notes | |
stencil | Stencil Module (mmf.math.multigrid.stencil) |
MG(*varargin, **kwargs) | Multigrid Poisson-like solver. |
MultiGrid | Multigrid Poisson-like solver. |
DivergenceError | Raised if the f_cycle fails to reduce the residual, signaling |
WignerSeitz(*varargin, **kwargs) | This class sets up the spherical Wigner-Seitz approximation to problems of the form |
Inheritance diagram for mmf.math.multigrid:
Multigrid Solvers.
This module provides efficient ways of solving Poisson-type equations:
For details, please see the notes in section Multigrid Method.
Remove parity and fix Neumann boundary conditions!
Add regression test for bug fixed in version 2553.
Bases: mmf.objects.StateVars
Multigrid Poisson-like solver.
This class solvers problems of the form
The present formulation restricts the boundary conditions to those
such that the operator can be implemented with a single
stencil acting on an augmented array where the augmented array
contains the neighbouring points. Presently these must be points
within the same grid. This allows one to implement periodic and
Neumann boundary conditions.
Most functions work with a representation x of some function evaluated on the grid or one of the sub-grids. The code allows for a vector-valued function, so one must have x.shape = (n,) + (N,)*d where n is the number of components of the vector-valued function, and N is the number of points in one direction of the grid.
In order to facilitate debugging, and to provide a solution even when the multigrid method is not working, we construct the linear operators so that scipy.sparse can provide solutions.
Neumann boundary conditions
>>> mg = MultiGrid(boundary_conditions='Neumann',
... d=1, n_0=3, n=2, L=1)
>>> n = np.arange(3)
>>> print(mg.get_N(n)); print(2**n*(mg.n_0[0] - 1)+1)
[3 5 9]
[3 5 9]
>>> print(mg.dx()[0]); print(mg.L/mg.get_N())
[[ 0.11111111]]
[ 0.11111111]
>>> print(mg.x(1))
[[ 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9]]
Periodic boundary conditions:
>>> mg = MultiGrid(boundary_conditions='periodic',
... d=1, n_0=2, n=2, L=1)
>>> n = np.arange(3)
>>> print(mg.get_N(n)); print(2**n*mg.n_0[-1])
[2 4 8]
[2 4 8]
>>> print(mg.dx()[0]); print(mg.L/mg.get_N())
[[ 0.125]]
[ 0.125]
>>> print(mg.x())
[[-0.4375 -0.3125 -0.1875 -0.0625 0.0625 0.1875 0.3125 0.4375]]
State Variables: | |
Depth of multigrid recursion stack. |
Size of the dimensions for the base problem which is solved exactly in full_multigrid(). Note that for periodic or Neumann boundary conditions, this should probably be at least 2 so that the base case is non-trivial. In general, if the problem is not perfectly posed, one may need to choose a larger value to ensure convergence. This may be a tuple with a separate n_0 for each dimension. |
Minimum size of linear system below which one should simply apply a direct solver. |
Number of dimensions |
Array with length of each dimension. Default is a square box of length 1. If this is a number, all axes have the same dimension. If it is a length d one-dimensional array, then the entries are the lengths of the respective axes. If it is a 2-dimensional array, then the columns specify the lattice vectors defining the whole lattice (the lengths of these are the L’s). |
(n_before, n_after). Number of calls to smooth() in v_cycle() before and after the iterative call. |
Absolute tolerance of solver (see solve()) |
Relative tolerance of solver (see solve()) |
Boundary conditions. These affect the relationship between the
lattice spacing
Center the periodic lattice. Note The centered lattice does not share common abscissa between the different grids. |
10 for debugging, 20 for plotting |
