Academic Research on Disaster Information Management is Growing Rapidly and Steadily

As per November 1, 2021, version 4.0 of the Disaster Information Reference Library (DIRL) has been released, which is about two weeks ahead of the original schedule (November 15). The library now contains 3,933 references of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of disaster information and information technologies and their uses in the context of disasters. This represents an increase over the previous version of 423 references, or 11.4%. The DIRL release history reveals that from the inaugural DIRL version 1.0 to this version (DIRL v. 4.0), the peer-reviewed academic literature has almost quadrupled in the course of little over four years. This is a remarkable increase of the body of academic knowledge in the particular area of disaster information management and disaster information technology within a relatively short period of time.

The DIRL is intended to become an indispensable tool for Disaster Information and Technology-interested scholars. In particular, reviewers of paper submissions may want to rely on this reference library.

Packaged in a zip file, bibTeXRIS as well as an Endnote package (enlp) versions are available. Mendeley or Zotero versions can easily be created by importing from RIS or bibTeX files. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Thank you for your interest and cooperation. The DIRL can be downloaded from the DIRL website.

Please also note: The DIRL is provided on basis of self-service. Do not request any support.

Recipient of IFIP Service Award

On September 22, by decision of the the General Assembly, the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) presented the IFIP Service Award to Prof. Hans Jochen Scholl. The honor was awarded in recognition of “outstanding contributions to IFIP and the Informatics Community.”

IFIP was established in 1960 under the auspices of UNESCO. The federation’s activities are coordinated by 13 Technical Committees (TCs) which are organized into more than 100 Working Groups (WGs), bringing together over 3,500 ICT professionals and researchers from around the world to conduct research, develop standards, and promote information sharing. Each TC covers a particular aspect of computing and related disciplines.

Wrote IFIP President Mike Hinchey, “This reward is in recognition of your considerable and sustained contributions to IFIP both technically and in volunteer and support capacities. We are grateful for what you have done for IFIP, and this is a token of our appreciation.”

Upon reception of the award, Scholl stated, “Over the past two decades it has been my honor and also my obligation to help advance information and information-systems-related knowledge in academia and practice. Meeting and working with high-caliber colleagues from around the world on a number of important subjects, projects, workshops, and major conferences has always been my pleasure. I feel humbled by the award, and I thank my colleagues in the General Assembly for their kind recognition of my work.”

Scholl is member of two IFIP working groups (WG 8.5, TC8—Information Systems in Public Administration and WG 5.15, TC5—Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction (ITDRR)).

2021 Granada Keynote Calls for Focus on Existential Threats to Humanity and Dangerous Successes in Digital Government Research

On Thursday, September 9, 2021,  Hans Jochen Scholl gave the conference keynote speech (47 min including Q&A, mp4 format) entitled “Digital Government Research — Then, Now, and in Years to Come,” at EGOV-CeDEM-ePart. The conference was held at the University of Granada, Spain, in a hybrid format with about on-site 40 attendees and some 60 attendees online. EGOV-CeDEM-ePart, organized by the IFIP Working Group 8.5 (Information Systems in Public Administration), is the top-rated Digital Government Conference in Europe, which attracts submissions from across the globe.

Within the Digital Transformation track of the conference, Jochen also presented a paper co-authored with Erich E. Holdeman under the title “Practitioners’ Perceptions of Fitness to Task of a Leading Disaster Response Management Tool,” which will appear in the conference proceedings published within the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series.

Digital Government Reference Library (DGRL) Version 17.0 Released

Now Listing 15,731 references of Peer-reviewed Research Articles in the English Language

Version 17.0 of the Digital Government Reference Library (DGRL) has been published as of July 10, 2021. The library now contains 15,731 references of predominantly English-language, peer-reviewed work in the study domains of digital government, digital governance, and digital democracy.

This marks an 8.3% increase in references from version 16.5 (December of 2020) and a 16.3% increase from version 16.0 (June of 2020). This past publication period has yet been another good one for Digital Government- related publishing adding another 4-digit number (2,199) of new peer-reviewed academic references within the past 12 months.

The DGRL has become an indispensable tool for Digital Government scholars. In particular, reviewers of paper submissions are reported to rely heavily on this reference library. Packaged in a 28.7 MB zip file, bibTeX, RIS, and Endnote (package) versions are available. Mendeley or Zotero versions can easily be created by importing from RIS or bibTeX files. Please get back to us in case of any errors or omissions. Next scheduled update: 12/15/2021.

Thank you for your interest and cooperation.

Please also note: The DGRL is provided on basis of self- service. Do not request any support.

No curator can do her work alone. Under the curator and editorship of Hans Jochen Scholl, the DGRL has been maintained and expanded over the years with the help of teams led by Jan Boyd and Galen Guffy and graduate student team members Colin Anderson, Emily Cunningham, Erika Deal, Gary Gao, Kreg Hasegawa, Jackie Holmes, Julia Hon, Christine Lee, Andrew Mckenna-Foster, Jessie Novotny, Marie Peeples, Hannah Robinson, Richard Robohm, Kelle Rose, Stephanie Rossi, Christopher Setzer, and Daniel Wilson.

Citation: Scholl, H. J. (2021). The Digital Government Reference Library (DGRL). Versions 16.5—17.0. Retrieved from

The DGRL can be downloaded following this link:

PDF version of this announcement

Inaugural “Fellow of the Digital Government Society”

In the Information School’s Weekly “Research Shout Outs and News: June 11, 2021,” it was communicated:

Along with one other inaugural recipient (Dr. Gil-Garcia), today at the 22nd Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2021) the award of “Fellow of the Digital Government Society,” which honors exceptional and groundbreaking contributions to the study domain of Digital Government, was conferred to Hans Jochen Scholl. The Digital Government Society, of which Jochen was a founding member in 2005, and for which he served as the Third President (2009-2010), is an association of hundreds of scholars worldwide. In his acceptance speech Jochen urged his colleagues to focus their research during times of increasingly challenged democracies worldwide more frequently on “problematic outcomes” of digital government, which he characterized as Type A (desirable, but not successful) and Type B (not desirable, but successful). He maintained that “some of the technically best, yet most invasive, most suppressive, and albeit most ‘successful’ digital government systems are not committed to democracy in any shape or form but rather support and foster autocracy and dictatorships.” Such “successes” in Digital Government Jochen characterized as extremely undesirable and highly problematic. His remarks were met with great applause from the dg.o 2021 audience.

Watch the acceptance speech here.