I. The Trojan War
1. Possible Historical Basis
a. Names: Paris, Helen, Menelaus, Agamemnon
b. Places: Sparta, Argos, Crete
c. Plot:
i. Paris gives ìappleî to Venus / Aphrodite
ii. Paris takes Helen as his wife while Menelaus is on Crete
iii. Paris thus breaks bonds of XENIA
iv. Paris wisely high-tails it back to TROY / ILION
v. Menelaus and his brother Agamemnon go after him
3. The Journey to Troy
a. Departure from AULIS
b. Names: Agamemnon, Calchas (blind seer), Iphigenia, Achilles
c. Plot:
i. Artemis (goddess of hunt) angry; stops the winds
ii. Agamemnon required to sacrifice daughter to Artemis
iii. He does!
iv. Greeks gain winds, set sail for TROY / ILION
4. War between Greeks and Trojans rages for TWENTY YEARS
a. Story told in Homerís Iliad
b. Achilles is the main hero of the Iliad (spoiled boy who finally
comes to senses and saves the day)
c. This serves as paradigmatic WAR for Greeks, forever, and gives a
reason (AETIOLOGY) for Greek / Persian hatred.
II. Rape and the Natural World: the Theft of a girl, the Origin of the Seasons
1. Terms: The myth of PERSEPHONE AND DEMETER
a. Names, divine: Demeter / Deo / ìdaughter of Rheaî (ìMother-Earthî),
Persephone / Kore (ìgirlî), Zeus, his brother Hades, Hekate (ìtri-form
goddessî linked to Moon), Helios / ìson of Hyperiodî (god of the
b. Names, mortal: Celeus, Callithoe, Callidike, Demo, Clisidike, Metaneira
(wife of Celeus), Iambe / Baubo, Demophon (son of Celeus and Metaneira)
c. Places: Eleusis, House of Hades
d. Things: kykeon (barley-spice drink), pomegranate
2. Results
a. Eleusinian Mysteries (fertility rites)
b. Seasons: One third of the year ëin Hades,í two thirds ëon