A Zapotec Natural History, Part 2:
Data, Commentary, and Images in Digital Format


  1. Preface to the CD
  2. Illustrations and Tables from Part 1
  3. Background
  4. The Ethnoflora
  5. The Ethnofauna
  6. Fungi
  7. Plant Species Index
  8. English/Latin Name Index
  9. Spanish/Latin Name Index
  10. Zapotec/Latin Name Index
  11. Index of Images
  12. Index of Sounds

Index to Data, San Juan Gbëë

  1. [SndAveAph1] Aphelocoma californica - cuil̲
  2. [SndAveCap1] Caprimulgus arizonae - purpurwit
  3. [SndAveCol1] Columbina inca - coc
  4. [SndAveCol2] Columbina inca - coc
  5. [SndAveCon1] Contopus pertinax - pedrit
  6. [SndAveCor1] Corvus corax - nga
  7. [SndAveCtr1] Catherpes mexicanus - nguzhin-zhan-quie
  8. [SndAveFal1] Falco sparverius - lid
  9. [SndAveLep1] Leptotila verreauxi - guies-ro-yu
  10. [SndAveLep2] Lepidocolaptes leucogaster - arbitro
  11. [SndAveMel1] Melanotis caerulescens - mæcw-guiuu
  12. [SndAveMya1] Myadestes occidentalis - mguin̲-guiib-tsar
  13. [SndAveMyi1] Myiarchus tuberculifer - mguin̲-rchuup
  14. [SndAveOrt1] Ortalis poliocephala - mer-zhig
  15. [SndAveOtu1] Otus trichopsis - mqui
  16. [SndAvePip1] Pipilo albicollis - ch'uur̲
  17. [SndAvePol1] Polioptila caerulea - dix
  18. [SndAvePti1] Ptilogonys cinereus - pedruuch
  19. [SndAveQui1] Quiscalus mexicanus - mguin̲-ngas
  20. [SndAveThr1] Thryomanes bewickii - nguzhin
  21. [SndAveTro1] Trogon mexicanus - mer-dan
  22. [SndAveTyr1] Tyrannus vociferans - cuchiguer
  23. [SndAveZen1] Zenaida asiatica - cooliche
  24. [SndDosPue1] Dos Pueblos Conocidos by El Dueto Monterubio - DATA
  25. [SndLasMan1] Las Mañanitas medley at dawn in San Juan - DATA
  26. [SndMhpAte1] Ateles sp. - micw
  27. [SndMhpBad1] Anatidae - bad; bad-guiuu; bad-guix; bad-xtil
  28. [SndMhpBas1] Bassariscus sp. - meedz-cui
  29. [SndMhpBch1] Felis cattus - bich; mits
  30. [SndMhpBom1] Bombycilla cedrorum - mguin̲-bad
  31. [SndMhpBos1] Bos taurus - ngon; ngon-ngas; ngon-nguets; ngon-baros
  32. [SndMhpBrr1] Equus asinus - bur̲; bur̲-ngas; bur̲-nguia; bur̲-nquits; bur̲-bruyo; bur̲-mach; bur̲-gus; bur̲-yeen̲
  33. [SndMhpBub1] Bubo virginiana - dam̲; dam̲-yox
  34. [SndMhpCab1] Equus caballus - cabay; cabay-ngas; cabay-nguets; yew; cabay-gus
  35. [SndMhpCan1] Canis domesticus - mæcw; mæcw-ngas; mæcw-nguets; mæcw-nquits; mæcw-xtil
  36. [SndMhpCap1] Caprimulgus mexicanus - cuerpo-ruin
  37. [SndMhpCar1] Carpodacus mexicanus - mguey; mguey-guiee
  38. [SndMhpCch1] Ortalis wagleri - chichalac; mer-zhig
  39. [SndMhpChi1] Chiroptera - nguid-bzin
  40. [SndMhpClp1] Colaptes auratus - pliegw; mguin̲-pliegw
  41. [SndMhpCol1] Columbina inca - coc
  42. [SndMhpCon1] Contopus pertinax - pedrit
  43. [SndMhpCor1] Corvus corax - nga
  44. [SndMhpCoy1] Canis latrans - bæw
  45. [SndMhpDas1] Dasypus novemcinctus - ngup; ngup-las
  46. [SndMhpErg1] Ergaticus ruber - x-quiit-ngubidz
  47. [SndMhpFel1] NA - meedz
  48. [SndMhpFel2] Felis onca - meedz-tigr; Gui-dooz
  49. [SndMhpFel3] NA - meedz-bew; meedz-cui; meedz-gon; meedz-yas
  50. [SndMhpFel4] NA - meedz-mie; meedz-rabon; meedz-bon; meedz-yag; meedz-silot
  51. [SndMhpGan1] Anser anser - gans
  52. [SndMhpGar1] Bubulcus ibis - garz; garz-nquits
  53. [SndMhpGeo1] Geococcyx velox - mrie
  54. [SndMhpGot1] Capra hircus - chiv; chiv-at; chiv-gus; chiv-yeen̲; chiv-wnaa
  55. [SndMhpJay1] Aphelocoma californica; Cyanocitta stelleri - cuil̲; cuil̲-gui
  56. [SndMhpLar1] Eremophila alpestris - mguin̲-lo-liu
  57. [SndMhpLep1] Leptotila verreauxi - guies-ro-yu
  58. [SndMhpLid1] Falco sparverius - lid
  59. [SndMhpLpd1] Lepidoptera - meguid
  60. [SndMhpLps1] Lepus callotis - mlian
  61. [SndMhpLut1] Lutra annectens - mæcw-guiuu; mæcw-dan