One of ‘GSLEX’ or ‘wJacobi’. See smooth_inplace(). |
Weight for smoothing algorithm as a fraction of the default. Default is 1 for ‘GSLEX’ (the weight is not adjustable yet) and 2/3 for ‘wJacobi’. See smooth_inplace(). |
‘gerschgorin’,‘abs_diagonal’, ‘Ditself’, None |
‘cgs’,‘bicgstab’, ‘cg’, ‘gmres’, ‘lgmres’ |
Counts the iterations used bythe sparse solver |
If this is defined, then the current state will be saved in a module of this name. |
If True then attempt linsolve for the base case, else jump to LdU decomposition straightaway. |
Computed Variables: | |
stencil.Stencil class for computing ![]() |
stencil.Interpolator class for interpolating/restricting. |
Columns give the axes of the full lattice. See T(). |
Inverse basis transformation. See T(). |
Abscissa. |
Shape of grid. |
Excluded Variables: | |
The Multigrid preconditioner has to be more accurate than the sparse solver by this factor. The factor is different for robust_solve() and robust_solve2(), and have been chosen after experimenting with tolerances. |
A(x[, D, scale_factor]) | Return A(x) |
all_items() | Return a list [(name, obj)] of (name, object) pairs containing all items available. |
archive(name) | Return a string representation that can be executed to restore the object. |
archive_1([env]) | Return (rep, args, imports). |
average(f) | Return the average value of f over the unit cell |
count(x[, A, b]) | |
dx([N]) | Return (dx, x_lower) where N is the number of |
dx_inv([shape]) | Return dx_inv where shape is the shape of the lattice, |
get_A([D, scale_factor]) | Return the matrix A. |
get_MAop([D, scale_factor, M, Dprecon, ...]) | Return the left preconditioned linear operator M*A. |
get_N([n, inverse]) | Return the number of points in the n‘th lattice. |
get_mats([D, scale_factor]) | Return (As, Is, Rs) where these are lists of the |
initialize(**kwargs) | Calls __init__() passing all assigned attributes. |
integrate(f) | Return the integral of f over the unit cell |
interpolate(b[, mask]) | Return the interpolation of the array b. |
items([archive]) | Return a list [(name, obj)] of (name, object) pairs where the |
mynorm(v) | norm of a vevtor v |
reshape(*argv) | Reshape arguments for processing. |
restrict(b[, mask]) | Return the restriction of the array b. |
resume() | Resume calls to __init__() from __setattr__(), |
return_Dprecon([D, preconditioner, ...]) | Return a suitable generalized mass matrix Dprecon for |
robust_solve(b[, D, Dprecon, scale_factor, ...]) | Return the solution to the problem: .. |
robust_solve2(b[, D, Dprecon, scale_factor, ...]) | Return the solution to the problem: .. |
save_current_state(D, A, b, abs_tol, ...) | Save the current state to file. |
smooth_inplace(x, b, A[, shape]) | Smooth x in place for system A*x=b. |
solve_(b[, D, scale_factor, x, abs_tol, ...]) | Return x, the solution to ![]() |
solve_using_preconditioner(b[, D, ...]) | Return the solution to the problem: .. |
solver([D, scale_factor]) | Return a MG_solver object that provides an |
suspend() | Suspend calls to __init__() from |
volume() | Return the volume of a unit cell. |
x([n]) | Return the n’th set of grid points. |
Initialize stuff
A(x[, D, scale_factor]) | Return A(x) |
all_items() | Return a list [(name, obj)] of (name, object) pairs containing all items available. |
archive(name) | Return a string representation that can be executed to restore the object. |
archive_1([env]) | Return (rep, args, imports). |
average(f) | Return the average value of f over the unit cell |
count(x[, A, b]) | |
dx([N]) | Return (dx, x_lower) where N is the number of |
dx_inv([shape]) | Return dx_inv where shape is the shape of the lattice, |
