Risky Business Project.


Hertsgaard, M (2020). Does the Climate Crisis Threaten the End of Big Oil? Columbia Journalism Review, Feb. 12.


High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes (HELIX) (2015). Characterisation of the Social Impacts and Economic Costs of Passing Tipping Points in the Climate System in 2C, 4C and 6C Scenarios Over Different Time Horizons with Different Levels of Adaptation. Seventh Framework Programme, Theme 6, Project 603864.


Hino, M, Belanger, S, Field, C, Davies, A and Mach, K (201). High-tide Flooding Disrupts Local Economic Activity. Science Advances, 5(2).


Hoornweg, D, Freire, M, Lee, M, Bhada-Tata, P and Yuen, B (eds.) (2012). Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda (Vol. 2). Urban development series. World Bank. [Free book with 31 chapters.]


Hsiang, S et al., (2017). Estimating Economic Damage from Climate Change in the United States. Science, 356(6345): 1362-1369.


International Energy Agency (2016). Energy, Climate Change & Environment.


Ivanova, I (2020). Sea Level Rise Could Destroy 20% of the World's GDP by 2100. CBS News, July 30.


Jaeger, J and Saha, D (2020). 10 Charts Show the Economic Benefits of US Climate Action. World Resources Institute, July 28.


Jamet, S and Corfee-Morlot, J (2009). Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change: A Literature Review. OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 691. 


Jay, A, Barrie, D, DeAngelo, B and Reidmiller, D (2018). What Specific Costs and Risks Do We Face from Climate Change? EOS, Nov. 23. [Concise summary of the 4th National Climate Assessment, highlighting the risks, plus an overview of mitigation actions since the 3rd assessment. Good for students.]


Johnson, J, Baldos, U, Hertel, T, Liu, J, Nootenboom, C, Polasky, S and Roxburgh, T (2020). Global Futures: Modelling the Global Economic Impacts of Environmental Change to Support Policy-making. World Wildlife Fund Technical Report.


Jones, A and Steffen, W (2019). Our Climate is Like Reckless Banking Before the Crash – It’s Time to Talk About Near-term Collapse. The Conversation, Dec. 6.


Kanlic, D (2014). The Impacts of Climate Change on the World’s Economic, Political, and Demographic Structures. Arts & Sciences Electronic Theses and Dissertations, Washington University in St. Louis.


Karfakis, P, Lipper, L and Smulders, M (2012). The Assessment of the Socioeconomic Impacts of Climate Change at Household Level and Policy Implications. Agricultural Development Economics Division, Food and Agriculture Organization.


KeyBer, L and Lenzen, M (2021). 1.5°C Degrowth Scenarios Suggest the Need for New Mitigation Pathways. Nature Communications, 12.


Kikstra, J et al., (2021). The Social Cost of Carbon Dioxide Under Climate-economy Feedbacks and Temperature Variability. Environmental Research Letters, 16(9).


Kompas, T, Pham, V and Che, T (2018). The Effects of Climate Change on GDP by Country and the Global Economic Gains From Complying With the Paris Climate Accord. Earth’s Future, 6(8).


Kopp, R, Scwom, R, Wagner, G and Yuan, J (2016). Tipping Elements and Climate–economic Shocks: Pathways Toward Integrated Assessment. Earth’s Future, 4(8).


Kotz, M, Levermann, A and Wenz, L (2022). The Effect of Rainfall Changes on Economic Production. Nature, 601.


Kramer, K and Ware, J (2019). Counting the Cost: 2019: A Year of Climate Breakdown. Christian Aid.


Lafakis, C, Ratz, L, Fazio, E, Cosma, M (2019). The Economic Implications of Climate Change. Moody’s Analytics.


Lamontagne, J, Reed, P, Marangoni, G, Keller, K and Garner, G (2019). Robust Abatement Pathways to Tolerable Climate Futures Require Immediate Global Action. Nature Climate Change, 9: 290–294.


Leichenko, R and Thomas, A (2012). Coastal Cities and Regions in a Changing Climate: Economic Impacts, Risks and Vulnerabilities. Geography Compass, 6(6).


Lerner, L (2020). UChicago Study: ‘Ultimate Cost’ of Carbon 1,000 Times Greater than Cost to Current Generation. UChicago News, Sept. 9.


Leslie, J (2022). How Climate Change Is Disrupting the Global Supply Chain. Yale Environment 360, March 10.


Lo, YTE, Mitchell, D, Gasparrini, A, Vicedo-Cabrera, A, Ebi, K, Frumhoff, P, Millar, R, Roberts, W, Sera, F, Sparrow, S, Uhe, P and Williams, G (2019). Increasing Mitigation Ambition to Meet the Paris Agreement’s Temperature Goal Avoids Substantial Heat-related Mortality in U.S. Cities. Science Advances, 5(6).


Marlon, J (2020). 7 Ways You’re Already Paying for Climate Change. Barrons, Sept. 13.


Mercado, A (2022). Climate Change Disasters Cost the World Over $100 Billion this Year. Popular Science, Jan. 4.


Mercure, J et al., (2021). Reframing Incentives for Climate Policy Action. Nature Energy, 6. [“rapid depreciation and replacement of fossil-fuel-related physical and natural capital entail a profound reorganization of industry value chains, international trade and geopolitics.”]


Meyer, N (2018). Using Scenarios to Assess and Report Climate-Related Financial Risk. C2ES – Center for Climate and Energy Solutions.


Meyer, R (2019). How Climate Change Could Trigger the Next Global Financial Crisis. The Atlantic, Aug. 1.


Miller, C (2021). How Climate Change is Ruining Retirement Across America. Market Watch, Jan. 13.


Moerman, J (2021). Sen. Manchin's Inaction on Climate Change is the Real 'Fiscal Insanity'. CNN, Oct. 24.


Moftakhari, H, AghKouchak, A, Sanders, B and Matthew, R (2017). Cumulative Hazard: The Case of Nuisance Flooding. Earth’s Future, 5(2).


Mufson, S (2019). Moody’s Analytics says Climate Change Could Cost $69 trillion by 2100. The Washington Post, July 8.


Munoz, S (2019).  What Happens When a Country Drowns? The Conversation, July 1.


National Centers for Environmental Information (2019). Societal Impacts. NOAA. [Indicators highlighting weather and climate's effects on society and the economy.]


Naviaux, J and Steinberg, N (2020). Measuring What Matters: A New Approach to Assessing Sovereign Climate Risk. Four Twenty Seven Report, Moody’s Corporation.


Netto, M, Porto, R, Trabacchi, M, Schneider, S, Harb, S and Smallridge, D (2021). A Guidebook for National Development Banks on Climate Risk. Inter-American Development Bank.


Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (2021). Adapting Central Bank Operations to a Hotter World: Reviewing Some Options.


Newkirk, V (2018). Climate Change is Already Damaging Democracy. The Atlantic.


NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (2020). U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters.


Noor, D (2021). Waiting to Address Climate Change Will Cost Trillions of Dollars. Gizmodo, Feb. 3.


Norton, L (2020). The Man Who Called the Financial Crisis Has Another Warning for Investors. Barrons, Feb. 12.


Nuccitelli, D (2019a). Climate Change Could Cost U.S. Economy Billions. Yale Climate Connections, Apr. 29.


Nuccitelli, D (2019b). New Report Finds Costs of Climate Change Impacts Often Underestimated. Yale Climate Connections, Nov. 18.


Nunn, R, O’Donnell, J, Shambaugh, J, Goulder, L, Kolstad, C and Long, X (2019). Ten Facts About the Economics of Climate Change and Climate Policy. The Brookings Institution.  [Good graphs showing the variable impacts under different scenarios]


Obringer, R (2022). Implications of Increasing Household Air Conditioning Use Across the United States Under a Warming Climate. Earth’s Future, 10(1).


Olick, D (20119). The Mortgage Industry isn’t Ready for a Foreclosure Crisis Created by Climate Change. CNBC, Jan. 17.


Oran, K and Panfil, Y (2020). Climate Change is Threatening to Create a New Housing Crisis in America. Business Insider, Aug. 29.


Ospina, C (2018). Cooling Your Home but Warming the Planet: How We Can Stop Air Conditioning from Worsening Climate Change. Climate Institute, Aug. 7.


PA Media (2021). Climate Impact of a Transatlantic Flight Could Cost Global Economy $3,000. The Guardian, Sept. 6.


Park, C, Fujimori, S, Hasegawa, T, Takakura, J, Takahashi, K and Hijioka, Y (2018). Avoided Economic Impacts of Energy Demand Changes by 1.5 and 2°C Climate Stabilization. Environmental Research Letters, 13(4). 


Perrault, A (2021). Imperiled Cities, Mounting Costs: Facing the Big Climate Risk Blindspot. The Hill, March 29.


Peters, A (2022). The Price Tag for a Net Zero Transition: $3.5 Trillion a Year. Fast Company, Jan. 25.


Pinto, T (2019).  Experts Say Sea Level Rise May Kill the 30-year Mortgage in Florida. Miami Beach Times, May 30.


Rahman, M, Anbarci, N, Bhattacharya, P and Ulubasoglu, M (2017). Can Extreme Rainfall Trigger Democratic Change? The Role of Flood-induced Corruption. Public Choice, 171(3-4): 331-358.


Rappeport, A and Flavelle, C (2021). U.S. Warns Climate Poses ‘Emerging Threat’ to Financial System. New York Times, Oct. 21.


Riordan, R (2022). What is a Climate Stress Test? A Sustainable Finance Expert Explains. The Conversation, Jan. 23.


Schlenker, W and Auffhammer, M (2018). The Cost of a Warming Climate. Nature, 557.


Shindell, D (2015). The Social Cost of Atmospheric Release. Climatic Change, 130.


Spano, D et al., (2021). G20 Climate Risk Atlas. Impacts, Policy and Economics in the G20. CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change.


Spratt, D and Dunlop, I (2017). What Lies Beneath: The Scientific Understatement of Climate Risk. Breakthrough – National Centre for Climate Restoration.


Steinberg, N (2019). Anticipating Sea Level Rise Impacts on Real Estate Investments. Four Twenty Seven Newsletter, May 22. Moody’s Corporation. [Focus on Florida.]


Stern, N (2006). The Economics of Climate Change: The Stern Review. Her Majesty’s Treasury of the UK Government. [Monster report]


Stern, N (2008). The Economics of Climate Change. American Economic Review, 98(2).


Stern, N (2016a). Economic Development, Climate and Values: Making Policy. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 282(1812).


Stern, N (2016b). Economics: Current Climate Models are Grossly Misleading. Nature, 530.


Sterner, T (2015). Higher Costs of Climate Change. Nature, 527.


Timperley, J (2021). How Can People Harmed by Climate Change Be Compensated? Wired, Dec. 16.


Tooze, A (2019). Why Central Banks Need to Step Up on Global Warming. Foreign Policy, July 20.


United Nations Environment Programme (2018). Emissions Gap Report Interactive.


UN Principles for Responsive Investment (2019a). Climate Change. [Resource page]


UN Principles for Responsive Investment (2019b). Jerry Grantham: The Race of Our Lives. [Video of an investment expert explaining how financing and investment has to adapt to climate change.]


Van Ruijven, B, De Cian, E and Wing, I (2019). Amplification of Future Energy Demand Growth Due to Climate Change. Nature Communications, 10(2762).


Verner, D and Breisinger, C (eds.) (2013). Economics of Climate Change in the Arab World. The World Bank.


Vuocolo, A (2020). Climate Change a Problem for U.S. Banks' Investing Strategies, Finds Ceres. Entrepreneur, Oct. 30.


Weise, E (2022). How Will Climate Change Impact American Companies? The SEC Unveils Landmark Proposal. USA Today, March 20.


Werrell, C and Femia, F (2013). The Arab Spring and Climate Change. The Center for Climate and Security.


The White House (2021). Executive Order on Climate Related Financial Risk. United States of America, May 20.


Woetzel, J, Krishnan, M, Pinner, D, Samandari, H, Engel, H, Boland, B and Powis, C (2020). Climate Risk and Response: Physical Hazards and Socioeconomic Impacts. McKinsey and Company, Jan. 16. [A web-friendly summary of a longer report, with good graphics.]  The full report -


Woetzel, J, Pinner, D, Samandari, H, Engel, H, Krishnan, M, Boland, B and Powis, C (2020). Climate Risk and Response: Physical Hazards and Socioeconomic Impacts. McKinsey Global Institute.


World Meteorological Organization (2014). Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes (1970-2012). WMO No. 1123.


Yoder, K (2019). Some Economics Nerds Just Realized How Much Climate Change Will Cost Us. Grist, Oct. 3.


Zurich (2019). Rising Sea Levels Threaten Global Economy. Bloomberg, Sept.24. 



        G.  Glacial Lake Outburst Floods [back to subsections]


Belew, N (2018). Will Climate Change Cause More Glacial Lake Outburst Floods? State of the Planet, May 21. Earth Institute, Columbia University.


Berwyn, B (2021). For a City Staring Down the Barrel of a Climate-Driven Flood, A New Study Could be the Smoking Gun. Inside Climate News, Feb. 4.


Davidson, C (2019). Living in Hope and Fear Beside India's Retreating Himalayan Glaciers. DW, Nov. 15.


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Dombrov, M (2019). Powerful Glacial Lake Outburst Floods in the Himalayas. GlacierHub, Jan. 10.


German, L (2017). Measurement of Glacial Meltwater Outflow through Water Analysis for Geohazard Recognition. National Park Service.


Hadid, D (2019). 'Maybe It Will Destroy Everything': Pakistan's Melting Glaciers Cause Alarm. NPR, Nov. 21.


Harrison, S, Kargel, J, Huggel, C, Reynolds, J, Shugar, D, Betts, R, Emmer, A, Glasser, N, Haritashya, U, Klimeš, J, Reinhardt, L, Schaub, Y, Wiltshire, A, Regmi, D, and Vilímek, V (2018). Climate Change and the Global Pattern of Moraine-dammed Glacial Lake Outburst Floods. The Cryosphere, 12: 1195-1209.


Komori, J (2018). Recent Expansions of Glacial Lakes in the Bhutan Himalayas. Quaternary International, 184(1): 177-186.


Meier, P (2016). Using Swimming Robots to Warn Villages of Himalayan Tsunamis. National Geographic Changing Planet.


Overdorf, J (2013).  Climate Change’s Nasty New Natural Disaster: ‘Himalayan Tsunamis’. Global, July 30.


Portocarrero Rodriguez, C and Engility Corporation (2014). The Glacial Lake Handbook: Reducing Risk from Dangerous Glacial Lakes in the Cordillera Blanca, Peru. United States Agency for International Development.


Seldon, C (2016). Surveying Bhutan’s Most Dangerous Glacial Lakes. The Third Pole.


Stuart-Smith, R, Roe, G, Li, S and Allen, M (2021). Increased Outburst Flood Hazard from Lake Palcacocha Due to Human-induced Glacier Retreat. Nature Geoscience, 14.


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Wester, P, Mishra, A, Mukherji, A and Shrestha, A (eds) (2019). The Hindu Kush Himalaya Assessment—Mountains, Climate Change, Sustainability and People. Springer Nature Switzerland AG. [638 page online book.]



        H. Human Health and Disease [back to subsections]


Adan, M and Mahfouz, B (2020). Climate Change Helped Coronavirus Spread — and Your AC Means it Probably Won't Die in Summer. Independent, March 20.


American Public Health Association (2017). Differences in Heat-related Mortality by Citizenship Status: United States 2005-2014.


Anderson, B, Oleson, K, Jones, B and Peng, R (2016). Projected Trends in High-mortality Heatwaves Under Different Scenarios of Climate, Population, and Adaptation in 82 US Communities. Climatic Change, 146.


Asad, H and Carpenter, D (2018). Effects of Climate Change on the Spread of Zika Virus: A Public Health Threat. Reviews on Environmental Health, 33(1): 31-42.


Barreca, A and Schaller, J (2019). The Impact of High Ambient Temperatures on Delivery Timing and Gestational Lengths. Nature Climate Change, 10.


Bekkar, B, Pacheco, S, Basu, R and DeNicola, N (2020). Association of Air Pollution and Heat Exposure With Preterm Birth, Low Birth Weight, and Stillbirth in the US: A Systematic Review. Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open, 3(6).


Bendell, J (2020). The Climate for Corona – Our Warming World is More Vulnerable to Pandemic.


Blethen, R (2019). How Climate Change Threatens our Health in the Pacific Northwest. Seattle Times, Sept. 18.


Bowles, D, Butler, C and Friel, S (2013). Climate Change and Health in Earth's Future. Earth’s Future, 2(2).


Bressler, R (2021). The Mortality Cost of Carbon. Nature Communications, 12.


Burke, M, Gonzalez, F, Baylis, P, Heft-Neal, S, Baysan, C, Basu, S and Hsiang, S (2018). Higher Temperatures Increase Suicide Rates in the United States and Mexico. Nature Climate Change, 8.   


Butler, C (2016). Sounding the Alarm: Health in the Anthropocene. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(7).


Calvin, W (2020). How Dangerous Heat Waves Can Kill. The Conversation, Aug. 18.


Campbell, L (2022). North Carolina Hurricanes Linked to Increases in Gastrointestinal Illnesses in Marginalized Communities. Inside Climate News, March 7.


Carleton, T (2017). Crop-damaging Temperatures Increase Suicide Rates in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(33): 8746-8751.


Carleton, T et al., (2020). Valuing the Global Mortality Consequences of Climate Change Accounting for Adaptation Costs and Benefits. National Bureau of Economics Working Paper No. 27599.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2017). Coastal Flooding, Climate Change, and Your Health: What You Can Do to Prepare. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2019). CDC's Building Resilience Against Climate Effects (BRACE) Framework.


Climate Central (2019). Extreme Heat: When Outdoor Sports Become Risky.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020). Climate Effects on Health. [Lots of information here.]


Crimmins, A, Balbus, J, Gamble, J, Beard, C, Bell, J, Dodgen, D, Eisen R, Fann, N, Hawkins, M, Herring, S, Jantarasami, L, Mills, D, Saha, S, Sarofim, M, Trtanj, J and Ziska, L (2016). The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment.  U.S. Global Change Research Program.


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Dunne, D (2019). Mosquito-borne Diseases Could Reach Extra ‘One Billion People’ as Climate Warms. Carbon Brief, March 28.


Ebi, K (2014). Health in the New Scenarios for Climate Change Research. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 11(1).


Ebi, K, Hess, J and Watkiss, P (2017). Health Risks and Costs of Climate Variability and Change, in Mock, C, Nugent, R, Kobusingye, O, and Smith K (eds) Injury Prevention and Environmental Health. The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank.


Ebi, K et al., (2021). Hot Weather and Heat Extremes: Health Risks. The Lancet, 398(10301).


Ellison, J (2021). Deforestation, Climate Change Linked to More Worker Deaths and Unsafe Conditions. UW News, Nov. 11.


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European Academies Science Advisory Council (2019). The Imperative of Climate Action to Protect Human Health in Europe. Policy Report 38.


Gasparrini, A et al., (2017). Projections of Temperature-related Excess Mortality Under Climate Change Scenarios. The Lancet Planetary Health, 1(9).


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Huang, C, Barnett, A, Wang, X, Vaneckova, P, Fitzgerald, G and Tong, S (2011). Projecting Future Heat-Related Mortality under Climate Change Scenarios: A Systematic Review. Environmental Health Perspectives, 119(12).


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Kroll, D (2020). In Phoenix, Rising Temperatures Day and Night Kill More People Each Year. The Arizona Republic, Aug. 27.


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Limaye, V, Max, W, Constible, J and Knowlton, K (2019). Estimating the HealthRelated Costs of 10 ClimateSensitive U.S. Events During 2012. GeoHealth, 3(9).


