Classics 430:
Greek and Roman
Weekly Topics and Reading Assignments
= Ovid; P = Powell; other readings
given as links)
Week 1: Introduction
Date |
Topic |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, Jan. 7 |
Introduction to Classics 430: Greek and Roman Mythology
Introduction to the study of Mythology: what are 'myths?' How
do we study them? |
P pp. 1-13 |
Wednesday, Jan. 9 |
Introduction to the study of Mythology: How does myth relate to culture?
Can we 'read' culture through myth? What are the common themes of
myth? What are we to make of these themes? |
P pp. 14-39 |
P map II, p. 15
'key terms' P p. 44
Friday, Jan. 11 |
Introduction to the study of Mythology, "A Small Slice of the Pie":
origins (sumerian and semitic), thematic focus (mortals, not gods), geographical
and temporal focus (classical mediterranean), approach (loosely anthropological,
gendered), material (literary; epistolographical) |
P pp. 47-62 |
P map III, p. 54
'key terms' P p. 69
* Unless otherwise indicated, you will be held responsible for all
maps and images in Powell that appear in our readings or on this syllabus
or are otherwise indicated in class lecture.
Week 2: A Mortal Project--Creation of the Myth-Makers
Date |
Topic |
Readings |
Notes / Questions* |
Monday, Jan. 14 |
Creation and the First Women: Eve and Lilith |
P pp. 130-131 (on original bisexuality
and the idea of heterosexual love); read too these accounts of the creation
of Adam
and Eve and of Lilith |
Wednesday, Jan. 16 |
Men as Givers, Women as Gifts: Prometheus and Pandora, the autochthony
of Athenian men (Erecthoneus myth) |
P pp. 106-112 (Prometheus), 112-117 (Pandora),
117-119 (Women as containers); read too what Semonides
has to say about women, and this bit from Plato's Protagoras. |
Q: What are the common themes in the creation of women and men? How are
men made? How are women made? What are each of these beings they
made 'of?' Why are men always made first when women are the ones who give
Friday, Jan. 18 |
Creation, Fall, and Re-creation: Deucalion and Pyrhha, Noah
and the Flood |
P pp. 123-129; compare the story of Noah;
compare this story from Ovid's Metamorphoses. |
'key terms' P p. 133
The term autochthony = "earth-born." Q: Why are autochthonous origins
important to a people?
*These Notes and Questions are intended to
provide further guidelines about what you need to study and how you should
be thinking about these texts (and tales). Please note that they
are not "optional extras," but rather represent elements essential to your
comprehension of this subject matter. If a map or a
list of key terms appear in this section, you should plan
to memorize the map, and to learn the terms! If you
see instead a group of questions, you needn't (necessarily)
provide full answers to these questions--I will not be collecting written
answers, in other words--but you will find that jotting down short answers
(or bringing unanswered questions in to lecture) will help you prepare
for the exams.
Week 3: Who Gives This Woman? (Corrupted)
Marriage Exchange as a Factor in Origination Myth
Date |
Topic |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, Jan. 21 |
NO CLASS÷Martin Luther King, Jr. Day |
O: XVI (Paris to Helen) and XVII (Helen
to Paris)* |
An American 'hero?' Please consider honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s
work and memory today by joining in the Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
of Service program at the University of Washington. Last
January, 200 volunteers from the UW community worked at 14 agencies in
King County, serving meals at a homeless center, painting, cleaning, etc.
For more information and on-line registration, go to:
Proof of participation in this program will earn you 5 extra-credit points!
Wednesday, Jan. 23 |
Rape and the Political World: Helen and the Trojan War
in poetry and History |
Read about stolen women in Herodotus,
read P pp. 518-520 (on the judgment of Paris), 520-525 (on gathering the
troops for the assault against Troy), 525-527 (on Helen's view from the
walls of Troy), and read these bits about Helen from Aeschylus' tragedy,
the Agamemnon. |
Q: What ritual elements of the traditional Christian wedding ceremony
might echo these themes of the transfer of women? What does the 'giving
of a woman' (in marriage) imply about cultural or religious ideas of equality
and human rights? How might such ideas underlie extended cultural
beliefs about personal rights and autonomy ("a woman's place")? Can
we disconnect ritual from its cultural implications?
Friday, Jan. 25 |
Rape and the Natural World: Persephone, Demeter, and the Cycle
of Seasons |
P pp. 229-247 (Demeter and Persephone);
compare to this the somewhat similar Egyptian myth of Isis, Osiris and
Horus, P pp. 220-224 |
'key terms' P p. 247
Q: Why is the exchange of women associated with agriculture and fertility?
(reread the story of Eve, linked above) Why might the ancient mind
have linked these themes in the creation of its myths?
*Read the full Introduction for each poem in the Heroides.
Week 4: Mythological Wives--Faithful, Deceptive,
and Consanguineous
Date |
Topic |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, Jan. 28 |
Good Wives Need Tapestries: Clever Penelope and the return of
Odysseus |
O: I (Penelope to Ulysses), P
pp. 566-593 (Odysseus' return to Ithaka) |
'key terms' P p. 593
How does Penelope compare to the other women in the tale of Odysseus (Circe,
Callypso, Nausikaa)? What basic 'types' do these mythic women represent?
