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differentiate Differentiation.
earray Extensible numpy arrays.
fft Wrappers for the FFT. Uses the :pkg:`anfft` package if available (which
integrate Integration Utilities.
interp Interpolation library for use with scipy.
linalg Linear Algebra Routines
multigrid Multigrid Solvers.
special Special Functions.
fermi_functions Compute various properties of free fermions.
ind2sub(shape, ind) Return the tuple of subscripts indexing into an array of specified shape from a linear index.
sub2ind(shape, sub) Return the linear index corresponding to the tuple of subscripts sub into an array of specified shape.
almost_equal(a, b[, absTol, relTol]) Checks if a almost equals b to within the tolerances specified.
almost_zero(a[, absTol]) Checks if a is almost zero to within the tolerances specified.
EllipticF(theta, m) Incomplete elliptic integrals of the first kind.
EllipticE(theta, m) Incomplete elliptic integrals of the second kind.
ellipsoid_area(a[, b, c]) The surface area of the ellipsoid: x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2+z^2/c^2 = 1.
ellipse_perimeter(a[, b]) The perimeter of the ellipse: x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2 = 1.
cbrt(c3, c2, c1, c0) Return the three roots (r1,r2,r3) to the cubic equation c3*x^3+c2*x^2+c1*x+c0=0.
step(x[, x0, dx, d]) Return the `d`th derivative of a smoothed step function.
LambertW(x[, k, abs_tol, rel_tol]) Return w=W_k(x) where x = w e^w to the desired precision.
S(d) Return the surface-area of a d-dimensional sphere (without the r**(d-1) factor.
LerchPhi(z, s, a) Return the Lerch Trancident function \Phi(z,s,a) on a restricted
Li(s, z) Return the polylogarithm \Li_s(z).
Fi(j, z) Return the complete Fermi-Dirac integral \operatorname{Fi}_{j}(z).
fermi_integral(mu, m, T[, pmax, singlet, ...]) Return density of a single species of free fermions of mass m
class mmf.math.fermi_functions

Bases: object

Compute various properties of free fermions.


>>> fermi_functions.P(1, 1, 1)               
>>> fermi_functions.N(1, 1, 1)               
>>> fermi_functions.N_s(1, 1, 1)              
>>> fermi_functions.dN_dmu(1, 1, 1)          
>>> fermi_functions.dN_dm(1, 1, 1)           

x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

classmethod N(mu, m, T)

Return the density.

classmethod N_s(mu, m, T)

Return the scalar density.

classmethod P(mu, m, T)

Return the pressure.

classmethod dN_dm(mu, m, T)

Return the derivative of the density wrt. m.

classmethod dN_dmu(mu, m, T)

Return the derivative of the density wrt. mu.

classmethod get_imt()

Return the class IMT instance. This is expensive to compute and so is “memoized”.

mmf.math.ind2sub(shape, ind)

Return the tuple of subscripts indexing into an array of specified shape from a linear index.

>>> shape = (2,3,4)
>>> ind = 3
>>> ind - sub2ind(shape,ind2sub(shape,ind))
>>> a = np.random.random_sample(shape)
>>> b = a.ravel()
>>> c = np.zeros(len(b))
>>> for n in range(len(b)):
...     c[n] = a[ind2sub(a.shape,n)]
>>> max(abs(c-b))
mmf.math.sub2ind(shape, sub)

Return the linear index corresponding to the tuple of subscripts sub into an array of specified shape.

>>> shape = (2,3,4)
>>> sub = (1,2,1)
>>> a = np.random.random_sample(shape)
>>> b = a.ravel()
>>> a[sub] - b[sub2ind(a.shape,sub)]
>>> c = np.zeros(len(b))
>>> for n0 in range(shape[0]):
...  for n1 in range(shape[1]):
...   for n2 in range(shape[2]):
...    c[sub2ind(shape,(n0,n1,n2))] = a[n0,n1,n2]
>>> max(abs(c-b))
mmf.math.almost_equal(a, b, absTol=2.2204460492503131e-16, relTol=2.2204460492503131e-16)

Checks if a almost equals b to within the tolerances specified.

>>> almost_equal(0,0)
>>> almost_equal(0.1,0)
>>> almost_equal(1.0,1.02,absTol=0.1,relTol=0.1)
>>> almost_equal(1.0,1.2,absTol=0.1,relTol=0.1)
mmf.math.almost_zero(a, absTol=2.2204460492503131e-16)

Checks if a is almost zero to within the tolerances specified.

>>> almost_zero(0.02,absTol=0.1)
>>> almost_zero(0.02,absTol=0.01)
mmf.math.EllipticF(theta, m)

Incomplete elliptic integrals of the first kind.

EllipticF(theta,m) = int_0^theta 1/sqrt{1-msin^2(t)} d{t}

mmf.math.EllipticE(theta, m)

Incomplete elliptic integrals of the second kind.

EllipticE(theta,m) = int_0^theta sqrt{1-msin^2(t)} d{t}

mmf.math.ellipsoid_area(a, b=None, c=None)

The surface area of the ellipsoid:

x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2+z^2/c^2 = 1.

ellipsoid_area(a) == ellipsoid_area(a,a,a) ellipsoid_area(a,b) == ellipsoid_area(a,b,b)

mmf.math.ellipse_perimeter(a, b=None)

The perimeter of the ellipse:

x^2/a^2+y^2/b^2 = 1.

ellipse_perimeter(a) == ellipse_perimeter(a,a)

mmf.math.cbrt(c3, c2, c1, c0)

Return the three roots (r1,r2,r3) to the cubic equation c3*x^3+c2*x^2+c1*x+c0=0. If the coefficients are real, r1 is guarenteed to be real.

mmf.math.step(x, x0=0.0, dx=0.0, d=0)

Return the `d`th derivative of a smoothed step function.

