This part of the website is a potpourri of stuff that doesn't quite fit under Basics, Teaching/Advising, or Research. This includes everything listed under the Miscellany header in the navigation bar at left, plus the following links, which represent various biology education-related groups to which I have been (closely or loosely) connected:
- A&P TLC (Anatomy & Physiology Teaching & Learning Community)
(American Physiological Society, Teaching Section)
- BioG4G (Biology Grading For Growth)
- HAPS (Human Anatomy & Physiology Society)
- NABT (National Association of Biology Teachers)
- PMIG (Physiology Majors Interest Group)
- PULSE (Partnership for Undergraduate Life Sciences Education)
- SABER (Society for the Advancement of Biology Education Research)
- UW-BLT (Biology Learning and Teaching; formerly UW-BERG)
- VAuLTS (Values-Based Academic Leadership Trajectories for Women in STEM)