Selected Publications (since 1999)
Refereed Journal Articles | Books and Edited Books | Refereed Conference Papers | Refereed Book Chapters | White Papers
- Scholl, H. J., & Alawadhi, S. (2015). Creating Smart Governance: The Key to Radical ICT Overhaul at the City of Munich, Information Polity, 20(3), in print.
- Scholl, H. J., Jurisch, M., Scholl, M. C., & Krcmar, H. (2014). Building Sound Foundations for Smart City Government: The Case of Munich, Germany. International Journal of E-Planning Research, 3(4), pp. 1-22. doi: 10.4018/IJEPR
- Scholl, H. J. (2014). Mobile ICTs in Government Field Operations: A Socio-Technical Innovation Project. International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR), 10(2), pp. 60-81. doi: 10.4018/ijegr.2014040105
- Scholl, H. J., & Patin, B. J. (2014). Resilient Information Infrastructures: Criticality and Role in Responding to Catastrophic Incidents. Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 8(1), pp. 28-48.
- Scholl, H. J., & Chatfield, A. T. (2014). The Role of Resilient Information Infrastructures: The Case of Radio Fukushima during and after the 2011 Eastern Japan Catastrophe. International Journal of Public Administration in the Digital Age, 1(2), pp. 1-24
- Scholl, H. J., & Dwivedi, Y. K. (2014). Forums for Electronic Government Scholars: Insights from a 2012/2013 Study. Government Information Quarterly, 31(2), 229-242.
- Scholl, H. J., Wang, K., Wang, Y., Woods, G., Xu, D., Yao, Y., et al. (2014). Top soccer teams in cyberspace: Online channels for services, communications, research, and sales. Journal of Marketing Analytics, 2(2), pp. 98-119.
- Chatfield, A. T., Scholl, H. J., & Brajawidagda, U. (2013). Tsunami Early Warnings via Twitter in Government: Net-Savvy Citizens’ Co-Provision of Time-Critical Public Information Services. Government Information Quarterly, 30(4), pp. 377-386
- Scholl, H. J. (2012). Five trends that matter: Challenges to 21st century electronic government. Information Polity, 17(3), 317-327.
- Scholl, H. J., Kubicek, H., Cimander, R., & Klischewski, R. (2012). Process Integration, Information Sharing, and System Interoperation in Government: A Comparative Case Analysis. Government Information Quarterly, 29(3), in print.
- Scholl, H. J., & Carlson, T. S. (2012). Professional Sports Teams on the Web: A Comparative Study Employing the Information Management Perspective. European Sport Management Quarterly, 12(2), in print.
- Scholl, H. J., Eisenberg, M., Dirks, L., & Carlson, T. S. (2011). The TEDS Framework for Assessing Information Systems From a Human Actors’ Perspective: Extending and Repurposing Taylor’s Value-Added Model. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 62(4), 789–804. doi: 10.1002/asi.21500
- Loukis, E., Charalabidis, Y., & Scholl, H. J. (2010). Editorial of the Special Issue on Digital Cities. Telematics and Informatics, 28(3), 144-147.
- Klischewski, R., & Scholl, H. J. (2008). Information quality as the capstone of e-government integration, interoperation, and information sharing. Electronic Government, an International Journal, 5(2), 203-225.
- Scholl, H. J. (2007a). Central research questions in E-Government, or which trajectory should the study domain take? Transforming Government: Process, People, Policy, 1(1), 67-88.
- Scholl, H. J., & Klischewski, R. (2007). E-Government integration and interoperability: Framing the research agenda. International Journal of Public Administration, 30(8), 889-928.
- Scholl, H. J. (2006). Electronic government: Information management capacity, organizational capabilities, and the sourcing mix. Government Information Quarterly, 23(1), 73-96.
- Scholl, H. J. (2005a). E-government-induced business process change (BPC): An empirical study of current practices. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 1(2), 25-47.
- Scholl, H. J. (2005b). Motives, strategic approach, objectives & focal areas in e-Gov-induced change. International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 1(1), 58-77.