This is based on the following function

\frac{1 + \tanh\left(\frac{\pi}{2}\tan\frac{\pi x}{2}\right)}{2}


>>> import numpy as np
>>> step(-1.0)
>>> step(0.0)
>>> step(1.0, 1e-6, 1e-6/2)
>>> step(np.array(1.0), 1e-6, 1e-6/2)

The step function is implemented so that it is C(inf) smooth if dx > 0, strictly 1.0 for x > x0 + dx and strictly 0.0 for x < x0 - dx.

>>> step(np.array([0.9 - 1e-15,1.0,1.1 + 1e-15]),1.0,0.1)
array([ 0. ,  0.5,  1. ])
mmf.math.LambertW(x, k=0, abs_tol=2.2204460492503131e-16, rel_tol=2.2204460492503131e-16)

Return w=W_k(x) where x = w e^w to the desired precision.

Parameters :

x : float

k : -1, 1 or 0

Used to select the branch for x < 0.


Proceeds using the iteration:

w \mapsto  w - \frac{w e^w - x}
                    {(w+1)e^w - \frac{(w+2)(w e^w - x)}{2w + 2}}

which is based on Halley’s method. Close to the solution, the absolute error is approximately:

w - w^* \approx \frac{x - w e^w}{(1+w)e^w}.

The branch k is chosen via the initial guess. This is done with the first two terms in the asymptotic approximation for the non-principle branches

W_{k}(x) \approx \ln_k{x} - \ln(\ln_k{x}

where \ln_k{x} = \ln{x} + 2\pi i k and \ln{x} is the principle valued function. This does not work for the branches k=\pm 1 and the principle branch k=0 near 0 and -e^{-1}. Near the branch point -e^{-1} we use the series approximation

W(x) \approx -1 - p  - \tfrac{1}{3} p^2 + \tfrac{11}{72} p^3
+ \cdots

where p = \pm\sqrt{2ex + 1}. If \Im{x} >=0, then the positive p is a good approximation of the k=-1 branch, otherwise the positive p gives a good approximation for the k=1 branch.

For the principle branch, we use the approximation due to Winitzki??:

W(x) \approx \frac{2\ln(1+Bp) - \ln[1 + C\ln(1+Dp)] +E}
                  {1+(2\ln(1+Bp) + A)^-1}

where A=4.6948, B=0.8842, C=0.9294, D=0.5106, and E=-1.213.


>>> LambertW(-0.2, k=0)             
>>> LambertW(-0.2, k=1)             
>>> LambertW(-0.2, k=-1)            
>>> LambertW(0.0001, k=0)           
>>> LambertW(1.0,0)                 
>>> LambertW(1.0,1)                 
>>> LambertW(1.0,-1)                 
>>> LambertW(1.0,2)                 
>>> LambertW(-10.0,0)               


Fix initial guess near 0. This does not work for k!=0 branches:

>>> W = LambertW(0.001,k=-1)        
>>> np.allclose(W*np.exp(W), 0.001) 

Return the surface-area of a d-dimensional sphere (without the r**(d-1) factor.


>>> S(3)
>>> S(2)
>>> S(1)
mmf.math.LerchPhi(z, s, a)

Return the Lerch Trancident function \Phi(z,s,a) on a restricted domain.

\Phi(z,s,a) = \sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{z^n}{(n+a)^s}

Computes the result using the integral representation

\Phi(z,s,a) = \frac{1}{\Gamma(s)}\int_0^\infty \d{t}\;


>>> abs(LerchPhi(1,2,3) - (np.pi**2/6.0 - 5.0/4.0)) < 1e-12
>>> abs(LerchPhi(0.5,2,3) - 0.157924211720100047221250) < 1e-12
mmf.math.Li(s, z)

Return the polylogarithm \Li_s(z).

\Li_s(z) &= \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{z^k}{k^s}
          = z\Phi(z, s, 1),

mmf.math.Fi(j, z)

Return the complete Fermi-Dirac integral \operatorname{Fi}_{j}(z).

\operatorname{Fi}_{j}(z) &= \frac{1}{\Gamma(j + 1)}\int_{0}^{\infty}\d{t}\;
            \frac{t^{j}}{e^{t - z} + 1}
          = e^{z}\Phi(-e^{z},j+1,1)

mmf.math.fermi_integral(mu, m, T, pmax=None, singlet=False, abs_tol=None, rel_tol=None)

Return density of a single species of free fermions of mass m at temperature T and chemical potential mu in natural units (\hbar = c = 1). Does not include any degeneracy factors:

     \frac{p^{2}}{1+e^{(\sqrt{p^2 + m^2} - \mu)/T}}
     \frac{p^{2}}{1+e^{(\sqrt{p^2 + m^2} + \mu)/T}}

Parameters :

mu : float

Chemical potential

m : float


T : float


pmax : float

Upper limit on integration.

singlet : bool

If True, then the singlet density will be computed:

     \frac{m}{\sqrt{p^2 + m^2}}
       \frac{p^{2}}{1+e^{(\sqrt{p^2 + m^2} - \mu)/T}}
       \frac{p^{2}}{1+e^{(\sqrt{p^2 + m^2} + \mu)/T}}


>>> import math, numpy as np
>>> mu = 3.0
>>> m = 2.0
>>> T = 0.0
>>> pF = math.sqrt(mu*mu-m*m)
>>> N = fermi_integral(mu, m, T)
>>> np.allclose(N, pF**3/6/pi**2)
>>> import math, numpy as np
>>> mu = 30.0
>>> m = 22.0
>>> T = 0.00001
>>> pF = math.sqrt(mu*mu-m*m)
>>> N = fermi_integral(mu, m, T)
>>> np.allclose(N, pF**3/6/pi**2)