Lo, YTE, Mitchell, D, Gasparrini, A, Vicedo-Cabrera, A, Ebi, K, Frumhoff, P, Millar, R, Roberts, W, Sera, F, Sparrow, S, Uhe, P and Williams, G (2019). Increasing Mitigation Ambition to Meet the Paris Agreement’s Temperature Goal Avoids Substantial Heat-related Mortality in U.S. Cities. Science Advances, 5(6).


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        I.   Ice Loss [back to subsections]


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Bosson, J, Huss, M and Osipova, E (2019). Disappearing World Heritage Glaciers as a Keystone of Nature Conservation in a Changing Climate. Earth’s Future, 7(4).


Brancato, V et al., (2020). Grounding Line Retreat of Denman Glacier, East Antarctica, Measured with COSMOSkyMed Radar Interferometry Data. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(7).


Brigham-Grette, J and Dutton, A (2021). Antarctica is Headed for a Climate Tipping Point by 2060, with Catastrophic Melting if Carbon Emissions Aren’t Cut Quickly. The Conversation, May 17.


Bronselaer, B, et al., (2018). Change in Future Climate Due to Antarctic Meltwater. Nature, 564.


Bush, E (2021). In North Cascades, Researchers, Climbers Watch Washington’s Snowpack Quickly Melt, Exposing Glaciers’ Retreat. Seattle Times, Sept. 5.


Chow, D (2019). An Island Imperiled: Climate Change Threatens Greenland — and Its Way of Life. NBC News, Sept. 22.


Christo, C (2021). Greenland is Crying — Can it be Saved from Mining and Climate Change? The Hill, Dec. 8.


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Crespo, G (2020). Scientists Find Another Threat to Greenland's Glaciers Lurking Beneath the Ice. CNN, Feb. 3.


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Davidson, J (2019). Antarctic Glacial Melt May Be Irreversible Causing Sea Rise, Research Says. EcoWatch, July 9.


Dickens, W, Kuhn, G, Leng, M, Graham, A, Dowdeswell, J, Meredith, M, Hillenbrand, C, Hodgson, D, Roberts, S, Sloane, H and Smith, J (2019). Enhanced Glacial Discharge from the Eastern Antarctic Peninsula Since the 1700s Associated with a Positive Southern Annular Mode. Scientific Reports, 9(14606).


Di Liberto, T (2020). Fire Fuels in High Northern Latitudes are Becoming More Flammable. NOAA Climate.Gov, Dec. 8.


Dunne, D (2020). ‘Extreme’ Glacier Loss Events Linked to Human-caused Climate Change for First Time. Carbon Brief, Aug. 3.


EarthTime (2018c). Glaciers. (interactive maps)


Fogwill, C, Turney, C and Thomas, Z (2020). Ancient Antarctic Ice Melt Caused Extreme Sea Level Rise 129,000 years ago – and It Could Happen Again. The Conversation, Feb. 12.


Funes, Y (2019). Witness the Rapid Demise of a Greenland Glacier in the Weather Channel’s Latest Immersive Visualization. Gizmodo, April 10.


Funes, Y (2020). Ancient Ice Loss in Antarctica’s Most Stable Region Paints a Bleak Picture of What Could Come. Gizmodo, July 22.


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Howard, J (2019). Alaskan Glaciers Melting 100 Times Faster than Previously Thought. National Geographic, July 25.  [Includes embedded video on Alaskan glacier melting.]


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Randall, C (2021). This 50-year Project Follows the Impacts of the Cascades' Melting Glaciers. National Geographic, Oct. 13.


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Ryan, J, Hubbard, A, Stibal, M, Irvine-Flynn, T, Cook, J, Smith, L, Cameron, K and Box, J (2019). Dark Zone of the Greenland Ice Sheet Controlled by Distributed Biologically-active Impurities. Nature Communications, 9(1065).


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Serrano, J (2020).  7 Graphics That Show Why the Arctic Is in Trouble. Gizmodo, Dec. 31.


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Sharma, S, Richardson, D and Woolway, I (2021). Our Lakes are Losing their Ice Cover Faster than Ever — Here’s What that Means for Us. The Conversation, Dec. 20.


Shepherd, A, Gilbert, L, Muir, A, Konrad, H, McMillan, M, Slater, T, Briggs, K, Sundal, A, Hogg, A and Engdahl, M (2019). Trends in Antarctic Ice Sheet Elevation and Mass. Geophysical Research Letters, 46.  


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        J.   Inequities [back to subsections]


Actionaid International (2021). Avoiding the Climate Poverty Spiral: Social Protection to Avoid Climate-induced Loss & Damage.


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Cornwall, W (2019). Global Warming May Boost Economic Inequality. Science Magazine, April 22.


Crawford, I (2021a). Cascading Effects. Grist, March 6.


Crawford, I (2021b). Cascadia’s Communities of Color Speak Out Against Climate Injustice. Grist, April 10.


DARA and the Climate Vulnerable Forum (2012). Climate Vulnerability Monitor 2nd Edition: A Guide to the Cold Calculus of a Hot Planet. Fundación DARA Internacional.


Das Gupta, M (2013). Population, Poverty, and Climate Change. The World Bank, Policy Research Working Paper 6631.


Davies, I, Huago, R, Roberstons, J, and Levin, P (2018). The Unequal Vulnerability of Communities of Color to Wildfire. PLoS ONE, 13(11): e0205825.


DePillis, L (2019). Climate Change Makes Poor Countries Poorer, Widening Global Inequality, Researchers Say. CNN Business, July 4.


Detraz, N and Windsor, L (2014). Evaluating Climate Migration: Population Movement, Insecurity and Gender. International Feminist Journal of Politics, 16(1).


Diffenbaugh, N and Burke, M (2019). Global Warming has Increased Global Economic Inequality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(20).


Eckstein, D, Hutfils, M and Winges, M (2019). Global Climate Risk Index 2019. Germanwatch.


Ellison, J (2021). Deforestation, Climate Change Linked to More Worker Deaths and Unsafe Conditions. UW News, Nov. 11.


Engelman, R (2010). Population, Climate Change, and Women’s Lives. Worldwatch Report 183. Worldwatch Institute.


Flowers, C (2020). Battling America’s Dirty Secret. The Washington Post, Dec. 17. [On the inequities of wastewater treatment and how climate change will exacerbate the sanitation challenge for low income and minority populations.]


Forbes, S and Hu, S (2020). What Is Climate Gentrification? NRDC, Aug. 27.


Frosch, R, Pastor, M, Sadd, J and Shonkoff, S (2009). The Climate Gap: Inequalities in How Climate Change Hurts Americans & How to Close the Gap. PERE USC Program for Environmental & Regional Equity. Executive Summary -


Gardiner, B (2020a). Unequal Impact: The Deep Links Between Racism and Climate Change. Yale Environment 360.


Gardiner, B (2020b). Ocean Justice: Where Social Equity and the Climate Fight Intersect. Yale Environment 360.


Ghosh, E, Gore, T, Kartha, S, Kemp-Benedict, E and Nazareth, A (2020). The Carbon Inequality Era: An Assessment of the Global Distribution of Consumption Emissions Among Individuals from 1990 to 2015 and Beyond. Oxfam and the Stockholm Environment Institute.


Gordijn, B (2012). Ethics of Mitigation, Adaptation and Geoengineering. Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 15(1).


Governor’s Office of Planning and Research (2018). Defining Vulnerable Communities in the Context of Climate Adaptation. State of California.


Green Growth Knowledge Platform (2021). Poverty and Equity. [Portal to many articles and reports.]


Hall, R (2019). In the Future, Only the Rich Will be Able to Escape the Unbearable Heat from Climate Change. In Iraq, it’s Already Happening. Independent, Aug. 10.


Hallegatte, S, Bangalore, M, Bonzanigo, L, Fay, M, Kane, T, Narloch, U, Rozenberg, J, Treguer, D and Vogt-Schilb, A (2016). Shock Waves: Managing the Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty. Climate Change and Development, World Bank. or 


Hanson, J and 17 co-authors (2013). Assessing ‘‘Dangerous Climate Change’’: Required Reduction of Carbon Emissions to Protect Young People, Future Generations and Nature. PLOS One, 8(12): e81648.


Harrington, L, Frame, D, Fischer, E, Hawkins, E, Joshi, M and Jones, C (2016). Poorest Countries Experience Earlier Anthropogenic Emergence of Daily Temperature Extremes. Environmental Research Letters, 11(5).


Hess, H, Wimberger, E and Young, M (2020). Climate Change and Inequality: Filling the Federal Research Void. Climate Impact Lab.


Horn-Muller, A, Zoppo, A and Warren, M (2020). Barely Above Water. Climate Central, Dec. 9. [Affordable housing is at greater risk to sea level rise flooding.]


Houser, T (2020). Climate Convexity: The Inequality of a Warming World. Economic Strategy Group, Dec. 10.


Howell, J and Elliott, J (2019). Damages Done: The Longitudinal Impacts of Natural Hazards on Wealth Inequality in the United States. Social Problems, 66(3).


Hubacek, K, Baiocchi, G, Feng, K, Muñoz Castillo, R, Sun, L, and Xue, J (2017). Global Carbon Inequality. Energy, Ecology and Environment, 2(6).


Human Rights Council (2019). Climate Change and Poverty.


ISSC, IDS and UNESCO (2016). World Social Science Report 2016: Challenging Inequalities: Pathways to a Just World.


Johnson, S (2021). Climate Crisis Leaving ‘Millions at Risk of Trafficking and Slavery’. The Guardian, Sept. 20.


Kempe, Y (2021). House Hunters are Fleeing Climate Change, Causing a New Kind of Gentrification. Grist, April 9.


King, A and Harrington, L (2018). The Inequality of Climate Change From 1.5 to 2°C of Global Warming. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(10).


Law, T (2019). The Climate Crisis is Global, But These 6 Places Face the Most Severe Consequences. Time, Sept. 30.


Leichenko, R and Silva, J (2014). Climate Change and Poverty Vulnerability, Impacts, and Alleviation Strategies. WIRES Climate Change, 5(4).


Levy, B and Patz, J (2015). Climate Change, Human Rights, and Social Justice. Annals of Global Health, 81(3).


Mahlstein, I, Knutti, R, Solomon, S and Portmann, R (2011). Early Onset of Significant Local Warming in Low Latitude Countries. Environmental Research Letters, 6(3).


McCoy, T (2022). Brazil Mudslides: Climate Change Turns Favelas into Disasters Waiting to Happen. The Washington Post, Feb. 24.


McFall-Johnsen, M (2019). The Climate Crisis is Inherently Unfair. These 9 Countries Will Get Hit Especially Hard as the Globe Heats Up. Business Insider, July.


Mediate, E and Shah, N (2021). A Perfect Storm: Climate Disasters are Magnifying the U.S.’s Maternal Health Crisis. STAT, Aug. 30.


Milman, O (2018). Climate Gentrification: The Rich Can Afford to Move – What About the Poor? The Guardian, Sept. 25.


Monbiot, G (2021). Never Mind Aid, Never Mind Loans: What Poor Nations are Owed is Reparations. The Guardian, Nov. 5.


Nugent, C (2019). The 10 Countries Most Vulnerable to Climate Change Will Experience Population Booms in the Coming Decades. Time.


O’Brien, K and Leichenko, R (2000). Double Exposure: Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change Within the Context of Economic Globalization. Global Environmental Change, 10.


Parks, C (2019). The Rising Tide of Climate Injustice. UnDark, Feb. 14.


Preudhomme, N (2020a). Racial Justice and Climate Change: Exposure. Four Twenty Seven Newsletter, Moody’s Corporation.


Preudhomme, N (2020b). Racial Justice and Climate Change: Adaptation. Four Twenty Seven Newsletter, Moody’s Corporation.


Public Health & Environment Department (2011). Gender, Climate Change and Health. World Health Organization.


Ramirez, R (2021). Scientists Looked at More Than 100,000 Studies and Found the World has a Giant Climate-crisis Blind Spot. CNN, Oct. 11.


Riederer, R (2019). The Stark Inequality of Climate Change. The New Yorker, Oct. 17.


Ritchie, E (2022). A New Year’s Resolution on the US’s Climate Hypocrisy. Jan. 7. Center for Global Development.


Roston, E, Murray, P and Dottle, R (2020). Life and Death in Our Hot Future Will Be Shaped by Today’s Income Inequality. Bloomberg Green, Aug. 3.[Excellent graphics.]


Rozenberg, J and Hallegatte, S (2018). Poor People on the Front Line: The Impacts of Climate Change on Poverty in 2030, in Kanbur, R and Shue, H (eds.) Climate Justice: Integrating Economics and Philosophy. Oxford Scholarship.


Rudolph, L (2016). A Physician’s Guide to Climate Change, Health and Equity. Public Health Institute.


Rueter, G (2021). Climate Change Hit Poorest Countries Hardest in 2019., Jan. 25.


Schneider, L (2019). Fixing the Climate? How Geoengineering Threatens to Undermine the SDGs and Climate Justice. Development, 62(1-4).


Shepherd, A, Mitchell, T, Lewis, K, Lenhardt, A, Jones, L, Scott, L, and Muir-Wood, R (2013). The Geography of Poverty, Disasters and Climate Extremes in 2030. Overseas Development Institute.


Shindell, D (2015). The Social Cost of Atmospheric Release. Climatic Change, 130.


Skoufias, E, Rabassa, M, Olivieri, S and Brahmbhatt, M (2011). The Poverty Impacts of Climate Change. Economic Premise, 51. World Bank.


Sneath, S (2020). 'Ticking Time Bombs': Residents Kept In The Dark About Risks To LA's Chemical Plants During Storms. New Orleans Public Radio, Dec. 7.


Tan, M (2021). Why Every Second, and Every Fraction of a Degree of Global Warming, Matters. Gal-Dem, Nov. 6. [First person call for climate justice.]


Thiery, W et al. (2021). Intergenerational Inequities in Exposure to Climate Extremes. Science, 374(6564).


Thomas, K, Hardy, R, Lazrus, H, Mendez, M, Orlove, B, Rivera-Collazo, I, Roberts, J, Rockman, M, Warner, B and Winthrop, R (2018). Explaining Differential Vulnerability to Climate Change: A Social Science Review. WIREs Climate Change, 10(2).


Thomas, K and Warner, B (2021). Weaponizing Vulnerability to Climate Change. Global Environmental Change, 57. or


Timperley, J (2021). How Can People Harmed by Climate Change Be Compensated? Wired, Dec. 16.


Tol, R, Downing, T, Kuik, O and Smith, J (2004). Distributional Aspects of Climate Change Impacts. Global Environmental Change, 14.


UNICEF (2021). The Climate Crisis is a Child Rights Crisis.


UNICEF Bangladesh (2019). A Gathering Storm: Climate Change Clouds the Future of Children in Bangladesh.


United Nations Climate Change (2016). Climate Change Mainly Impacting Vulnerable Children.


United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2016). World Economic and Social Survey 2016: Climate Change Resilience – An Opportunity for Reducing Inequalities.


Volcovici, V (2020). A U.S. Tribe’s Uphill Battle Against Climate Change. Reuters.


Wallace-Wells, D (2018). UN Says Climate Genocide is Coming. It’s Actually Worse than That. NY Mag., Oct. 10.


Wing, O et al., (2022). Inequitable Patterns of US Flood Risk in the Anthropocene. Nature Climate Change, 12.


World Health Organization (2014). Gender, Climate Change and Health.


Zhang, M (2018). How the Rich Will Survive Climate Change Disaster. The Outline, Nov. 16.



        K.  Ocean Acidification [back to subsections]


Agostini, S, Harvey, B, Wada, S, Kon, K, Milazzo, M Inaba, K and Hall-Spencer, J (2018). Ocean Acidification Drives Community Shifts Towards Simplified Non-calcified Habitats in a Subtropical−temperate Transition Zone. Scientific Reports, 8(11354).


Bednarsek, N, Pelletier, G, Ahmed, A and Feely, R (2020). Chemical Exposure Due to Anthropogenic Ocean Acidification Increases Risks for Estuarine Calcifiers in the Salish Sea: Biogeochemical Model Scenarios. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7(580).


Brewer, P (2013). A Short History of Ocean Acidification Science in the 20th Century: A Chemist's View. Biogeosciences, 10.


Caldiera, K and Wickett, M (2003). Anthropogenic Carbon and Ocean pH. Nature, 425(365).


Crowe, M (2021). Ocean Acidification: The Threat to Washington Shellfish, and How the Industry is Adapting. King5, Feb. 19.


Dutkiewicz, S, Morris, J, Follows, M, Scott, J, Levitan, O, Dyhrman, S and Frank, I (2015). Impact of Ocean Acidification on the Structure of Future Phytoplankton Communities. Nature Climate Change, 5.


European Science Foundation (2009). Impacts of Ocean Acidification. Science Policy Briefing 37.


Eyre, B, Cryonak, T, Drupp, P, De Carlo, E, Sachs, J and Andersson, A (2018).  Coral Reefs Will Transition to Net Dissolving Before End of Century. Science, 359(6378): 908-911.


Feely, R, Alin, S, Newton, J, Sabine, C, Warner, M, Devol, A, Krembs, C and Maloy, C (2010). The Combined Effects of Ocean Acidification, Mixing, and Respiration on pH and Carbonate Saturation in an Urbanized Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 88: 442-449.


Feely, R, Klinger, T, Newton, J and Chadsey, M [eds.] (2012). Scientific Summary of Ocean Acidification in Washington State Marine Waters. NOAA OAR Special Report.


Gobler, C and Baumann, H (2016). Hypoxia and Acidification in Ocean Ecosystems: Coupled Dynamics and Effects on Marine Life. The Royal Society Biology Letters, 12(5).


IAEA Ocean Acidification International Coordination Centre (2020). Ocean Acidification. International Atomic Energy Agency. [Links to all sorts of resources]


Kahn, B (2019). California Waters Are Acidifying Twice as Fast as the Rest of the Oceans. Gizmodo, Dec. 16.


Langston, J (2011). Northwest Ocean Acidification: The Hidden Cost of Fossil Fuel Pollution. Sightline Institute.


Licker, R, Ekwurzel, B, Doney, S, Cooley, S, Lima, I, Heede, R and Frumhoff, P (2019). Tracing Fossil Fuel Companies’ Contribution to Climate Change and Ocean Acidification. Union of Concerned Scientists.


Lipuma, L (2020). Warming, Acidic Oceans May Nearly Eliminate Coral Reef Habitats by 2100. AGU News, Feb. 17.


PBS News Hour (2013). Trouble in the Water: Acidifying Oceans Hinder Health of Northwest Shellfish. [video report]


National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (2016). Ocean Acidification: A Wake-up Call in Our Waters. [A short primer]


Olsen, A, Lauvset, S, Goris, N and Skjelvan, I (2018). Revisiting Ocean Acidification, Food Security and Our Earth System. Foresight Brief, 9. United Nations Environment Programme.


State of Washington Ocean Acidification Center (2022).


U.S. Global Change Research Program (2017). Ch. 13: Ocean Acidification and Other Ocean Changes, in Fourth National Climate Assessment, Vol. 1.


UW News Staff (2020). Ocean Acidification Impacts Oysters’ Memory of Environmental Stress. UW News, March 12.



        L.  Other Impacts [back to subsections]


Adhikari, S and Ivins, E (2019). Climate-driven Polar Motion: 2003–2015. Science Advances, 2(4).


American Geophysical Union (2021). Earth is Dimming Due to Climate Change., Sept. 30.


Andrijevic, M, Cuaresma, J, Muttarak, R and Schleussner, C (2020). Governance in Socioeconomic Pathways and its Role for Future Adaptive Capacity. Nature Sustainability, 3.


Arrobas, D, Hund, K, McCormick, M, Ningthoujam, J and Drexhage, J (2017). The Growing Role of Minerals and Metals for a Low Carbon Future. The World Bank, Working Paper 117581.


Barras, C (2019). The Ocean’s Tallest Waves are Getting Taller. Science, 364(6438).


Berardelli, J (2021). "When Temperatures Do Odd Things...": How This Map Reveals a Warning for the Climate. CBS News, May 13. [On the weakening of the Atlantic Ocean circulation.]


