I. Details
1. Names and Places
2. Class Attendance and Exams!
3. Lecture Notes (Start with the Syllabus on the Web!)
II. What are the Common Themes of Greek and Roman Myth? (from Wednesday)
1. The Trickster, the Culture Hero, the Bad Woman, the Good Woman, the
Foreigner, the Effeminate or Non-Cultural Man.
2. Us and Them--magnification of cultural difference as
a tool of patriotism.
III. Time and Place, Key Terms in Powell.
1. All dates with which we are concerned are BCE (ìB.C.î), that is,
pre-Christian era.
2. Geography: Where is Greece? Learn your maps in Powell!
IV. Small Slice of the Pie
1. We are studying a very limited selection of Mediterranean Myths.
2. Near Eastern Background (find names in Powell):
a. Sumerian Myth (An [Ouranos?], Inanna [Aphrodite?], Enlil [Zeus?],
Enki [Hermes, Hephaistos, Prometheus, etc.?], Ki / Erishkigal [Demeter
/ Persephone])
b. Semitic Myth (Semites, Akkadians, Hebrews--Abraham, Moses, etc.)
V. Thematic Focus of This Class
1. Mortals, not Gods
2. Stories of Civilization: foundation, decay, etc.
VI. Approach
1. Anthropological and Sociological
2. Genderedófocus on use of gender and sexuality as catalystic forces
in Myth
VIII. Material
1. Literary (excerpts from epic poems, tragedies, histories, etc.)
2. Epistolographical (ìlettersî)