Are they even necessary to the story of the Odyssey as a whole?
Wednesday, Jan. 30 |
Bad Wives Need Tapestries, too: Clytemnestra and the return
of Agamemnon |
P pp. 555-563 (the return and murder of
Agamemnon); read also about Iphigenia at P 522-525 and in the Agamemnon.
Read about the weaver Arachne at P pp. 213-215; read about weaving and
politics in Aristophanes. |
Think about the many ways in which women are traditionally associated with
various aspects of 'weaving' and its extension: the production of
textiles ('oriental' carpets, tapestries), of woven containers (baskets),
of wearable weaving (sweaters, etc.), of domestic and artistic property
('quilting circles').
Q: What social meanings or economic benefits might lie behind these ancient
Q: What is symbolized by Clytemnestra's 'manliness?'
Friday, Feb. 1 |
A Good Wife and Mother, but not necessarily in that Order:
The Story of Oedipus and Iocasta |
P p. 444-472 (on Oedipus and the Theban
Cycle) |
Week 5: Why Do Fools Fall in Love?
Dates |
Topic |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, Feb. 4 |
Amphitruo, Alkmene, Megara and Herakles:
Heroic Birth, Marriage, and Madness |
P pp. 345-356 (the early years--divine
[male] and mortal [female] coupling as a means of "creating" a hero) |
'key terms' P p. 381
Q: What culture heroes do we have in America? What social purposes
do these heroic myths and figures serve?
How does the 'divine / mortal' coupling of Zeus and Alkmene reflect stories
of the creation of the sexes?
Wednesday, Feb. 6 |
Deianira and Herakles:
Herakles as pre-Classical culture hero |
O: IX (Deianeira to Hercules), P
pp. 356-381 (the labors); what has Hercules become to us? |
'key terms' P p. 381
Consider Deianira as the 'poisoned woman': how are women in myth made to
be 'poisoners' even when they don't intend to be?
Review weeks 1-5 for the Mid Term Exam
Friday, Feb. 8 |
none |
Week 6: Crete and Athens--Clash of the (Cultural) Titans!
Dates |
Topic |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, Feb. 11 |
Theseus, Ariadne, and a particularly questionable judgment call
on the part of Queen Pasiphae, or:
Making friends and influencing people on the lovely yet rugged isle
of Crete |
O: X (Ariadne to Theseus), read too this
excerpt from Catullus
64 and P pp. 421-425 (on Minos and Pasiphae),
429-432 (on Theseus and the Minotaur), 436-442 (on Cretan Myth and Archaeology),
P pp. 251-254 (on Dionysos) |
'key terms' P p. 442
Wednesday, Feb. 13 |
Theseus as Classical culture hero: is Theseus to Democracy as
Herakles is to Aristocracy? |
P pp. 397-409, 412-414 (on the birth and
exploits of Theseus) |
'key terms' P p. 417
How do the exploits of Theseus compare to the labors of Herakles?
Friday, Feb.15 |
Theseus and the Amazons:
Warrior Women as the ultimate Athenian "Other" |
P pp. 402-404; see too what these ancient
authors had to say about the existence of Amazons; finally, here's
an amusing link
on modern portrayals of Amazons; this
one gives possible archaeological evidence for a race of 'warrior women.' |
Q: What do you think ancient configurations of the Amazon (as a kind
of 'mirror' to the Greek male) might say about the Greek identity?
Q: How does our 'modern' idea of the Amazon differ from the Greek?
How is it similar? Why do cultures create, and how do they use, the
idea of the 'warrior woman?'
Week 7: The Outsider Within--Women who Speak, Women who
are Silenced
Dates |
Topic |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, Feb. 18 |
NO CLASS--Presidents' Day |
O: IV (Phaedra to Hippolytos); |
none--but be sure to complete your readings for today!
Wednesday, Feb. 20 |
Something wrong with a foreign bride: Hippolyte, Phaedra, and
Hippolytos |
P pp. 404-411 |
Q: What is 'wrong' with Hippolytos' choice to stay unmarried?
Q: How does Hippolytos' character reflect that of his real mother?
Q: How have 20th - 21st century cultures expressed their anxieties concerning
foreigners, ethnic purity, and increased immigration?
Friday, Feb. 22 |
The Threat of the Female Voice:
Procne, Philomela, Tereus and Itys |
P pp. 391-397 |
Q: What does this story say about the threat of female speech to the Greek
man? How is the 'female tongue' fetishized as a weapon? How
does Philomela eventually devise away around her unfortunate silence?
Q: What does this story reveal about the fears men had about female kinship
relationships? How might these fears relate to marriage practices
in antiquity and the 'control' of women?
Q: Can you think of modern comparisons to the Philomela episode?
[cf. the fictional Ellen Jamesians in John Irving's The World According
to Garp]
Q: Have we progressed much? There are numerous criminal examples
of crime victions having their tongues cut out following the act.
Also, check out these
(quite chilling) discussions of what to do to women who 'cry rape.'