get_A([D, scale_factor]) | Return the matrix A. |
get_MAop([D, scale_factor, M, Dprecon, ...]) | Return the left preconditioned linear operator M*A. |
get_N([n, inverse]) | Return the number of points in the n‘th lattice. |
get_mats([D, scale_factor]) | Return (As, Is, Rs) where these are lists of the |
initialize(**kwargs) | Calls __init__() passing all assigned attributes. |
integrate(f) | Return the integral of f over the unit cell |
interpolate(b[, mask]) | Return the interpolation of the array b. |
items([archive]) | Return a list [(name, obj)] of (name, object) pairs where the |
mynorm(v) | norm of a vevtor v |
reshape(*argv) | Reshape arguments for processing. |
restrict(b[, mask]) | Return the restriction of the array b. |
resume() | Resume calls to __init__() from __setattr__(), |
return_Dprecon([D, preconditioner, ...]) | Return a suitable generalized mass matrix Dprecon for |
robust_solve(b[, D, Dprecon, scale_factor, ...]) | Return the solution to the problem: .. |
robust_solve2(b[, D, Dprecon, scale_factor, ...]) | Return the solution to the problem: .. |
save_current_state(D, A, b, abs_tol, ...) | Save the current state to file. |
smooth_inplace(x, b, A[, shape]) | Smooth x in place for system A*x=b. |
solve_(b[, D, scale_factor, x, abs_tol, ...]) | Return x, the solution to ![]() |
solve_using_preconditioner(b[, D, ...]) | Return the solution to the problem: .. |
solver([D, scale_factor]) | Return a MG_solver object that provides an |
suspend() | Suspend calls to __init__() from |
volume() | Return the volume of a unit cell. |
x([n]) | Return the n’th set of grid points. |
Initialize stuff
Return A(x)
Return the average value of f over the unit cell (average).
Return (dx, x_lower) where N is the number of points in the lattice, dx ` is the matrix who’s columns are the unit cell unit vectors and `x_lower is the coordinate of the lower corner.
Return dx_inv where shape is the shape of the lattice, dx ` is the inverse of the matrix `dx who’s columns are the unit cell unit vectors.
Return the matrix A.
Parameters : | D : array, optional
scale_factor : array, optional
Return the left preconditioned linear operator M*A.
This function is to be used as follows.
If we want to solve for such that
and know of a
preconditioning operator
, then it may be easier to solve for
Parameters : | M : sp.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator (optional)
Dprecon : array (optional)
Return the number of points in the n‘th lattice.
Return (As, Is, Rs) where these are lists of the matrices required for Galerkin consistency.
Parameters : | D : array, optional
scale_factor : array, optional
Return the integral of f over the unit cell (includes volume).
Return the interpolation of the array b.
Parameters : | b : array
mask : array, optional
>>> N = 15
>>> y1 = np.array([[1.0, 2, -1]])
>>> yd = np.ones((4,3,3,3)) # Test normalization with this
>>> m = MG(d=1, boundary_conditions='periodic')
>>> m.interpolate(y1)
array([[ 1. , 1.5, 2. , 0.5, -1. , 0. ]])
>>> N = m.x().shape[1]
>>> m.interpolate(np.zeros((3, N))).shape, 2*N
((3, 32), 32)
>>> m.d = 3
>>> abs(m.interpolate(yd) - 1).max()
>>> m = MG(d=1, boundary_conditions='Neumann')
>>> m.interpolate(y1)
array([[ 1. , 1.5, 2. , 0.5, -1. ]])
>>> N = m.x().shape[1]
>>> m.interpolate(np.zeros((3, N))).shape, 2*(N-1) + 1
((3, 17), 17)
>>> m.d = 3
>>> abs(m.interpolate(yd) - 1).max()
norm of a vevtor v
Reshape arguments for processing.
x = self.reshape(x)
x, m, D = self.reshape(x, m, D)
Parameters : | x : None
x : float
x : array
>>> mg = MultiGrid(n=0, n_0=2, d=1)
>>> mg.reshape(1)
array([[ 1., 1.]])