Boers, N (2021). Observation-based Early-warning Signals for a Collapse of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Nature Climate Change, 11.


Brito-Morales, et al., (2020). Climate Velocity Reveals Increasing Exposure of Deep-ocean Biodiversity to Future Warming. Nature Climate Change, 10. [The deep ocean is warming faster than the surface.]


Brooks, R (2014). 12 Views of a Warming World. Audubon Society.  [Photo gallery]


Cai, W, et al., (2021). Changing El Niño–Southern Oscillation in a Warming Climate. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment, .


Campbell, S (2020). Key Readings About Climate Change and Coronavirus. Yale Climate Connections.  [Annotated bibliography with links to all the articles.]


Caplan, J, Gimenez, D, Hirmas, D, Brunsell, N, Blair, J and Knapp, A (2019). Decadal-scale Shifts in Soil Hydraulic Properties as Induced by Altered Precipitation. Science Advances, 5(9). http://10.1126/sciadv.aau6635 [Increased precipitation can lead to decreased infiltration into the soil]


Cesar, L, Rahmstorf, S, Robinson, A, Feulner, G and Saba, V (2018). Observed Fingerprint of a Weakening Atlantic Ocean Overturning Circulation. Nature, 556: 191-196.


Cheng, L, Zhu, J, Abraham, J, Trenberth, K, Fasullo, J, Zhang, B, Yu, F, Wan, L, Chen, X and Song, X (2019). 2018 Continues Record Global Ocean Warming. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36(3).


Cheng, L et al., (2020). Record-Setting Ocean Warmth Continued in 2019. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 37(2).


Chow, D (2020). Climate Change Models Predicted Ocean Currents Would Speed Up — But Not This Soon. NBC Nightly News, Feb. 11.


Chu, J (2021). Study Predicts the Oceans Will Start Emitting Ozone-depleting CFCs. Phys.Org, March 15.


Climate Central (2016). When it Rains it Pours, and Sewage Hits the Fan.


Crowther, T and 49 co-authors (2016). Quantifying Global Soil Carbon Losses in Response to Warming.  Nature, 540: 104-108.


Davis, M (2020). North Atlantic Current Could Stop Within the Next Century. Big Think, Jan. 6. [Good for students]


Duniway, M, Pfennigwerth, A, Fick, S, Nauman, T, Belnap, J, and Barger, N (2019). Wind Erosion and Dust from US Drylands: A Review of Causes, Consequences, and Solutions in a Changing World. Ecosphere, 10(3).


Dzieza, J (2015). Climate Change Could Mean Massive Ocean Dead Zones. Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia, NOAA.


Gignac, J (2020). ‘Catastrophic’ Increase in Arctic Wave Heights Predicted Due to Melting Sea Ice. The Narwhal, July 22.


Goodier, R (2018). How Climate Change Could Break the Internet. Popular Mechanics, July 19.


Goudie, A (2006). Global Warming and Fluvial Geomorphology. Geomorphology, 79.


Haskins, C (2019). Climate Change Could Erase Human History. These Archivists Are Trying to Save It. Vice, Sept. 17.


Heilweil, R (2021). The US Power Grid Isn’t Ready for Climate Change. Vox, July 3.


Held, A (2017). It's Too Hot For Some Planes To Fly In Phoenix. NPR, June 20.


Heinze, C et al., (2021). The Quiet Crossing of Ocean Tipping Points. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(9).


Hoornweg, D, Freire, M, Lee, M, Bhada-Tata, P and Yuen, B (eds.) (2012). Cities and Climate Change: Responding to an Urgent Agenda (Vol. 2). Urban development series. World Bank. [Free book with 31 chapters.]


Hu, S, Sprintall, J, Guan, C, McPhaden, M, Wang, F, Hu, D and Cai, W (2020). Deep-reaching Acceleration of Global Mean Ocean Circulation Over the Past Two Decades. Science Advances, 6(6).


Hummel, M, Berry, M and Stacey, M (2018). Sea Level Rise Impacts on Wastewater Treatment Systems Along the U.S. Coasts. Earth’s Future, 6(4).


International Panel on Climate Change (2019). Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.


Iovine, A (2019). Is Climate Change Impacting Cuffing Season? Mashable, Dec.  11.


Ise, T, Dunn, A, Wofsy, S and Moorcroft, P (2008). High Sensitivity of Peat Decomposition to Climate Change Through Water-table Feedback. Nature Geoscience, 1:763-766.


Just Have a Think (2020). Is the Gulf Stream Collapsing? YouTube, April 19.


Khan, B (2021). The 10 Weirdest Ways Climate Change Is Screwing with Our World. Gizmodo, Nov. 8.


Keil, P, Mauritsen, T, Jungclaus, J, Hedemann, C, Olonscheck, O and Ghosh, R (2020). Multiple Drivers of the North Atlantic Warming Hole. Nature Climate Change, 10.


Laffoley, D and Baxter, J (eds.) (2016). Explaining Ocean Warming: Causes, Scale, Effects and Consequences. International Union for Conservation of Nature.


Laffoley, D and Baxter, J (eds.) (2019). Ocean Deoxygenation: Everyone’s Problem. International Union for Conservation of Nature.


Lewkowicz, A and Way, R (2019). Extremes of Summer Climate Trigger Thousands of Thermokarst Landslides in a High Arctic Environment. Nature Communications, 10.


Lian, X, et al., (2020). Summer Soil drying Exacerbated by Earlier Spring Greening of Northern Vegetation. Science Advances, 6(1).


Liu, M, Vecchi, G, Soden, B, Yang, W and Zhang, B (2021). Enhanced Hydrological Cycle Increases Ocean Heat Uptake and Moderates Transient Climate Change. Nature Climate Change, 11.


Lohmann, J and Ditlevsen, P (2021). Risk of Tipping the Overturning Circulation Due to Increasing Rates of Ice Melt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(9).


MacMillan, D and Englund, W (2021). Longer, More Frequent Outages Afflict the U.S. Power Grid as States Fail to Prepare for Climate Change. The Washington Post, Oct. 24.


McMahon, J (2019). Climate Change Will Increase Violent Turbulence On Airline Flights. Forbes, Mar. 11.


Meucci, A, Young, I, Hemer, M, Kirezci, E and Ranasinghe, R (2020). Projected 21st Century Changes in Extreme Wind-wave Events. Science Advances, 6(24).


Moore, S, Johnstone, J, Banas, N and Salathé Jr., E (2015). Present-day and Future Climate Pathways Affecting Alexandrium Blooms in Puget Sound, WA, USA. Harmful Algae, 48: 1–11.


Morim, J et al., (2019). Robustness and Uncertainties in Global Multivariate Wind-wave Climate Projections. Nature Climate Change, 9.


Morrison, J (2022). Backed-up Pipes, Stinky Yards: Climate Change is Wrecking Septic Tanks. The Washington Post, April 12.


National Center for Atmospheric Research/University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (2014). Climate Change Threatens to Worsen U.S. Ozone Pollution. ScienceDaily, May 5.


National Wildlife Federation (2009). Increased Flooding Risk: Global Warming’s Wake-Up Call for Riverfront Communities.


Noyes, P et al., (2009). The Toxicology of Climate Change: Environmental Contaminants in a Warming World. Environment International, 35(6).


Obbard, R, Sadri, S, Wong, Y, Khitun, A, Baker, I and Thompson, R (2014). Global Warming Releases Microplastic Legacy Frozen in Arctic Sea Ice. Earth’s Future, 2(6).


O’Callaghan, J (2021). What if Space Junk and Climate Change Become the Same Problem? The New York Times, May 12.


Paul, M (2021). Dead Zones, a ‘Horseman’ of Climate Change, Could Smother Crabs in the West, Scientists Say. The Washington Post, July 30.


Pierre-Louis, K (2022). A Recipe for Climate Disaster. The Atlantic, March 29. [About landslides]


Pruski, F and Nearing, M (2002). Climate-induced Changes in Erosion During the 21st Century for Eight U.S. Locations. Water Resources Research, 38. 


Real News Network (2018a). Global Warming’s Impact on Ocean Currents to Amplify Sea Level Rise. [video of interview]


Ruijven, B, De Cian, E and Wing, I (2019). Amplification of Future Energy Demand Growth Due to Climate Change. Nature Communications, 10(2762).


Scneider, L, Cooke, C, Stansell, N and Haberle, S (2020). Plants Safely Store Toxic Mercury. Bushfires and Climate Change Bring it Back into our Environment. The Conversation, Jan. 29.


Simon, J (2021). Climate Change Is Killing Trees and Causing Power Outages. NPR, Sept. 21.


Smith, J (2017). More Rain Means More Pollution. Science, 357(6349).


Sneath, S (2020). 'Ticking Time Bombs': Residents Kept In The Dark About Risks To LA's Chemical Plants During Storms. New Orleans Public Radio, Dec. 7.


Tayag, Y (2019). The 'Doomsday' Seed Vault Is Meeting Its Doom Sooner Than Expected. Inverse, March 27.


Teirstein, Z (2022). There’s an Invisible Ecosystem in the Air — and Climate Change is Disrupting It. Grist, Feb. 14.


University of Cambridge (2021). Climate Change Will Transform Cooling Effects of Volcanic Eruptions, Study Suggests., Aug. 12.


University of East Anglia (2021). How Climate Change Could Impact Algae in the Global Ocean., Sept. 16.


Vinje Galaasen, E, Ninnemann, U, Kessler, A, Irvali, N, Rosenthal, Y, Tjiputra, J, Bouttes, N, Roche, D, Kleiven, H and Hodell, D (2020). Interglacial Instability of North Atlantic Deep Water Ventilation. Science, 367(6485).


Vitousek, S, Barnard, P and Limber, P (2017). Can Beaches Survive Climate Change? Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface, 122(4): 1060-1067.


Vousdoukas, M, Ranasinghe, R, Mentashi, L, Plomaritis, T, Athanasiou, P, Luijendijk, A and Feyen, L (2020). Sandy Coastlines Under Threat of Erosion. Nature Climate Change, 10.


Walton, J (2019). Five Ways Climate Change Will Affect Your Flights. Lonely Planet, July.


Weise, E (2019). Climate Change Could Threaten Dogs with Diseases Pushing Into New Parts of the USA. USA Today, June 15.


Yang, H, Lohmann, G, Wei, W, Dima, M, Ionita, M and Liu, J (2016). Intensification and Poleward Shift of Subtropical Western Boundary Currents in a Warming Climate.  Journal of Geophysical Research Oceans, 121(7).



        M. Overviews and Advances in the Science (more in section V) [back to subsections]


Aengenheyster, M, Feng, Q, van der Ploeg, F and Dijkstra, H (2018). The Point of No Return for Climate Action: Effects of Climate Uncertainty and Risk Tolerance.  Earth System Dynamics, 9: 1085–1095.


AghaKouchak, A, Huning, L, Chaing, F, Sadegh, M, Vahedifard, f, Mazdiyasni, O, Moftakhari, H and Mallakpour, I (2018). How Do Natural Hazards Cascade to Cause Disasters? Nature, Sept. 24.


Allison, I and 25 co-authors (2009). The Copenhagen Diagnosis, 2009: Updating the World on the Latest Climate Science. The University of New South Wales Climate Change Research Centre.


Ahmed, N (2019). U.S. Military Could Collapse Within 20 Years Due to Climate Change, Report Commissioned By Pentagon Says. Vice, Oct. 24.


Aldous, P (2019). Here and Now: These Maps Show How Climate Change Has Already Transformed the Earth. BuzzFeed, April, 22. [Good graphics]


Alley, R (2004). Implications of Abrupt Climate Change. Transactions of the American Clinical and Climatological Association, 115.


American Association for the Advancement of Science (2014). What We Know: The Realities, Risks and Response to Climate Change.


American Geophysical Union (2013). Human-Induced Climate Change Requires Urgent Action.


American Geophysical Union (2021). Earth is Dimming Due to Climate Change., Sept. 30.


Anderson, J and Bausch, C (2009).  Climate Change and Natural Disasters: Scientific Evidence of a Possible Relation Between Recent Natural Disasters and Climate Change. European Parliament's Environment, Public Health and Food Safety Committee.


Anderson, K and Bows, A (2011). Beyond ‘Dangerous’ Climate Change: Emission Scenarios for a New World. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, 369.


Andrews, E (2019). Will I be Able to Tell When We’ve Reached a Climate Tipping Point? Grist, Aug. 15.


Andrijevic, M, Cuaresma, J, Muttarak, R and Schleussner, C (2020). Governance in Socioeconomic Pathways and its Role for Future Adaptive Capacity. Nature Sustainability, 3.


Arnell, N, Lowe, J, Brown, S, Lincke, D and Price, J (2016). The Global Impacts of Climate Change Under a 1.5°C Pathway: Supplement to Assessment of Impacts Under 2, 3 and 4°C Pathways. Report from AVOID2 project to the Committee on Climate Change.


Arnell, N, Lowe, J, Challinor, A and Osborn, T (2019). Global and Regional Impacts of Climate Change at Different Levels of Global Temperature Increase. Climatic Change, 155.


Arneth, A et al., (2019). Climate Change and Land: Summary for Policy Makers. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


Australian Academy of Science (2021). The Risks to Australia of a 3° C Warmer World.


Bastin J, Clark, E, Elliot, T, Hart, S, den Hoogen, J, Hordijk, I Ma, H, Majumder, S, Manoli, G, Maschler, J, Mo, L Routh, D, Yu, K and Crowther, T (2019). Understanding Climate Change from a Global Analysis of City Analogues. PLOS One, 14(7): e0217592.


Beard, S (2017). Climate Change and the Worst-Case Scenario. Institute for Public Policy Research.


Belcher, S, Boucher, O and Sutton, R (2019). Guest Post: Why Results from the Next Generation of Climate Models Matter. Carbon Brief, March 21.


Bendell, J (2018).  Deep Adaptation: Navigating Climate Tragedy.  Institute for Leadership and Sustainability, Occasional Paper 2.


Bendell, J (2019). Compendium of Research Reports on Climate Chaos and Impacts. Institute for Leadership and Sustainability, July 7.


Berardelli, J (2019). U.S. to Shatter Record for Billion-dollar Climate Disasters in 2020. CBS News, Dec. 10.


Berwyn, B (2019). What Does '12 Years to Act on Climate Change' (Now 11 Years) Really Mean? Inside Climate News, Aug. 27.


Berwyn, B (2021). New Research Explores the Costs of Climate Tipping Points, and How They Could Compound One Another. Inside Climate News, Aug. 16.


Betts, R, Collins, M, Hemming, D, Jones, C, Lowe, J and Sanderson, M (2011). When Could Global Warming Reach 4°C? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369(1934).


Betts, R et al., (2018). Changes in Climate Extremes, Freshwater Availability and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity Projected at 1.5°C and 2°C Global Warming with a Higher-resolution Global Climate Model. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 376.


Bohmelt, T (2017). Employing the Shared Socioeconomic Pathways to Predict CO2 Emissions. Environmental Science & Policy, 75. [“None of the five SSP scenarios is linked to emission patterns that would suggest achieving the 2 °C goal is realistic.’]


Bonnet, R et al., (2021). Increased Risk of Near Term Global Warming Due to a Recent AMOC Weakening. Nature Communications, 12.


Borunda, A (2021). These 6 Numbers Define the Climate Challenge in a Changing U.S. National Geographic.


Brannen, P (2021). The Terrifying Warning Lurking in the Earth’s Ancient Rock Record. The Atlantic, March.


Breakthrough - National Centre for Climate Restoration (2020). Climate Reality Check. [Concise flip book “presenting 20 critical observations, insights and understandings to help inform and guide the stark choices that now stand before us ]


Brosig, M, Frawley, P, Hill, A, Jahn, M,Mrsicek, M, Paris, A, Rose, M, Shambaljamts, A and Thomas, N (2019). Implications of Climate Change for the U.S. Army. U.S. Army War College.


Brown, D (2018). New Evidence That Climate Change Poses a Much Greater Threat to Humanity Than Recently Understood Because the IPCC has been Systematically Underestimating Climate Change Risks: An Ethical Analysis. Ethics and Climate, Sept. 21.


Buis, A (2018). A Degree of Concern: Why Global Temperatures Matter. NASA Global Climate Change. 


Buis, A (2020). Study Confirms Climate Models are Getting Future Warming Projections Right. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.


Byers, E et al., (2018). Global Exposure and Vulnerability to Multi-sector Development and Climate Change Hotspots. Environmental Research Letters, 13(5).


Calma, J (2019). This was the Decade Climate Change Slapped Us in the Face. The Verge, Dec. 10.


Candell, P and Jackson, R (2020). Earth May Temporarily Pass Dangerous 1.5 Warming Limit by 2024, Major New Report Says. The Conversation, Sept. 9.


Carbon Brief (2018).  The Impacts of Climate Change at 1.5C, 2C and Beyond.


Carelton, T and Hsiang, S (2016). Social and Economic Impacts of Climate. Science, 353(6304). 


Carrington, D (2022). Extreme Heat in Oceans ‘Passed Point of No Return’ in 2014. The Guardian, Feb. 1.


CDP Worldwide (2018). Global Climate Change Analysis 2018. [Web page overview that leads to reports.]


CDP Worldwide (2021). Cities Climate Hazards.


CDP Worldwide (2021b). Cities Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessments.


Chaplin-Kramer, R, et al., (2019). Global Modeling of Nature’s Contributions to People. Science, 366(6462).


Charles, K (2021). Tropical Rainforests May Begin Pumping Out Carbon Dioxide by 2050. New Scientist, Jan. 14.


Cheng, L, Zhu, J, Abraham, J, Trenberth, K, Fasullo, J, Zhang, B, Yu, F, Wan, L, Chen, X and Song, X (2019). 2018 Continues Record Global Ocean Warming. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 36(3).


Cheng, L et al., (2020). Record-Setting Ocean Warmth Continued in 2019. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 37(2).


Christensen, J. and Olhoff, A. (2019). Lessons from a Decade of Emissions Gap Assessments. United Nations Environment Programme.


Ciscar, J, Rising, J, Kopp, R, and Feyen, L (2019). Assessing Future Climate Change Impacts in the EU and the USA: Insights and Lessons from Two Continental-scale Projects. Environmental Research Letters, 14(8).


Climate Action Tracker (2019). Temperatures: Addressing Global Warming. [About a graphic of 2100 warming projections.]


Climate Change Data Center (n.d.). [Lots of resources - graphics, analysis, etc.]


The Climate Cinema Youtube Channel (2021). Lectures.


Climate Emergency Institute (2019).


Climate Emergency Institute (2020). Amplifying Climate Feedbacks. [Lots of links]


Climate Nexus (2019). RCP 8.5: Business-As-Usual or Worst Case Scenario?


The Climate Reality Project (2019). Blog.  [Many interesting articles to be found here]


Climate Signals (2020). [Interactive map tool to explore how climate change affects the world by searching events, impacts, and related climate signals.]


Climate Transparency (2020). The Climate Transparency Report: 2020.


Committee on Climate Change (2019).  [Many publications on the details here.]


Copernicus (2021). How Close are We to Reaching a Global Warming of 1.5°C? European Union. [Short overview with access to the global temperature trend monitor application.]


Crawford. I (2021). Cascading Effects. Grist, March 6.


DARA and the Climate Vulnerable Forum (2012). Climate Vulnerability Monitor 2nd Edition: A Guide to the Cold Calculus of a Hot Planet. Fundación DARA Internacional.


Deese, B, Hildebrand, P, Kushel, R and Mateos y Lago, I (2020). Getting Physical: Scenario Analysis for Assessing Climate-related Risks. Blackrock Investment Institute.


Degroot, D et al. (2021). Towards a Rigorous Understanding of Societal Responses to Climate Change. Nature, 591.


DelSontro, T, Beaulieu, J and Downing, J (2018). Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Lakes and Impoundments: Upscaling in the Face of Global Change. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 3(3): 64-75.