- Scholl, H. J. (2004b). Involving salient stakeholders: Beyond the technocratic view on change. Action Research, 2(3), 281-308.
- Scholl, H. J. (2000). The quest for novel explanations in organizational sciences, InterJournal Complex Systems (Vol. 2000, pp. 1-14): New England Complex Systems Institute. Accepted Manuscript No. 350.
- Tambouris, E., Janssen, M., Scholl, H. J., Wimmer, M. A., Tarabanis, K., Gascó, M., . . . Parycek, P. (Eds.). (2015). Electronic Government. Proceedings of the 14th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece, August 30–-September 2 (Vol. 9248). Cham – Heidelberg – New York — Dordrecht — London: Springer.
- Tambouris, E., Scholl, H. J., Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., Tarabanis, K., Gascó, M., . . . Sæbø, Ø. (Eds.). (2015). Electronic Government and Electronic Participation: Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research, PhD Papers, Posters and Workshops of IFIP EGOV and ePart 2015 (Vol. 22). Amsterdam • Berlin • Tokyo • Washington, DC: IOS Press.
- Janssen, M., Scholl, H. J., Wimmer, M., & Bannister, F. (Eds.). (2014). Electronic Government: 13th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2014, Dublin, Ireland, September 1-3, 2014. Proceedings (Vol. 8653). Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London: Springer.
- Janssen, M., Bannister, F., Glassey, O., Scholl, H. J., Tambouris, E., Wimmer, M., et al. (Eds.). (2014). Electronic Government and Electronic Participation (Vol. 21). Amsterdam: IOS Press.
- Scholl, H. J. (2014). E-Government Research: Requirements for activities and results (in German: E-Government-Forschung: Anforderungen an Tätigkeiten und Ergebnisse). In J. r. von Lucke (Ed.), Good E-Government Research (in German: Gute E-Government-Forschung) (Vol. 7, pp. 33-52). Friedrichshafen: DeutscheTelekom Institute for Connected Cities (TICC).
- Scholl, H. J. (2014). Open Government in the United States of America: Principles, Challenges, and State of Affairs (in German: Open Government in den USA: Prinzipien, Herausforderungen und Stand der Dinge). In J. v. Lucke (Ed.), Academic Talks and Contributions to the Joint Expert Conference of Public Administration Informatics (FTVI) and Law & Informatics (FTRI) (in German: Vorträge und Impulsbeiträge zur gemeinsamen Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik (FTVI) und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik (FTRI)). (Vol. Deutsche Telekom Institute for Connected Cities (TICC), #5, pp. 9-23). Friedrichshafen, Germany: Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen.
- Wimmer, M. A., Janssen, M., Scholl, H. J., (Eds.). (2013). Electronic government : 12th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2013, Koblenz, Germany, September 16-19, 2013. Proceedings. Heidelberg ; New York: Springer.
- Wimmer, M.A., Janssen, M., Macintosh, A., Scholl, H. J., Tambouris, E., (Eds.). (2013). Electronic Government and Electronic Participation: Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research and Projects of IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart 2013. Lecture Notes in Informatics. Proceedings. Series of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), (Vol. P-221). Bonn, Germany: Köllen Druck+Verlag.
- Scholl, H. J., Janssen, M., Wimmer, M. A., Moe, C. E., & Flak, L. S. (Eds.). (2012). Electronic government : 11th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2012, Kristiansand, Norway, September 3-6, 2012. Proceedings. Heidelberg ; New York: Springer.
- Scholl, H. J., Flak, L. S., Janssen, M., Macintosh, A., Moe, C. E., Sæbø, Ø., et al. (Eds.). (2012). Electronic Government and Electronic Participation: Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research and Projects of IFIP EGOV and IFIP ePart 2012 (Vol. 39). Linz, AT: Trauner Verlag.