  62. [SndMhpMaz1] Mazama americana - mtsag; ngu-tib
  63. [SndMhpMel1] Melanotis caerulescens - mæcw-guiuu
  64. [SndMhpMep1] Mephitinae - met; met-ngas; met-nquits
  65. [SndMhpMer1] Melagris gallopavo - mer; mer-gol; nguzey; gochei; nguzan; ndxezh
  66. [SndMhpMim1] Mimus polyglottos, Toxostoma curvirostre - mquiets
  67. [SndMhpMol1] Molothrus aeneus - sanat
  68. [SndMhpMqe1] Campylorhynchus jocosus - mguin̲-quie; mguin̲-yets
  69. [SndMhpMsi1] Accipitridae, Falconidae - msi; msi-doo; msi-lag
  70. [SndMhpMto1] Cyrtonix montezumae - mto
  71. [SndMhpMts1] Dendrortyx macroura - mtsoo
  72. [SndMhpMts2] Vireo cassini - mtsuu
  73. [SndMhpMul1] Equus caballus x E. asinus - mul; guay; mach
  74. [SndMhpMus1] Mustela frenata - mebææ
  75. [SndMhpNas1] Nasua narica - mzhiidz; mzhiidz-yaal
  76. [SndMhpNgi1] Gallus gallus - nguid; nguid-bay; nguid-gus; nguid-yeen̲; boy; gay
  77. [SndMhpNgi2] Gallus gallus - gay-ngas; nguid-ngas; gay-nizhnie; nguid-nizhnie; gay-pint; nguid-pint; nguid-copeton; nguid-zhand; nguid-peluq
  78. [SndMhpOdo1] Odocoileus virginiana - mdzin
  79. [SndMhpOdo2] Odocoileus virginiana - ngu-tib; mtsag; ngu-chop; ngu-tab; ngu-xoop; ngu-xon
  80. [SndMhpOpp1] Didelphis marsupialis - ngol-bedz; tlacuach
  81. [SndMhpOrt1] Orthogeomys - mey
  82. [SndMhpOtu1] Otus trichopsis - mqui
  83. [SndMhpOvi1] Ovis aries - mæcw-xiil; mæcw-xiil-ngas; mæcw-xiil-nguets; mæcw-xiil-nquits; mæcw-xiil-mor; mæcw-xiil-chicolat
  84. [SndMhpPal1] Columba livia; Patagioenas fasciata - palom; palom-xtil; palom-dan
  85. [SndMhpPar1] Poecile sclateri - mguin̲-payas
  86. [SndMhpPch1] Cathartidae - pech; pech-msidoo; ren; pech-rux; ngol-bets; pech-yets
  87. [SndMhpPhe1] Pheucticus melanocephalus; Icterus wagleri - mguey-guiee-chog
  88. [SndMhpPic1] Picidae - carpinter; carpinter-ngas; carpinter-psi
  89. [SndMhpPip1] Pipilo albicollis - chuur̲
  90. [SndMhpPix1] Dendrocygna autumnalis - pixix
  91. [SndMhpPro1] Procyon lotor - ngol-bzie
  92. [SndMhpPsa1] Psaltriparus minimus - mziuud
  93. [SndMhpPsi1] Aratinga canicularis - pericw
  94. [SndMhpPsi2] Amazona finschi - lor
  95. [SndMhpPsi3] Amazona finschi - cator̲
  96. [SndMhpPti1] Ptilogonys cinereus - peedruuch
  97. [SndMhpQui1] Quiscalus mexicanus - mguin̲-ngas; mguin̲-guizdoo
  98. [SndMhpRbt1] Oryctolagus cuniculus; Sylvilagus spp. - conef; conef-dan; conef-ya-gui; conef-xtil; conef-ro-yu; conef-nquits; conef-ngas
  99. [SndMhpRod1] Rodentia in part - mzin; mzin-bed; mzin-wguit
  100. [SndMhpSay1] Sayornis nigricans - mguin̲-guiuu
  101. [SndMhpSci1] Sciurus aureogaster - ndziz
  102. [SndMhpSpa1] NA - mguin̲-zhan̲-guizh
  103. [SndMhpSpi1] Spinus psaltria - mdzil-do
  104. [SndMhpSus1] Sus scrofa; Tayassuidae - nguts; cuch; nguts-yag; nguts-guix
  105. [SndMhpTrg1] Trogon spp. - choo-dze; mer-dan
  106. [SndMhpTro1] Trochilidae - dzin̲g; dzin̲g-mgood
  107. [SndMhpTsi1] Myioborus spp. - tsiric
  108. [SndMhpTur1] Turdus migratorius - mian
  109. [SndMhpTyr1] Tyrannus vociferans - cuchiguer
  110. [SndMhpUro1] Urocyon cinereoargenteus - mæz; Guiuu-mæz; mæz-yeech
  111. [SndMhpWit1] Pipilo maculatus - wit
  112. [SndMhpWix1] Polioptila caerulea - wix
  113. [SndMhpWre1] Troglodytidae - nguzhin; nguzhin-quie; nguzhin-zhan̲-quie
  114. [SndMhpWre2] Henicorhina leucophrys; Catharus spp. - mguin̲-guiib-tsar
  115. [SndMhpXlu1] Apodidae; Hirundinidae - xlutsi; xlutsi-ngas; xlutsi-nquits
  116. [SndMhpYts1] NA - yeets; yeets-dan; yeets-pint
  117. [SndMhpZen1] Zenaida asiatica - cooliche
  118. [SndMhpZen2] Zenaida macroura - mezh
  119. [SndSjmAmc1] morning chorus in San Juan - DATA
  120. [SndSjmBel1] church bells of San Juan - DATA