Deininger, M et al., (2020). Inter-hemispheric Synchroneity of Holocene Precipitation Anomalies Controlled by Earth’s Latitudinal Insolation Gradients. Nature Communications, 11(5477).  [“Inform projections of likely inter-hemispheric precipitation changes in the future.”]


Diffenbaugh, N, Singh, D and Mankin, J (2018). Unprecedented Climate Events: Historical Changes, Aspirational Targets, and National Commitments. Science Advances, 4(2).


Doyle, A (2019). Evidence for Man-made Global Warming Hits 'Gold Standard': Scientists. Reuters, Feb. 25.


Drijfhout, S, Bathiany, S, Beaulieu, C, Brovkin, V, Claussen, M, Huntingford, C, Scheffer, M, Sgubin, G and Swingedouw, D (2015). Catalogue of Abrupt Shifts in Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Climate Models. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(43).


Duffy, K et al., (2021). How Close are We to the Temperature Tipping Point of the Terrestrial Biosphere? Science Advances, 7(3).


Dunlop, I and Spratt, D (2017). Disaster Alley: Climate Change Conflict and Risk. Breakthrough National Centre for Climate Restoration. Discussion Paper. [Comprehensive with an engaging format. Written to be readable by anyone.]


Dvorak. M, Armoiur, K, Frierson, D, Proistosescu, C, Baker, M and Smith, C (2022). Estimating the Timing of Geophysical Commitment to 1.5 and 2.0°C of Global Warming. Nature Climate Change, .


Dyke, J, Watson, R and Knorr, W (2021). Climate Scientists: Concept of Net Zero is a Dangerous Trap. The Conversation, April 22.


The Earth League and Future Earth (2017). The 10 Science ‘Must Knows’ on Climate Change. Prepared for the UNFCCC 23rd Conference of the Parties, 2017. Web page summary-; PDF report -


Earth Science Communications Team (2019). Evidence. NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. [Also sections on Causes, Effects, Scientific Consensus and Vital Signs]


Eckstein, D, Hutfils, M and Winges, M (2019). Global Climate Risk Index 2019. Germanwatch.


Engelman, R (2010). Population, Climate Change, and Women’s Lives. Worldwatch Report 183. Worldwatch Institute.


Environment and Climate Change Canada (2019). Canada’s Changing Climate Report.


European Commission (2020a). Publications:  Environment and Climate Change. [Links to > 4000 articles and reports.]


European Commission (2020b). Scientific Tools & Databases: Environment and Climate Change. [links to 76 tools and databases]


Field, C., Barros, V, Stocker, T, Qin, D, Dokken, D, Ebi, K, Mastrandrea, M, Mach, K, Plattner, G, Allen, S, Tignor, M and Midgley P (eds.) (2012). Managing the Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation. International Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge Univ. Press.


Fitzpatrick, M and Dunn, R (2019a). Contemporary Climatic Analogs for 540 North American Urban Areas in the Late 21st Century. Nature Communications, 10(614).


Fitzpatrick, M and Dunn, R (2019b). What Will Climate Feel Like in 60 Years? Interactive Map.  University of Maryland.


Flavelle, C (2020). How California Became Ground Zero for Climate Disasters. The New York Times, Sept. 20.


Franco, E (2020). Global Risk Report 2020. World Economic Forum.


Frank, J (2015). Explaining How the Water Vapor Greenhouse Effect Works. Skeptical Science.


Friedlingstein, P, Andrew, R, Rogellj, J, Peters, G, Canadell, J, Knutti, R, Luderer, G, Raupach, M, Schaeffer, M, van Vuuren, D and Quere, C (2014). Persistent Growth of CO2 Emissions and Implications for Reaching Climate Targets. Nature Geoscience, 7: 709-715.


Friedlengstein, P, et al., (2020). Global Carbon Budget 2020. Earth System Science Data, 12.


Fountain, H (2019). Climate Change Is Accelerating, Bringing World ‘Dangerously Close’ to Irreversible Change. New York Times, Dec. 5.


Freedman, A and Mooney, C (2020). Major New Climate Study Rules Out Less Severe Global Warming Scenarios. The Washington Post, July 22.


Fujimori, S, Hasegawa, T, Masui, T, Takahashi, K, Herran, D, Dai, H, Hijioka, Y and Kainuma, M (2017). SSP3: AIM Implementation of Shared Socioeconomic Pathways. Global Environmental Change, 42.


Future Earth (2020). Our Future on Earth.


Ganopolski, A, Winkelmann, R and Schellnhuber, H (2016). Critical Insolation–CO2 Relation for Diagnosing Past and Future Glacial Inception. Nature, 529.


Gaub, F and Lienard, C (2021). Arab Climate Future: Of Risk and Readiness. Chaillot Paper 170. The European Union Institute for Security Studies.


Gergis, J (2019). The Terrible Truth of Climate Change. The Monthly, Aug.


Gergis, J (2020). The Great Unravelling: 'I Never Thought I’d Live to See the Horror of Planetary Collapse'. The Guardian, Oct. 14.


Gettelman, A, Lamboll, R, Bardeen, C, Forster, P and Watson-Parris, D (2020). Climate Impacts of COVID-19 Induced Emission Changes. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(3).


Global Change.Gov (2019). USGCRP Indicator Platform. [Climate indicators showing trends over time in key aspects of our environment.]


Global Energy Monitor (2021). The Gas Index. [Monitors natural gas leaks in cities. Includes a report and case studies.]


Global Oneness Project (2020). Climate Change. [Collection of journalistic case study articles, films and photo essays to “learn how climate change is impacting individuals, communities, and other resources on the planet.”]


Goldblatt, C and Watson, A (2012). The Runaway Greenhouse: Implications for Future Climate Change, Geoengineering and Planetary Atmospheres. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 370(1974).


Grist (2018). We Broke Down What Climate Change Will Do, Region by Region.


Grose, M and Arblaster, J (2020). Just How Hot Will it Get This Century? Latest Climate Models Suggest it Could be Worse Than We Thought. The Conversation, May 17.


Halstead, J (2019). Is Climate Change an Existential Risk?


Hansen, J and 17 co-authors (2013). Assessing ‘‘Dangerous Climate Change’’: Required Reduction of Carbon Emissions to Protect Young People, Future Generations and Nature. PLOS One, 8(12): e81648.


Hansen, J and Sato, M (2016). Regional Climate Change and National Responsibilities. Climate Science Awareness and Solutions, Columbia University.


Hansen J, et al., (2016). Ice Melt, Sea Level Rise and Superstorms: Evidence from Paleoclimate Data, Climate Modeling, and Modern Observations that 2 °C Global Warming Could be Dangerous. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16:3761–3812.


Harrington, L, Schleussner, C and Otto, F (2021). Quantifying Uncertainty in Aggregated Climate Change Risk Assessments. Nature Communications, 12.


Harvey, F (2019). One Climate Crisis Disaster Happening Every Week, UN Warns. The Guardian, July 7.


Hassol, S, Ebi, K and Serkez, Y (2021). America in 2090: The Impact of Extreme Heat, in Maps. The New York Times, July 21.  [Many good map visualizations.]


Hausfather, Z (2018). Explainer: How ‘Shared Socioeconomic Pathways’ Explore Future Climate Change. Carbon Brief, April 19.


Hausfather, Z (2020a). The State of the Climate: How the World Warmed in 2019. Carbon Brief. [Many key graphics]


Hausfather, Z (2020b). Analysis: When Might the World Exceed 1.5C and 2C of Global Warming? Carbon Brief, April 12.


Hawkins, E (2019). Show Your Stripes. Institute for Environmental Analytics.  [Visualizations of warming specific to different regions]


Heinze, C et al., (2021). The Quiet Crossing of Ocean Tipping Points. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(9).


Henley, B (2019). 2,000 Years of Records Show it’s Getting Hotter, Faster. The Conversation, July 24.


High-End cLimate Impacts and eXtremes (HELIX) (2015). Characterisation of the Social Impacts and Economic Costs of Passing Tipping Points in the Climate System in 2C, 4C and 6C Scenarios Over Different Time Horizons with Different Levels of Adaptation. Seventh Framework Programme, Theme 6, Project 603864.


Hirji, Z and Aldhous, P (2019). 6 Extremely Depressing Climate Records We Broke This Decade. BuzzFeed, Dec. 14. [Good graphics]


Hoegh-Guldberg, O, et al., (2019). The Human Imperative of Stabilizing Global Climate Change at 1.5°C. Science, 365(6459).


Hood, M, Galey, P and MacNamara, K (2021). Crushing Climate Impacts to Hit Sooner than Feared: Draft UN Report., June 23.


How We Respond (2019). Report. American Association for the Advancement of Science.


Huntingford, C, Williamson, M and Nijsse, F (2020). CMIP6 Climate Models Imply High Committed Warming. Climatic Change, 162.


International Energy Agency (2018). World Energy Outlook 2018.


International Military Council on Climate and Security (2020). The World Climate and Security Report 2020.


International Panel on Climate Change (2007). Frequently Asked Question 8.1: How Reliable Are the Models Used to Make Projections of Future Climate Change? In Climate Change 2007: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.


International Panel on Climate Change (2013). Summary for Policymakers, in Stocker, T, et al. (eds.) Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.


International Panel on Climate Change (2014a). AR5 Climate Change 2014: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability.


International Panel on Climate Change (2014b). Climate Change 2014 Synthesis Report: Summary for Policy Makers.


International Panel on Climate Change (2018a). Global Warming of 1.5° C: Summary for Policy Makers.


International Panel on Climate Change (2018b). Summary for Policymakers of IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5ºC Approved by Governments.


International Panel on Climate Change (2019a). Special Report: Climate Change and Land.


International Panel on Climate Change (2019b). Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.


International Panel on Climate Change (2021). Worlds Apart: A Story of Three Possible Warmer Worlds. [Visually compelling and concise.]


International Panel on Climate Change (2022). Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. IPCC Sixth Assessment Report.


International Research Institute for Climate and Society (2019a). Climate: Analysis, Monitoring and Forecasts. [Interactive maps and modeling tools]


International Research Institute for Climate and Society (2019b). IRI Climate and Society Map Room. [Interactive maps and modeling tools]


International Panel on Climate Change (2022). IPCC WGI Interactive Atlas: Regional Information. [Get different impact results by region for different scenarios.]


Ipsos Global Trends (2020). The Fragile Planet. Global Trends 2020.


Irfan, U (2021). What’s the Worst that Could Happen? Vox, Sept. 10.


Jarvis, A, Leedal, D and Hewitt, C (2012). Climate-society Feedbacks and the Avoidance of Dangerous Climate Change. Nature Climate Change, 2(9).


Jay, A, Barrie, D, DeAngelo, B and Reidmiller, D (2018). What Specific Costs and Risks Do We Face from Climate Change? EOS, Nov. 23. [Concise summary of the 4th National Climate Assessment, highlighting the risks, plus an overview of mitigation actions since the 3rd assessment. Good for students.]


Johnson, N (2020). Lessons from a Hotter Planet: Things Escalate Quickly. Grist, July 13.  [Interview with Mark Lynas, author of Six Degrees of Climate Emergency.]


Kahn, B (2019). Four Things That Could Kill Us Before the Cloud Apocalypse Does. Gizmodo, Feb. 26.


Kaplan, S (2021). Climate Change Has Gotten Deadly. It Will Get Worse. The Washington Post, July 4.


Kaufman, M (2020). Even the 'Optimistic' Climate Change Forecast is Catastrophic. Mashable, Jan. 29.


Kaufman, M (2022). Here's How Out of Whack Earth's Climate is Today. Mashable, April 16. [3 good graphs and lots of links.]


Kharin, V, Flato, G, Zhang, X, Gillett, N, Zwiers, F and Anderson, K (2018). Risks from Climate Extremes Change Differently from 1.5°C to 2.0°C Depending on Rarity. Earth’s Future, 6(5).


Kidder, D and Worsley, T (2012). A Human-induced Hothouse Climate? GSA Today, 22(2).


King, A (2019b). Guest Post: How Will Climate Change’s Warming Pattern Look in the Future? Carbon Brief, April 24.


Kolitz, D (2021). What's the Most Climate-Safe Place in the World? Gizmodo, March 8.


Kopp, R, Scwom, R, Wagner, G and Yuan, J (2016). Tipping Elements and Climate–economic Shocks: Pathways Toward Integrated Assessment. Earth’s Future, 4(8).


Knutti, R, Rogelj, J, Sedlacek, J and Fischer, E (2015). A Scientific Critique of the Two-degree Climate Change Target. Nature Geoscience, 9: 13–18.


Lamontagne, J, Reed, P, Marangoni, G, Keller, K and Garner, G (2019). Robust Abatement Pathways to Tolerable Climate Futures Require Immediate Global Action. Nature Climate Change, 9: 290–294.


Leahy, S (2019). Dangerous Levels of Warming Locked in by Planned Jump in Fossil Fuels Output. National Geographic, Nov. 20.


Lelieveld, J, Klingmuller, K, Pozze, A, Burnett, R, Haines, A and Ramanathan, V (2019). Effects of Fossil Fuel and Total Anthropogenic Emission Removal on Public Health and Climate. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(15): 7192-7197.


Lenton, T and Ciscar, JC (2013). Integrating Tipping Points into Climate Impact Assessments. Climatic Change, 117.


Lenton, T, Rockstrom, J, Gaffney, O, Rahmstorf, S, Richardson, K, Steffen, W and Schellnhuber, H (2019). Climate Tipping Point — Too Risky to Bet Against. Nature, 575.


Leslie, T, Byrd, J and Hoad, N (2010). See How Global Warming has Changed the World Since Your Childhood. ABC News, Jan 2. [Good graphics]


Levin, K (2018). Half a Degree and a World Apart: The Difference in Climate Impacts Between 1.5˚C and 2˚C of Warming. World Resources Institute. [Good graphics, quick read for students]


Lewis, S (2021). Canada is a Warning: More and More of the World Will Soon be Too Hot for Humans. The Guardian, June 30.


Linden, E (2019). How Scientists Got Climate Change So Wrong. The New York Times, Nov. 8.


Lindvall, D (2021). Democracy and the Challenge of Climate Change. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance.


Liu, P and Raferty, A (2021). Country-based Rate of Emissions Reductions Should Increase by 80% Beyond Nationally Determined Contributions to Meet the 2°C Target. Communications Earth & Environment, 1(29).


Locker, M (2019). 22 Ways that Climate Change May Ruin Your Summer. Fast Company, July 19.


Lohmann, J and Ditlevsen, P (2021). Risk of Tipping the Overturning Circulation Due to Increasing Rates of Ice Melt. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(9).


Lowe, J, Thompson, E, Gambhir, A, Arnell, N and Warren, R (2014). Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change. AVOID2.


Lowrey, A (2020). The U.S. Is On the Path to Destruction. The Atlantic, Sept. 18.


Luers, A and Sklar, L (2013). The Difficult, the Dangerous, and the Catastrophic: Managing the Spectrum of Climate Risks. Earth’s Future, 2(2).


Lyon, C et al., (2021). Our Climate Projections for 2500 Show an Earth that is Alien to Humans. The Conversation, Sept. 26.


Mann, M (2014). Earth Will Cross the Climate Danger Threshold by 2036. Scientific American, April 1.


Manoli, G, Katul, G and Marani, M (2016). Delayinduced Rebounds in CO2 Emissions and Critical Timescales to Meet Global Warming Targets. Earth’s Future, 4(12). [Another way modeling underestimates how quickly de-carbonization must occur]


Mapping Global Change (2019). Mapping the Stories of U.S. Global Change: the 5 Key Problems. [Interactive map leading to case studies]


Maslin, M (2021). Climate Change: How Bad Could the Future be if We Do Nothing? The Conversation, May 6.


Matthews, H, et al., (2020). Opportunities and Challenges in Using Remaining Carbon Budgets to Guide Climate Policy. Nature Geoscience, 13.


Matthews, H and Tokarska, K (2021). New Research Suggests 1.5C Climate Target Will be Out of Reach Without Greener COVID-19 Recovery Plans. The Conversation, Jan. 18.


Matthews, H, Tokarska, K, Rogelj, J, Smith, C, MacDougall, A, Haustein, K, Mengis, N, Sippel, P, Forster, P and Knutti, R (2021). An Integrated Approach to Quantifying Uncertainties in the Remaining Carbon Budget. Communications Earth & Environment, 2 (7).


McChrystal, K (2018). Climate Change: An Existential Threat. Summary of Current Literature. The Sustainable Living Institute. [Like an annotated bibliography that emphasizes the worst analyses.]


McDougall, A et al., (2020). Is There Warming in the Pipeline? A Multi-model Analysis of the Zero Emissions Commitment from CO2. Biogeosciences, 17.


McKibben, B (2018). How Extreme Weather Is Shrinking the Planet. The New Yorker, Nov. 26.


Melillo, J, Richmond, T and Yohe, G (Eds.) (2014). Climate Change Impacts in the United States: The Third National Climate Assessment. U.S. Global Change Research Program.


Met Office Hadley Center (2021). Climate Dashboard. United Kingdom. [Features regularly updated graphics of indicators of changing climate.]


Meyer, R (2019). The Oceans We Know Won’t Survive Climate Change. The Atlantic, Sept. 25. [A journalistic take on the IPCC report: Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate.]


Miller, B (2021). Key Takeaways from the UN Report on the Climate Crisis. CNN, Aug. 9.


Molina, M, Ramanathan, V and Zaelke, D (2019). Climate Report Understates Threat. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Oct. 9.


Monterey Bay Aquarium (2021). New Study Puts Disparities of Climate Change on the Map., July 14.


Moon, T et al., (2019). The Expanding Footprint of Rapid Arctic Change. Earth’s Future, 7(3).


Mooney, C (2020). We May Avoid the Very Worst Climate Scenario. But the Next-worst is Still Pretty Awful. Washington Post, Jan. 30.


Mora, C et al., (2018). Broad Threat to Humanity from Cumulative Climate Hazards Intensified by Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Nature Climate Change, 8: 1062–1071.


Moser, S, Hackman, H and Caillods, F (2013). Global Environmental Change Changes Everything: Key Messages and Recommendations, in United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments. [A call to action to social scientists.]


Munsch, M (2018). As the Climate Clock Strikes Midnight it’s Time to Look to the Morning. Bright Green, July 22.


Mykleby, P, Snyder, P and Twine, T (2017). Quantifying the Trade-off Between Carbon Sequestration and Albedo in Midlatitude and High Latitude North American Forests. Geophysical Research Letters, 44.


NASA Goddard (2020). NASA Sees High Temperatures, Wildfires, Sea Ice Minimum Extent in Warming Arctic. YouTube, Sept. 21.  [5 min. video with compelling images]


National Centers for Environmental Information (2021). State of the Climate. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. [Regularly updated series of reports.]


National Geographic (2019). 5 Ways Climate Change Will Affect You. [easily digested, brief overviews]


The National Security, Military, and Intelligence Panel on Climate Change (2020). A Security Threat Assessment of Global Climate Change.


Nature Climate Change (2022). Climate Change Impacts. [A collection of all the articles they have published on this topic in order of publishing.]


Nature Climate Change Editorial Board (2019). Thinking about Emissions. Nature Climate Change, 9(2): 81.


Naviaux, J and Steinberg, N (2020). Measuring What Matters: A New Approach to Assessing Sovereign Climate Risk. Four Twenty Seven Report, Moody’s Corporation.


New, M, Liverman, D, Schroder, H and Anderson, K (2011). Four Degrees and Beyond: The Potential for a Global Temperature Increase of Four Degrees and its Implications. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369(1934).


New, M (2019). Climate Explained: How Much of Climate Change is Natural? How Much is Man-made? The Conversation, Sept. 18.


NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (2020). U.S. Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disasters.


Noor, D (2019). UN Report Says This is Our Last Shot to Take Action on Climate Change. Gizmodo, Nov. 26.


