A Zapotec Natural History, Part 2:
Data, Commentary, and Images in Digital Format


  1. Preface to the CD
  2. Illustrations and Tables from Part 1
  3. Background
  4. The Ethnoflora
  5. The Ethnofauna
  6. Fungi
  7. Plant Species Index
  8. English/Latin Name Index
  9. Spanish/Latin Name Index
  10. Zapotec/Latin Name Index
  11. Index of Images
  12. Index of Sounds

A Zapotec Natural History

Part 2: Data, Commentary, and Images in Digital Format

Eugene S. Hunn

University of Washington

Seattle, WA

A. Preface to A Zapotec Natural History, Part 2

This CD complements Part 1, the print volume A Zapotec Natural History: Trees, Herbs, and Flowers, Birds, Beasts, and Bugs in the Life of San Juan Gbëë, published by The University of Arizona Press (2008). The material on this CD may also be viewed at the author´s web site at http://faculty.washington.edu/hunn/zapotec using the username “ebio” and the password “zapnathist”.

This CD includes ten sections directly accessible by clicking on the appropriate heading in the contents list at the left of your screen. This introduction describes how to move about Part 2 to search for specific information, browse, or view the more than 1000 linked images. Section B includes first a list of all figures, maps, charts, and tables cited in the print volume, A Zapotec Natural History, Part 1 with “hyperlinks” to images, tables, and a few sound clips. These links are activated by clicking on the link code, included in double square brackets and introduced by the circumflex “^” symbol. Images will appear in a window to the left of your screen with a caption below. Captions provide essential details pertaining to the image, such as the date, location, and elevation where the image was captured, notes of particular interest regarding the image, plus Latin, Zapotec, Spanish, and/or English names for the plants, animals, and fungi illustrated. The scientific determinations of the species illustrated are in many cases provisional. I welcome comments and corrections from knowledgeable readers so that I may periodically update the on-line version of this digital material.

To close the image window click on the “x” in the upper right corner of your screen. Links to tables jump down to the table header. Use the back arrow on the left end of the upper control bar to return to your starting point. Links to sound clips will activate a window providing details, e.g., if a bird song, the name of the bird and the source of the recording. The sound will play on your computer sound system. You may alter the size of text on your screen. Ctrl- reduces while Ctrl+ increases text size. If your security system blocks these links you will first need to opt to allow access. If the window will not show all the information, you can use the window scroll bar to view the hidden information.

Section C includes three subsections: an ecological tour detailing the major categories of woody vegetation and habitats in San Juan, an essay of the applicability of Berlin´s theoretical framework for the comparative analysis of folk biological classification systems to the San Juan Zapotec case, and a summary of a study of San Juan gardens by Lisa Schneider.

Section D is the “Ethnoflora” where each plant species recorded in this study is annotated. The “Ethnoflora” has three main divisions, the lichens, mosses, and ferns first, then the conifers, followed by the flowering plants. Each main division treats the relevant plant families in alphabetical order. Index tables provide direct links to the main sections and to each of the flowering plant families. Click on the link to move to the head of the appropriate section. The back arrow will return you to your starting point. Botanical genera, species, and varieties are listed first, followed by the Zapotec genera, species, and varieties, each annotated with Zapotec names, including synonyms and morpheme-by-morpheme glosses, Spanish and English common names, if known locally, and Latin names of botanical species included in each Zapotec ethnobotanical category. The annotations may also include a brief description of the plant, seasonal and habitat information, and uses. In many cases images of the plants noted may be viewed via hyperlinks to our image library, as described above. Botanical species that are not consistently classified in any named Zapotec genus are noted as UN “unknown” if the plant is not recognized, NON “nonce form” if the plant is given an ad hoc descriptive designation, G if the plant is designated by a “generalized,” descriptive phrase, and EX if the plant is included in the “extended” range of an established Zapotec genus or species.

Section E is the “Ethnofauna” where each animal recorded in this study is annotated. This section begins with the “lower” phyla, then treats the arthropods, then the vertebrates, beginning with fishes, reptiles, and amphibians, then birds, and finally mammals. An index table allows you to move directly to the head of each major division and to each order with the insect class. Section F provides brief annotations for our collection of San Juan fungi. The sequential order and annotations for these sections parallel that for the “Ethnoflora”.

Section G, the Latin Plant Name Index, lists Linnaean names for all plants recorded in this study, citing authorities, voucher specimen numbers, with citations of the most common Zapotec names and use categories. Sections H, I, and J are simple indices to English, Spanish, and Zapotec names for plants, animals, and fungi, keyed to the Latin names to which they most commonly refer. To access the full annotations corresponding to the name you need only select the appropriate section in the contents bar on the left of your screen (e.g., entries marked “flora” will be in the “Ethnoflora,” those marked “fauna” in the appropriate division of the “Ethnofauna,” and those marked “fungi” with the “Fungi”), then use the html search function to locate the name in the body of the appropriate section.

Technical support and project management for the Zapotec Natural History on CD Project has been provided by Shawn Brixey, director, Stacy Waters, research coordinator, and two student interns, Evan Perry and Cody Logan, at the Center for Digital Arts and Experimental Media (DXARTS), University of Washington. Stacy devoted many hours to helping with the design and implementation of this project. An updated version of the material included here will be maintained at the University of Washington, as nomenclatural details are subject to continual revision.