- Kubicek, H., Cimander, R., & Scholl, H. J. (2011). Organizational interoperability in E-government: Lessons from 77 European Good-practice Cases. Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London, New York: Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Janssen, M., Scholl, H. J., Wimmer, M. A., & Tan, Y.-h. (Eds.). Electronic government: 10th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2011, Delft, The Netherlands, August 28 – September 2, 2011, proceedings. Heidelberg ; New York: Springer.
- Janssen, M., Macintosh, A., Scholl, H. J., Tambouris, E., Wimmer, M. A., Bruijn, H. d., et al. (Eds.). (2011). Electronic Government and Electronic Participation: Joint Proceedings of Ongoing Research and Projects (Vol. 37). Linz, Austria: Trauner Verlag.
- Scholl, H. J. (2010). Electronic Government. Advances in Management Information Systems (AMIS), Volume on Electronic Government. M.E. Sharpe.
- Wimmer, M. A., Chappelet, J.-L., Janssen, M., & Scholl, H. J. (Eds.). (2010). Electronic Government (9th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 29 – September 2, 2010. Proceedings) (Vol. 6228). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
- Chappelet, J.-L., Glassey, O., Janssen, M., Macintosh, A., Scholl, H. J., Tambouris, E., et al. (Eds.). (2010). Electronic Government and Electronic Participation (Vol. 33). Linz, Austria: Trauner Verlag. Wimmer, M. A.,
- Scholl, H. J., Janssen, M., & Traunmüller, R. (Eds.). (2009). Electronic Government (8th International Conference, EGOV 2009, Linz, Austria, August 31 – September 3, 2009. Proceedings) (Vol. 6228). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
- Scholl, H. J., Janssen, M., Traunmüller, R., & Wimmer, M. A. (Eds.). (2009). Electronic Government (Vol. 30). Linz, Austria: Trauner Verlag.
- Wimmer, M. A., Scholl, H. J., & Ferro, E. (Eds.). (2008). Electronic Government (7th International Conference, EGOV 2008, Turin, Italy, August 31 – September 5, 2008. Proceedings) (Vol. 5184). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
- Ferro, E., Scholl, H. J., & Wimmer, M. A. (Eds.). (2008). Electronic Government (Vol. 27). Linz, Austria: Trauner Verlag.
- Wimmer, M. A., Scholl, H. J., & Grönlund, Å. (Eds.). (2007). Electronic Government (6th International Conference, EGOV 2007, Regensburg, Germany, September 3-7, 2007. Proceedings) (Vol. 4656). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
- Grönlund, Å., Scholl, H. J., & Wimmer, M. A. (Eds.). (2007). Electronic Government – EGOV 2007 (Vol. 24). Linz, Austria: Trauner Verlag.
- Wimmer, M. A., Scholl, H. J., Grönlund, Å., & Andersen, K. V. (Eds.). (2006). Electronic Government (5th International Conference, EGOV 2006, Krakow, Poland, September 4-8, 2006. Proceedings) (Vol. 4084). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
- Scholl, H. J. (1996). Tauchen. (in German, “Diving”), Munich/Germany, BLV.
- Scholl, H. J. (1988). Büroautomation mit CEO. (in German, “Office Automation with CEO”), 2nd ed, Schwalbach/Germany, Data General. —, (1986), 1st ed, Schwalbach/Germany, Data General.
- Scholl, H. J., & Alawadhi, S. (2015, January 5-8)). Pooling and Leveraging Scarce Resources: The Smart eCityGov Alliance. Proceedings of the 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-48), Poipu, Kauai, HI., pp. 2355-2365
- Scholl, H. J. (2014, September 1-4). The EGOV Research Community: An Update on Where We Stand. In M. Janssen, H. Scholl, M. Wimmer & F. Bannister (Eds.), Electronic Government (Vol. 8653, pp. 1-16): Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
- Scholl, H. J., & Scholl, M. C. (2014, March 4-7). Smart Governance: A Roadmap for Research and Practice. Proccedings of the 9th iConference, Berlin, Germany. pp. 1-17.