Noor, D (2020). New Climate Models Show That Clouds Could Screw the Paris Agreement. Gizmodo, Jan. 14. 


North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies (2019). State Summaries 2019. North Carolina State University and NOAA.


Nunn, R, O’Donnell, J, Shambaugh, J, Goulder, L, Kolstad, C and Long, X (2019). Ten Facts About the Economics of Climate Change and Climate Policy. The Brookings Institution.  [Good graphs showing the variable impacts under different scenarios]


Obringer, R, Kumar, R and Nateghi, R (2020). Managing the Water–electricity Demand Nexus in a Warming Climate. Climatic Change, 159.


Oreskes, N, Oppenheimer, M and Jamieson, D (2019). Scientists Have Been Underestimating the Pace of Climate Change. Scientific American, Aug. 19.


Oxford Climate Society (2020). The Existential Risk of Climate Change. Oxford Climate Society Online Events, June 16. [Video of panel discussion with David Wallace Wells, Zeke Hausfather, Luke Kemp and Kate Guy]


Parker, B (2017). Climate Change Observations. Climate Change Data Center, Aug. 23.  [A 15 point, well-cited breakdown of why “we are likely on a path for an eventual temperature increase of at least 4°C.”]


The Partnership for Resilience and Preparedness (PREP) (2019). Visualizing Data to Build Climate Resilience.  [Interactive mapping site]


Permenter, C (2016). When Someone Tells You, “The Climate is Always Changing,” Show Them This Cartoon. Grist, Sept. 13. [Long timeline of Earth’s average temperature with historical events superimposed. The payoff is grasping the huge swing in temperature in the last 100 years.]


Pershing, A, Record, N, Granklin, B, Kennedy, B, McClenachan, L, Mills, K, Scott, J, Thomas, A and Wolf, N (2019). Challenges to Natural and Human Communities from Surprising Ocean Temperatures. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(37).


Peters, A (2021). The World is Aiming for Net-zero Emissions by 2050. It’s Time to Admit it’s Not Enough. Fast Company, Sept. 13.


PF Pictures (2014). Disruption. [A disturbing video that provides a compelling overview of how we are driving climate change and our difficulties in addressing it.]


Phillips, C et al., (2020). Compound Climate Risks in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Nature Climate Change, 10.


Pielke, R [ed.] (2013). Climate Vulnerability: Understanding and Addressing Threats to Essential Resources.  Elsevier Publ.


Pierrehumbert, R (2019). There is No Plan B for Dealing with the Climate Crisis. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 75(5).  [Clear and concise]


Pihl, E, Martin, M, Blome, T, Hebden, S, Jarzebski, M, Lambino, R, Köhler, C, Canadell, J, Ebi, K, Edenhofer, O, Gaffney, O, Rockström, J, Roy, J, Srivastava, L, Payne, D., Adler, C, Watts, S, Jacobsson, L and Sonntag, S (2019). 10 New Insights in Climate Science 2019. Future Earth & The Earth League, Stockholm. [Web page with quick overview of the insights, with link to the full report.]


Popescu, A (2021). Yellowstone and Warming: An Iconic Park Faces Startling Changes. Yale Environment 360, June 23.


Post, E, Alley, R, Christensen, T, Macias-Fauria, M, Forbes, B, Gooseff, M, Iler, A, Kerby, J, Laidre, K, Mann, M Olofsson, J, Stroeve, J, Ulmer, F, Virginia, R and Wang, M (2019). The Polar Regions in a 2°C Warmer World. Science Advances, 5(12).


Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research and Climate Analytics (2012). Turn Down the Heat: Why a 4 °C Warmer World Must Be Avoided. The World Bank.


Raftery, A, Zimmer, A, Frierson, D, Startz, R, and Liu, P (2017). Less than 2 °c Warming by 2100 Unlikely. Nature Climate Change, 7(9).


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Randers, J and Goluke, U (2020). An Earth System Model Shows Self-sustained Melting of Permafrost Even if All Man-made GHG Emissions Stop in 2020Scientific Reports, 10.  Then read this: Noor, D (2020). Climate Scientists Debunk ‘Point of No Return’ Paper Everyone’s Freaking Out About. Gizmodo, Nov. 13.


Raupach, M, Gloor, M, Sarmiento, J, Canadell, J, Frolicher, T, Gasser, T, Houghton, R, Le Quere, C and Trudinger, C (2014). The Declining Uptake Rate of Atmospheric CO2 by Land and Ocean Sinks. Biogeosciences, 11: 3453-3475.


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Roblin, S (2020). The U.S. Military is Terrified of Climate Change. It's Done More Damage than Iranian Missiles. NBC Think, Sept. 20.


Rodriguez-Labajos, B (2013). Climate Change, Ecosystem Services, and Costs of Action and Inaction: Scoping the Interface. WIREs Climate Change, 4(6).


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Russel, C (2019). A Scary Year for Climate Change. Scientific American, November 2. (2019). Best and Worst States for Climate Change. [Ranks risks of climate change to each state.]


Samset, B, Fuglestvedt, J and Lund, M (2020). Delayed Emergence of a Global Temperature Response After Emission Mitigation. Nature Communications, 11.


Samset, B, Sand, M, Smith, C, Bauer, S, Forster, P, Fuglestvedt, J, Osprey, S and Schleussner, C (2018). Climate Impacts from a Removal of Anthropogenic Aerosol Emissions. Geophysical Research Letters, 45: 1020-1029.


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Schleussner, C, et al., (2016). Differential Climate Impacts for Policy-relevant Limits to Global Warming: The Case of 1.5°C and 2°C. Earth System Dynamics, 7(2). or  [“the additional 0.5°C increase in global-mean temperature marks the difference between events at the upper limit of present-day natural variability and a new climate regime, particularly in tropical regions.”]


Schneider, S (2004). Abrupt Non-linear Climate Change, Irreversibility and Surprise. Global Environmental Change, 14(3). 


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Sehrsweeny, M (2020). Covid-19 Is Just the Warm-Up Act for Climate Disaster. The Chronicle of Higher Education, Oct. 8.


Serkez, Y (2021). Every Country Has Its Own Climate Risk. What’s Yours? The New York Times, Jan. 28. [Very engaging interactive map site.]


Sharpe, S (2019). Telling the Boiling Frog What He Needs to Know: Why Climate Change Risks Should be Plotted as Probability Over Time.  Geoscience Communication, 2: 95–100.


Shaw, A, Lustgarten, A and Goldsmith, J (2020). New Climate Maps Show a Transformed United States. ProPublica, Sept. 15.


Sherwood, S et al., (2020). An Assessment of Earth's Climate Sensitivity Using Multiple Lines of Evidence. Reviews of Geophysics, 58(4).


Shukman, D (2021). Climate: World at Risk of Hitting Temperature Limit Soon. BBC News, May 27.


Smedsrud, L et al., (2022). Nordic Seas Heat Loss, Atlantic Inflow, and Arctic Sea Ice Cover Over the Last Century. Reviews of Geophysics, 60(1).


Sognnaes, I et al., (2021). A Multi-model Analysis of Long-term Emissions and Warming Implications of Current Mitigation Efforts. Nature Climate Change, .


Solomon, S, Plattner, G, Knutti, R and Friedlingstein, P (2009). Irreversible Climate Change Due to Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(6): 1704-1709.


Sommer, L (2021). This is What the World Looks Like if We Pass the Crucial 1.5-degree Climate Threshold. NPR, Nov. 8.


Sommer, L, Buchele, M, Samuel, M, Wight, P, Sakas, M, Mayer, A and Herz, N (2020). How Warming Winters Are Affecting Everything. NPR, Feb. 18.


Spano, D et al., (2021). G20 Climate Risk Atlas. Impacts, Policy and Economics in the G20. CMCC Foundation – Euro-Mediterranean Centre on Climate Change.


Specktor, B (2020). Earth Is Barreling Toward a 'Hothouse' State Not Seen in 50 Million Years. Live Science, Sept. 11.


Spera, S (2021). 234 Scientists Read 14,000+ Research Papers to Write the IPCC Climate Report – Here’s What You Need to Know and Why it’s a Big Deal. The Conversation, Aug. 5.


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Stone, M (2019). This Decade We Became Really, Really Sure Climate Change Is Real. Vice, Dec. 13.


Steuker, M et al., (2020). Strong Remote Control of Future Equatorial Warming by Off-equatorial Forcing. Nature Climate Change, 10.


Strauss, B (2021). The Carbon Skyscraper. Climate Central, Jan. 12. [Good for putting rates of change in context.]


Stylianou, N, Guiborg, C, Dunford, D, Rodgers, L, Brown, D and Rincon, P (2020). Climate Change: Where We are in Seven Charts and What You Can Do to Help. BBC News, Jan. 14.


Susskind, J, Schmidt, G, Lee, J and Iredell, L (2019). Recent Global Warming as Confirmed by AIRS. Environmental Research Letters, 14.


Thompson, S and Serkez, Y (2020). Every Place Has Its Own Climate Risk. What Is It Where You Live? The New York Times, Sept. 18. [Includes maps showing geographic variability in climate change related risk.]


Tisher, S (2021a). Climate Chronology. [Interactive timeline.]


Tisher, S (2021b). A Climate Chronology. University of Maine.


Titley, D (2017). Why is Climate Change’s 2 Degrees Celsius of Warming Limit So Important? The Conversation, Aug. 22.


Tollefson, J (2019). The Hard Truths of Climate Change — By the Numbers. Nature Briefing, Sept. 18. [Great graphics, not much text]


Trenberth, K (2021). Climate Change is Relentless: Seemingly Small Shifts have Big Consequences. The Conversation, Aug. 17.


Trencher, G (2011). Climate Change: What Happens after 2100? Our World, United Nations University, Nov. 16.


Truthout (2019a). Climate Change. [Collection of articles]


Truthout (2019b). Climate Disruption. [Collection of articles]


Turner, M et al., (2020). Climate Change, Ecosystems and Abrupt Change: Science Priorities. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 37(1794).


UNICEF (2021). The Climate Crisis is a Child Rights Crisis.


Union of Concerned Scientists (2011). Climate Hot Map: Global Warming Effects Around the World. [Interactive map leading to short blurbs of impacts. Can browse by region.]


United Nations (2021). World Ocean Assessment II.


United Nations Department of Global Communications (2019). Climate Change Threatens Progress Across Sustainable Development, Warns New UN Report. Sustainable Development Goals Blog, July 9.


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2013). Part 3 – The Consequences of Global Environmental Change for Society, in World Social Science Report 2013: Changing Global Environments.  [With many brief articles on this topic.]


United Nations Environment Programme (2018). Emissions Gap Report Interactive.


United Nations Environment Programme (2021). World Environment Situation Room. [Access to statistics, global monitoring reports, foresight and early warning reports, assessments, multilateral agreements, etc.]


United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2009). Climate Change: Impacts, Vulnerabilities and Adaptation in Developing Countries.


UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (2006).  On Better Terms: A Glance at Key Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction Concepts.


UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (2008).  Climate Change and Disaster Risk Reduction.  Briefing Note 01.


U.S. Climate Resilience Toolkit (2019). The Climate Explorer.  [Graphs of historical and projected climate variables for any county in the U.S.]


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (2021). Climate Change Indicators in the United States. [Big web site resource.]


U.S. Global Change Research Program (2017). Fourth National Climate Assessment, Vol. 1.


U.S. Global Change Research Program (2018). Fourth National Climate Assessment, V II: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation in the United States.


Vahedifard, F and AghaKouchak, A (2020). Climate Change Increases Risk of 'Cascading' Natural Disasters. The National Interest, May 25.


Vanham, D, Leip, A, Galli, A, Kastner, T, Bruckner, M, Uwizeye, A, Van Dijk, K, Ercin, E, Dalin, C, Brandao, M, Bastianoni, S, Fang, K, Leach, A, Chapagain, A, Van Der Velde, M, Sala, S, Pant, R, Mancini, L, Monforti-Ferrario, F, Carmona Garcia, G, Penedo De Sousa Marques, A, Weiss, F and Hoekstra, A (2019). Environmental Footprint Family to Address Local to Planetary Sustainability and Deliver on the SDGs. Science of The Total Environment, 693.


Van Houtan, K, Tanaka, K, Gagne, T and Becker, S (2021). The Geographic Disparity of Historical Greenhouse Emissions and Projected Climate Change. Science Advances, 7(29).


Voosen, P (2019). New Climate Models Predict a Warming Surge. Science Magazine, April 16. 


Wagner, G and Weitzman, M (2018). Potentially Large Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity Tail Uncertainty. Economics Letters, 168: 144-146.


Walker, R (2019). Australia May be the Canary in the Climate Change Coal Mine. The Hill, Dec. 13.


Wallace-Wells, D (2017). The Uninhabitable Earth. New York Magazine, July.


Wallace-Wells, D (2019). Disaster Upon Disaster. New York Magazine, June, 21.


Wallace-Wells, D (2020a). The Coronavirus Is a Preview of Our Climate-Change Future. New York Magazine, April 8.


Wallace-Wells, D (2020b). Welcome to the End of the ‘Human Climate Niche’. New York Magazine, May 19.


Wallace-Wells, D (2020c). Global Warming Is Melting Our Sense of Time. New York Magazine, June 27. 


Wallace-Wells, D (2021). After Alarmism. The War on Climate Denial has Been Won. And That’s Not the Only Good News. New York Magazine, Jan. 19.


Wanless, J (2021). How Warming Oceans Are Accelerating the Climate Crisis. The Nation, April 13.


Warren, R and Brown, S (2019). Not Convinced on the Need for Urgent Climate Action? Here's What Happens to Our Planet Between 1.5°C and 2°C of Global Warming. The Conversation, Sept. 24.


The White House Office of the Press Secretary (2016). FACT SHEET: What Climate Change Means for Your Health and Family. The White House of President Barak Obama archives.


Wilcox, P, Honiat, C, Trussel, M, Edwards, R and Spotl, C (2020). Exceptional Warmth and Climate Instability Occurred in the European Alps During the Last Interglacial period. Communications Earth & Environment, 1(57).


Wing, T (2017). Submerging Paradise: Climate Change in the Pacific Islands. Climate Institute, Dec. 28.


Wintour, P (2021). ‘Apocalypse Soon’: Reluctant Middle East Forced to Open Eyes to Climate Crisis. The Guardian, Oct. 29.


Wisebrod, K (2021). The Repercussions of a Changing Climate, in 5 Devastating Charts. Inside Climate News, Aug. 15.


Woetzel, J, Krishnan, M, Pinner, D, Samandari, H, Engel, H, Boland, B and Powis, C (2020). Climate Risk and Response: Physical Hazards and Socioeconomic Impacts. McKinsey Global Institute. [A web-friendly summary of a longer report, with good graphics.]  The full report -


World Meteorological Organization (2018). WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2017. WMO-No. 1212.


World Meteorological Organization (2019a). WMO Statement on the State of the Global Climate in 2018. WMO-No. 1233.


World Meteorological Organization (2019b). 2019 Concludes a Decade of Exceptional Global Heat and High-impact Weather. Press Release Number: 03122019.


World Meteorological Organization (2019c). WMO Provisional Statement of the State of the Global Climate in 2019.


World Meteorological Organization (2020). Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update.


World Meterological Organisation (2021). Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update.  [Observations over the past ten years and forecasts to 2025.]


Wunderling, N, Donges, J, Kurths, J and Winkelmann, R (2021). Interacting Tipping Elements Increase Risk of Climate Domino Effects Under Global Warming. Earth System Dynamics, 12.


Wursten, F (2021). Warmer and Wetter Climates Amplify Carbon Release., Feb. 24.


Xu,Y, Ramanathan,V and Victor, D (2019). Global Warming Will Happen Faster than We Think. Nature, 564: 30-32.


Yohe, G, Lasco, R, Ahmad, Q, Arnell, N, Cohen, S, Hope, C, Janetos A and Perez, R (2007). Perspectives on Climate Change and Sustainability, in Parry, M, Canziani, O, Palutikof, J, van der Linden, P and Hanson, C (Eds.), Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Pp: 811-841.


Yokohata, T et al., (2019). Visualizing the Interconnections Among Climate Risks. Earth’s Future, 7(2). 


Zaelke, D and Dreyfus, G (2021). The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Climate Change in 2021 — But it's Not Too Late to Act. The Hill, Dec. 29.


Zanna, L, Khatiwala, S, Gregory, JM, Ison J and Heimbach, P (2019). Global Reconstruction of Historical Ocean Heat Storage and Transport. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(4): 1126-1131.


Zelinka, M et al., (2020). Causes of Higher Climate Sensitivity in CMIP6 Models. Geophysical Research Letters, 47(1). [We appear to be underestimating the heating we will get from diminished clouds.]




        N. Pacific Northwest Specific [back to subsections]


Adaptation Partners (2019). Climate Change Adaptation Library for the Western United States.


Adelsmen, H and Ekram, J (2012). Preparing for a Changing Climate: Washington State’s Integrated Climate Response Strategy. WA State Dept. of Ecology.


Balk, G (2018). Washington Warmed Slowest of All States Over Past 30 years — But What Does it Mean for Climate Change? The Seattle Times, June 18.


Benton, H (2018). In a Changing Climate, Will Fire Make a Bigger Run in Western Washington Forests? Seattle Times, Sept. 4.


Binder, L (2017). Planning for Climate Change in the Puget Sound Region. University of Washington Climate Impacts Group. [Spiffy presentation]


Blethen, R (2019). How Climate Change Threatens our Health in the Pacific Northwest. Seattle Times, Sept. 18.


Bush, E (2021). In North Cascades, Researchers, Climbers Watch Washington’s Snowpack Quickly Melt, Exposing Glaciers’ Retreat. Seattle Times, Sept. 5.


Casola, J, Roop, H, Fellows, K, Galaviz, V, Gruen, D, Jacobs, S and Seto, E (2018). An Unfair Share: Exploring the Disproportionate Risks from Climate Change Facing Washington State Communities. A report prepared for Seattle Foundation by the UW Climate Impacts Group, and the UW Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences. University of Washington, Seattle.


Chang, H, Jones, J, Gannett, M, Tullos, D, Moradkhani, H, Vache, K, Parandvash, H, Shandas, V, Nolin, A, Fountain, A, Johnson, S, Jung, IW, House-Peters, L, Steele, M and Copeland, B (2010). Climate Change and Freshwater Resources in Oregon, in Dello, KD and Mote, PW (Eds.) Oregon Climate Assessment Report. Oregon Climate Change Research Institute, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State University.


Chang, H, Jung, I, Steele, M and Gannet, M (2012). Spatial Patterns of March and September Streamflow Trends in Pacific Northwest Streams, 1958–2008. Geographical Analysis, 44(3).


Climate Impacts Group (2009). The Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment. University of Washington.


Coughlin, M, Ellison, A and Cavanaugh, A (2019). Social Vulnerability and Wildfire in the Wildland-Urban Interface: Literature Synthesis. Ecosystem Workforce Program Working Paper Series, Institute for a Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon.


Crawford, I (2021a). Cascading Effects. Grist, March 6.


Crawford, I (2021b). Cascadia’s Communities of Color Speak Out Against Climate Injustice. Grist, April 10.

Creighton, J,.Strobel, M, Hardegree, S, Steele, R, Van Horne, B, Gravenmier, B, Owen, W, Peterson, D, Hoang, L, Little, N, Bochicchio, J, Hall, W, Cole, M, Hestvik, S and Olson, J (2015). Northwest Regional Climate Hub Assessment of Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies. United States Department of Agriculture.


Crowe, M (2021). Ocean Acidification: The Threat to Washington Shellfish, and How the Industry is Adapting. King5, Feb. 19.


Cuo, L, Lettenmaier, D, Alberti, M and Richey, J (2009). Effects of a Century of Land Cover and Climate Change on the Hydrology of the Puget Sound basin. Hydrological Processes, 23(6).


