CHARGE LETTER for SCC (Formerly the SAG)
4 October 2018
Dear Rob
The 2017 NASA Decadal Survey (DS) highlighted Earth System Science themes, science and application questions, and several high priority objectives that have led to the inclusion of Aerosol (A) and Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation (CCP) as Designated Observables. In response to NASA’s Designated Observables Guidance for Multi-Center Study Plans solicitation released on June 1, 2018, GSFC, LaRC, JPL, MSFC, GRC and ARC submitted a Draft Study Plan to the NASA Earth Science Division (ESD) for the A and CCP Pre-formulation Study (named A-CCP). The primary connection of the A-CCP study to the wider science and applications communities is realized through a Science Community Cohort (SCC). The SCC is an external group consisting of national and international leading scientists and application practitioners in the field of Aerosols and Clouds, Convection, and Precipitation. US SCC participants consist of members of the academic community and other government agencies. International participants include representatives of potential partner space-related agencies and members of the science/applications community at large. By design, the SCC does not include members from NASA centers (including JPL). The SCC will be headed by two co-chairs: one for A (Greg Carmichael) and another for CCP (Sue van den Heever) . The roles of the SCC are:
i. To provide general advice on all matters relating to the science directions of the A-CCP study.
ii. To provide critical reviews of the science outputs of the study to strengthen the overall A-CCP Study.
iii. To provide an important function communicating the aspirations of A-CCP to the wider science and applications communities.
iv. To assist in building partnerships between international science communities and the US A-CCP community and be engaged with the A-CCP science and applications leadership team in seeking potential international contributions to the A-CCP mission architecture.
Given your expertise and standing in the science community we would like to invite you to participate in the A-CCP Study as a member of our SCC. NASA will provide support for a limited amount of travel (one or two meetings a year). Attached, please find the Executive Summary of the study plan in order to provide more information on the expected A-CCP activities. A member of A-CCP Science and Applications Leadership Team (me) will follow up shortly with a telephone call perhaps next week but if not then in late October. We look forward to speaking with you soon and hope you see this as a genuine opportunity to progress the science.
Graeme (Representing the A-CCP Science and Applications Leadership Team: S. Braun, A. da Silva, R. Farrare, E. Jensen, A. Omar, W. Petersen, G. Stephens, D. Waliser, D. Winker, B. Zavodsky)
Science and Applications Traceability Matrix