>>> mg.reshape(1,2,None)
[array([[ 1., 1.]]), array([[ 2., 2.]]), None]
>>> mg.reshape(1,[1, 2, 3, 4])
[array([[ 1., 1.],
[ 1., 1.]]), array([[1, 2],
[3, 4]])]
>>> mg = MultiGrid(n=0, d=2)
>>> f0 = np.sin(mg.x()[0])
>>> f1 = np.cos(mg.x()[0])
>>> f = np.array([f0,f1]).ravel()
>>> m = np.array([f0,f1]).ravel()
>>> D = np.array([[f0,f1],[2*f1,2*f0]])
>>> f_, m_, D_ = mg.reshape(f, m, D)
>>> np.allclose(f_[0,::], f0)
>>> np.allclose(f_[1,::], f1)
>>> np.allclose(m_[0,::], f0)
>>> np.allclose(m_[1,::], f1)
>>> np.allclose(D_[0,0,::], f0)
>>> np.allclose(D_[0,1,::], f1)
>>> np.allclose(D_[1,0,::], 2*f1)
>>> np.allclose(D_[1,1,::], 2*f0)
Return the restriction of the array b.
Parameters : | b : array
mask : array, optional
>>> m = MG(d=1, n_0=3, boundary_conditions='periodic')
>>> y = np.array([[0., 1, 2, -3, 5, -1]])
>>> m.restrict(y)
array([[ 0. , 0.5, 1.5]])
>>> y = np.ones((4,6,6,6)) # Test normalization
>>> m.d = 3
>>> abs(m.restrict(y) - 1).max()
>>> m = MG(d=1, n_0=3, boundary_conditions = 'Neumann')
>>> y = np.array([[0., 1, 2, -3, 5]])
>>> m.restrict(y)
array([[ 0.25, 0.5 , 1.75]])
Return a suitable generalized mass matrix Dprecon for which a multigrid preconditioner solving
can be used as a preconditioner to solving the real problem:
.. math::
left(-mat{s}nabla^2 + mat{D}) cdot x = b
The preconditioned mass term is made sufficiently definite that the multigrid algorithm will converge.
Return the solution to the problem:
Parameters : | b : array
scale_factor : array (optional)
This will always try to solve to the given max(rel_tol, abs_tol). abs_tol is supposed to be in units of b.
Return the solution to the problem:
Parameters : | b : array
scale_factor : array (optional)
This will always try to solve to the given max(rel_tol, abs_tol). abs_tol is supposed to be in units of b. The main differences from robust_solve are:
operator, rather than give M as a preconditioning operator to the sparse solver.
Save the current state to file.
Smooth x in place for system A*x=b.
Parameters : | x : array
b : array
A : csr_matrix
shape : tuple or None, optional
The following methods are implemented:
of as a preconditioner as well as a weight. The
full Jacobi step uses
(smoothing_weight) so
that the overall weight is 1, but this does not smooth very
well, hence the default overall weight is 2/3.
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> mg = MG(d=3, n=3, smoothing_algorithm='wJacobi')
>>> A = mg.get_mats()[0][-1]
>>> b = np.random.random(mg.shape)
>>> x = np.random.random(mg.shape)
>>> y = 1*x
>>> mg.smooth_inplace(x, b, A)
>>> y -= ((2./3*(A*y.ravel() - b.ravel())/A.diagonal()).
... reshape(y.shape))
>>> np.allclose(x, y)
two sweeps through the data in lexicographic ordering
solving each equation in the given system using the
previous solutions (by updating x in place). Let
be decomposed into
diagonal and triangular pieces. One sweep goes down,
corresponding to the iteration:
The second sweep corresponds to
The combined method is thus:
Note that if is symmetric, then
and so
, so the
combination of up and down sweeps maintains the symmetry.