Dalton, M, Mote, P, and Snover, A [Eds.] (2013). Climate Change in the Northwest: Implications for Our Landscapes, Waters, and Communities. Washington, DC: Island Press.


De Place, E and DeStephano, P (2019). How Does Climate Change Affect Northwestern Wildfires? Sightline, Aug. 14.


Elsner, M, Cuo, L, Voison, N, Deems, J, Hamlet, A, Vano, J, Mickelson, K, Lee, S and Lettenmaier, D (2010). Implications of 21st Century Climate Change for the Hydrology of Washington State. Climatic Change, 102.


Farley, G (2022). Work Underway to Prepare Washington for the Loss of its 'Sixth Reservoir.', Feb. 22.


Feely, R, Alin, S, Newton, J, Sabine, C, Warner, M, Devol, A, Krembs, C and Maloy, C (2010). The Combined Effects of Ocean Acidification, Mixing, and Respiration on pH and Carbonate Saturation in an Urbanized Estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 88: 442-449.


Feely, R, Klinger, T, Newton, J and Chadsey, M [eds.] (2012). Scientific Summary of Ocean Acidification in Washington State Marine Waters. NOAA OAR Special Report.


Fyfe, J et al., (2017). Large Near-term Projected Snowpack Loss Over the Western United States. Nature Communications, 8. https://10.1038/ncomms14996


Gamage, M (2021). What Will It Take to ‘Future Proof’ BC? The Tyee, Nov. 17.


Gregg, R and Kershner, J (2019). Extremes to Ex-Streams: Ecological Drought Adaptation in a Changing Climate. EcoAdapt, Bainbridge Island.


Halofsky, J, Peterson, D and Harvey, B (2020). Changing Wildfire, Changing Forests: The Effects of Climate Change on Fire Regimes and Vegetation in the Pacific Northwest, USA. Fire Ecology, 16(4).


Hohner, A and Boll, J (2019). Washington Wildfires Disrupt Water Quality: Are Drinking Water Systems Resilient to Climate change? State of Washington Water Research Center, Washington State University. [A research proposal.]


Johnson, S (2021). Pacific Northwest Heatwave “Virtually Impossible” Without Climate Change. Ars Technica, July 7.


Kahn, B (2021). Satellite Images Reveal the Shocking Toll the Heat Wave Had on Pacific Northwest Snow and Ice. Gizmodo, July 15.


Krosby, M, Morgan, H, Case, M and Binder, L (2016). Stillaguamish Tribe Natural Resources Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment. University of Washington Climate Impacts Group.


Kuharic, M, Stroble, J and Whitely Binder, L (2021). King County 2020 Strategic Climate Action Plan. King County.


Kunjkler, A (2019). On the West Coast, Washington is Most Prone to Sea Level Rise Damage. Seattle Weekly, June 20.


Lawler, J (2016). Climate Change and Biodiversity in King County. King County.


Lawler, J and Mathias, M (2007). Climate Change and the Future of Biodiversity in Washington. Report prepared for the Washington Biodiversity Council.


Lee, S, Mauger, G and Won, J (2018). Effect of Climate Change on Flooding in King County Rivers: Using New Regional Climate Model Simulations to Quantify Changes in Flood Risk. Report prepared for King County. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington.


Littell, J, McGuire Elsner, M, Whitely Binder, L and Snover, A (2009). The Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment: Evaluating Washington's Future in a Changing Climate - Executive Summary. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington. 


MacArthur, J, Mote, P, Ideker, J, Figliozzi, M and Lee, M (2012). Climate Change Impact Assessment for Surface Transportation in the Pacific Northwest and Alaska. Washington State Department of Transportation, OTREC-RR-12-01.


Mapes, L (2021). This Tribe has Lived on the Coast of Washington for Thousands of Years. Now Climate Change is Forcing it Uphill. The Spokesman, Aug. 10.


Markoff, M and Cullen, A (2007). Impact of Climate Change on Pacific Northwest Hydropower. Climatic Change, 87.


Markstrom, S, Hay, L, Ward-Garrison, C, Risley, J, Battaglin, W, Bjerklie, D, Chase, K, Christiansen, D, Dudley, R, Hunt, R, Koczot, K, Mastin, M, Regan, R, Viger, R, Vining, K and Walker, J (2012). Integrated Watershed-scale Response to Climate Change for Selected Basins Across the United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5077. [Includes a chapter on the Naches River in WA state.]


Marlier, M, et al. (2017). The 2015 Drought in Washington State: A Harbinger of Things to Come? Environmental Research Letters, 12(11).


Mauger, G, Casola, J, Morgan, H, Strauch, R, Jones, B, Curry, B, Busch Isaksen, T, Whitely Binder, L, Krosby, M and Snover, A (2015). State of Knowledge: Climate Change in Puget Sound. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle.


Mauger, G, Hegewisch, K, Miller, I, Won, J and Lynch, C (2018a). Global Climate Projections, Sea Level Rise, and Extreme Precipitation: Final report to the Port Gamble S’Klallam Tribe. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington.


Mauger, G and Vogel, J (2020). PSP Climate Literature Review: A Tailored Review of Climate Change Science to Inform Recovery. Report prepared for the Puget Sound Partnership. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington.  [Concise literature review and annotated bibliography with links to key articles and reports.]


Mauger, G and Won, J (2020). Projecting Future High Flows on King County Rivers: Phase 2 Results. Report prepared for King County. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington. or


Mauger, G, Won, J, Hegewisch, K and Lynch, C (2017). New Projections of Changing Heavy Precipitation for the City of Everett. Report prepared for the City of Everett. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle.


Mauger, G, Won, J, Hegewisch, K, Lynch, C, Lorente Plazas, R and Salathé Jr., E (2018). New Projections of Changing Heavy Precipitation in King County. Report prepared for the King County Department of Natural Resources. Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington.


McKenzie, D. and Littell, J (2017). Climate Change and the Eco-hydrology of Fire: Will Area Burned Increase in a Warming Western USA? Ecological Applications, 27:26-36.


Menounos, B (2021). 2021 Was a Bad Year for Glaciers in Western North America — and it’s About to Get Much Worse. The Conversation, Nov. 7.


Miles, E, Elsner, M, Little, J, Whitely Binder, L and Lettenmaier, D (2010). Assessing Regional Impacts and Adaptation Strategies for Climate Change: The Washington Climate Change Impacts Assessment. Climatic Change, 102.


Miller, C (2021). Farewell, Fall: Climate Change Snuffing Out Much of Western Washington’s Autumn Foliage. King 5 News, Oct. 4.


Miller, I, Morgan, H, Mauger G, Newton, T, Weldon, R, Schmidt, D, Welch, M and Grossman, E (2018).  Projected Sea Level Rise for Washington State: A 2018 Assessment.  The Washington Coastal Resilience Project. A collaboration of Washington Sea Grant, University of Washington Climate Impacts Group, Oregon State University, University of Washington, and US Geological Survey.


Morgan, H, Bagley, A, McGill, L, and Raymond, C (2019). Managing Washington Wildfire Risk in a Changing Climate. Workshop summary report prepared by the Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center and the Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle.


Moore, S, Johnstone, J, Banas, N and Salathé Jr., E (2015). Present-day and Future Climate Pathways Affecting Alexandrium Blooms in Puget Sound, WA, USA. Harmful Algae, 48: 1–11.


Mote, P et al., (2003). Preparing for Climatic Change: The Water, Salmon, and Forests of the Pacific Northwest. Climatic Change, 61.


NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (2019). State Climate Summary: Washington. North Carolina Institute for Climate Studies.


North Coast and Cascades Inventory & Monitoring Network (2021). Glaciers Monitoring. [Includes yearly reports of the glacier mass in the North Cascades.]


PBS News Hour (2013). Trouble in the Water: Acidifying Oceans Hinder Health of Northwest Shellfish. [video report]


Petersen, A (2007). Anticipating Sea Level Rise Response in Puget Sound.  Thesis for Master of Marine Affairs. University of Washington, Seattle.


Pitz, C (2016). Predicted Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources of Washington State. WA State Department of Ecology, Publication No. 16-03-006.


Porter, L (2019). Straight Talk: Climate Change in the Northwest. KGW, Oct. 24.


Princing, M (2019). Wildfires Are the New PNW Summer Norm — and They’re Impacting Our Health. Right as Rain, UW Medicine, Aug.15.


Randall, C (2021). This 50-year Project Follows the Impacts of the Cascades' Melting Glaciers. National Geographic, Oct. 13.


Rath, J, Roy, S and Butcher, J (2107). Intensity Duration Frequency Curves and Trends for the City of Seattle. Technical Memorandum prepared for Seattle Public Utilities. 


Raymond, C, Faghin, N, Morgan, H, and Roop, H (2020.) How to Choose: A Primer for Selecting Sea Level Rise Projections for Washington State. A collaboration of Washington Sea Grant and University of Washington Climate Impacts Group.


Roberts, M, Mohamedali, T, Sackmann, B, Khangaonkar, T and Long W (2014). Puget Sound and the Straits Dissolved Oxygen Assessment: Impacts of Current and Future Nitrogen Sources and Climate Change Through 2070. Washington State Department of Ecology, Publication No. 14-03-007.


Roop, H, Mauger, G, Morgan, H, Snover, A and Krosby, M (2020). “Shifting Snowlines and Shorelines: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere and Implications for Washington State.” Briefing paper prepared by the Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle.


Ryan, J (2019). Rising Northwest Waters Bring Tough Choice: Fight or Flight. KUOW, Oct. 26.


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        O.  Permafrost, Hydrates and Methane [back to subsections]


Anthony, K, von Deimling, T, Nitze, I, Frolking, S, Emond, A, Daanen, R, Anthony, P, Lindgren, P Jones, B and Grosse, G (2018). 21st-century Modeled Permafrost Carbon Emissions Accelerated by Abrupt Thaw Beneath Lakes. Nature Communications, 9(3262).


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Chuvilin, E et al., (2022). In-situ Temperatures and Thermal Properties of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf Sediments: Key Input for Understanding the Dynamics of Subsea Permafrost. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 138.


Cockburn, H (2022). Thawing Permafrost Peatlands ‘On the Precipice’ of Releasing Billions of Tonnes of Carbon. Independent, March 15.


Dean, J, Middleburg, J, Rockmann, T, Aerts, R, Blauw, L, Egger, M, Jetten, M, de Jong, A, Meisel, O, Rasigraf, O, Slomp, C, Zandt, M, and Dolman, A (2018). Methane Feedbacks to the Global Climate System in a Warmer World. Reviews of Geophysics, 56, 207–250. 


Derouin, S (2021). Researchers Zero In On Methane Released from Reservoirs., Oct. 20.


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Froitzheim, N, Majka, J and Zastrozhnov, D (2021). Methane Release from Carbonate Rock Formations in the Siberian Permafrost Area During and After the 2020 Heat Wave. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(32).


Future Earth (2020). Global Methane Emissions Have Risen Nearly 10 Percent Over Last 20 Years.


Global Energy Monitor (2021). The Gas Index. [Monitors natural gas leaks in cities. Includes a report and case studies.]


Goudarzi, S (2016). What Lies Beneath: As Earth Warms, the Diseases That May Lie Within Permafrost Become a Bigger Worry. Scientific American, 315(5): 11-12.


Gray, R (2020). The Mystery of Siberia’s Exploding Craters. BBC Futures, Nov. 30.


Hernandez, M and Robles, P (2019). What is Permafrost and Why Might it Be the Climate Change Time Bomb? South China Morning Post, Feb. 19. (great animated graphics)


Herr, A (2020). Peatlands Could Become a Climate Feedback Loop We Definitely Don’t Want to Trigger. Grist, Aug. 3.


Hickey, H (2022). Bubbles of Methane Rising from Seafloor in Puget Sound., Jan 19.


Hmiel, B et al., (2020). Preindustrial 14CH4 Indicates Greater Anthropogenic Fossil CH4 Emissions. Nature, 578. 


Hunt, K (2022). Holes the Size of City Blocks are Forming in the Arctic Seafloor. CNN, March 14.


Joosten, H (2019). Permafrost Peatlands: Losing Ground in a Warming World, in United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP Frontiers 2018/19 Report: Emerging Issues of Environmental Concern.


Knoblauch, C, Beer, C, Liebner, S, Grigoriev, M and Pfeiffer, E (2018). Methane Production as Key to the Greenhouse Gas Budget of Thawing Permafrost. Nature Climate Change, 8(4): 309-312.


Lamarche-Gagnon, G, et al (2019). Greenland Melt Drives Continuous Export of Methane from the Ice-sheet Bed. Nature, 565: 73–77.


Lewkowicz, A and Way, R (2019). Extremes of Summer Climate Trigger Thousands of Thermokarst Landslides in a High Arctic Environment. Nature Communications, 10.


Mikaloff Fletcher, S and Schaefer, H (2019). Rising Methane: A New Climate Challenge. Science, 364(6444).


Mingle, J (2019). The Methane Detectives: On the Trail of a Global Warming Mystery., May 13.


Mooney, C (2019). Scientists Have Long Feared this ‘Feedback’ to the Climate system. Now They Say it’s Happening. Washington Post, Nov. 30.


Mufson, S (2021). Scientists Expected Thawing Wetlands in Siberia’s Permafrost. What they Found is ‘Much More Dangerous.’ The Washington Post, Aug. 2.


Natali, S et al., (2021). Permafrost Carbon Feedbacks Threaten Global Climate Goals. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(32).


Neumann, R, Moorberg, C, Lundquist, J, Turner, J, Waldrop, M, McFarland, J, Euskirchen, E, Edgar, C and Turetsky, M (2019). Warming Effects of Spring Rainfall Increase Methane Emissions From Thawing Permafrost. Geophysical Research Letters, 46.


Nisbet, E, et al. (2019). Very Strong Atmospheric Methane Growth in the Four years 2014-2017: Implications for the Paris Agreement. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 3(33): 318-342.


Paul, C, et al., (2022). Rapid Seafloor Changes Associated with the Degradation of Arctic Submarine Permafrost. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 119(12).


Pearce, F (2019). Trees Emit a Surprisingly Large Amount of Methane. Wired, July 9.


Pearce, F (2022). Climate Negotiators Are Seriously Underestimating Methane’s Warming Power. Mother Jones, March 2.


Powell, T (2019). Methane's 20- and 100-Year Climate Effect is Like 'CO2 on Steroids.'  Sightline Institute. Feb., 12.


Ramm, E et al., (2020). The Forgotten Nutrient — The Role of Nitrogen in Permafrost Soils of Northern China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 37.


Resnick, B (2109). Scientists Feared Unstoppable Emissions from Melting Permafrost. They May Have Already Started. Vox, Dec. 12.


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Ruppel, C and Kessler, J (2016). The Interaction of Climate Change and Methane Hydrates. Reviews of Geophysics, 55(1).


Sayedi, S et al., (2020). Subsea Permafrost Carbon Stocks and Climate Change Sensitivity Estimated by Expert Assessment. Environmental Research Letters, 15(2).


Schadel, C (2020). The Irreversible Emissions of a Permafrost ‘Tipping Point’. Carbon Brief, Feb. 12.


Shankman, S (2019). Losing Arctic Ice and Permafrost Will Cost Trillions as Earth Warms, Study Says. Inside Climate News, April 23.


Simon, M (2020). Permafrost Is Thawing So Fast, It’s Gouging Holes in the Arctic. Wired, Feb. 3.


Sinclair, P (2019). Polar Melting: 'Methane Time Bomb' Isn't Actually a 'Bomb'. Yale Climate Connections, Jan. 29.


Tayag, Y (2019). The 'Doomsday' Seed Vault Is Meeting Its Doom Sooner Than Expected. Inverse, March 27.


Tran, L (2022). Satellites Don’t Lie: Methane Emissions are 70% Higher than Reported. Grist, Feb. 24.


Turetsky, M et al., (2017). A Synthesis of Methane Emissions from 71 Northern, Temperate, and Subtropical Wetlands. Global Change Biology, 20(7).


Turetsky, M et al., (2019). Permafrost Collapse is Accelerating Carbon Release. Nature, 569.


Turetsky, M, et al., (2020). Carbon Release Through Abrupt Permafrost Thaw. Nature Geoscience, 13.


University of Birmingham (2021). Trees are Biggest Methane 'Vents' in Wetland Areas – Even When They're Dry., Dec. 6.


Watts, J (2020). 'Sleeping Giant' Arctic Methane Deposits Starting to Release, Scientists Find. The Guardian, Oct. 27.


Welch, C and Orlinsky, K (2019). Climate Change has Finally Caught Up to this Alaska Village. National Geographic, Oct. 22.


Wilkerson, J, (2019). Permafrost Nitrous Oxide Emissions Observed on a Landscape Scale Using the Airborne Eddy-covariance Method. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19: 4257-4268.


Yumashev, D, Hope, C, Schaefer, K, Riemann-Campe, K, Iglesias-Suarez, F, Jafarov, E, Birke, E, Young, P, Elshorbany, Y and Whiteman, G (2019). Climate Policy Implications of Nonlinear Decline of Arctic land Permafrost and Other Cryosphere Elements. Nature Communications, 10.


Zhu, Y, et al., (2020). Disproportionate Increase in Freshwater Methane Emissions Induced by Experimental Warming. Nature Climate Change, 10.



        P. Sea Level Rise and Coastal Flooding [back to subsections]


Alizad, K, Hagen, S, Morris, J, Medeiros, S, Bilskie, M and Weishampel, J (2016). Coastal Wetland Response to Sealevel Rise in a Fluvial Estuarine System. Earth’s Future, 4(11).


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Anderson, T, Fletcher, C, Barbee, M, Romine, B, Lemmo, S and Delevaux, J (2018). Modeling Multiple Sea Level Rise Stresses Reveals Up to Twice the Land at Risk Compared to Strictly Passive Flooding Methods. Scientific Reports, 8(14484).


Aschwanden, A, Fahnestock, M, Truffer, M, Brinker, D, Hock,R, Khroulev, C, Mottram, R and Khan, S (2019). Contribution of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Sea Level Over the Next Millennium. Science Advvances, 5(6).


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Bittermann, K, Rahmstorf, S, Kopp, R and Kemp, A (2017). Global Mean Sea-level Rise in a World Agreed Upon in Paris. Environmental Research Letters, 12(12).


Brown, S, Nicholls, R, Goodwin, P, Haigh, I, Lincke, D, Vafeidis, A and Hinkel, J (2018). Quantifying Land and People Exposed to SeaLevel Rise with No Mitigation and 1.5°C and 2.0°C Rise in Global Temperatures to Year 2300. Earth’s Future, 6(3).


Buchanan, M, Oppenheimer, M and Kopp, K (2017). Amplification of Flood Frequencies with Local Sea Level Rise and Emerging Flood Regimes. Environmental Research Letters, 12.


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Cazenave, A and Cozannet, G (2013). Sea Level Rise and its Coastal Impacts. Earth’s Future, 2(2).


The Center for Climate and Security (2017). Military Expert Panel Report: Sea Level Rise and the U.S. Military’s Mission.


Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2017). Coastal Flooding, Climate Change, and Your Health: What You Can Do to Prepare. U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services.


Climate Central (2019a). Mapping Choices: Which Sea Level Will We Lock In?  (interactive maps)


Climate Central (2019b). Surging Seas Risk Finder.


Climate Central (2019c). Report: Flooded Future: Global Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise Worse than Previously Understood.


Climate Central and Zillow (2018). Ocean at the Door: New Homes and the Rising Sea.


Cusik, D (2021). Miami Is the “Most Vulnerable” Coastal City Worldwide. Scientific American, Feb. 24.


Dahl, K Spanger-Siegfried, E, Caldas, A and Udvardy, S (2017). Effective Inundation of Continental United States Communities with 21st Century Sea Level Rise. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 5.


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Data.Gov (2019). Climate - Coastal Flooding: Tools.


Duensing, R (2022). Sea-level Rise Creating ‘Ghost Forests' in North Carolina. WNCN Raleigh, March 15.


