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Good Form

This parody (written by Greg Crowther) is sung to the tune of "Good Times" (written by Bernard Edwards and Nile Rodgers and performed by Chic).


One of the core concepts of anatomy and physiology, according to many textbooks, is the simple principle that structure and function are interrelated, or put even more simply, that "form follows function." This quick, fun song introduces this critical idea without getting into too many details or examples.


Good form!
Form follows function follows form!
In nature, this nexus is the norm!
Form follows function follows form!

This is true at the level of a protein;
This is true at the level of a cell;
This is true at the level of a tissue;
And this true for organs, too, as you can tell....

Good form!
Form follows function follows form!
With architects in mind, you're getting warm!
Form follows function follows form!

Good form!
Form follows function follows form!
In nature, this nexus is the norm!
Form follows function follows form!

Other Files

MP3 (demo)

music video

sheet music (with melody play-back)

Lesson Plan

Songs like this one can be used during class meetings and/or in homework assignments. Either way, the song will be most impactful if students DO something with it, as opposed to just listening.

An initial, simple follow-up activity could be to answer the study questions below. A more extensive interaction with the song might entail (A) learning to sing it, using an audio file and/or sheet music as a guide, and/or (B) illustrating it with pictures, bodily poses, and/or bodily movements. The latter activity could begin with students identifying the most important or most challenging content of the song, and deciding how to illustrate that particular content.

Study Questions

(1) In your own words, explain the meaning of the phrase "function follows form."

(2) This song's lyrics say, "Form follows function follows form." This is kind of a case of "which came first, the chicken or the egg?" Is it fair to say that structure can be inferred from function OR that function can be inferred from structure?

(3) This song refers to a nexus. What is the nexus in this song?

(4) Give an example of how structure reflects function at each of the following levels of organization: organ, tissue, cell, and protein. If you'd like, you can start with the heart as an organ and drill down from there.

(5) The phrase "form follows function" originated in the world of architecture. Give an example of a building whose structure reflects its function.

(6) Considering the specific content covered by this song, is there anything important that is missing, unclear, or misleading? If so, what?

(Answers may be found on the answers page.)