- Chatfield, A. T., Scholl, H. J., & Brajawidagda, U. (2014, January 6-9). #Sandy Tweets: Citizens’ Co-Production of Time-Critical Information during an Unfolding Catastrophe. Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47), Waikoloa, HI/USA, pp. 1-10.
- Jurisch, M., Krcmar, H., Scholl, H. J., Wang, K., Wang, Y., Woods, G., et al. (2014, January 6-9). Digital and Social Media in Pro Sports: Analysis of the 2013 UEFA Top Four. Proceedinsg of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47), Waikoloa, HI/USA, pp. 1-11.
- Scholl, H. J. (2013). Electronic Government Research: Topical Directions and Preferences. In M. Wimmer (Ed.), 12th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV (pp. 1-12). Koblenz, Germany: Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science.
- Alawadhi, S., & Scholl, H. J. (2013, January 7-10). Aspirations and Realizations: The Smart City of Seattle. Proceedings of the 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-46), Wailea, Maui, HI/USA, pp. 1-10.
- Alawadhi, S., A. Aldama, H. Chourabi, J. R. Gil-Garcia, S. Leung, S. Mellouli, T. Nam, T. Pardo, H. J. Scholl, and S. Walker, (2012). Building Understanding of Smart City Initiatives.,” in Electronic Government. vol. 7443, H. J. Scholl, M. Janssen, M. A. Wimmer, C. E. Moe, and L. S. Flak, Eds. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 40-53.
- Scholl, H. J. & Patin, B. J. (2012). Resilient Information Infrastructures: Mobilizing Adaptive Capacities under Extreme Events. Proceedings of the 18th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). Seattle, WA, Aug 9-11, pp. 1-8.
- Scholl, H. J., Patin, B. J., & Chatfield, A. T. (4-7 Jan. 2012). ICT-Enabled City Government Field Operations: Resiliency During Extreme Events. Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Science (HICSS), pp. 2346-2356.
- Chatfield, A.T., Akbari, R., Mirzayi, N., and Scholl, H.J. (2012). Interactive Effects of Networked Publics and Social Media on Transforming the Public Sphere: A Survey of Iran’s Leaderless ‘Social Media Revolution’. Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp. 2552-2562.
- Chourabi, H., Nam, T., Walker, S., Gil-Garcia, J.R., Mellouli, S., Nahon, K., Pardo, T.A., and Scholl, H.J. (2012). Understanding Smart Cities: An Integrative Framework. Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 4, pp. 2289-2297.
- Scholl, H. J., & Luna-Reyes, L. F. (2011). Transparency and openness in government: a system dynamics perspective. Paper presented at the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Tallinn, Estonia.
- Scholl, H. J., H. Kubicek, and R. Cimander (2011), Interoperability, Enterprise Architectures, and IT Governance in Government. Proceedings of the 10th IFIP International Conference, EGOV 2011 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science). vol. 6846, M. Janssen et al., Eds., Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag, pp. 345–354.
- Scholl, H. J., & Luna-Reyes, L. F. (2011, Jan 4 to 7). Uncovering Dynamics of Open Government, Transparency, Participation, and Collaboration. Paper presented at the HICSS-45 (45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences), Kona, Kauai, HI
- Navarrete, C., Gil-Garcia, J. R., Mellouli, S., Pardo, T. A., & Scholl, H. J. (2010). Multinational E-Government Collaboration, Information Sharing, and Interoperability: An Integrative Model. Paper presented at the 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-43), Koloa, Kauai, HI.
- Scholl, H.J. Profiling the EG research community and its core. Proceedings of the DEXA/EGOV09 conference in Linz/Austria. September 2009, pp. 1-12.
- Scholl, H. J., & Pardo, T. A. (2010). Data-centric Workflows in Government: A New Avenue of Research? Paper presented at the dg.o2010, Puebla, Mexico.