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Ensor, C and Eby, M (2019). Environmental Science Behind Increasing Flood Trends. First Street Foundation, March 21.


Fasullo, J, Neremi, R and Hamlington, B (2016). Is the Detection of Accelerated Sea Level Rise Imminent? Nature Scientific Reports, 6(3124).


Fatima, R, Wadud, A and Coelho, S (2014). Human Rights, Climate Change, Environmental Degradation and Migration: A New Paradigm. Migration Policy Institute. [Includes a focus on sinking islands]


Flavelle, C (2018). Miami Will Be Underwater Soon. Its Drinking Water Could Go First. Bloomberg, Aug. 29.


Flavelle, C (2020). U.S. Flood Strategy Shifts to ‘Unavoidable’ Relocation of Entire Neighborhoods. The New York Times, Aug. 26.


FloodiQ (2020). What’s Your Flood Risk?  [Interactive map that considers different coastal flooding events and projects up to 15 years in the future.]


Fogwill, C, Turney, C and Thomas, Z (2020). Ancient Antarctic Ice Melt Caused Extreme Sea Level Rise 129,000 years ago – and It Could Happen Again. The Conversation, Feb. 12.


Funes, Y (2020). Sea Level Rise Alone Threatens to Crush the Global Economy. Gizmodo, July 30.


Garner, A, Weiss, J, Parris, A, Kopp, R, Horton, R, Overpeck, J and Horton, B (2018). Evolution of 21st Century Sea Level Rise Projections. Earth’s Future, 6(11).


Gilbert, L (2021). Sea Level Data Confirms Climate Modeling Projections were Right., Feb. 15.


Global Sea Level Budget Group (2018). Global Sea-level Budget 1993–present. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 10: 1551-1590.


Goodier, R (2018). How Climate Change Could Break the Internet. Popular Mechanics, July 19.


Grabowski, M (2021). Sea-level Rise Drives Wastewater Leakage to Coastal Waters., March 12.


Gupta, J (2018). Rising Sea Consumes Bengal Coast. The Third Pole, Dec. 24.


Hailye, T and Stark, K (2021). Maps: See Which Bay Area Locations Are at Risk from Rising Seas. KQED, April 22.


Hall, J, Gill, S, Obeysekera, J, Sweet, W, Knuuti, K and Marburger, J (2016). Regional Sea Level Scenarios for Coastal Risk Management: Managing the Uncertainty of Future Sea Level Change and Extreme Water Levels for Department of Defense Coastal Sites Worldwide. U.S. Department of Defense, Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program.


Hallegatte, S, Green, C, Nicholls, R and Corfee-Morlot, J (2013). Future Flood Losses in Major Coastal Cities. Nature Climate Change, 3: 802-806.


Hauer, M (2017). Migration Induced by Sea-level Rise Could Reshape the US Population Landscape. Nature Climate Change, 7: 321–325.


Hauer, M, Hardy, D, Kulp, S, Mueller, V, Wrathall, D and Clark, P (2021). Assessing Population Exposure to Coastal Flooding Due to Sea Level Rise. Nature Communications, 12.


Herrera-Garcia, G et al., (2021). Mapping the Global Threat of Land Subsidence. Science, 371(6524).


Hino, M, Belanger, S, Field, C, Davies, A and Mach, K (201). High-tide Flooding Disrupts Local Economic Activity. Science Advances, 5(2).


Hino, M, Field, C and Mach, K (2017). Managed Retreat as a Response to Natural Hazard Risk. Nature Climate Change, 7: 364–370. 


Hooijer, A and Vernimmen, R (2021). Global LiDAR Land Elevation Data Reveal Greatest Sea-level Rise Vulnerability in the Tropics. Nature Communications, 12(3592).


Horn-Muller, A, Zoppo, A and Warren, M (2020). Barely Above Water. Climate Central, Dec. 9. [Affordable housing is at greater risk to sea level rise flooding.]


Horton, B, Kopp, R, Garner, A, Hay, C, Khan, N, Roy, K and Shaw, T (2018). Mapping Sea-Level Change in Time, Space, and Probability. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 43.


Huang, T and Maghsadi, N (2020). Runways Underwater: Maps Show Where Rising Seas Threaten 80 Airports Around the World. Resource Watch, Feb. 5.


Hummel, M, Berry, M and Stacey, M (2018). Sea Level Rise Impacts on Wastewater Treatment Systems Along the U.S. Coasts. Earth’s Future, 6(4).


Ivanova, I (2020). Sea Level Rise Could Destroy 20% of the World's GDP by 2100. CBS News, July 30.


Jackson, L, Grinsted, A and Jevrejeva, S (2018). 21st Century SeaLevel Rise in Line with the Paris Accord. Earth’s Future, 6(2).


Johnson, S (2021). Sea Level Rise Uncertainties: Why All Eyes Are On Antarctica. Ars Technica, May 6.


Khanna, P Droxler, A, Nittrouer, J, Tunnell, J and Shirley, T (2017). Coralgal Reef Morphology Records Punctuated Sea-level Rise During the Last Deglaciation. Nature Communications, 8(1).


Kidwell, D, Dietrich, J, Hagen, S and Medeiros, S (2017). An Earth's Future Special Collection: Impacts of the Coastal Dynamics of Sea Level Rise on Lowgradient Coastal Landscapes. Earth’s Future, 5(1).


Kirezci, E, Young, I, Ranasinghe, R, Muis, S, Nichols, R, Lincke, D and Hinkel, J (2020). Projections of Global-scale Extreme Sea Levels and Resulting Episodic Coastal Flooding Over the 21st Century. Scientific Reports, 10.


Kluger, J (2019). These Charts Show How High Sea Levels Will Rise if Antarctica's Ice Continues to Melt. Time, Sept. 12.  [Good graphics]


Kopp, R, Horton, R, Little, C, Mitrovica, J, Oppenheimer, M, Rasmussen, J, Strauss, B and Tebaldi, C (2014). Probabilistic 21st and 22nd Century Sealevel Projections at a Global Network of Tidegauge Sites. Earth’s Future, 2(8).


Kozak, C (2020). Sea Level Rise Puts Septic, Sewers At Risk. Coastal Review Online, June 18.


Kulp, S and Strauss, B (2019). New Elevation Data Triple Estimates of Global Vulnerability to Sea-level Rise and Coastal Flooding. Nature Communications, 10(4844).


Kunjkler, A (2019). On the West Coast, Washington is Most Prone to Sea Level Rise Damage. Seattle Weekly, June 20.


Legresy, B (2014). Sea Level: Understanding the Past – Improving Projections for the Future. The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) of Australia.


LeRoy, S and Wiles, R (2019). High Tide Tax: The Price to Protect Coastal Communities from Rising Seas. The Center for Climate Integrity.


Love, R, Milne, G, Tarasov, L, Engelhart, S, Hijma, M, Latychev, K, Horton, B, Tornqvist, T (2016). The Contribution of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment to Projections of Sealevel Change Along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts of North America. Earth’s Future, 4(10).


Lu, D and Flavelle, C (2019). Rising Seas Will Erase More Cities by 2050, New Research Shows. New York Times, Oct. 29.


Mahoney, A (2021). Toxic Tides: Climate Change Expected to Cause 400 Toxic California Sites to Flood by 2100. Dec. 3.


Mapes, L (2021). This Tribe has Lived on the Coast of Washington for Thousands of Years. Now Climate Change is Forcing it Uphill. The Spokesman, Aug. 10.


McGrath, M (2020). Climate Change: Dams Played Key Role in Limiting Sea Level Rise. BBC News, Aug. 19.


Mooney, C (2019).  Earth Is 'Missing' at Least 20 Ft of Sea Level Rise. Antarctica Could Be The Time Bomb. Science Alert.


Morrison, J (2018). Flooding Hot Spots: Why Seas Are Rising Faster on the U.S. East Coast. Yale Environment 360.


NASA (2020a) Rising Tides: Understanding Sea Level Rise. [Video]


NASA (2020b). Rising Waters: How NASA is Monitoring Sea Level. [Engaging, features animated visuals]


NASA (2022). Interagency Sea Level Rise Scenario Tool.


National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (2019a). Coastal Flood Exposure Mapper.,4439107,5z


National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (2019b). Sea Level Rise Viewer. NOAA Office for Coastal Management.


National Ocean Service (2022). 2022 Sea Level Rise Technical Report. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration.


Nauels, A Gutschow, J, Mengel, M, Meinshausen, M, Clark, P and Schleussner, C (2019). Attributing Long-Term Sea-level Rise to Paris Agreement Emission Pledges. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(47).


Nerem, R, Beckley, B, Fasullo, J, Hamlington, B, Masters, D and Mitchum, G (2018). Climate-change–Driven Accelerated Sea-level Rise Detected in the Altimeter Era. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 115(9): 2022-2025.


Parker, L (2021). Miami Condo Collapse Highlights Urgent Need to Adapt to Rising Seas. National Geographic, July 21.


Petek, G (2020). What Threat Does Sea-Level Rise Pose to California? Legislative Analyst’s Office, The California Legislature’s Nonpartisan Fiscal and Policy Advisor. [Good one]


Petersen, A (2007). Anticipating Sea Level Rise Response in Puget Sound.  Thesis for Master of Marine Affairs. University of Washington, Seattle.


Pinto, T (2019).  Experts Say Sea Level Rise May Kill the 30-year Mortgage in Florida. Miami Beach Times, May 30.


Prange, M, Wilke, T and Wesselingh, F (2020). The Other Side of Sea Level Change. Communications Earth & Environment, 1(69). [Water levels in inland seas and lakes globally will drop in response to climate change.]


Raimi, D, Keyes, A and Kingdon, C (2021). Florida Climate Outlook: Assessing Physical and Economic Impacts through 2040. Resources for the Future.


Raymond, C, Faghin, N, Morgan, H, and Roop, H (2020.) How to Choose: A Primer for Selecting Sea Level Rise Projections for Washington State. A collaboration of Washington Sea Grant and University of Washington Climate Impacts Group.


Real News Network (2018a). Global Warming’s Impact on Ocean Currents to Amplify Sea Level Rise. [video of interview]


Rmao, M (2021). Coastal Californians, Prepare for the Ocean to Rise 10 feet by Century’s End. Grist, Nov. 15.


Robinson, C, Dilkina, B and Moreno-Cruz, J (2020). Modeling Migration Patterns in the USA Under Sea Level Rise. PLoS ONE, 15(1).


Roop, H, Mauger, G, Morgan, H, Snover, A and Krosby, M (2020). “Shifting Snowlines and Shorelines: The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere and Implications for Washington State.” Briefing paper prepared by the Climate Impacts Group, University of Washington, Seattle.


Rush, E (2020). Buy High, Sell Low. Anthropocene, 5.


Saintilan, N, Khan, N, Ashe, E, Kelleway, J, Rogers, K, Woodroffe, C and Horton, B (2020). Thresholds of Mangrove Survival Under Rapid Sea Level Rise. Science, 368(6495).


Schinko, T, Drouet, L, Vrontisi, Z, Hof, A, Hinkel, J, Mochizuki, J, Bosetti, V, Fragkiadakis, K, van Vuuren, D and Lincke, D (2020). Economy-wide Effects of Coastal Flooding Due to Sea Level Rise: A Multi-model Simultaneous Treatment of Mitigation, Adaptation, and Residual Impacts. Environmental Research Communications, 2(1).


Shamsuddoha, M (2005). Climate Change, Disaster and Coastal Vulnerabilities in Bangladesh.


Siegert, M, Alley, R, Rignot, E, Englander, J and Corell, R (2020). Twenty-First Century Sea-Level Rise Could Exceed IPCC Projections for Strong-Warming Futures. One Earth, 3(6).


Siegle, E and Costa, M (2017). Nearshore Wave Power Increase on ReefShaped Coasts Due to SeaLevel Rise. Earth’s Future, 5(10).


Simon, M (2022). Sea Level Rise Will Be Catastrophic—and Unequal. Wired, Feb. 24.


Simpson, D (2011). City of Olympia Engineered Response to Sea Level Rise. Coast & Harbor Engineering.


Southeast Florida Regional Climate Change Compact Sea Level Rise Work Group (2020). Unified Sea Level Rise Projection Southeast Florida: 2019 Update.


Steinberg, N, Gannon, C and Turner, J (2019). Demystifying Climate Scenario Analysis for Financial Stakeholders. Four Twenty Seven Report, Moody’s Corporation.


Steinberg, N (2019). Anticipating Sea Level Rise Impacts on Real Estate Investments. Four Twenty Seven Newsletter, May 22. Moody’s Corporation. [Focus on Florida.]


Storlazzi, C, Gingerich, S, Dongeren, A, Cheriton, O, Swarzenski, P, Quatert, E, Voss, C, Field, D, Annamalai, H, Piniak, G and McCall, R (2018).  Most Atolls Will be Uninhabitable by the Mid-21st century Because of Sea-level Rise Exacerbating Wave-driven Flooding. Science Advances, 4(4).


Strauss, B, Kopp, R, Sweet, W and Bitterman, K (2016). Unnatural Coastal Floods: Sea Level Rise and the Human Fingerprint on U.S. Floods Since 1950. Climate Central Research Report.


Strauss, B, Kulp, S and Levermann, A (2015). Carbon Choices Determine US Cities Committed to Futures Below Sea Level. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(44): 13508-13513.


Strauss, B, Kulp, S, Rasmussen, D and Levermann, A (2021). Unprecedented Threats to Cities from Multi-Century Sea Level Rise. Environmental Research Letters, Oct. 11.


Strauss, B et al., (2021). Economic Damages from Hurricane Sandy Attributable to Sea Level Rise Caused by Anthropogenic Climate Change. Nature Communications, 12.


Sweet, W, Dusek, G, Obeysekera, J and Marra, J (2018). Patterns and Projections of High Tide Flooding Along the U.S. Coastline Using a Common Impact Threshold. NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 086.


Sweet, W, Kopp, R, Weaver, C, Obeysekera, J, Horton, R, Thieler, R and Zervas, C (2017). Global and Regional Sea Level Rise Scenarios for the United States. NOAA Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 083.


Sweet, W, Marra, J and Dusek, G (2017). 2016 State of U.S. High Tide Flooding and a 2017 Outlook. NOAA.


Sweet, W, Park, J. Marra, J, Zervas, C and Gill, S (2014). Sea Level Rise and Nuisance Flood Frequency Changes around the United States. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Technical Report NOS CO-OPS 073.


Timmer, J (2021). Climate-driven Coastal Flooding in the US Likely to Get Worse Suddenly. Ars Technica, June 22.


Turner, N (2022). What New Projections of Sea Level Rise Mean for Puget Sound and the WA Coast. The Seattle Times, Feb. 26.


Union of Concerned Scientists (2018). Underwater: Rising Seas, Chronic Floods, and the Implications for US Coastal Real Estate. [includes interactive map and data by state or community]


University of Exeter (2020). Sea-level Rise Will Have Complex Consequences: Study., Nov. 4.


U.S. Global Change Research Program (2017). Ch. 12: Sea Level Rise, in Fourth National Climate Assessment, Vol. 1.


Vitousek, S, Barnard, P, Fletcher, C, Frazer, N, Erikson, L and Storlazzi, C (2017). Doubling of Coastal Flooding Frequency within Decades Due to Sea-level Rise. Scientific Reports, 7(1399).


Vitousek, S, Barnard, P and Limber, P (2017). Can Beaches Survive Climate Change? Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface, 122(4): 1060-1067.


Vousdoukas, M, Mentaschi, L, Voukouvalas, E, Verlaan, M and Feyen, L (2017). Extreme Sea Levels on the Rise along Europe's Coasts. Earth’s Future, 5(3).


Walker, J, Kopp, R, Little, C and Horton, B (2022). Timing of Emergence of Modern Rates of Sea-level Rise by 1863. Nature Communications, 13.


Watts, J (2017). From Miami to Shanghai: 3C of Warming Will Leave World Cities Below Sea Level. The Guardian, Nov. 3.


Wing, T (2017). Submerging Paradise: Climate Change in the Pacific Islands. Climate Institute, Dec. 28.


World Health Organization (2014). Quantitative Risk Assessment of the Effects of Climate Change on Selected Causes of Death, 2030s and 2050s. World Health Organization.


Yawn, A (2020). As Gulf Swallows Louisiana Island, Displaced Tribe Fears the Future. The American South, USA Today Network, Feb. 27. [Personalizing sea level rise and climate migration. Very engaging, lots of graphics.]


Yesudian, A and Dawson, R (2021). Global Analysis of Sea Level Rise Risk to Airports. Climate Risk Management, 31.


Zurich (2019). Rising Sea Levels Threaten Global Economy. Bloomberg, Sept.24. 




        Q. Tropical Cyclones [back to subsections]


Berardelli, J (2019). How Climate Change is Making Hurricanes More Dangerous. Yale Climate Connections, July 8.


Bhatia, K et al., (2018). Projected Response of Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Intensification in a Global Climate Model. Journal of Climate, 31(20).


Bhatia, K, Vecchi, G, Knutson, T, Murakami, H, Kossin, J, Dixon, K and Whitlock, C (2019). Recent Increases in Tropical Cyclone Intensification Rates. Nature Communications, 10(635).


Bruggers, J (2021). Six Takeaways About Tropical Cyclones and Hurricanes from The New IPCC Report. Inside Climate News, Aug. 13.


Campbell, L (2022). North Carolina Hurricanes Linked to Increases in Gastrointestinal Illnesses in Marginalized Communities. Inside Climate News, March 7.


Casella, C (2020). 40 Years of Data Confirm Hurricanes Are Getting Stronger. Climate Models Were Right. Science Alert, May 23.


Center for Climate and Energy Solutions (2021). Hurricanes and Climate Change.


Climate Council (2017). Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change: Fact Sheet. 


Dembicki, G (2019). The $1 Trillion Storm: How a Single Hurricane Could Rupture the World Economy. Vice, March 2.


Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (2019). Global Warming and Hurricanes. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.


Grinsted, A, Ditlevsen, P and Christensen, J (2019). Normalized US Hurricane Damage Estimates Using Area of Total Destruction, 1900−2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(48). [Area of total destruction is getting bigger]


Guzman, O and Jiang, H (2021). Global Increase in Tropical Cyclone Rain Rate. Nature Communications, 12.


Hall, T and Kossin, J (2019). Hurricane Stalling Along the North American Coast and Implications for Rainfall. npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 2(17).


Holland, G and Bruyere, C (2014). Recent Intense Hurricane Response to Global Climate Change. Climate Dynamics, 42.


Januta , A (2021). North Atlantic Hurricanes Have Become More Frequent Amid Warming – Study. Reuters, Dec. 3.


Kelley, A (2021). Scientists Blow Up Decades of Thinking on Why Hurricanes are Becoming More Deadly. The Hill, Changing America, March 9.


Knutson, T (2021). Global Warming and Hurricanes. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory. [Overview of the topic with links to many resources.]


Knutson, T, McBride, J, Bruyere, C, Chan, J, Elsner, J, Emanuel, K, Held, I, Holland, G, Landsea, C, Kossin, J, Srivastava, A, Sugi, M and Walsh, K (2010). Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change: A Review of Recent Research and Assessments. World Meteorological Organization.


Knutson, T, McBride, J, Chan, J, Emanuel, K, Holland, G, Landsea, C, Held, I, Kossin, J, Srivastava, A, and Sugi, M (2010). Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change. Nature Geoscience, 3: 157-163.


Kossin, J (2018). A Global Slowdown of Tropical-cyclone Translation Speed. Nature, 558.


Kossin, J, Emanuel, K and Vecchi, G (2014). The Poleward Migration of the Location of Tropical Cyclone Maximum Intensity. Nature, 509: 349-352.


Kossin, J, Knapp, K, Olander, T and Velden, C (2020). Global Increase in Major Tropical Cyclone Exceedance Probability Over the Past Four Decades. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 117(22).