Week 8: The Trouble with Travels (with apologies to Star
Trek fans)
Dates |
Topic |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, Feb. 25 |
The Troubled, Troubled House of the Aeolids: Jason and the Argonauts |
P pp. 473-489 (Phrixus and Helle, Jason
and Pelias, the voyage of the Argo, Medea's initial help); Compare the
story of Athamas and Phrixus (in Powell) to that of Avraham
and Issac |
cf. the Aeolus family tree, P p. 474
Q: Which large clothing company uses (what seems to be) the golden fleece
as its logo? (hint--they have a store in Seattle!)
Q: Compare the 'almost-sacrifice' of Phrixus to the 'almost-sacrifice'
of Isaac and the 'actual' sacrifice of Iphigenia (review week Four, above).
Why do you think that this is a common or recurrent theme in these Mediterranean
cultures? What are the important differences in these stories?
Wednesday, Feb. 27 |
Hell Hath No Fury: Medea and Jason back in Greece |
O: XII (Medea to Jason); P pp. 489-500
(on Medea and Jason once they return to Greece and finally end up in Corinth) |
'key terms' (through p. 500), P p. 507
Q: Does Medea need to make a 'choice' between fertility (her identification
as a woman and mother) and 'autonomy' (her power as an individual)?
Can you think of other examples in Greek myth in which women are asked
or required to make this choice?
Q: Do modern cultures express any of these same 'tensions' between sexuality
and power?
Friday, March 1 |
Modern Echoes of the Medea Story?: Susan Smith and the repercussions
for feminism |
Read these
excerpts from Peyser's book, Mother Love, Deadly Love: The Susan
Smith Murders; Read this
quote from the Reverend Jerry Falwell on what "feminism" means today
(to him).
News flash! Read this recent
article on the case of Susan Yates, charged with drowning her five
children. |
Q: Why do we find female violence such cultural anomaly, and why
are we particularly horrified by the idea of mothers (as opposed to fathers)
taking their children's lives? Why does such an act make a father a 'criminal,'
but a mother a 'monster?'
Q: Are women "naturally" less violent, more nurturing than men? If
so, why are violent or destructive women so often the topic of myth?
Is this just an example of the fear of 'bad women,' or is there something
else at work here?
Week 9: Go West, Young Man--Foundations and Myths
of Rome
Dates |
Topic |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, March 4 |
Not Just 'Greece Re-warmed': The Individuality of Roman Myths,
Gods, and Religion |
P pp. 595-604 (Introduction to Roman Gods
and Roman religious practices) |
Wednesday, March 6 |
Abandonment and Destiny: One Man's Fate and the Founding of
Rome |
O: VII (Dido to Aeneas); P pp. 604-614 |
What does it mean that Aeneas had to abandon Dido in order to fulfill his
destiny as the founder of Rome?
Could Aeneas have taken Dido with him to Rome? Why or Why not?
Friday, March 8 |
It's Murder to Found a City: Romulus and Remus, the Rape
of the Sabine Women, and the rest... |
P pp. 614-625 (Romulus and Remus, the
Sabines, Tarpeia, etc.) |
How do women figure in these myths?
How does the representation of these women compare to what we saw for the
Greek world?
No Roman Women? What do you think about the fact that there are no
'original women' of Rome? How does this compare to, e.g., the stories
of creation and city foundation we studied for the Greek world?
Finally, why do you think that themes of violence play such a large role
in stories of the foundation of a city?
Why is Lucretia a 'perfect woman?' What does this say about the possibility
of 'female heroes?'
Week 10: From History to Legend to Myth--the Makings of
the Modern Hero
Dates |
Topics |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, March 11 |
Et tu, Brute? Heroes of the Early Roman Republic and the
ultimate 'humanization' of mythic tradition |
P pp. 625-627 (Brutus, Horatius,
Scaevola and other 'patriotic heroes') |
Compare, e.g., the myths of Theseus and Herakles to the myths of Brutus,
Horatius, and the other Roman Heroes. What are the common elements
in these myths? Can we tell what is important for a culture by looking
at its heroes?
Wednesday, March 13 |
The Modern Hero / The Modern Myth--we are still living in a
world of mythic creation |
Start reviewing for the Final Exam!
Consider some 'American Myths / Heroes' (Johnny Appleseed, stories of George
Washington's youth, Paul Revere, Betsy Ross, Lizzie Borden, Paul Bunyan,
etc.): what are the common mythic elements to these stories? Are
women mythologized in America differently than men?
Friday, March 15 |
American Myth-Making: How do the stories we tell, tell
a story about us? |
Read through a bunch (by which I mean, 30 or so) of these
urban legends and try to identify common themes. |
Consider the 'Urban Legend' as a newly popular form of myth-making in America:
What do the stories you read for today have to say about our cultures concerns?
Have you ever been 'tricked' into relaying an urban legend? What
kind of cultural role might these legends play for us?
Week 11
Dates |
Topics |
Readings |
Notes / Questions |
Monday, March 18 |
FINAL EXAM 2:30 - 4:30 |
It's probably too late to start now... |
Have a Good Spring Break! |
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