- Nahon, K., & Scholl, H. J. (2010). Siblings of a Different Kind: E-Government and E-Commerce. In M. A. Wimmer et al. (Eds.), Electronic Government (9th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 29 – September 2, 2010. Proceedings) (Vol. 6228, pp. 25-37). Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer.
- Scholl, H. J., Barzilai-Nahon, K., Ahn, J.-H., Popova, O. H., & Re, B. (2009). E-Commerce and e-Government: How Do They Compare? What Can They Learn From Each Other? Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. (pp. 1-10). Waikoloa, HI: IEEE.
- Trentham, G., & Scholl, H. J. (2008). Current practices in field force automation: Decision support and information management for the field force. In R. Sprague (Ed.), 41st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (pp. 1-10). Waikoloa, HI: IEEE.
- Scholl, H. J., Liu, S., Fidel, R., & Unsworth, K. (2007). Choices and challenges in e-Government field force automation projects: Insights from case studies, Proceedings of the 2007 ICEGOV (pp. 1-8). Macao/China: ACM Digital Library.
- Barzilai-Nahon, K., & Scholl, H. J. (2007, 10/17 to 10/20). Comparing E-Government with e-business challenges. Proceedings of the Internet Research (IR 8.0) Conference, Vancouver, BC/Canada.
- Barzilai-Nahon, K., & Scholl, H. J. (2007, 1/3 to 1/6). Similarities and differences of e-Commerce and e-Government: Insights from a pilot study. Proceedings of the 40th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS40), Waikoloa/Big Island, HI.
- Fidel, R., Scholl, H. J., Liu, S., & Unsworth, K. (2007). Mobile government fieldwork: Technological, organizational, and social challenges. Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2007), Philadelphia, PA.
- Scholl, H. J., Fidel, R., Liu, S., Paulsmeyer, M., & Unruh, K. (2007). E-Gov field force automation: Promises, challenges, and stakeholders. In M. Wimmer, H. J. Scholl & A. Groenlund (Eds.), Electronic government: Sixth international conference, egov 2007 (Vol. 4656, pp. 127-142). Regensburg/Germany: Springer Verlag.
- Klischewski, R., & Scholl, H. J. (2006, 1/4 to 1/7). Information quality as a common ground for key players in e-Government integration and interoperability. Proceedings of the 39th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS39), Waikoloa/Big Island, HI.
- Scholl, H. J. (2005a, January, 5-8). Interoperability in e-Government: More than just smart middleware. Proceedings of the 38th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI.
- Scholl, H. J. (2005b, July, 10-12). The mobility paradigm in electronic government theory and practice: A strategic framework. Proceedings of the Euro Mobile Government (Euro mGov), Brighton, UK.
- Scholl, H. J. (2005c, August 22 to 26). Organizational transformation through e-Government: Myth or reality? Proceedings of the 4th International Conference EGOV05, Copenhagen, Denmark.
- Scholl, H. J. (2004a, January, 5-8). Action research and system dynamics: Can they benefit from each other? Paper presented at the 37th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Waikoloa, Big Island, HI.
- Scholl, H. J. (2004b, July 25 to 29). Can SD models have greater relevance to practice when used within participatory action research designs? Proceedings of the 22nd International System Dynamics Conference (ISDC), Oxford, UK.
- Scholl, H. J. (2004d, August 30 to September 3). Electronic government: Scope and scale of process change. Proceedings of the Third International Conference EGOV04, Zaragoza, Spain.
- Scholl, H. J. (2003, 1/6 to 1/10). E-Government: A special case of business process change. Proceedings of the 36th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS36), Waikoloa, HI.
- Scholl, H. J. (2002, April, 5-6). Dynamics in the development of the firm’s dynamic capabilities. Proceedings of the Third European Conference on Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Capabilities (OKLC 2002).
- Pardo, T. A., & Scholl, H. J. (2002). Walking atop the cliffs: Avoiding failure and reducing risk in large-scale e-government projects. Proceedings of the Proceedings on the 35th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Hawaii.