>>> np.random.seed(0)
>>> mg = MG(d=3, n=3, smoothing_algorithm='GSLEX')
>>> A = mg.get_mats()[0][-1]
>>> b = np.random.random(mg.shape)
>>> x = np.random.random(mg.shape)
>>> y = 1*x
>>> mg.smooth_inplace(x, b, A)
>>> L = np.tril(A.toarray(), k=0) # Has diagonal piece L + D
>>> U = np.triu(A.toarray(), k=0) # Has diagonal piece U + D
>>> y -= np.linalg.solve(L, A*y.ravel()-b.ravel()).reshape(y.shape)
>>> y -= np.linalg.solve(U, A*y.ravel()-b.ravel()).reshape(y.shape)
>>> np.allclose(x, y)
Return x, the solution to where
This iterates _f_cycle() until convergence is achieved.
Parameters : | b : array
D : array, optional
scale_factor : array, optional
x : array, optional
abs_tol : float, optional
rel_tol : float, optional
max_iter : int, optional
Return the solution to the problem:
Parameters : | b : array
scale_factor : array (optional)
This will always try to solve to the given sparse_solver_rel_tol. The suggested sparse_solver_rel_tol is 100*rel_tol
Return a MG_solver object that provides an f_cycle and v_cycle operation.
Return the volume of a unit cell.
Return the n’th set of grid points. The ordering depends on the boundary conditions:
- Neumann:
In order to be consistent with a symmetric and charge-conserving Laplacian, the ghost-points must occur with a distance
. This leads to the following arrangements. We take the left ghost point as zero:
x o o x n=0 (n_0 = 2) x o o o x n=1 x o o o o o x n=2 |-----------------------------| 0 L- Periodic:
The left-most point of the unit cell is zero:
o x o o x o o o o x |-------| 0 LThe periodic_center attribute changes this so that the center of the grid is at 0:
x o x x o o x xo o o ox |——-|-L/2 0 L/2
>>> m = MG(d=2, n=0, n_0=5, L=5,
... boundary_conditions='periodic',
... periodic_center=True)
>>> x, y = m.x()
>>> np.allclose(x, np.fliplr(x)), np.allclose(y, np.flipud(y))
(True, True)
>>> x[:,0], y[0,:]
(array([-2., -1., 0., 1., 2.]), array([-2., -1., 0., 1., 2.]))
>>> m.periodic_center = False
>>> x, y = m.x()
>>> np.allclose(x, np.fliplr(x)), np.allclose(y, np.flipud(y))
(True, True)
>>> x[:,0], y[0,:]
(array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]), array([ 0., 1., 2., 3., 4.]))
>>> m = MG(d=3, n=0, n_0=5, L=5, boundary_conditions='Neumann')
>>> x, y, z = m.x()
>>> x[:2,0,0], y[0,:2,0], z[0,0,:2]
(array([ 0.5, 1.5]), array([ 0.5, 1.5]), array([ 0.5, 1.5]))
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Raised if the f_cycle fails to reduce the residual, signaling a divergence.
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
Bases: mmf.objects.StateVars
This class sets up the spherical Wigner-Seitz approximation to problems of the form
State Variables: | |
MultiGrid object. A multigrid cell to be approximated by a spherical Wigner-Seitz cell. |
n for the Wigner Seitz multigrid. self.mgWS.n |
Number of sparse solver iterations |
Verbosity. |
Print every iteration divisible by this. |
Computed Variables: | |
The radius of the Wigner-Seitz cell. |
MultiGrid object. A Wigner-Seitz cell that approximates a given multigrid cell. |
The stencil used for d^2 f/d r^2. |
The stencil used for d f/ dr. |
The stencil used for getting the contribution for D!=0. |
mg.d. |
mgWS.x()[0]. |
The volume is C_d*R**d. |
The surface area is S_d*R**(d-1). |
Used to regulate 1/r by replacing it with 1/np.sqrt(r**2+r_tiny**2). |
A_sphericalWS(x[, D, scale_factor]) | Return A(x) |
all_items() | Return a list [(name, obj)] of (name, object) pairs containing all items available. |
archive(name) | Return a string representation that can be executed to restore the object. |
archive_1([env]) | Return (rep, args, imports). |
average(f) | returns the integral of the field f divided |
count(x, sparse_solver[, A, b]) | |
discretized_volume() | returns the volume of the discretized hypershpere. |
get_A_sphericalWS([D, scale_factor]) | Return the matrix A`=:math:-scale_factor*nabla^2+D`. We write A |
get_MAopWS(isolver[, D, scale_factor, M, ...]) | Return the left preconditioned linear operator M*A. |
get_d_dr([D, scale_factor]) | Return the matrix g`=:math:`d f/d r. |
initialize(**kwargs) | Calls __init__() passing all assigned attributes. |
items([archive]) | Return a list [(name, obj)] of (name, object) pairs where the |
resume() | Resume calls to __init__() from __setattr__(), |
return_DpreconWS([D, preconditioner, ...]) | Return a suitable generalized mass matrix Dprecon for |
solve_using_preconditionerWS(b, sparse_solver) | Return the solution to the problem: .. |
suspend() | Suspend calls to __init__() from |
volume() | returns the volume of the hypershpere. |
Return A(x)
returns the integral of the field f divided by the volume.
