Due to the increasing cost of Ph.D. students, decreasing funding rates, and current size of the ACE Lab, I will not be taking new Ph.D. students until, at the earliest, academic year 2026-2027.
UNIVERSITY of  WASHINGTON Information School Computer Science & Engineering
Jacob O. Wobbrock Professor, The Information School
By courtesy, Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering
  Jacob O. Wobbrock, Ph.D.
The Information School
University of Washington
Box 352840
Seattle, WA 98195-2840   USA



My students and I develop software as part of our research, and some of it exists as reusable tools, libraries, or end-user applications. The following tools are posted as-is free of charge, without warranty or guarantee of any kind. To the best of our knowledge, everything here is bug-free... but you know how that goes. Please let me know if you find something useful.

Understanding Research


  • ABD-MT: the ability-based design mobile toolkit for building Android apps adaptive to users' abilities. [pdf] [pdf] [git]


  • Coursera: Designing, Running, & Analyzing Experiments: online course for learning inferential statistics in R.
  • Rstats: Statistical Analysis and Reporting in R: R code snippets and associated data sets for inferential statistical analyses in R.
  • ps4hci: Practical Statistics for HCI: independent study modules and data sets for learning statistics and statistical tools. [pdf]
  • ARTool: for conducting nonparametric factorial within- or between-subjects analyses using only ANOVA procedures. [pdf] [pdf]

Crowdsourcing end-user elicitation

  • Crowdlicit: for running end-user elicitation studies with the crowd. [pdf]
  • Crowdsensus: for analyzing end-user elicitation studies using the crowd. [pdf]

Gesture recognition

Gesture analysis tools

Input evaluation

  • TextTest: for conducting and analyzing rigorous studies of text entry performance. [pdf]
  • TextTest++: web-based version of TextTest with advanced metrics and fewer constraints. [pdf]
  • FittsStudy: for performing and analyzing studies of human pointing performance. [pdf]
  • Input Observer: for unobtrusively measuring text entry and mouse pointing performance "in the wild." [pdf]

Mouse pointing

Text entry

  • EdgeWrite: for entering text using any number of devices or platforms. [pdf]
  • EdgeWrite DLL: for developing custom text entry methods using the EdgeWrite system.

General programming

  • WobbrockLib: my C# .NET 4.8.1 library of application-agnostic formulae, widgets, data structures, and algorithms (v. 5.1.5).
  • PolledDevices: my C# .NET 2.0 library that makes it easy to acquire and process mice, keyboards, and joysticks (v. 3.0.2).
  • Cleanroom: a JavaScript editor that uses intelligent edit-time highlighting to prevent bugs. [pdf]