- Scholl, H. J. (2001a, January, 4 -7). Agent-based versus systems dynamics modeling: A call for cross study and joint research. Proceedings of the 34th Hawaiian International Conference on System Sciences, Maui, HI.
- Scholl, H. J. (2001b, October 3-5). Applying stakeholder theory to e-government: Benefits and limits. Proceedings of the 1st IFIP Conference on E-Commerce, E-Business, and E-Government (I3E 2001), Zurich, Switzerland.
- Scholl, H. J. (2001c, July 23-27). Looking across the fence: Comparing findings from sd modeling efforts with those of other modeling techniques. Proceedings of the 2001 Annual International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, Atlanta, GA.
- Diker, V. G., & Scholl, H. J. (1999). David & Goliath: Responses to domination strategies in PC and server markets. Proceedings of the 17th International System Dynamics Conference.
- Scholl, H. J. (2014). Open Government in the United States of America: Principles, Challenges, and State of Affairs (in German: Open Government in den USA: Prinzipien, Herausforderungen und Stand der Dinge). In J. v. Lucke (Ed.), Academic Talks and Contributions to the Joint Expert Conference of Public Administration Informatics (FTVI) and Law & Informatics (FTRI) (in German: Vorträge und Impulsbeiträge zur gemeinsamen Fachtagung Verwaltungsinformatik (FTVI) und Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik (FTRI)). (Vol. Deutsche Telekom Institute for Connected Cities (TICC), #5, pp. 9-23). Friedrichshafen, Germany: Zeppelin University Friedrichshafen.
- Scholl, H. J. (2014). E-Government Research: Requirements for activities and results (in German: E-Government-Forschung: Anforderungen an Tätigkeiten und Ergebnisse). In J. von Lucke (Ed.), Good E-Government Research (in German: Gute E-Government-Forschung) (Vol. 7, pp. 33-52). Friedrichshafen: DeutscheTelekom Institute for Connected Cities (TICC).
- Scholl, H. J. (2013). Evaluating Sports Websites from an Information Management Perspective. In P. M. Pedersen (Ed.), Routledge Handbook of Sport Communication (pp. 289-299). New York: Routledge.
- Scholl, H. J. (2010). Introduction to Recent Research in Electronic Government. AMIS Volume on Electronic Government.
- Scholl, H. J. (2010). Electronic Government: A Study Domain beyond its Infancy AMIS Volume on Electronic Government.
- Scholl, H. J. (2007b). Discipline or interdisciplinary study domain? Challenges and promises in electronic government research. In H. Chen (Ed.), Digital government (pp. 19-40). New York: Springer.
- Scholl, H. J., & Carlson, T. S. (2006). Sourcing decisions in electronic government and the knowledge transfer problem. In R. Traunmüller (Ed.), Knowledge transfer for eGovernment (Vol. 20, pp. 69-81). Linz/A: Trauner Verlag.
- Scholl, H. J. (2004a). The dimensions of business process change in electronic government. In W. Huang, K. Siau & K. K. Wei (Eds.), Electronic government strategies and implementation (pp. 44-67). Hershey PA.: Idea Group Pub.
- Scholl, H. J., & Belardo, S. (2001). Reporting on e-business: What’s so new? Where is it going? In R. Berndt (Ed.), E-business management (Vol. 8, pp. 3-29). Berlin: Springer Verlag.
- Scholl, H. J. (1999). Knowledge management and the vital organization. In R. Berndt (Ed.), Management strategies 2000 (Vol. 6, pp. 133-158). Berlin: Springer. Book reviews
- Scholl, H. J. (2004). Book review: Internet entrepreneurship in Europe: Venture failure and the timing of telecommunications reform authored by Niko Marcel Waesche. Journal of the American Society of Information Science and Technology, 55(2), 181.
- Scholl, H. J., Hovy, E., Kavanaugh, A., Pardo, T. A., Williams, C., & Kesan, J. (2010). A grand challenge: Shaping the government of the information age. Arlington, VA: National Science Foundation Retrieved from