Testing average of r**2 in 1, 2, 3d
>>> import mmf.math.multigrid._multigrid as multigrid_
>>> import numpy, scipy
>>> mg = multigrid_.MG(boundary_conditions='periodic',
... d=3, n=4, n_0=(2, 2, 2), L=1.0)
>>> ws = multigrid_.WignerSeitz(mg=mg, n=mg.n)
>>> ls_r = ws.mgWS.x()[0]
>>> ls_f = ls_r**2
>>> assert(np.allclose(ws.average(ls_f), (3.0/5)*ws.R**2, atol=1e-3))
>>> mg = multigrid_.MG(boundary_conditions='periodic',
... d=2, n=4, n_0=(2, 2), L=1.0)
>>> ws = multigrid_.WignerSeitz(mg=mg, n=mg.n)
>>> ls_r = ws.mgWS.x()[0]
>>> ls_f = ls_r**2
>>> assert(np.allclose(ws.average(ls_f), (2.0/4)*ws.R**2, atol=1e-3))
>>> mg = multigrid_.MG(boundary_conditions='periodic',
... d=1, n=4, n_0=(2, ), L=1.0)
>>> ws = multigrid_.WignerSeitz(mg=mg, n=mg.n)
>>> ls_r = ws.mgWS.x()[0]
>>> ls_f = ls_r**2
>>> assert(np.allclose(ws.average(ls_f), (1.0/3)*ws.R**2, atol=1e-3))
returns the volume of the discretized hypershpere. Examples ——– Testing volume in 1, 2, 3d
Return the matrix A`=:math:-scale_factor*nabla^2+D`. We write A for a spherical Wigner-Seitz cell in d-dimensions as follows.
Parameters : | D : array, optional
scale_factor : array, optional
Testing d^2 /dr^2
>>> import mmf.math.multigrid._multigrid as multigrid_
>>> import numpy, scipy
>>> mg = multigrid_.MG(boundary_conditions='Neumann',
... d=3, n=3, n_0=(2, 2, 2), L=1)
>>> ws = multigrid_.WignerSeitz(mg=mg, n=mg.n)
>>> assert(np.allclose(
... (np.pi**(mg.d/2.0)/scipy.special.gamma(1+mg.d/2.0))
... *(ws.R**mg.d), (2**mg.d)*mg.volume() ))
>>> ls_r = ws.mgWS.x()[0]
>>> ls_V = 1/np.sqrt(ls_r**2+ws.r_tiny**2)
>>> A = ws.get_A_sphericalWS()
>>> assert(np.allclose((A*ls_V)[1:-1], 0, atol=1e-3))
>>> mg = multigrid_.MG(boundary_conditions='Neumann',
... d=2, n=5, n_0=(2, 2), L=1)
>>> ws = multigrid_.WignerSeitz(mg=mg, n=mg.n)
>>> assert(np.allclose(
... (np.pi**(mg.d/2.0)/scipy.special.gamma(1+mg.d/2.0))
... *(ws.R**mg.d), (2**mg.d)*mg.volume() ))
>>> ls_r = ws.mgWS.x()[0]
>>> ls_V = scipy.log(np.sqrt(ls_r**2+ws.r_tiny**2/1000.0))
>>> #ls_V = 1/np.sqrt(ls_r**2+ws.r_tiny**2)
>>> A = ws.get_A_sphericalWS()
>>> #assert(np.allclose((A*ls_V)[1:-1], 0, atol=1e-3))
>>> #This is not a good test for small r.