Meyer, R (2021). We’re Hitting the Limits of Hurricane Preparedness. The Atlantic, Aug. 29.


Mooney, C and Freeman, A (2020. Hurricane Laura’s Rapid Intensification is a Sign of a Warming Climate, Scientists say. The Washington Post, Aug. 27.


Morford, S (2021). Hurricane Ida: 4 Essential Reads About New Orleans’ High Hurricane Risk and What Climate Change Has to Do With the Storms. The Conversation, Aug. 30.


Oldenborgh, G, et al., (2017). Attribution of Extreme Rainfall from Hurricane Harvey, August 2017. Environmental Research Letters, 12(12).


Pugatch, T (2019). Tropical Storms and Mortality Under Climate Change. World Development, 117.


Reed, K, Stansfield, A, Wehner, M and Zarzycki, C (2020). Forecasted Attribution of the Human Influence on Hurricane Florence. Science Advances, 6(1).


Rubiano, M (2021). Ida Left Behind a Water Crisis in the Gulf. Grist, Sept. 8.


Shelton, J (2022). Future Hurricanes Will Roam Over More of the Earth, Study Predicts., Jan 3.


Siegel, E (2021). Yes, Global Warming Is Changing How Hurricanes Work. Forbes, Aug. 31. [Surprisingly thorough overview of variables in hurricane formation and the impacts of climate change.]


Studholme, J, Fedorov, A, Gulev, S, Emmanuel, K and Hodges, K (2021). Poleward Expansion of Tropical Cyclone Latitudes in Warming Climates. Nature Geoscience, .


Sugi, M, Murakimi, H and Yoshida, K (2017). Projection of Future Changes in the Frequency of Intense Tropical Cyclones. Climate Dynamics, 49(1-2): 619-632.


Ting, M, Kossin, J, Camargo, S and Li, C (2019). Past and Future Hurricane Intensity Change along the U.S. East Coast. Scientific Reports, 9(7795).


Vano, J, Dettinger, M, Cifelli, R, Curtis, D, Dufour, A, Miller, K, Olsen, R and Wilson, A (2018). Hydroclimatic Extremes as Challenges for the Water Management Community: Lessons from Oroville Dam and Hurricane Harvey.  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, December.


Vosper, E (2020). Hurricanes Could Be Up To Five Times More Likely In The Caribbean If Tougher Targets Are Missed. Scienmag, Aug. 27.


Weisberger, M (2018). Climate Change Made Recent Hurricanes Wetter. And They May Get Worse., Nov. 16.


Wright, D, Knutson, T and Smith, J (2015). Regional Climate Model Projections of Rainfall from U.S. Landfalling Tropical Cyclones. Climate Dynamics, 45(11-12): 3365-3379.



        R.  Water Supplies and Systems [back to subsections]


Abdulla, F, Gafrej, R, Nagy, Z, Palfi, G and Szabo, E (2017). Water Scarcity and Drought: A Good Practice Handbook. Regional Environmental Center, Szentendre, Hungary.


Adelsmen, H and Ekram, J (2012). Chapter 7: Water Resources, in Preparing for a Changing Climate: Washington State’s Integrated Climate Response Strategy. WA State Dept. of Ecology.  


Alcamo, J, Florke, M and Marker, M (2007). Future Long-term Changes in Global Water Resources Driven by Socio-economic and Climatic Changes. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 52(2).


Alcamo, J, Märker, M, Flörke, M, and Vassolo, S (2003). Water and Climate: A Global Perspective. Kassel World Water Series 6, Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel.


Baba, A, Tayfur, G, Gunduz, O, Howard, K, Friedel, M and Chambel, A (200). Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources: Issues of National and Global Security. NATO Science for Peace and Security Series C: Environmental Security book series, volume 3. [A book - not free for download.]


Barlow, M (2021). The Water Cycle is Intensifying as the Climate Warms, IPCC Report Warns – That Means More Intense Storms and Flooding. The Conversation, Aug. 9.


Berwyn, B (2020). New Study Projects Severe Water Shortages in the Colorado River Basin. Inside Climate News, Feb. 20.


Betts, R et al., (2018). Changes in Climate Extremes, Freshwater Availability and Vulnerability to Food Insecurity Projected at 1.5°C and 2°C Global Warming with a Higher-resolution Global Climate Model. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 376.


Borunda, A (2019).  The World's Supply of Fresh Water is in Trouble as Mountain Ice Vanishes. National Geographic, Dec. 9.


Brown, T, Mahat, V and Ramirez, J (2019). Adaptation to Future Water Shortages in the United States Caused by Population Growth and Climate Change. Earth’s Future, 7(3).


Bryson, D (2021). U.S. West Faces Little-known Effect of Raging Wildfires: Contaminated Water. Reuters, July 1.


Cassella, C (2020). It May Be Too Late to Save The World's Largest Lake from Climate Change. Science Alert, Dec. 26.


Cheng, L, Trenberth, K, Gruber, N, Abraham, J, Fasullo, J, Li, G, Mann, M, Zhao, X and Zhu, J (2020). Improved Estimates of Changes in Upper Ocean Salinity and the Hydrological Cycle. Journal of Climate, 1.


Climate One (2017. Water Whiplash. [Summary, transcript, and recording of a panel discussion on the impacts of climate change on weather, water and agriculture in California.]


Coates, D (2010). Freshwater and Climate Change: Dealing with Too Much and Too Little. Biodiversity and Climate Change Issue Paper No. 3. United Nations Environment Programme.


Colman, Z (2019). The Toxic Waste Threat that Climate Change is Making Worse. Politico, Aug. 26.


Cruickshank, A (2021). How Rivers in the Sky Melted Antarctic Ice. Hakai Magazine, Feb. 25.


Doell, P, Trautmann, T, Gerten, D, Muller-Schmied, H, Ostberg, S, Saeed, F and Schleussner, C (2018). Risks for the Global Freshwater System at 1.5 °C and 2 °C Global Warming. Environmental Research Letters, 13(044038).


Denchak, M (2019). Flooding and Climate Change: Everything You Need to Know. NRDC, April 10.


Der Esch, S, ten Brink, B, Stehfest, E, Bakkenes, M, Sewell, A, Bouwman, A, Meijer, J, Westhoek, H and van den Berg, M (2017). Exploring Future Changes in Land Use and Land Condition and the Impacts on Food, Water, Climate Change and Biodiversity. PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency.


Dorfman, M and Mehta, M (2011). Thirsty for Answers: Preparing for the Water-related Impacts of Climate Change in American Cities. National Resource Defense Council.


Famiglietti, J (2019). A Map of the Future of Water. Trend Magazine, The Pew Charitable Trusts.


Farley, G (2022). Work Underway to Prepare Washington for the Loss of its 'Sixth Reservoir.', Feb. 22.


Fecht, S (2019). How Climate Change Impacts Our Water. State of the Planet, Sept. 23. Earth Institute, Columbia University. [Good one for students]


Filipelli, G and Ortiz, J (2020). Climate Change Threatens Drinking Water Quality Across the Great Lakes. The Conversation, April 29.


Flavelle, C (2018). Miami Will Be Underwater Soon. Its Drinking Water Could Go First. Bloomberg, Aug. 29.


Fung, F, Lopez, A and New, M (2011). Water Availability in +2°C and +4°C Worlds. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A, 369(1934).


Furniss, M et al., (2010). Water, Climate Change, and Forests: Watershed Stewardship for a Changing Climate. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-812. U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Furniss, M, Roby, K, Cenderelli, D, Chatel, J, Clifton, C, Clingenpeel, A, Hays, P, Higgins, D, Hodges, K, Howe, C, Jungst, L, Louie, J, Mai, C, Martinez, R, Overton, K, Staab, B, Steinke, R, and Weinhold, M (2013). Assessing the Vulnerability of Watersheds to Climate Change: Results of National Forest Watershed Vulnerability Pilot Assessments. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-884. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture.


Gosling, S and Arnell, N (2016). A Global Assessment of the Impact of Climate Change on Water Scarcity. Climatic Change, 134.


Grabowski, M (2021). Sea-level Rise Drives Wastewater Leakage to Coastal Waters., March 12.


Gronewold, D and Rood, R (2019). Climate Change is Driving Rapid Shifts Between High and Low Water Levels on the Great Lakes. The Conversation, June 4.


Gudmundsson, L et al., (2021). Globally Observed Trends in Mean and Extreme River Flow Attributed to Climate Change. Science, 371(6534).


Hanjra, M and Qureshi, M (2010). Global Water Crisis and Future Food Security in an Era of Climate Change. Food Policy, 35(5). 


Hassol, S, Ebi, K and Serkez, Y (2021). America in 2090: The Impact of Extreme Heat, in Maps. The New York Times, July 21.  [Many good map visualizations.]


He, C, Liu, Z, Wu, J, Pan, X, Fang, Z, Li, J and Bryan, B (2021). Future Global Urban Water Scarcity and Potential Solutions. Nature Communications, 12.


Hersher, R (2021). NYC's Subway Flooding Isn't A Fluke. It's The Reality For Cities In A Warming World. NPR, Sept. 2.


Ho, S (2019). India Among The 17 Countries Running Out Of Water Because Of Climate Change. Green Queen, Sept. 11.


Hohenthal, J and Minoia, P (2017). Social Aspects of Water Scarcity and Drought, in Eslamian, S and Eslamian, F (eds) Handbook of Drought and Water Scarcity. Principle of Drought and Water Scarcity. CRC Press, Tailor & Francis LTD.


Huang, Z, Hejazi, M, Tang, Q, Vernon, C, Liu, Y, Chen, M, and Calvin, K (2019). Global Agricultural Green and Blue Water Consumption Under Future Climate and Land Use Changes. Journal of Hydrology, 574: 242-256.


International Hydrological Programme (2011). The Impact of Global Change on Water Resources: the Response of UNESCO's International Hydrological Programme. UNESCO.


International Union for the Conservation of Nature (2015). Water and Climate Change. Issues Brief.


Johnson, S (2021). Pacific Northwest Heatwave “Virtually Impossible” Without Climate Change. Ars Technica, July 7.


Kelley, M (2022). California's 'Climate Whiplash' has been Worsening for 50 Years and Will Continue., Jan. 11.


Koutroulis, A, Papadimitriou, L, Grillakis, M, Tsanis, I, Warren, R and Betts, R (2019). Global Water Availability Under High-end Climate Change: A Vulnerability Based Assessment. Global and Planetary Change, 175.


Kraemer, B et al., (2021). Climate Change Drives Widespread Shifts in Lake Thermal Habitat. Nature Climate Change, 11.


Kumar, S, Lawrence, D, Dirmeyer, P and Sheffield, J (2014). Less Reliable Water Availability in the 21st Century Climate Projections. Earth’s Future, 2(3).


Leahy, S (2019a). Billions Face Food, Water Shortages Over Next 30 Years as Nature Fails. National Geographic, Oct. 10.


Leahy, S (2019b). Thirsty Future Ahead as Climate Change Explodes Plant Growth. National Geographic, Nov. 4.


Liu, M, Vecchi, G, Soden, B, Yang, W and Zhang, B (2021). Enhanced Hydrological Cycle Increases Ocean Heat Uptake and Moderates Transient Climate Change. Nature Climate Change, .


MacDonald, G (2010). Water, Climate Change, and Sustainability in the Southwest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(50).


Mankin, J, Seager, R, Smerdon, J, Cook, B and Williams, A (2019). Mid-latitude Freshwater Availability Reduced by Projected Vegetation Responses to Climate Change. Nature Geoscience, 12.


Mankin, J, Viviroli, D, Singh, D, Hoekstra, A and Diffenbaugh, N (2015). The Potential for Snow to Supply Human Water Demand in the Present and Future. Environmental Research Letters, 10(11).


Markstrom, S, Hay, L, Ward-Garrison, C, Risley, J, Battaglin, W, Bjerklie, D, Chase, K, Christiansen, D, Dudley, R, Hunt, R, Koczot, K, Mastin, M, Regan, R, Viger, R, Vining, K and Walker, J (2012). Integrated Watershed-scale Response to Climate Change for Selected Basins Across the United States. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5077. [Includes a chapter on the Naches River in WA state.]


Martinez, G and Bastemeijer, T (2011). Climate Change Adaptation and Water Integrity: A Global Challenge, in Transparency International (ed.), Global Corruption Report: Climate Change. Earthscan, London.


Mason, N and Corfee-Morlot, J (2019). Climate Change Is Hurting Africa’s Water Sector, but Investing in Water Can Pay Off. World Resources Institute.


Mazdiyasni, O and AghaKouchak, A (2015). Substantial Increase in Concurrent Droughts and Heatwaves in the United States. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(37).


Messager, M, Lehner, B, Cockburn, C, Lamouroux, N, Pella, H, Snelder, T, Tockner, K, Trautmann, T, Watt, C and Datry, T (2021). Global Prevalence of Non-perennial Rivers and Streams. Nature, 594.


Milly, P and Dunne, K (2020). Colorado River Flow Dwindles as Warming-driven Loss of Reflective Snow Energizes Evaporation. Science, 367(6483).


Milly, P, Betancourt, J, Falkenmark, M, Hirsch, R, Kundzewicz, Z, Lettenmaier, D and Stouffer, R (2008). Stationarity Is Dead: Whither Water Management? Science, 319.


Morrison, J (2022). Backed-up Pipes, Stinky Yards: Climate Change is Wrecking Septic Tanks. The Washington Post, April 12.


Mukheibir, P (2010). Water Access, Water Scarcity, and Climate Change. Environmental Management, 45.


Narang, S (2018a). Navajo Women Struggle to Preserve Traditions as Climate Change Intensifies. Public Radio International. [coping with a water crisis]


Narang, S (2018b). 360 Video: Climate Change on the Navajo Nation. Public Radio International.


National Resource Defense Council (2010). Water Facts - Climate Change, Water, and Risk: Current Water Demands Are Not Sustainable. (interactive maps)


Obringer, R, Kumar, R and Nateghi, R (2020). Managing the Water–electricity Demand Nexus in a Warming Climate. Climatic Change, 159.


Parish, E, Kodra, E, Steinhaeuser, Kand Ganguly, A (2012). Estimating Future Global per Capita Water Availability Based on Changes in Climate and Population. Computers & Geosciences, 42.


Pleitgen, F, Otto, C, Dewan, A and Tawfeeq, M (2021). The Middle East is Running Out of Water, and Parts of it are Becoming Uninhabitable. CNN, Aug. 22.


Pokhrel, Y et al., (2021). Global Terrestrial Water Storage and Drought Severity Under Climate Change. Nature Climate Change, 11.


Pokhrel, Y and Felfelani, F (2021). Two-thirds of Earth’s Land is On Pace to Lose Water as the Climate Warms – That’s a Problem for People, Crops and Forests. The Conversation, Jan. 11.


Prange, M, Wilke, T and Wesselingh, F (2020). The Other Side of Sea Level Change. Communications Earth & Environment, 1(69).


Pruski, F and Nearing, M (2002). Runoff and Soil-loss Responses to Changes in Precipitation: A Computer Simulation Study. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 57(1).


Randall, K (2019). Global Water Map Could Warn of Future Floods. Futurity, July 25.


Roy, S, Chen, L, Girvetz, E, Maurer, E, Mills, W and Grieb, T (2010). Evaluating Sustainability of Projected Water Demands Under Future Climate Change Scenarios. Tetra Tech.


Roy, S, Chen, L, Girvetz, E, Maurer, E, Mills, W and Grieb, T (2012). Projecting Water Withdrawal and Supply for Future Decades in the U.S. Under Climate Change Scenarios. Environmental Science & Technology, 46.


Rubiano, M (2021). Ida Left Behind a Water Crisis in the Gulf. Grist, Sept. 8.


Ruegg, P (2021). Climate Change is Altering Rivers Around the World. Futurity, March 15.


Schlosser, C, Strzepek, K, Gao, X, Fant, C, Blanc, E, Paltsev, S, Jacoby, H, Reilly, J and Gueneau, A (2014). The Future of Global Water Stress: An Integrated Assessment. Earth’s Future, 2(8).


Schreiner-McGraw, A and Ajami, H (2021). Delayed Response of Groundwater to Multi-year Meteorological Droughts in the Absence of Anthropogenic Management. Journal of Hydrology, 603(B).


Scienmag (2020). A New Study of Ocean Salinity Finds Substantial Amplification of the Global Water Cycle.


Srivastav, A, Dhyani, R, Ranjan, M, Madav, S and Sillanpaa, M (2021). Climate-resilient Strategies for Sustainable Management of Water Resources and Agriculture. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28.


Stern, M, Flint, L, Flint, A, Knowles, N and Wright, S (2020). The Future of Sediment Transport and Streamflow Under a Changing Climate and the Implications for LongTerm Resilience of the San Francisco BayDelta. Water Resources Research, 56(9).


Sullivan, K (2021). Minnesota’s Lakes are Running Low on Oxygen. Popular Science, Dec. 22.


Temple, J (2019). India’s Water Crisis is Already Here. Climate Change Will Compound It. MIT Technology Review, April 24.


Turral, H, Burke, J and Faures, JM (2011). Climate Change, Water and Food Security. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.


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UN-Water Expert Group on Water and Climate Change (2019). Climate Change and Water. UN-Water Policy Brief.


University of South Wales (2022). Global Warming is Amplifying Our Water Cycle—and it's Happening Much Faster Than We Expected., Feb. 23.


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US Environmental Protection Agency (2017). Climate Impacts on Water Resources.


U. S. Global Change Research Program (2014). Water Supply, in National Climate Assessment. Global


Vahmani, P, Jones, A and Li, D (2022). Will Anthropogenic Warming Increase Evapotranspiration? Examining Irrigation Water Demand Implications of Climate Change in California. Earth’s Future, 10(1).


Van der Voo, L (2021). Young Farmers Lose Hope as Drought Closes In: ‘It’s Like a Sad Country Song’. The Guardian, Aug. 5. [About the Klamath water crisis.]


Van der Wiel, K and Bintanja, R (2021). Contribution of Climatic Changes in Mean and Variability to Monthly Temperature and Precipitation Extremes. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1).


Vano, J, Voisin, N, Cuo, L, Hamlet, A, Elsner, M, Palmer, R, Polebitski, A and Lettenmaier, D (2020). Climate Change Impacts on Water Management in the Puget Sound Region, Washington State, USA. Climatic Change, 102.


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        S.   Weather Extremes and Geographic Shifts [back to subsections]


Achenbach, J and Fritz, A (2018). Climate Change is Supercharging a Hot and Dangerous Summer. The Washington Post, July 26.


Alfieri, L, Bisselink, B, Dottori, F, Naumann, G, de Roo, A, Salamon, P, Wyser, K and Feyen, L (2017). Global Projections of River Flood Risk in a Warmer World. Earth’s Future, 5(2).


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Climate Central (2019b). Extreme Heat: When Outdoor Sports Become Risky.


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Heilweil, R (2021). The US Power Grid Isn’t Ready for Climate Change. Vox, July 3.


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International Center for Tropical Agriculture (2019). Dramatic Rainfall Changes for Key Crops Predicted Even with Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions. ScienceDaily, March 11.


International Panel on Climate Change (2021). Worlds Apart: A Story of Three Possible Warmer Worlds. [Visually compelling and concise.]


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Littell, J, Peterson, D, Riley, K, Liu, Y and Luce, C (2016). A Review of the Relationships Between Drought and Forest Fire in the United States. Global Change Biolog,y 22:2353-2369.


Lo, YTE, Mitchell, D, Gasparrini, A, Vicedo-Cabrera, A, Ebi, K, Frumhoff, P, Millar, R, Roberts, W, Sera, F, Sparrow, S, Uhe, P and Williams, G (2019). Increasing Mitigation Ambition to Meet the Paris Agreement’s Temperature Goal Avoids Substantial Heat-related Mortality in U.S. Cities. Science Advances, 5(6).


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Mora, C et al., (2017). Global Risk of Deadly Heat. Nature Climate Change, 7: 501–506.


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