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modchol(A) Modified Cholesky factorization
block_diag(arrays) Create a new diagonal matrix from the provided arrays.

Linear Algebra Routines


Modified Cholesky factorization

R = cholmod(A) returns the upper Cholesky factor of A (same as chol) if A is (sufficiently) positive definite, and otherwise returns a modified factor R with diagonal entries >= sqrt(delta) and offdiagonal entries <= beta in absolute value, where delta and beta are defined in terms of size of diagonal and offdiagonal entries of A and the machine precision; see below. The idea is to ensure that E = A - R’*R is reasonably small if A is not too far from being indefinite. If A is sparse, so is R. The output parameter indef is set to 0 if `A is sufficiently positive definite and to 1 if the factorization is modified.

The point of modified Cholesky is to avoid computing eigenvalues, but for dense matrices, MODCHOL takes longer than calling the built-in EIG, because of the cost of interpreting the code, even though it only has one loop and uses vector operations.

reference: Nocedal and Wright, Algorithm 3.4 and subsequent discussion (not Algorithm 3.5, which is more complicated) original algorithm is due to Gill and Murray, 1974 written by M. Overton,, last modified Feb 2005

convenient to work with A = LDL’ where D is diagonal, L is unit lower triangular, and so R = (LD^(1/2))’


This is based on the following MATLAB code from Michael L. Overton:

function [R, indef, E] = cholmod(A)
if sum(sum(abs(A-A'))) > 0
    error('A is not symmetric')

% set parameters governing bounds on L and D (eps is machine epsilon)

n = length(A);
diagA = diag(A);
gamma = max(abs(diagA));             % max diagonal entry
xi = max(max(abs(A - diag(diagA))));  % max offidagonal entry
delta = eps*(max([gamma+xi, 1]));
beta = sqrt(max([gamma, xi/n, eps]));
indef = 0;

% initialize d and L

d = zeros(n,1);
if issparse(A)
    L = speye(n);  % sparse identity
    L = eye(n);

% there are no inner for loops, everything implemented with
% vector operations for a reasonable level of efficiency

for j = 1:n
    K = 1:j-1;  % column index: all columns to left of diagonal
                % d(K) doesn't work in case K is empty
    djtemp = A(j,j) - L(j,K)*(d(K,1).*L(j,K)');   % C(j,j) in book
    if j < n
        I = j+1:n;  % row index: all rows below diagonal
        Ccol = A(I,j) - L(I,K)*(d(K,1).*L(j,K)');  % C(I,j) in book
        theta = max(abs(Ccol));
        % guarantees d(j) not too small and L(I,j) not too big
        % in sufficiently positive definite case, d(j) = djtemp
        d(j) = max([abs(djtemp), (theta/beta)^2, delta]);
        L(I,j) = Ccol/d(j);
        d(j) = max([abs(djtemp), delta]);
    if d(j) > djtemp  % A was not sufficiently positive definite
        indef = 1;
% convert to usual output format: replace L by L*sqrt(D) and transpose
for j=1:n
    L(:,j) = L(:,j)*sqrt(d(j));   % L = L*diag(sqrt(d)) bad in sparse case
R = L';
if nargout == 3
    E = A - R'*R;


>>> np.random.seed(3)
>>> A = np.random.rand(100,100)*2-1
>>> A = A + A.T
>>> L, e = colmod(A)
>>> np.allclose(, L.T) - np.diag(e), A)
>>> 0 < np.linalg.eigvalsh(A + np.diag(e)).min()
>>> -e.max()/np.linalg.eigvalsh(A).min() < 1000

Create a new diagonal matrix from the provided arrays.

Parameters :

a, b, c, ... : ndarray

Input arrays.

Returns :

D : ndarray

Array with a, b, c, ... on the diagonal.