Return the left preconditioned linear operator M*A.
This function is to be used as follows.
If we want to solve for such that
and know of a
preconditioning operator
, then it may be easier to solve for
Parameters : | M : sp.sparse.linalg.LinearOperator (optional)
Dprecon : array (optional)
Return the matrix g`=:math:`d f/d r. We write g for a spherical Wigner-Seitz cell in d-dimensions as follows.
Parameters : | D : array, optional
scale_factor : array, optional
Testing d/dr
>>> import mmf.math.multigrid._multigrid as multigrid_
>>> mg = multigrid_.MG(boundary_conditions='periodic',
... d=1, n_0=(2,), n=4, L=1)
>>> ws = multigrid_.WignerSeitz(mg=mg, n=mg.n)
>>> ls_r = ws.mgWS.x()[0]
>>> ls_V = np.cos(ls_r*2*np.pi)
>>> ls_dV = -2*np.pi*np.sin(ls_r*2*np.pi)
>>> A = ws.get_d_dr()
>>> dr = ws.mgWS.dx()[0][0,0]
>>> assert(np.allclose( A*ls_V/ls_dV, (np.sin(dr*2*np.pi)/(dr*2*np.pi)
... *np.ones(ws.mgWS.shape)) ))
>>> ls_f = np.zeros((1, ) + ls_r.shape)
>>> ls_f[0, :] = scipy.exp(-ls_r**4/4)
>>> D = np.zeros((1, 1) + ls_r.shape)
>>> D[0, 0, :] = ls_r**3
>>> A = ws.get_d_dr(D=D)
>>> assert(np.allclose((A*ls_f.ravel())[:-1], 0, atol=1e-3))
Return a suitable generalized mass matrix Dprecon for which a multigrid preconditioner solving
can be used as a preconditioner to solving the real problem:
.. math::
left(-mat{s}nabla^2 + mat{D}) cdot x = b
The preconditioned mass term is made sufficiently definite that the multigrid algorithm will converge.
Return the solution to the problem:
Parameters : | b : array
scale_factor : array (optional)
This will always try to solve to the given sparse_solver_rel_tol. The suggested sparse_solver_rel_tol is 100*rel_tol
returns the volume of the hypershpere. Examples ——– Testing volume in 1, 2, 3d
>>> import mmf.math.multigrid._multigrid as multigrid_
>>> import numpy, scipy
>>> mg = multigrid_.MG(boundary_conditions='periodic',
... d=3, n=3, n_0=(2, 2, 2), L=1.0)
>>> ws = multigrid_.WignerSeitz(mg=mg, n=mg.n)
>>> assert(np.allclose(ws.volume(), (4.0/3)*numpy.pi*(ws.R)**3))
>>> mg = multigrid_.MG(boundary_conditions='periodic',
... d=2, n=3, n_0=(2, 2), L=1.0)
>>> ws = multigrid_.WignerSeitz(mg=mg, n=mg.n)
>>> assert(np.allclose(ws.volume(), numpy.pi*(ws.R)**2))
>>> mg = multigrid_.MG(boundary_conditions='periodic',
... d=1, n=3, n_0=(2, ), L=1.0)
>>> ws = multigrid_.WignerSeitz(mg=mg, n=mg.n)
>>> assert(np.allclose(ws.volume(), 2*(ws.R)))